995 resultados para Comparative Mapping
Rapport de synthese :Comparaison des effets vasculaires et tubulaires rénaux de plusieurs antagonistes des récepteurs de |'angiotensine II en combinaison avec un diurétique thiazidique chez l'humainObjectif : Le but de ce travail était d'investiguer si les antagonistes des récepteurs AT1 de l'angiotensine II (ARA2) entraînent un blocage équivalent des récepteurs au niveau vasculaire et au niveau rénal, en particulier lorsque le système rénine- angiotensine est stimulé par l'administration d'un diurétique thiazidique. Méthode : trente volontaires masculins en bonne santé ont participé à cette étude randomisée, contrôlée, en simple insu. Nous avons mesuré les variations de pression artérielle, d'hémodynamique rénale ainsi que la réponse tubulaire rénale à une perfusion d'angiotensine II 3ng/kg/min administrée sur 1 heure. Ceci avant traitement puis après sept jours d'administration, 24 heures après la dernière dose de médicament. Nous avons comparé l'irbésartan 300 mg seul ou en association avec 12.5 ou 25 mg d'hydrochlorothiazide. (irbésartan 300/12.5 ; irbésartan 300/25). Nous avons également comparé les effets de l'irbésartan 300/25 au losartan 100 mg, au valsartan 160 mg ainsi qu'à l'olmésartan 20 mg, tous administrés avec 25 mg d'hydrochlorothiazide. Chaque participant a été randomisé pour recevoir 2 traitements de 7 jours espacés d'une période d'une semaine sans traitement. Résultats: La réponse de la pression artérielle à |'angiotensine II exogène était bloquée >90% avec l'irbésartan 300 mg seul ou en association avec le diurétique. Il en était de même avec l'olmésartan 20/25. Par contre le blocage n'était que de 60% environ dans les groupes valsartan 160/25 et losartan 100/25. Au niveau rénal, |'angiotensine II exogène réduisait le flux plasmatique rénal de 36% en pré- traitement. Dans les groupes recevant l'irbésartan 300 mg et l'olmésartan 20 mg associés à l'hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg, la vasoconstriction rénale était bloquée presque entièrement alors qu'el|e ne |'était que partiellement avec le valsartan 160/25 et le losartan 100/25 (34 et 45%, respectivement). En pré-traitement, au niveau tubulaire, l'angiotensine II exogène réduisait le volume urinaire de 84% et l'excrétion urinaire de sodium de 65 %. Les effets tubulaires n'étaient que partiellement bloqués par l'administration d'ARA2. Conclusion: Ces résultats démontrent que les ARA; aux doses maximales recommandées ne bloquent pas aussi efficacement les récepteurs ATI au niveau tubulaire qu'au niveau vasculaire. Cette observation pourrait constituer une justification à l'hypothèse selon laquelle des doses plus importantes d'ARA2 seraient nécessaires afin d'obtenir une meilleure protection d'organe. De plus, nos résultats confirment qu'i| y a d'importantes différences entre les ARA2, relatives à leur capacité d'induire un blocage prolongé sur 24 heures des récepteurs AT1 au niveau vasculaire et tubulaire.
Exploring Access and Equity in Higher Education: Policy and Performance in a Comparative Perspective
Hazard mapping for the eastern face of Turtle Mountain, adjacent to the Frank Slide, Alberta, Canada
BACKGROUND: Intimal hyperplasia (IH) is a vascular remodeling process which often leads to failure of arterial bypass or hemodialysis access. Experimental and clinical work have provided insight in IH development; however, further studies under precise controlled conditions are required to improve therapeutic strategies to inhibit IH development. Ex vivo perfusion of human vessel segments under standardized hemodynamic conditions may provide an adequate experimental approach for this purpose. Therefore, chronically perfused venous segments were studied and compared to traditional static culture procedures with regard to functional and histomorphologic characteristics as well as gene expression. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Static vein culture allowing high tissue viability was performed as previously described. Ex vivo vein support system (EVVSS) was performed using a vein support system consisting of an incubator with a perfusion chamber and a pump. EVVSS allows vessel perfusion under continuous flow while maintaining controlled hemodynamic conditions. Each human saphenous vein was divided in two parts, one cultured in a Pyrex dish and the other part perfused in EVVSS for 14days. Testing of vasomotion, histomorphometry, expression of CD 31, Factor VIII, MIB 1, alpha-actin, and PAI-l were determined before and after 14days of either experimental conditions. RESULTS: Human venous segments cultured under traditional or perfused conditions exhibited similar IH after 14 days as shown by histomorphometry. Smooth-muscle cell (SMC) was preserved after chronic perfusion. Although integrity of both endothelial and smooth-muscle cells appears to be maintained in both culture conditions as confirmed by CD31, factor VIII, and alpha-actin expression, a few smooth-muscle cells in the media stained positive for factor VIII. Cell-proliferation marker MIB-1 was also detected in the two settings and PAI-1 mRNA expression and activity increased significantly after 14 days of culture and perfusion. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates the feasibility to chronically perfuse human vessels under sterile conditions with preservation of cellular integrity and vascular contractility. To gain insights into the mechanisms leading to IH, it will now be possible to study vascular remodeling not only under static conditions but also in hemodynamic environment mimicking as closely as possible the flow conditions encountered in reconstructive vascular surgery.
