996 resultados para Cold atoms


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The aroma responsible for the flavor of fruits is highly susceptible to low temperatures in storage. The present study investigated the volatile composition of the Nanicao and Prata banana cultivars by testing pulp and whole fruit under cold storage conditions. The volatile fractions were characterized using headspace solid phase micro-extraction (HS-SPME) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The cold storage induced changes in the volatile profile relative to the profile of the control group. The result of principal component analysis revealed that cold storage more strongly affects the Nanicao than the Prata cultivar. Esters such as 2-pentanol acetate, 3-methyl-1-butanol acetate, 2-methylpropyl butanoate, 3-methylbutyl butanoate, 2-methylpropyl 3-methylbutanoate and butyl butanoate were drastically reduced in the cold group of the Nanicao cultivar. Our results suggest that the metabolism responsible for the production of volatile compounds is related to the ability to tolerate low temperatures. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Low temperatures at the initial stages of rice development prevent fast germination and seedling establishment and may cause significant productivity losses. In order to develop rice cultivars exhibiting cold tolerance, it is necessary to investigate genetic resources, providing basic knowledge to allow the introduction of genes involved in low temperature germination ability from accessions into elite cultivars. Japanese rice accessions were evaluated at the germination under two conditions: 13 degrees C for 28 days (cold stress) and 28 degrees C for seven days (optimal temperature). The traits studied were coleoptile and radicle length under optimal temperature, coleoptile and radicle length under cold and percentage of the reduction in coleptile and radicle length due to low temperature. Among the accessions studied, genetic variation for traits related to germination under low temperatures was observed and accessions exhibiting adequate performance for all investigated traits were identified. The use of multivariate analysis allowed the identification of the genotypes displaying cold tolerance by smaller reductions in coleoptile and radicle lenght in the presence of cold and high vigour, by higher coleoptile and radicle growth under cold.


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Susceptibility to infections, autoimmune disorders and tumor progression is strongly influenced by the activity of the endocrine and nervous systems in response to a stressful stimulus. When the adaptive system is switched on and off efficiently, the body is able to recover from the stress imposed. However, when the system is activated repeatedly or the activity is sustained, as during chronic or excessive stress, an allostatic load is generated, which can lead to disease over long periods of time. We investigated the effects of chronic cold stress in BALB/c mice (4 degrees C/4 h daily for 7 days) on functions of macrophages. We found that chronic cold stress induced a regulatory phenotype in macrophages, characterized by diminished phagocytic ability, decreased TNF-alpha and IL-6 and increased IL-10 production. In addition, resting macrophages from mice exposed to cold stress stimulated spleen cells to produce regulatory cytokines, and an immunosuppressive state that impaired stressed mice to control Trypanosoma cruzi proliferation. These regulatory effects correlated with an increase in macrophage expression of 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, an enzyme that converts inactive glucocorticoid into its active form. As stress is a common aspect of modern life and plays a role in the etiology of many diseases, the results of this study are important for improving knowledge regarding the neuro-immune-endocrine interactions that occur during stress and to highlight the role of macrophages in the immunosuppression induced by chronic stress. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Some atomic multipoles (charges, dipoles and quadrupoles) from the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM) and CHELPG charges are used to investigate interactions between a proton and a molecule (F2, Cl2, BF, AlF, BeO, MgO, LiH, H2CO, NH3, PH3, BF3, and CO2). Calculations were done at the B3LYP/6-311G(3d,3p) level. The main aspect of this work is the investigation of polarization effects over electrostatic potentials and atomic multipoles along a medium to long range of interaction distances. Large electronic charge fluxes and polarization changes are induced by a proton mainly when this positive particle approaches the least electronegative atom of diatomic heteronuclear molecules. The search for simple equations to describe polarization on electrostatic potentials from QTAIM quantities resulted in linear relations with r-4 (r is the interaction distance) for many cases. Moreover, the contribution from atomic dipoles to these potentials is usually the most affected contribution by polarization what reinforces the need for these dipoles to a minimal description of purely electrostatic interactions. Finally, CHELPG charges provide a description of polarization effects on electrostatic potentials that is in disagreement with physical arguments for certain of these molecules. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Despite the quantum nature of the process, collective scattering by dense cold samples of two-level atoms can be interpreted classically describing the sample as a macroscopic object with a complex refractive index. We demonstrate that resonances in Mie theory can be easily observable in the cooperative scattering by tuning the frequency of the incident laser field or the atomic number. The solution of the scattering problem is obtained for spherical atomic clouds who have the parabolic density characteristic of BECs, and the cooperative radiation pressure force calculated exhibits resonances in the cloud displacement for dense clouds. At odds with uniform clouds which show a complex structure including narrow peaks, these densities show resonances, yet only under the form of quite regular and contrasted oscillations. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2012


