994 resultados para Dimension 2


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A novel photoactivatable analog of antisauvagine-30 (aSvg-30), a specific antagonist for corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) receptor, type 2 (CRF2), has been synthesized and characterized. The N-terminal amino-acid D-Phe in aSvg-30 [D-Phe11,His12] Svg((11-40)) was replaced by a phenyldiazirine, the 4-(1-azi-2,2,2-trifluoroethyl) benzoyl (ATB) residue. The photoactivatable aSvg-30 analog ATB-[ His12] Svg was tested for its ability to displace [I-125-Tyr0] oCRF or [I-125-Tyr0]Svg from membrane homogenates of human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells stably transfected with cDNA coding for rat CRF receptor, type 1 ( rCRF(1)) or mouse CRF receptor, type 2beta (mCRF(2beta)). Furthermore, the ability of ATB- [His12] Svg((12-40)) to inhibit oCRF- or Svg-stimulated cAMP production of transfected HEK 293 cells expressing either rCRF(1) (HEK-rCRF(1) cells) or mCRF(2beta) (HEK-mCRF(2beta) cells) was determined. Unlike astressin and photo astressin, ATB- [His12]Svg((12-40)) showed high selective binding to mCRF(2beta) (K-i = 3.1 +/- 0.2 nM) but not the rCRF(1) receptor (K-i = 142. 5 +/- 22.3 nM) and decreased Svg-stimulated cAMP activity in mCRF(2beta)-expressing cells in a similar fashion as aSvg-30. A66-kDa protein was identified by SDS/PAGE, when the radioactively iodinated analog of ATB- [His12]Svg((12-40)) was covalently linked to mCRF(2beta) receptor. The specificity of the photoactivatable I-125-labeled CRF2beta antagonist was demonstrated with SDS/PAGE by the finding that this analog could be displaced from the receptor by antisauvagine-30, but not other unrelated peptides such as vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP).


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Studies with the myogenic basic helix-loop-helix and MADS box factors suggest that efficient transactivation is dependent on the recruitment of the steroid receptor coactivator (SRC) and the cofactors p300 and p300/CBP-associated factor. SRCs have been demonstrated to recruit CARM1 (coactivator-associated arginine methyltransferase-1), a member of the S-adenOSyl-L-methionine-dependent PRMTI-5 (protein-arginine N-methyltransferase-1-5) family, which catalyzes the methylation of arginine residues. This prompted us to investigate the functional role of CARM1/PRMT4 during skeletal myogenesis. We demonstrate that CARM1 and the SRC cofactor GRIP-1 cooperatively stimulate the activity of myocyte enhancer factor-2C (MEF2C). Moreover, there are direct interactions among MEF2C, GRIP-1, and CARM1. Chromatin immunoprecipitation demonstrated the in vivo recruitment of MEF2 and CARM1 to the endogenous muscle creatine kinase promoter in a differentiation-dependent manner. Furthermore, CARM1 is expressed in somites during embryogenesis and in the nuclei of muscle cells. Treatment of myogenic cells with the methylation inhibitor adenosine dialdehyde or tet-regulated CARM1 antisense expression did not affect expression of MyoD. However, inhibition of CARM1. inhibited differentiation and abrogated the expression of the key transcription factors (myogenin and MEF2) that initiate the differentiation cascade. This work clearly demonstrates that the arginine methyltransferase CARM1 potentiates myogenesis and supports the positive role of arginine methylation in mammalian differentiation.


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We consider the construction of several configurations, including: • overlarge sets of 2-(11,5,2) designs, that is, partitions of the set of all 5-subsets of a 12-set into 72 2-(11,5,2) designs; • an indecomposable doubly overlarge set of 2-(11,5,2) designs, that is, a partition of two copies of the set of all 5-subsets of a 12-set into 144 2-(11,5,2) designs, such that the 144 designs can be arranged into a 12 × 12 square with interesting row and column properties; • a partition of the Steiner system S(5,6,12) into 12 disjoint 2-(11,6,3) designs arising from the diagonal of the square; • bidistant permutation arrays and generalized Room squares arising from the doubly overlarge set, and their relation to some new strongly regular graphs.