Peatlands form in areas where net primary of organic matter production exceeds losses due to the decomposition, leaching or disturbance. Due to their chemical and physical characteristics, bogs can influence water dynamics because they can store large volumes of water in the rainy season and gradually release this water during the other months of the year. In Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil, a peatland in the environmental protection area of Pau-de-Fruta ensures the water supply of 40,000 inhabitants. The hypothesis of this study is that the peat bogs in Pau-de-Fruta act as an environment for carbon storage and a regulator of water flow in the Córrego das Pedras basin. The objective of this study was to estimate the water volume and organic matter mass in this peatland and to study the influence of this environment on the water flow in the Córrego das Pedras basin. The peatland was mapped using 57 transects, at intervals of 100 m. Along all transects, the depth of the peat bog, the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates and altitude were recorded every 20 m and used to calculate the area and volume of the peatland. The water volume was estimated, using a method developed in this study, and the mass of organic matter based on samples from 106 profiles. The peatland covered 81.7 hectares (ha), and stored 497,767 m³ of water, representing 83.7 % of the total volume of the peat bog. The total amount of organic matter (OM) was 45,148 t, corresponding to 552 t ha-1 of OM. The peat bog occupies 11.9 % of the area covered by the Córrego das Pedras basin and stores 77.6 % of the annual water surplus, thus controlling the water flow in the basin and consequently regulating the water course.
The region of greatest variability on soil maps is along the edge of their polygons, causing disagreement among pedologists about the appropriate description of soil classes at these locations. The objective of this work was to propose a strategy for data pre-processing applied to digital soil mapping (DSM). Soil polygons on a training map were shrunk by 100 and 160 m. This strategy prevented the use of covariates located near the edge of the soil classes for the Decision Tree (DT) models. Three DT models derived from eight predictive covariates, related to relief and organism factors sampled on the original polygons of a soil map and on polygons shrunk by 100 and 160 m were used to predict soil classes. The DT model derived from observations 160 m away from the edge of the polygons on the original map is less complex and has a better predictive performance.
The evolution of continuous traits is the central component of comparative analyses in phylogenetics, and the comparison of alternative models of trait evolution has greatly improved our understanding of the mechanisms driving phenotypic differentiation. Several factors influence the comparison of models, and we explore the effects of random errors in trait measurement on the accuracy of model selection. We simulate trait data under a Brownian motion model (BM) and introduce different magnitudes of random measurement error. We then evaluate the resulting statistical support for this model against two alternative models: Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) and accelerating/decelerating rates (ACDC). Our analyses show that even small measurement errors (10%) consistently bias model selection towards erroneous rejection of BM in favour of more parameter-rich models (most frequently the OU model). Fortunately, methods that explicitly incorporate measurement errors in phylogenetic analyses considerably improve the accuracy of model selection. Our results call for caution in interpreting the results of model selection in comparative analyses, especially when complex models garner only modest additional support. Importantly, as measurement errors occur in most trait data sets, we suggest that estimation of measurement errors should always be performed during comparative analysis to reduce chances of misidentification of evolutionary processes.
The paper deals with the development and application of the generic methodology for automatic processing (mapping and classification) of environmental data. General Regression Neural Network (GRNN) is considered in detail and is proposed as an efficient tool to solve the problem of spatial data mapping (regression). The Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) is considered as an automatic tool for spatial classifications. The automatic tuning of isotropic and anisotropic GRNN/PNN models using cross-validation procedure is presented. Results are compared with the k-Nearest-Neighbours (k-NN) interpolation algorithm using independent validation data set. Real case studies are based on decision-oriented mapping and classification of radioactively contaminated territories.
Soil surveys are the main source of spatial information on soils and have a range of different applications, mainly in agriculture. The continuity of this activity has however been severely compromised, mainly due to a lack of governmental funding. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of two different classifiers (artificial neural networks and a maximum likelihood algorithm) in the prediction of soil classes in the northwest of the state of Rio de Janeiro. Terrain attributes such as elevation, slope, aspect, plan curvature and compound topographic index (CTI) and indices of clay minerals, iron oxide and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), derived from Landsat 7 ETM+ sensor imagery, were used as discriminating variables. The two classifiers were trained and validated for each soil class using 300 and 150 samples respectively, representing the characteristics of these classes in terms of the discriminating variables. According to the statistical tests, the accuracy of the classifier based on artificial neural networks (ANNs) was greater than of the classic Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC). Comparing the results with 126 points of reference showed that the resulting ANN map (73.81 %) was superior to the MLC map (57.94 %). The main errors when using the two classifiers were caused by: a) the geological heterogeneity of the area coupled with problems related to the geological map; b) the depth of lithic contact and/or rock exposure, and c) problems with the environmental correlation model used due to the polygenetic nature of the soils. This study confirms that the use of terrain attributes together with remote sensing data by an ANN approach can be a tool to facilitate soil mapping in Brazil, primarily due to the availability of low-cost remote sensing data and the ease by which terrain attributes can be obtained.