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Background. There is a growing need to improve heart preservation benefit the performance of cardiac operations, decrease morbidity, and more important, increase the donor pool. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the cardioprotective effects of Krebs-Henseleit buffer (KHB), Bretschneider-HTK (HTK), St. Thomas No. 1 (STH-1), and Celsior (CEL) solutions infused at 10 degrees C and 20 degrees C. Methods. Hearts isolated from male albino Wistar rats and prepared according to Langendorff were randomly divided equally into 8 groups according to the temperature of infusion (10 degrees C or 20 degrees C) and cardioprotective solutions (KHB, HTK, STH-1, and CEL). After stabilization with KHB at 37 degrees C, baseline values were collected (control) for heart rate (HR), left ventricle systolic pressure (LVSP), coronary flow (CF), maximum rate of rise of left ventricular pressure during ventricular contraction (+dP/dt) and maximum rate of fall of left ventricular pressure during left ventricular relaxation (-dP/dt). The hearts were then perfused with cardioprotective solutions for 5 minutes and kept for 2 hours in static ischemia at 20 degrees C. Data evaluation used analysis of variance (ANOVA) in all together randomized 2-way ANOVA and Tukey's test for multiple comparisons. The level of significance chosen was P < .05. Results. We observed that all 4 solutions were able to recover HR, independent of temperature. Interestingly, STH-1 solution at 20 degrees C showed HR above baseline throughout the experiment. An evaluation of the corresponding hemodynamic values (LVSP, +dP/dt, and -dP/dt) indicated that treatment with CEL solution was superior at both temperatures compared with the other solutions, and had better performance at 20 degrees C. When analyzing performance on CF maintenance, we observed that it was temperature dependent. However, when applying both HTK and CEL, at 10 degrees C and 20 degrees C respectively, indicated better protection against development of tissue edema. Multiple comparisons between treatments and hemodynamic variable outcomes showed that using CEL solution resulted in significant improvement compared with the other solutions at both temperatures. Conclusion. The solutions investigated were not able to fully suppress the deleterious effects of ischemia and reperfusion of the heart. However, these results allow us to conclude that temperature and the cardioprotective solution are interdependent as far as myocardial protection. Although CEL solution is the best for in myocardial protection, more studies are needed to understand the interaction between temperature and perfusion solution used. This will lead to development of better and more efficient cardioprotective methods.


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Festuccia WT, Blanchard PG, Oliveira TB, Magdalon J, Paschoal VA, Richard D, Deshaies Y. PPAR gamma activation attenuates cold-induced upregulation of thyroid status and brown adipose tissue PGC-1 alpha and D2. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 303: R1277-R1285, 2012. First published October 24, 2012; doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00299.2012.-Here, we investigated whether pharmacological PPAR gamma activation modulates key early events in brown adipose tissue (BAT) recruitment induced by acute cold exposure with the aim of unraveling the interrelationships between sympathetic and PPAR gamma signaling. Sprague-Dawley rats treated or not with the PPAR gamma ligand rosiglitazone (15 mg.kg(-1).day(-1), 7 days) were kept at 23 degrees C or exposed to cold (5 degrees C) for 24 h and evaluated for BAT gene expression, sympathetic activity, thyroid status, and adrenergic signaling. Rosiglitazone did not affect the reduction in body weight gain and the increase in feed efficiency, VO2, and BAT sympathetic activity induced by 24-h cold exposure. Rosiglitazone strongly attenuated the increase in serum total and free T4 and T3 levels and BAT iodothyronine deiodinase type 2 (D2) and PGC-1 alpha mRNA levels and potentiated the reduction in BAT thyroid hormone receptor (THR) beta mRNA levels induced by cold. Administration of T3 to rosiglitazone-treated rats exacerbated the cold-induced increase in energy expenditure but did not restore a proper activation of D2 and PGC-1 alpha, nor further increased uncoupling protein 1 expression. Regarding adrenergic signaling, rosiglitazone did not affect the changes in BAT cAMP content and PKA activity induced by cold. Rosiglitazone alone or in combination with cold increased CREB binding to DNA, but it markedly reduced the expression of one of its major coactivators, CREB binding protein. In conclusion, pharmacological PPAR gamma activation impairs short-term cold elicitation of BAT adrenergic and thyroid signaling, which may result in abnormal tissue recruitment and thermogenic activity.


