Until recently, there has been little investigation concerning the poor indoor air quality (IAQ) in classrooms. Despite the evidence that the educational building systems in many of the UK institutions have significant defects that may degrade IAQ, systematic assessments of IAQ measurements has been rarely undertaken. When undertaking IAQ measurement, there is a difficult task of representing and characterizing the environment parameters. Although technologies exist to measure these parameters, direct measurements especially in a naturally ventilated spaces are often difficult. This paper presents a methodology for developing a method to characterize indoor environment flow parameters as well as the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) concentrations. Thus, CO2 concentration level can be influenced by the differences in the selection of sampling points and heights. However, because this research focuses on natural ventilation in classrooms, air exchange is provided mainly by air infiltration. It is hoped that the methodology developed and evaluated in this research can effectively simplify the process of estimating the parameters for a systematic assessment of IAQ measurements in a naturally ventilated classrooms.
Prebiotics are nondigestible carbohydrates that beneficially affect the host by selectively stimulating the growth and/or activity of one, or a limited number of, bacteria present in the colon. The selected genera should have the capacity to improve host health (e.g. Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus). To help identify preferred types, for inclusion into the diet, a quantitative equation [measure of the prebiotic effect (MPE)] is suggested. This will help evaluate, in vitro, the fermentation of dietary carbohydrates and compare their prebiotic effect. Although the approach is not meant to define health values, it is formulated to better inform the choice of prebiotic. It therefore, compares measurements of bacterial changes through the determination of maximum growth rates of predominant groups present in faeces, rate of substrate assimilation and the production of lactic, acetic, propionic and butyric acids. The equation will allow further in vitro comparisons of MPE, leading towards further studies (e.g. in humans) to determine the success of dietary intervention. (C) 2004 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Every minute of every day more and more children die of diarrheal diseases and women, and girls become infected by HIV An estimated 7,000 women become infected each day. While many valiant efforts are being made to address these issues, until now they have proved to be markedly ineffective. The notion that lactic acid bacteria, formulated into food or dietary supplements, could have a role to play in slowing the morbidity and mortality associated with HIV/AIDS and gastroenteritis, is built upon sound clinical findings and scientific investigations, yet no international efforts have been placed in this approach, to date. We hereby summarize the reasons why such efforts should be made, provide an example of one model being set up in sub-Saharan Africa, and challenge the international community to consider the potential benefits of probiotics, especially for communities not reached by governmental and nongovernmental agencies.
A mammalian cell line, J774, was susceptible to both synthetic and natural photosensitising agents after irradiation with long-wave ultraviolet light. Both UV-A light and psoralen did not affect cell growth individually; a reduction in visual confluency was achieved only when psoralen and UV-A light were used in combination. The maximum visual confluency decreased by 55% when 50 ppm psoralen was added to a growing culture and irradiated with UV light for 3 min. Decreasing the UV-A exposure times from 3 min to 3 s did not greatly affect the maximum total visual confluence reached using different synthetic psoralen concentrations, but did affect the rate at which cell death occurred. The 3 min exposure time resulted in a rapid decrease in cell numbers in comparison to 3 s exposure time. Synthetic psoralen was found to have an increasing photosensitising activity with increasing concentration using a logarithmic shift between 0.5 ppm and 50 ppm. A visual confluency of 45% was achieved using concentrations of 50 ppm psoralen, and 70% visual confluency using 0.5 ppm. Natural mixtures of furanocoumarins containing psoralens, obtained from two separate parsley sources, were found to have greater efficacy at inhibiting the growth cycle of the cells when compared to the synthetic psoralen.
In recent years, we have witnessed major advances in our understanding of the mammalian cell cycle and how it is regulated. Normal mammalian cellular proliferation is tightly regulated at each phase of the cell cycle by the activation and deactivation of a series of proteins that constitute the cell cycle machinery. This review article describes the various phases of the mammalian cell cycle and focuses on the cell cycle regulatory molecules that act at each stage to ensure normal cellular progression.
In this study we explore the impact of a morphological deficit on syntactic comprehension. A self-paced listening task was designed to investigate passive sentence processing in typically developing (TD) children and children with Grammatical-Specific Language Impairment (G-SLI). Participants had to judge whether the sentence they heard matched a picture they were shown. Working within the framework of the Computational Grammatical Complexity Hypothesis, which stresses how different components of the grammar interact, we tested whether children were able to use phonotactic cues to parse reversible passive sentences of the form the X was verbed by Y We predicted that TD children would be able to use phonotactics to parse a form like touched or hugged as a participle, and hence interpret passive sentences correctly. This cue is predicted not be used by G-SLI children, because they have difficulty building complex morphological representations. We demonstrate that indeed TD, but not G-SLI, children are able to use phonotactics cues in parsing passive sentences. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: The computational grammatical complexity ( CGC) hypothesis claims that children with G(rammatical)-specific language impairment ( SLI) have a domain-specific deficit in the computational system affecting syntactic dependencies involving 'movement'. One type of such syntactic dependencies is filler-gap dependencies. In contrast, the Generalized Slowing Hypothesis claims that SLI children have a domain-general deficit affecting processing speed and capacity. Aims: To test contrasting accounts of SLI we investigate processing of syntactic (filler-gap) dependencies in wh-questions. Methods & Procedures: Fourteen 10; 2 - 17; 2 G-SLI children, 14 age- matched and 17 vocabulary-matched controls were studied using the cross- modal picturepriming paradigm. Outcomes & Results: G-SLI children's processing speed was significantly slower than the age controls, but not younger vocabulary controls. The G- SLI children and vocabulary controls did not differ on memory span. However, the typically developing and G-SLI children showed a qualitatively different processing pattern. The age and vocabulary controls showed priming at the gap, indicating that they process wh-questions through syntactic filler-gap dependencies. In contrast, G-SLI children showed priming only at the verb. Conclusions: The findings indicate that G-SLI children fail to establish reliably a syntactic filler- gap dependency and instead interpret wh-questions via lexical thematic information. These data challenge the Generalized Slowing Hypothesis account, but support the CGC hypothesis, according to which G-SLI children have a particular deficit in the computational system affecting syntactic dependencies involving 'movement'. As effective remediation often depends on aetiological insight, the discovery of the nature of the syntactic deficit, along side a possible compensatory use of semantics to facilitate sentence processing, can be used to direct therapy. However, the therapeutic strategy to be used, and whether such similar strengths and weaknesses within the language system are found in other SLI subgroups are empirical issues that warrant further research.
Background: Difficulties with social interaction and understanding lie at the heart of the communication disorder that characterises the autism spectrum. This study sought to improve social communication for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by means of a groupwork intervention focusing on social and emotional perspective-taking, conversation skills, and friendship skills. It also aimed to address some of the limitations of previous interventions, including a lack of generalisation to other settings, so as to maximise inclusion in the community. Method A group of 46 high functioning children and adolescents with ASD (38 boys, 8 girls, age range 6-16 years) were allocated to one of 6 intervention groups. Each group met over a period of 12-16 weeks for a minimum of one 1 1/2-hour weekly session aimed at promoting key areas of social interaction and understanding, supported by home-based practice. Results: Significant gains were achieved in comparison with a normative population, and individual parent ratings showed marked and sustained changes in the key areas targeted in the group sessions. Conclusion: Social communication in children and adolescents with ASD can be enhanced through the use of a groupwork intervention addressing social interaction and understanding.