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High index Differential Algebraic Equations (DAEs) force standard numerical methods to lower order. Implicit Runge-Kutta methods such as RADAU5 handle high index problems but their fully implicit structure creates significant overhead costs for large problems. Singly Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta (SDIRK) methods offer lower costs for integration. This paper derives a four-stage, index 2 Explicit Singly Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta (ESDIRK) method. By introducing an explicit first stage, the method achieves second order stage calculations. After deriving and solving appropriate order conditions., numerical examples are used to test the proposed method using fixed and variable step size implementations. (C) 2001 IMACS. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Flying foxes are commonly thought of as highly social mammals, yet little is known about the dynamics of their social interactions at a day roost. The aim of the present study was to examine the nature of the seasonal activities of territoriality and courtship amongst wild flying foxes in Australia. Focal observations were conducted at two permanent roosts of black flying foxes Pteropus alecto during periods of peak social interaction in the summers of 1999 and 2000 in urban Brisbane, Queensland. Observations of male territoriality were conducted at dawn and began eight weeks prior to the commencement of mating. The majority of defense bouts (87%) consisted of ritualised pursuit, while 13% of bouts involved physical contact expressed as either wrestling or hooking. One male with an unusually large territory took significantly longer to defend it than other males with less territory to defend. Observations of courtship revealed repetitive courtship sequences, including pre-copulatory approaches by the males, copulation attempts and grooming/resting periods. Thirty-four complete courtship sequences incorporating 135 copulation attempts were recorded over two seasons. Females actively resisted courtship approaches by males, forcing males to display a continuous determination to mate over time where determination can be considered an indicator of 'fitness'. The courtship bout length of females with suckling young was significantly longer ((x) over bar +/- SE; 230.9 +/- 22.16 s) than that of females unencumbered by large pups (158.5 +/- 9.69 s), although the length of copulations within those courtships was not (45.6 +/- 5.19 versus 36.2 +/- 3.43 s).