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Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is predominantly regulated by the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the adrenergic receptor signaling pathway. Knowing that a mouse with triple beta-receptor knockout (KO) is cold intolerant and obese, we evaluated the independent role played by the beta(1) isoform in energy homeostasis. First, the 30 min i.v. infusion of norepinephrine (NE) or the beta(1) selective agonist dobutamine (DB) resulted in similar interscapular BAT (iBAT) thermal response in WT mice. Secondly, mice with targeted disruption of the beta(1) gene (KO of beta(1) adrenergic receptor (beta 1KO)) developed hypothermia during cold exposure and exhibited decreased iBAT thermal response to NE or DB infusion. Thirdly, when placed on a high-fat diet (HFD; 40% fat) for 5 weeks, beta 1KO mice were more susceptible to obesity than WT controls and failed to develop diet-induced thermogenesis as assessed by BAT Ucp1 mRNA levels and oxygen consumption. Furthermore, beta 1KO mice exhibited fasting hyperglycemia and more intense glucose intolerance, hypercholesterolemia, and hypertriglyceridemia when placed on the HFD, developing marked non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. In conclusion, the beta(1) signaling pathway mediates most of the SNS stimulation of adaptive thermogenesis. Journal of Endocrinology (2012) 214, 359-365


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The PHENIX experiment has measured electrons and positrons at midrapidity from the decays of hadrons containing charm and bottom quarks produced in d + Au and p + p collisions at root S-NN = 200 GeV in the transverse-momentum range 0.85 <= p(T)(e) <= 8.5 GeV/c. In central d + Au collisions, the nuclear modification factor R-dA at 1.5 < p(T) < 5 GeV/c displays evidence of enhancement of these electrons, relative to those produced in p + p collisions, and shows that the mass-dependent Cronin enhancement observed at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider extends to the heavy D meson family. A comparison with the neutral-pion data suggests that the difference in cold-nuclear-matter effects on light- and heavy-flavor mesons could contribute to the observed differences between the pi(0) and heavy-flavor-electron nuclear modification factors R-AA. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.242301


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Liquid configurations generated by Metropolis Monte Carlo simulations are used in time-dependent density functional theory calculations of the spectral line shifts and line profiles of the lowest lying excitation of the alkaline earth atoms, Be, Mg, Ca, Sr and Ba embedded in liquid helium. The results are in very good agreement with the available experimental data. Special attention is given to the calculated spectroscopic shift and the associated line broadening. The analysis specifies the inhomogeneous broadening of the three separate contributions due to the splitting of the s -> p transition of the alkaline earth atom in the liquid environment. (C) 2012 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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We have studied, via laser absorption spectroscopy, the velocity distribution of Li-7 atoms released from cryogenic matrices of solid neon or molecular hydrogen. The Li atoms are implanted into the Ne or H-2 matrices - grown onto a sapphire substrate - by laser ablation of a solid Li or LiH precursor. A heat pulse is then applied to the sapphire substrate sublimating the matrix together with the isolated atoms. With a NiCr film resistor deposited directly onto the sapphire substrate we are able to transfer high instantaneous power to the matrix, thus reaching a fast sublimation regime. In this regime the Li atoms can get entrained in the released matrix gas, and we were also able to achieve matrix sublimation times down to 10 mu s for both H-2 or Ne matrix, enabling us to proceed with the trapping of the species of our interest such as atomic hydrogen, lithium, and molecules. The sublimation of the H-2 matrix, with its large center-of-mass velocity, provides evidence for a new regime of one-dimensional thermalization. The laser ablated Li seems to penetrate the H-2 matrix deeper than it does in Ne. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4704125]