Digital information generates the possibility of a high degree of redundancy in the data available for fitting predictive models used for Digital Soil Mapping (DSM). Among these models, the Decision Tree (DT) technique has been increasingly applied due to its capacity of dealing with large datasets. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of the data volume used to generate the DT models on the quality of soil maps. An area of 889.33 km² was chosen in the Northern region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The soil-landscape relationship was obtained from reambulation of the studied area and the alignment of the units in the 1:50,000 scale topographic mapping. Six predictive covariates linked to the factors soil formation, relief and organisms, together with data sets of 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 % of the total data volume, were used to generate the predictive DT models in the data mining program Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA). In this study, sample densities below 5 % resulted in models with lower power of capturing the complexity of the spatial distribution of the soil in the study area. The relation between the data volume to be handled and the predictive capacity of the models was best for samples between 5 and 15 %. For the models based on these sample densities, the collected field data indicated an accuracy of predictive mapping close to 70 %.
Les partis politiques ont comme vocation de structurer le débat démocratique et de constituer un trait d'union entre le citoyen et l'Etat. En Suisse, ils sont fortement sollicités en raison de l'importante quantité de scrutins organisés chaque année aux échelons communal, cantonal et national, mais leur organisation reste très peu professionnalisée. Comme ils doivent par ailleurs faire face à l'effritement de leur base partisane et à l'inflation des coûts de la politique, le risque est grand qu'ils soient mis en difficulté dans l'accomplissement de leur tâche d'intégration et de formation de l'opinion. Cette étude se concentre sur les pratiques de financement des partis cantonaux et nationaux du PDC, du PRD, du PS, de l'UDC et des Verts. S'appuyant sur les données empriques récoltées en 1997 et en 2007, elle décrit dans quelle mesure les moyens financiers des partis ont évolué au cours des dix dernières années. Les analyses portent sur le volume et l'origine des fonds et elles permettent notamment de saisir comment s'articulent les clivages en matière de financement. Die politischen Parteien haben die Aufgabe, die demokratische Debatte zu strukturieren und ein verbindendes Element zwischen dem Bürger und dem Staat zu bilden. In der Schweiz werden sie angesichts der grossen Anzahl jährlich auf kommunaler, kantonaler und nationaler Ebene durchgeführten Wahlgänge besonders stark beansprucht, ihre Organisationen sind aber wenig professionalisiert. Da sich die Parteien heute mit abnehmenden Parteienbindungen und steigenden Kosten der Politik konfrontiert sehen, steigt das Risiko, dass sie ihre Aufgaben der Integration und der politischen Meinungsbildung kaum mehr wahrnehmen können. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Finanzierungspraktiken der kantonalen und nationalen Parteien CVP, FDP, SP, SVP und Grüne. Die Analysen stützen sich ab auf empirische Angaben zu Herkunft und Umfang der Parteifinanzen, die in den Jahren 1997 und 2007 erhoben wurden und erlauben es, die Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Finanzierung zu erläutern.
Peatlands are soil environments that store carbon and large amounts of water, due to their composition (90 % water), low hydraulic conductivity and a sponge-like behavior. It is estimated that peat bogs cover approximately 4.2 % of the Earth's surface and stock 28.4 % of the soil carbon of the planet. Approximately 612 000 ha of peatlands have been mapped in Brazil, but the peat bogs in the Serra do Espinhaço Meridional (SdEM) were not included. The objective of this study was to map the peat bogs of the northern part of the SdEM and estimate the organic matter pools and water volume they stock. The peat bogs were pre-identified and mapped by GIS and remote sensing techniques, using ArcGIS 9.3, ENVI 4.5 and GPS Track Maker Pro software and the maps validated in the field. Six peat bogs were mapped in detail (1:20,000 and 1:5,000) by transects spaced 100 m and each transect were determined every 20 m, the UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinates, depth and samples collected for characterization and determination of organic matter, according to the Brazilian System of Soil Classification. In the northern part of SdEM, 14,287.55 ha of peatlands were mapped, distributed over 1,180,109 ha, representing 1.2 % of the total area. These peatlands have an average volume of 170,021,845.00 m³ and stock 6,120,167 t (428.36 t ha-1) of organic matter and 142,138,262 m³ (9,948 m³ ha-1) of water. In the peat bogs of the Serra do Espinhaço Meridional, advanced stages of decomposing (sapric) organic matter predominate, followed by the intermediate stage (hemic). The vertical growth rate of the peatlands ranged between 0.04 and 0.43 mm year-1, while the carbon accumulation rate varied between 6.59 and 37.66 g m-2 year-1. The peat bogs of the SdEM contain the headwaters of important water bodies in the basins of the Jequitinhonha and San Francisco Rivers and store large amounts of organic carbon and water, which is the reason why the protection and preservation of these soil environments is such an urgent and increasing need.