996 resultados para Cycling wind loading


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While a significant number of geotechnical structures are subjected to static loading, many, such as avement subgrade, also are subjected to cyclic or dynamic loading. While the performance of saturated soils under repeated, cyclic or dynamic loading conditions is still a topic of research, similar interests are growing when the soilcondition is unsaturated. This paper examines the performance of unsaturated soils under repeated loading. As part of the research, a triaxial system was developed which incorporates small strain measurements using Hall-effect transducers, in addition to suction measurements taken using a psychrometer. Tests were conducted on samples of kaolin under constant water mass conditions. The results address the effects of compaction effort and water content at the time of compaction on the overall performance of unsaturated soils, under different amplitudes of loading and different confining pressures. The results show that suction in the sample reduced with increasing number of loading cycles of the same magnitude. The resilient modulus initially increased with increasing water content up to approximately optimum water content, and substantially reduced with further increase in water content. Key Words: suction, resilient modulus, subgrade, repeated loading, small strain measurements, compaction.


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Installed wind capacity in the European Union is expected to continue to increase due to renewable energy targets and obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Renewable energy sources such as wind power are variable sources of power. Energy storage technologies are useful to manage the issues associated with variable renewable energy sources and align non-dispatchable renewable energy generation with load demands. Energy storage technologies can play different roles in electric power systems and can be used in each of the steps of the electric power supply chain. Moreover, large scale energy storage systems can act as renewable energy integrators by smoothening the variability of large penetrations of wind power. Compress Air Energy Storage is one such technology. The aim of this paper is to examine the technical and economic feasibility of a combined gas storage and compressed air energy storage facility in the all-island Single Electricity Market of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in order to optimise power generation and wind power integration. This analysis is undertaken using the electricity market software PLEXOS ® for power systems by developing a model of a combined facility in 2020.


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The results of 82 web crippling tests are presented, with 20 tests conducted on channel sections without web openings and 62 tests conducted on channel sections with web openings. The tests consider both end-two-flange and interior-two-flange loading conditions. In the case of the tests with web openings, the hole was located directly under the concentrated load. The concentrated load was applied through bearing plates; the effect of different bearing lengths is investigated. In addition, the cases of both flanges fastened and unfastened to the support is considered. A non-linear elasto-plastic finite element model is described, and the results compared against the laboratory test results; a good agreement was obtained in terms of both strength and failure modes.


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A parametric study of cold-formed steel sections with web openings subjected to web crippling was undertaken using finite element analysis, to investigate the effects of web holes and cross-section sizes on the web crippling strengths of channel sections subjected to web crippling under both interior-two-flange (ITF) and end-two-flange (ETF) loading conditions. In both loading conditions, the hole was centred beneath the bearing plate. It was demonstrated that the main factors influencing the web crippling strength are the ratio of the hole depth to the flat depth of the web, and the ratio of the length of bearing plates to the flat depth of the web. In this paper, design recommendations in the form of web crippling strength reduction factors are proposed, that are conservative to both the experimental and finite element results.


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The public is typically in agreement with the renewable energy targets established in many national states and generally supports the idea of increased reliance on wind energy. Nevertheless, many specific wind power projects face significant local opposition. A key question for the wind energy sector is, therefore, how to better engage local people to foster support for specific projects. IEA Wind Task 28 on Social Acceptance of Wind Energy Projects aims to facilitate wind energy development by reviewing current practices, emerging ideas, and exchanging successful practices among the participating countries. It also aims to disseminate the insights of leading research to a nontechnical audience, including project developers, local planning officials, and the general public. The interdisciplinary approach adopted by Task 28 enables an in-depth understanding of the nature of opposition to wind projects and a critical assessment of emerging strategies for social acceptance. Task 28 has analyzed a range of key issues related to social acceptance of wind energy, including the impacts on landscapes and ecosystems, on standard of living and well-being, the implementation of energy policy and spatial planning, the distribution of costs and benefits, and procedural justice. It is clear that although wind energy has many benefits; however, specific projects do impact local communities. As such the concerns of the affected people have to be taken seriously. Moreover, as opposition is rarely without foundation, it is in the interests of developers and advocates to engage local people and to improve projects for the benefit of all.