988 resultados para Combined action
Iowa Lottery Authority Newsletter For Lottery Retailers
Iowa Lottery Authority Newsletter For Lottery Retailers
Iowa Lottery Authority Newsletter For Lottery Retailers
Iowa Lottery Authority Newsletter For Lottery Retailers
Iowa Lottery Authority Newsletter For Lottery Retailers
Iowa Lottery Authority Newsletter for Lottery Retailers
Iowa Lottery Newsletter for Lottery Retailers
In with accordance 19B.5 of the Code of Iowa, this item has submitted the fiscal year 2008 Affirmative Action in Iowa report. The report details the progress we have made to balance our workforce in FY 2008. Just as importantly, the plan describes steps to put into practice our continued commitment to increasing diversity in the state’ workforce and details our response to the challenges we face as a result of increased talent competition. The State's renewed emphases on recruitments. along with greater oversight of state agency hiring practices, are key strategies that we must aggressively employ in competing for talent and balancing our workforce.
This report outlines the strategic plan for Iowa Division of Community Action Agenciesg including,goals and mission.
Background: Patients with HER2 +ve breast cancer suitable for neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) have been shown in a series of clinical trials to have the best outcome when treated with anthracyclines (A), taxanes (T), and trastuzumab (Tz). Recent evidence confirms that adjuvant Tz is more effective when given concomitantly rather than sequentially with T (Perez SABCS 2009). Whilst there remains uncertainty as to the most efficacious A-T regimen and duration of Tz, there is widespread use in Europe of FEC-D [3 cycles of 5-FU 500 mg/m2, epirubicin 100 mg/m2 and cyclophosphamide 500 mg/m2 (FEC100) followed by 3 cycles of docetaxel 100 mg/m2 (D) q3w] following the results of PACS-01. The advent of TKI anti-HER2 agents such as L could offer superior outcomes if combined with NAC. However, a phase I study in heavily pre-treated advanced breast cancer reported difficulties in combining lapatinib (L) with D 100 mg/m2 (LoRusso JCO 2008). Methods: EORTC 10054 is designed as a two-part study to compare FEC-D with either Tz, L or their combination as NAC for patients with HER2 +ve large operable or locally advanced breast cancer. Before and on-treatment frozen tumor and blood samples will be taken to better define which tumours are particularly sensitive to either Tz and/or L. Stage 1: (complete) a dose- finding study has confirmed that with primary prophylactic G-CSF, D 100 mg/m2 can be safely and effectively given with L 1,250 mg daily continuously. The dose-limiting toxicity was myelosuppression, and there was no significant diarrhoea or cardiac toxicity (ESMO 2009 abstr P- 5073). Stage 2: (opening Q1 2010) will enroll 150 patients from European centres into a 3-arm randomized trial whose primary endpoint is pathological complete response. All patients will receive FEC-D before primary surgery: 3 cycles of FEC (without anti-HER2 therapy) followed by 3 cycles of D plus either Tz (conventional weekly schedule), monotherapy L, or the combination of Tz and L, using doses based on the EGF100161 dose-finding study in 1st line metastatic therapy of D+L+Tz. After surgery all patients will receive standard 3-weekly Tz, radiotherapy and endocrine therapy as per local guidelines.
As a result of the Europeanization of politics and the increasing role of the public sphere, political actors in Western Europe are currently facing a double strategic challenge. Based on data from seven West European countries and the European Union, the authors analyze how state actors, political parties, interest groups, and social movement organizations cope with this double challenge at both the national and the supranational level. Results indicate that the classic repertoire of inside strategies at the national level is still the most typical for all actors, but media-related strategies are also prominent at the national level. The Europeanization of repertoires is mainly determined by institutional factors and by the actors' power, whereas the public arena plays an equally important role for all types of actors, in all countries and at both the national and the EU level.
BACKGROUND: When and how to operate an early-onset esotropia (onset before 6 months of age) is still controversial. We conducted a retrospective study of such patients operated before the age of 24 months. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 82 patients were operated by one surgeon (GK) and followed by the same team. At 5 years post-operation, evaluation criteria included the residual angle of deviation, visual acuity (Birkhäuser Nr 505, 5 m) and binocularity (Lang stereotest I, Bagolini glasses). RESULTS: At 5 years, the residual angle was excellent (0 degrees to + 5 degrees ) in 67 % good, (>+5 degrees to +10 degrees or 0 to -5 degrees ) in 23 %, and poor (>+10 degrees or <-5 degrees ) in 10 %. During the 5 years of follow-up the rate of reoperation was 9.7 %. Isoacuity was obtained in 62 %, slight amblyopia (2 lines of interocular difference) was present in 32 %, and average amblyopia (> 3 lines of interocular difference) was noted in 6 %. Simultaneous perception was present in 53 %, whereas one eye was suppressed or results were undetermined in 47 %. No patient demonstrated stereoscopy using the Lang's stereotest I. CONCLUSION: The results from our study demonstrate that early surgery of early-onset esotropia has a favourable outcome on both visual acuity and the residual angle of strabismus. Simultaneous perception was achieved in 53 %. These figures are comparable to the results of the ELISSS multicentric study.