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High quality MSS membranes were synthesised by a single-step and two-step catalysed hydrolyses employing tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS), absolute ethanol (EtOH), I M nitric acid (HNO3) and distilled water (H2O). The Si-29 NMR results showed that the two-step xerogels consistently had more contribution of silanol groups (Q(3) and Q(2)) than the single-step xerogel. According to the fractal theory, high contribution of Q(2) and Q(3) species are responsible for the formation of weakly branched systems leading to low pore volume of microporous dimension. The transport of diffusing gases in these membranes is shown to be activated as the permeance increased with temperature. Albeit the permeance of He for both single-step and two-step membranes are very similar, the two-step membranes permselectivity (ideal separation factor) for He/CO2 (69-319) and He/CH4 (585-958) are one to two orders of magnitude higher than the single-step membranes results of 2-7 and 69, respectively. The two-step membranes have high activation energy for He and H-2 permeance, in excess of 16 kJ mol(-1). The mobility energy for He permeance is three to six-fold higher for the two-step than the single-step membranes. As the mobility energy is higher for small pores than large pores and coupled with the permselectivity results, the two-step catalysed hydrolysis sol-gel process resulted in the formation of pore sizes in the region of 3 Angstrom while the single-step process tended to produce slightly larger pores. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A 2-m, adiabatic column has been successfully refurbished and recommissioned for coal self-heating research at The University of Queensland. Subbituminous coal from the Callide Coalfields reached thermal runaway in just under 19 days from a starting temperature of 20-22 degreesC. The coal was loaded as two layers, with an R-70 index of 2.73 degreesC h(-1) and 5.90 degreesC h(-1) for the upper layer and lower layer respectively. Initially, a hotspot developed in the upper layer between 120 and 140 cm from the air inlet due to moisture adsorption. After 7 days, self-heating in the lower half of the column began to take over, consistent with the higher R-70 index of this coal. The location of the final hotspot was approximately 60 cm from the air inlet. Further tests on Australian coals, with the column, will enable a better understanding of coal self-heating under conditions closely resembling mining, transport and storage of coal. The results from the column will also provide industry with the information needed to manage the coal self-heating hazard. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Drought frequently reduces grain yield of rainfed lowland rice. A series of experiments were conducted in drought-prone northeast Thailand to study the magnitude and consistency of yield responses of diverse, rainfed lowland rice genotypes to drought stress environments and to examine ways to identify genotypes that confer drought resistance. One hundred and twenty-eight genotypes were grown under non-stress and four different types of drought stress conditions. The relationship of genotypic variation in yield under drought conditions to genetic yield potential, flowering time and flowering delay, and to a drought response index (DRI) that removed the effect of potential yield and flowering time on yield under stress was examined. Drought stress that developed prior to flowering generally delayed the time of flowering of genotypes, and the delay in flowering was negatively associated with grain yield, fertile panicle percentage and filled grain percentage. Genotypes with a longer delay in flowering time had extracted more water during the early drought period, and as a consequence, had higher water deficits. They were consistently associated with a larger yield reduction under drought and in one experiment with a smaller DRI. Genotypes, however, responded differently to the different drought stress conditions and there was no consistency in the DRI estimates for the different genotypes across the drought stress experiments. The results indicate that with the use of irrigated-control and drought test environments, genotypes with drought resistance can be identified by using DRI or delay in flowering. However, selections will differ depending on the type of drought condition. The inconsistency of the estimates in DRI and flowering delay across different drought conditions reflects the nature of the large genotype-by-environment interactions observed for grain yield under various types of drought in rainfed lowland conditions. (C), 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Raw macadamia kernel pieces were immersed in water (specific gravity 1.00 g/cm(3)), brine (SG 1.02 g/cm(3)) or ethanol solution (SG 0.97 g/cm(3)) for 30 or 60 s, then re-dried to below 1.5% moisture (wet basis) and stored under vacuum for 0, 4 and 12 months. Flotation in water had no effect on the quality or shelf life of the kernel pieces over 12 months storage, as measured by sensory evaluation of the kernels and chemical analysis of the kernel oil. Immersion in a salt solution caused unacceptable changes in quality during storage, increasing as storage time increased. Flotation in dilute ethanol also caused unacceptable quality changes during storage. Therefore, only flotation of macadamia kernel pieces in water can be recommended for commercial operations. Microbiological concerns with such a process still need to be addressed.


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Objective: To investigate the effects of rosiglitazone (RSG) on insulin sensitivity and regional adiposity (including intrahepatic fat) in patients with type 2 diabetes. Research Methods and Procedures: We examined the effect of RSG (8 mg/day, 2 divided doses) compared with placebo on insulin sensitivity and body composition in 33 type 2 diabetic patients. Measurements of insulin sensitivity (euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp), body fat (abdominal magnetic resonance imaging and DXA), and liver fat (magnetic resonance spectroscopy) were taken at baseline and repeated after 16 weeks of treatment. Results: There was a significant improvement in glycemic control (glycosylated hemoglobin -0.7 +/- 0.7%, p less than or equal to 0.05) and an 86% increase in insulin sensitivity in the RSG group (glucose-disposal rate change from baseline: 17.5 +/- 14.5 mumol glucose/min/kg free fat mass, P < 0.05), but no significant change in the placebo group compared with baseline. Total body weight and fat mass increased (p &LE; 0.05) with RSG (2.1 +/- 2.0 kg and 1.4 +/- 1.6 kg, respectively) with 95% of the increase in adiposity occurring in nonabdominal regions. In the abdominal region, RSG increased subcutaneous fat area by 8% (25.0 +/- 28.7 cm(2), p = 0.02), did not alter intra-abdominal fat area, and reduced intrahepatic fat levels by 45% (-6.7 +/- 9.7%, concentration relative to water). Discussion: Our data indicate that RSG greatly improves insulin sensitivity in patients with type 2 diabetes and is associated with an increase in adiposity in subcutaneous but not visceral body regions.