990 resultados para Diesel exhaust particles


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A new process for the preparation and surface modification of submicron YAl2 intermetallic particles was proposed to control the agglomeration of ultrafine YAl2 particles and interface in the fabrication of YAl2p/MgLiAl composites. The morphological and structural evolution during mechanical milling of YAl2 powders (< 30 μm) with magnesium particles (~ 100 μm) has been characterized by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction. The results show that YAl2 particles are refined to submicron scale and separately cladded in magnesium coatings after mixed milling with magnesium particles for 20 h. Mechanical and metallurgical bonds have been found in YAl2/Mg interfaces without any interface reactions. Both the refining and mechanical activation efficiencies for YAl2 particles are enhanced, which may be related to the addition of magnesium particles leading to atomic solid solution and playing a role as “dispersion stabilizer”.


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Conversion of biomass for production of liquid fuels can help in reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions which are predominantly generated by combustion of fossil fuels. Adding oxymethylene ethers (OMEs) in conventional diesel fuel has the potential to reduce soot formation during the combustion in a diesel engine. OMEs are downstream products of syngas, which can be generated by the gasification of biomass. In this research, a thermodynamic analysis has been conducted through development of data intensive process models of all the unit operations involved in production of OMEs from biomass. Based on the developed model, the key process parameters affecting the OMEs production including equivalence ratio, H2/CO ratio, and extra water flow rate were identified. This was followed by development of an optimal process design for high OMEs production. It was found that for a fluidized bed gasifier with heat capacity of 28 MW, the conditions for highest OMEs production are at an air amount of 317 tonne/day, at H2/CO ratio of 2.1, and without extra water injection. At this level, the total OMEs production is 55 tonne/day (13 tonne/day OME3 and 9 tonne/day OME4). This model would further be used in a techno-economic assessment study of the whole biomass conversion chain to determine the most attractive pathways.


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The existence of loose particles left inside the sealed electronic devices is one of the main factors affecting the reliability of the whole system. It is important to identify the particle material for analyzing their source. The conventional material identification algorithms mainly rely on time, frequency and wavelet domain features. However, these features are usually overlapped and redundant, resulting in unsatisfactory material identification accuracy. The main objective of this paper is to improve the accuracy of material identification. First, the principal component analysis (PCA) is employed to reselect the nine features extracted from time and frequency domains, leading to six less correlated principal components. And then the reselected principal components are used for material identification using a support vector machine (SVM). Finally, the experimental results show that this new method can effectively distinguish the type of materials including wire, aluminum and tin particles.


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The use of high linear energy transfer radiations in the form of carbon ions in heavy ion beam lines or alpha particles in new radionuclide treatments has increased substantially over the past decade and will continue to do so due to the favourable dose distributions they can offer versus conventional therapies. Previously it has been shown that exposure to heavy ions induces pan-nuclear phosphorylation of several DNA repair proteins such as H2AX and ATM in vitro. Here we describe similar effects of alpha particles on ex vivo irradiated primary human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Following alpha particle irradiation pan-nuclear phosphorylation of H2AX and ATM, but not DNA-PK and 53BP1, was observed throughout the nucleus. Inhibition of ATM, but not DNA-PK, resulted in the loss of pan-nuclear phosphorylation of H2AX in alpha particle irradiated lymphocytes. Pan-nuclear gamma-H2AX signal was rapidly lost over 24h at a much greater rate than foci loss. Surprisingly, pan-nuclear gamma-H2AX intensity was not dependent on the number of alpha particle induced double strand breaks, rather the number of alpha particles which had traversed the cell nucleus. This distinct fluence dependent damage signature of particle radiation is important in both the fields of radioprotection and clinical oncology in determining radionuclide biological dosimetry and may be indicative of patient response to new radionuclide cancer therapies.


