982 resultados para Compilation


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Context Egg depredation is a major cause of reproductive failure among birds and can drive population declines. In this study we investigate predatory behaviour of a corvid (little raven; Corvus mellori) that has only recently emerged, leading to widespread and intense depredation of eggs of a burrow-nesting seabird (little penguin; Eudyptula minor). Aims The main objective of this study was to measure the rate of penguin egg depredation by ravens to determine potential threat severity. We also examined whether penguin burrow characteristics were associated with the risk of egg depredation. Ravens generally employ two modes of predatory behaviour when attacking penguin nests; thus we examined whether burrow characteristics were associated with these modes of attack. Methods Remote-sensing cameras were deployed on penguin burrows to determine egg predation rates. Burrow measurements, including burrow entrance and tunnel characteristics, were measured at the time of camera deployment. Key results Overall, clutches in 61% of monitored burrows (n≤203) were depredated by ravens, the only predator detected by camera traps. Analysis of burrow characteristics revealed two distinct types of burrows, only one of which was associated with egg depredation by ravens. Clutches depredated by ravens had burrows with wider and higher entrances, thinner soil or vegetation layer above the egg chamber, shorter and curved tunnels and greater areas of bare ground and whitewash near entrances. In addition, 86% were covered by bower spinach (Tetragonia implexicoma), through which ravens could excavate. Ravens used two modes to access the eggs: they attacked through the entrance (25% of burrow attacks, n≤124); or dug a hole through the burrow roof (75% of attacks, n≤124). Burrows that were subject to attack through the entrance had significantly shorter tunnels than burrows accessed through the roof. Conclusions The high rates of clutch loss recorded here highlight the need for population viability analysis of penguins to assess the effect of egg predation on population growth rates. Implications The subterranean foraging niche of a corvid described here may have implications for burrow-nesting species worldwide because many corvid populations are increasing, and they exhibit great capacity to adopt new foraging strategies to exploit novel prey. Journal compilation


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Trabalho elaborado de acordo com o termo de referência acordado entre FGV e Secretaria de Gestão Pública, cujo objetivo é analisar e propor melhorias ao relatório semestral das Ouvidorias Públicas do Estado de São Paulo. O relatório semestral é uma compilação das informações de todas as ouvidorias de todos os órgãos públicos estaduais, contempla as reclamações e manifestações recebidas por cada um dos órgãos e é elaborado pela Secretaria de Gestão Pública (SGP). O trabalho contempla a análise do relatório e dos processos relacionados à sua elaboração. Procurou-se entender: o papel institucional das Ouvidorias Públicas como representantes do cidadão, apesar da falta de independência frente aos Poder Executivo; os tipos de análise feitos no relatório semestral, que contemplam apresentações e comparações quantitativas que não consideram as realidades de órgãos e períodos distintos; o fluxo da informação, desde a manifestação do cidadão até a confecção do relatório, com diferentes e pouco integrados canais de entrada, sistema de TI subutilizado, e alta incidência de cidadãos que utilizam a ouvidoria como fonte de informação; os ouvidores, coordenados informalmente pela SGP e com percepções diferentes de sua função. A partir da análise, foram feitas sugestões para a Secretaria de Gestão Pública melhorar relatório semestral das ouvidorias, envolvendo uma melhor forma da apresentação das informações, a padronização de formas de contato, o incentivo à participação, a orientação por meio dos sites institucionais do Governo do Estado, a melhoria dos sistemas de TI, de coordenação e de governança.


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A Secretaria de Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão da Prefeitura da Cidade de São Paulo, SEMPLA, através da Coordenadoria de Estudos Econômicos, CDEC, solicitou estudo sobre gastos e consumo referentes aos serviços de fornecimento de água, energia elétrica e telefonia, conhecidos como utilities, bem como a apresentação de um conjunto de recomendações para racionalização desses gastos e o aperfeiçoamento de seu modelo de gestão. Os dados recebidos foram analisados de forma separada para cada uma das utilities. Em relação à água e energia elétrica foi analisado o registro histórico de valores empenhados e os registros de consumo, fato que não pode ser repetido para telefonia em razão da ausência de informações dessa natureza. Simultaneamente ao diagnóstico, também foram estudados os processos relativos aos pagamentos das contas, principalmente para identificação da forma de aceite dos serviços. Foram realizadas reuniões com os principais atores desses processos para formulação de modelos explicativos dos problemas presumidamente existentes, com auxilio da ferramenta de análise de gestão e pesquisa junto aos gestores responsáveis pelas unidades de consumo. A partir da compilação desses elementos, se estabeleceu um diagnóstico específico por utility e um mais abrangente para entendimento das limitações estruturais e funcionais do atual grupo gestor – Grupo das Concessionárias. Como resultado, foi concebido um rol de recomendações e Project mandates, com a indicação das providências necessárias para aperfeiçoamento do processo de gestão, redução do consumo e melhor demonstração da efetividade das despesas.


