999 resultados para Corte de cipós


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV


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O corte de aços por disco abrasivo é um dos processos que apresentam as melhores características de economia, eficiência e rapidez, e ainda hoje é muito utilizado no meio industrial se comparado a outros processos tradicionais de corte como o cisalhamento (tesourão), torneamento (sangramento), serragem com serras metálicas, serragem por atrito com lâminas circulares sem dentes e chama oxi-acetileno. Da literatura formal mais recente, nota-se que durante os últimos anos as máquinas para a realização dos cortes foram inovadas. Entretanto, esta atenção não foi dada à ferramenta de corte abrasiva. A falta de literatura técnica dificulta a escolha das condições de corte e da sua otimização no meio industrial. Este fato é agravado pela grande diversidade de discos abrasivos disponíveis no mercado, com diferentes qualidades e preço. As decisões sobre as condições de corte são baseadas em experiências pessoais, sem critério definido, e freqüentemente desprezam os aspectos de segurança inerentes ao processo. A concorrência estrangeira, através da globalização da economia, está obrigando as indústrias nacionais a atenderem os padrões internacionais de qualidade e desempenho. Uma forma das indústrias nacionais tornarem-se mais competitivas é através do conhecimento detalhado das operações de corte com discos abrasivos. Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo sobre o comportamento de discos abrasivos, submetidos a diversas condições de corte. Os resultados são discutidos em função da análise da velocidade de corte, velocidade de mergulho do disco abrasivo na peça, força tangencial de corte média, tempo de corte e relação G.


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The production of grazing cattle has been very interesting, due to the low cost to produce fodder, compared to other sources of forage used to feed these animals, but the adequate management pasture has high influence on the success and profitability of cattle production systems. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the optimum grazing height of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xaraes, which provides the highest individual weight gain and gain per area. The stocking rate was continuous, with variable stocking rate. The experimental period was from January to December 2010. Three Nellore males were used in each experimental plot, and, when needed, additional animals were used for adjusting the desired heights. Monthly sampling was obtained to estimate forage mass (kg.ha(-1) of DM) and the structural characteristics of the pastures, such as, leaf: stem ratio. The animals were weighed at the beginning of the experiment and every 28 days, after 12 hours of fasting, to measure the average daily gain (ADG) After weighings were performed adjustments stocking rate to desired heights. Throughout the experimental period the animals received mineral supplementation. The desired sward heights were 15, 30, 45 and 60 cm, with three replicates each. The experimental design was completely randomized with four treatments and three replications. To body weight gain (BWG) and average daily gain (ADG), each animal was considered an experimental unit. To gain per area and stocking rate, the paddock was considered the experimental unit. The leaf: stem ratio showed a linear increasing behavior in the spring and summer seasons. The smaller grazing heights provided higher gain per unit area (812.15 kg ha(-1)), while the highest grazing heights promoted high individual weight gain (0.790 kg.dia(-1)). The results suggest that Xaraes grass pastures should be grazed between 30 and 45 cm to allow reasonable performances by area and individual performances.


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The objetive of this research was to study the relation among body weight and average daily gain in different ages, using principal components analysis. Data on 1663 birth weight (BW), weaning weight adjusted to 230 days (WW), yearling weight adjusted to 365 days (YW), long yearling weight adjusted to 550 days (LYW), average daily gain from birth to weaning (AGW), average daily gain from weaning to 365 days (AGY) and average daily gain from 365 days weight to 550 day weight (AGL) from crossbred animals, and data on 320 observations of the same traits from straightbreed Nellore animals were analysed. The model included the fixed effects of breed (only crossbred data), contemporary group, and linear and quadratic effects of age at calving. For body weight in different ages, the first principal component contrasted heavier and light animals after birth and explained about 79,0% and 78,0% of the variation for data on crossbred and Nellore animals, respectively. The second principal component compared heavier animals at weaning and yearling weight those at long yearling weight. It explained around 13,5% and 15,5% of the total variation, respectively, for data on F1 and Nellore breed. The major source of variation among animals on the two data set for body weight was due to differences in weight followed by differences in the ages they got those weight. For the traits expressed as average daily gain, the variation among animals was due to differences in birth season, the first principal component explaining about 52,0% of the variation on crossbred animals. This component compared animal with higher AGY with those with higher AGW and AGL. For data on Nellore breed, the first component explain about 56,0% of the total variation and also compared animals with higher AGY with those with higher AGW and AGL.


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In contrast to what happened in the past where it was possible to select which species had a lower degree of variation, it is now necessary to use fast-growing species with efficient processing. For that we use the wood of Eucalyptus sp and studies related to the machining processes and their parameters such as wear of cutting tools and roughness. The present work aims to analyze the influence of geometry of cutting tools of high speed steel and the influence of the diameter of the final pieces in the process of turning wood of Eucalyptus sp in relation to power consumption, roughness, temperature machining, chip formed and wear of cutting tools. It was observed that the smaller the diameter of the end parts and greater wear of the tools, the worse quality of the machined surfaces and the greater the power consumed in the process of machining