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Inland waters are of global biogeochemical importance. They receive carbon inputs of ~ 4.8 Pg C/ y of which, 12 % is buried, 18 % transported to the oceans, and 70 % supports aquatic secondary production. However, the mechanisms that determine the fate of organic matter (OM) in these systems are poorly defined. One aspect of this is the formation of organo-mineral complexes in aquatic systems and their potential as a route for OM transport and burial vs. their use as carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) sources within aquatic systems. Organo-mineral particles form by sorption of dissolved OM to freshly eroded mineral surfaces and may contribute to ecosystem-scale particulate OM fluxes. We experimentally tested the availability of mineral-sorbed OM as a C & N source for streamwater microbial assemblages and streambed biofilms. Organo-mineral particles were constructed in vitro by sorption of 13C:15N-labelled amino acids to hydrated kaolin particles, and microbial degradation of these particles compared with equivalent doses of 13C:15N-labelled free amino acids. Experiments were conducted in 120 ml mesocosms over 7 days using biofilms and water sampled from the Oberer Seebach stream (Austria). Each incubation experienced a 16:8 light:dark regime, with metabolism monitored via changes in oxygen concentrations between photoperiods. The relative fate of the organo-mineral particles was quantified by tracing the mineralization of the 13C and 15N labels and their incorporation into microbial biomass. Here we present the initial results of 13C-label mineralization, incorporation and retention within dissolved organic carbon pool. The results indicate that 514 (± 219) μmol/ mmol of the 13:15N labeled free amino acids were mineralized over the 7-day incubations. By contrast, 186 (± 97) μmol/ mmol of the mineral-sorbed amino acids were mineralized over a similar period. Thus, organo-mineral complexation reduced amino acid mineralization by ~ 60 %, with no differences observed between the streamwater and biofilm assemblages. Throughout the incubations, biofilms were observed to leach dissolved organic carbon (DOC). However, within the streamwater assemblage the presence of both organo-mineral particles and kaolin particles was associated with significant DOC removal (-1.7 % and -7.5 % respectively). Consequently, the study demonstrates that mineral and organo-mineral particles can limit the availability of DOC in aquatic systems, providing nucleation sites for flocculation and fresh mineral surfaces, which facilitate OM-sorption. The formation of these organo-mineral particles subsequently restricts microbial OM degradation, potentially altering the transport and facilitating the burial of OM within streams.


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Conversion of agricultural biomass such as wood chips, wheat straw and forest residue for the production of fuels can help in reducing GHG emissions since they are considered as nearly carbon neutral. Around the world there is a significant amount of forest and agricultural-biomass available which could be used for the production of liquid fuels that can be blended with the petroleum-based diesel. Oxymethylene ethers (OMEs) can be derived from biomass via gasification, water-gas shift reaction and methanol production. The addition of OMEs to conventional diesel fuel has great potential to reduce soot formation during the combustion in diesel engines. Unlike methanol and dimethyl ether (DMM) which can also reduce soot formation, the physical properties of OMEs allow the use in modern diesel engines without significant change of the engines infrastructure. In this study, a detailed and data intensive process simulation model was developed to simulate all the unit operations involved in the production of OMEs from biomass. The unit operation considered include biomass drying, gasification, gas cleaning, water gas shift reaction, methanol production and OMEs synthesis. The simulation results were then utilized to conduct a detailed techno-economic assessment study of the whole biomass conversion chain to determine the most attractive pathways for OMEs production. Our recent study shows that the key parameters affecting the OMEs production are equivalence ratio, H2/CO ratio and optimal air flow. Overall, the cost of production ($/liter) of OMEs from different biomass feedstock in Alberta will be determined


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In co-melt granulation, collisions occur between the particles to be agglomerated and the binder material. Depending on the stage of granulation, the binder material can be in the solid or liquid phase. The outcome of these collisions controls the dynamics of the granulation process and the fundamental physics of the impacts are of interest. This paper examines the impact of glass beads (model particles) and solid Poly Ethylene Glycol (PEG) flakes on a substrate of PEG as the temperature of the PEG layer is increased from below its melting point to above it. While the layer is in the solid state, the result of the impact can be quantified by the coefficient of restitution. When the layer is in the liquid state, the impact can be quantified by the immersion behaviour. The results obtained show that the coefficient of restitution between either glass beads and PEG flakes and the PEG layer is strongly affected by temperatures. As the PEG layer approaches its melting point, the coefficient of restitution falls to zero. Once the temperature of the PEG layer exceeds the melting point, the impact is characterised by a transient maximum indentation and then rebound to an equilibrium position. These too are strongly dependent on temperature.