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This paper presents the theoretical-methodological possibilities of the French philosopher and sociologist Henri Lefebvre, for the discipline of architecture and urbanism in an effort to overcome the fragmentation imposed by the institutionalization of science in general. From Du rural à l'urbain (Lefebvre, 1970) compilation, it brings the author's other works from the period between 1968 and 1974, indicating the conduits for reflection and their interrelationships with methods, types of analyses and other procedures to treat the space-time urban. The methodology involves a research on the author s 'today and yesterday' in the scientific field, a research and analysis of his procedures in highlight of philosophical, social, economic and political aspects, the historical context of his references and provides significant and possible elements for the study, research and extension in the area in question


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We present a checklist of the shores fishes of the coast of the Rio Grande do Norte state. Species were registered through the specimens collection, underwater records, samples in landings of artisanal fleet and by compilation of data from literature and ichthyologic collections, between January 2004 to 2006. A total of 440 species form 2 classes, 25 orders, 106 families and 253 genus were registered. It is believed that due the great increase of the number of species registered, the ichthyofauna of the coast of this state is reasonably known


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This research work deals with the compilation of a dictionary on clothing terminology intended to be used as a pedagogic tool as part of the teaching and learning process in the Textile Engineering Course at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The main terms were selected and assessed by a team of textile teachers and students with the objective to be structured as a conceptual body of information on the following sub-areas of clothing terminology: materials (fabrics and trimmings) and products (garments). This research comprises three main steps: (a) characterization and understanding of the technical vocabulary in the clothing area as well as the identification of a pedagogic demand for a dictionary on clothing terminology, clearly expressed by the textile lecturers and students involved in the assessment of the need and validation of this project development; (b) a proposal for a specific methodology for the compilation of the dictionary which could help the communication process in the lecturing of clothing terminology and (c) based on the terminological principles and the technique of focal groups the dictionary was assessed. The technique of focal groups was used in the first step. In the second step the technique used was that of the terminological methodology adapted to the teaching approach in the Textile Course. In the third step the technique of focal groups was again utilized. It was observed that the main concern of lecturers and students is the lack of a standardized vocabulary, which renders difficult the communication process in both the teaching and learning activities as well as the professional ones in the textile industries. Various aspects, which can overlap, cause this lack of standardization. The main ones pointed out by the study team in the focal groups are: usage of regional words or expressions, usage of foreign words or expressions, analogies, and the low level of formal education, mainly among the industry workers. Another aspect to be considered is the lack of textile literature written in the Portuguese language of Brazil. This evidence shows the importance of a clothing terminology dictionary which will benefit both the education and professional activties in this field of knowledge. This dictionary will also give a substantial contribution to terminological standardization in our research field. With view to fulfill this demand, a dictionary of clothing terminology was compiled with 760 main entries, according to the modern practice in terminology with the necessary modifications concerning our needs. The result of the dictionary assessment was very assertive regarding its structure, contents and possible use in various contexts. The team work emphasized their contribution to the standardization process of the terms that proved to be one of the most important and difficult aspects of this researh work. The significance of this structured terminological dictionary was confirmed by the focal group participants relating to its use for teaching and learning activities, as a reference book, as a source of technical information and also as a tool for pedagogic studies and planning, as well as a significant collaboration to the pedagogic practices in the textile engineering course at University or any other educational institution. Besides, this dictionary can also be used to supply information within the textile field. We are aware that the present work will not exhaust the objectives of this research due to its limitations in opposition to the vast complexity demanded by the compilation of a complete work including all the areas and sub-areas of textile engineering. However, it is an important source for dissemination of concepts on the field of clothing terminology and a tool to effective standardization of the terms used in this subject field