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A 7.4 mm thick strip of 3003 aluminum alloy produced by the industrial twin-roll casting (TRC) process was homogenized at 500 °C for 12 hours, after which it was cold rolled in two conditions: 1) to reduce the strip's thickness by 67%, and 2) to reduce it by 91%. The alloy was annealed at 400 °C for 1 hour in both conditions. The results revealed that a rotated cube texture, the {001}<110> component, predominated in the as-cast condition and was transformed into brass, copper and S type textures during the cold rolling process. There was practically no difference between the deformation textures at the two thickness reductions.


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Polythermal glaciers, i.e. glaciers with a combination of ice at and below the freezing point, are widespread in arctic and subarctic environments. The polythermal structure has major implications for glacier hydrology, ice flow and glacial erosion. However, the interplay of factors governing its spatial and temporal variations such as net mass balance, ice advection and water content in the ice is poorly investigated and as yet not fully understood. This study deals with a thorough investigation of the polythermal regime on Storglaciären, northern Sweden, a small valley glacier with a cold surface layer in the ablation area. Extensive field work was performed including mapping of the cold surface layer using ground-penetrating radar, ice temperature measurements, mass balance and ice velocity measurements. Analyses of these data combined with numerical modelling were used specifically to investigate the spatial and temporal variability of the cold surface layer, the spatial distribution of the water content just below the cold surface layer transition, the effect of radar frequency on the detection of the surface layer, and the sensitivity of the cold surface layer to changes in forcing. A comparison between direct temperature measurements in boreholes and ground-penetrating surveys shows that the radar-inferred cold-temperate transition depth is within ±1 m from the melting point of ice at frequencies above ~300 MHz. At frequencies below ~155 MHz, the accuracy degrades because of reduced scattering efficiency that occurs when the scatterers become much smaller compared to the wavelength. The mapped spatial pattern of the englacial cold-temperate transition boundary is complex. This pattern reflects the observed spatial variation in net loss of ice at the surface by ablation and vertical advection of ice, which is suggested to provide the predominant forcing of the cold surface layer thickness pattern. This is further supported by thermomechanical modeling of the cold surface layer, which indicates high sensitivity of the cold surface layer thickness to changes in vertical advection rates. The water content is the least investigated quantity that is relevant for the thermal regime of glaciers, but also the most difficult to assess. Spatial variability of absolute water content in the temperate ice immediately below the cold surface layer on Storglaciären was determined by combining relative estimates of water content from ground-penetrating radar data with absolute determination from temperature measurements and the thermal boundary condition at the freezing front. These measurements indicate large-scale spatial variability in the water content, which seems to arise from variations in entrapment of water at the firn-ice transition. However, this variability cannot alone explain the spatial pattern in the thermal regime on Storglaciären. Repeated surveys of the cold surface layer show a 22% average thinning of the cold surface layer on Storglaciären between 1989 and 2001. Transient thermomechanical modeling results suggest that the cold surface layer adapts to new equilibrium conditions in only a few decades after a perturbation in the forcing is introduced. An increased winter air temperature since mid-1980s seems to be the cause of the observed thinning of the cold surface layer. Over the last decades, mass balance measurements indicate that the glacier has been close to a steady state. The quasi-steady state situation is also reflected in the vertical advection, which shows no significant changes during the last decades. Increased winter temperatures at the ice surface would result in a slow-down of the formation of cold ice at the base of the cold surface layer and lead to a larger imbalance between net loss of ice at the surface and freezing of temperate ice at the cold-temperate transition.


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[EN] The main types of submarine geological emissions are classified as cold seeps (hydrocarbons and brines) and hot vents. These processes result in the emission of geological fluids: brine, gases (mainly hydro-carbons), sediments and rocks. Submarine emissions are associated with an intensive geological, geo-chemical, thermal and biological activity (Judd and Hovland, 2007), and constitute a key process in the dynamics of the global cycles of the planet Earth.