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O consumo de energia a nível mundial aumenta a cada dia, de forma inversa aos recursos fósseis que decrescem de dia para dia. O sector dos transportes é o maior consumidor deste recurso. Face ao actual cenário urge encontrar uma solução renovável e sustentável que permita não só, diminuir a nossa dependência de combustíveis fósseis mas fundamentalmente promover a sua substituição por energias de fontes renováveis. O biodiesel apresenta-se na vanguarda das alternativas aos combustiveis derivados do petróleo, para o sector dos transportes, sendo considerado uma importante opção a curto prazo, uma vez que o seu preço pode ser competitivo com o diesel convencional, e para a sua utilização o motor de combustão não necessita de alterações. O biodiesel é uma mistura líquida, não tóxica, biodegradável de ésteres de ácidos gordos, sem teor de enxofre ou compostos aromáticos, apresenta boa lubricidade, alto número de cetano, e origina emissões gasosas mais limpas. O presente trabalho contribui para um melhor conhecimento da dependência das propriedades termofisicas do biodiesel com a sua composição. A publicação de novos dados permitirá o desenvolvimento de modelos mais fiáveis na previsão do comportamento do biodiesel. As propriedades densidade e viscosidade são o espelho da composição do biodiesel, uma vez que dependem directamente da matéria prima que lhe deu origem, mais do que do processo de produção. Neste trabalho os dados medidos de densidade e viscosidade de biodiesel foram testados com vários modelos e inclusivamente foram propostos novos modelos ajustados para esta família de compostos. Os dados medidos abrangem uma ampla gama de temperaturas e no caso da densidade também foram medidos dados a alta pressão de biodiesel e de alguns ésteres metilico puros. Neste trabalho também são apresentados dados experimentais para o equilíbrio de fases sólido-liquído de biodiesel e equlibrio de fases líquidolíquido de alguns sistemas importantes para a produção de biodiesel. Ambos os tipos de equilíbrio foram descritos por modelos desenvolvidos no nosso laboratório. Uma importância especial é dado aqui a propriedades que dependem do perfil de ácidos gordos da matéria-prima além de densidade e viscosidade; o índice de iodo e temperature limite de filtrabalidade são aqui avaliados com base nas considerações das normas. Os ácidos gordos livres são um sub-produto de refinação de óleo alimentar, que são removidos na desodoração, no processo de purificação do óleo. A catálise enzimática é aqui abordada como alternativa para a conversão destes ácidos gordos livres em biodiesel. Estudou-se a capacidade da lipase da Candida antartica (Novozym 435) para promover a esterificação de ácidos gordos livres com metanol ou etanol, utilizando metodologia de superfície de resposta com planeamento experimental. Avaliou-se a influência de diversas variáveis no rendimento da reacção.


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A two-dimensional vertically integrated hydrodynamic model coupled to a particle tracking model is applied to study the dispersion processes and residence time in Ria de Aveiro lagoon (Portugal). The only dispersion process that is considered in this study is the advection, according to the main characteristics of the local hydrodynamic. The particle tracking model computes the particles position at each time step, using a fourth-order Runge-Kutta integration method. The dispersion of passive particles released along the lagoon and in critical areas are studied in this work. The residence time is also determined for the entire lagoon. The results show that the mixture between particles coming from different channels of the lagoon is negligible in a time scale higher than 2 tidal cycles. The residence time for the lagoon central area is about 2 days, revealing a strong marine influence in this area. At the upper reaches of the channels were found values higher than 2 weeks.