999 resultados para Coccoid-like spheroids


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Background: As bending free-kicks becomes the norm in modern day soccer, implications for goalkeepers have largely been ignored. Although it has been reported that poor sensitivity to visual acceleration makes it harder for expert goalkeepers to perceptually judge where the curved free-kicks will cross the goal line, it is unknown how this affects the goalkeeper's actual movements.

Methodology/Principal Findings: Here, an in-depth analysis of goalkeepers' hand movements in immersive, interactive virtual reality shows that they do not fully account for spin-induced lateral ball acceleration. Hand movements were found to be biased in the direction of initial ball heading, and for curved free-kicks this resulted in biases in a direction opposite to those necessary to save the free-kick. These movement errors result in less time to cover a now greater distance to stop the ball entering the goal. These and other details of the interceptive behaviour are explained using a simple mathematical model which shows how the goalkeeper controls his movements online with respect to the ball's current heading direction. Furthermore our results and model suggest how visual landmarks, such as the goalposts in this instance, may constrain the extent of the movement biases.

Conclusions: While it has previously been shown that humans can internalize the effects of gravitational acceleration, these results show that it is much more difficult for goalkeepers to account for spin-induced visual acceleration, which varies from situation to situation. The limited sensitivity of the human visual system for detecting acceleration, suggests that curved free-kicks are an important goal-scoring opportunity in the game of soccer.


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We previously reported the identification of a novel family of immunomodulatory proteins, termed helminth defense molecules (HDMs), that are secreted by medically important trematode parasites. Since HDMs share biochemical, structural, and functional characteristics with mammalian cathelicidin-like host defense peptides (HDPs), we proposed that HDMs modulate the immune response via molecular mimicry of host molecules. In the present study, we report the mechanism by which HDMs influence the function of macrophages. We show that the HDM secreted by Fasciola hepatica (FhHDM-1) binds to macrophage plasma membrane lipid rafts via selective interaction with phospholipids and/or cholesterol before being internalized by endocytosis. Following internalization, FhHDM-1 is rapidly processed by lysosomal cathepsin L to release a short C-terminal peptide (containing a conserved amphipathic helix that is a key to HDM function), which then prevents the acidification of the endolysosomal compartments by inhibiting vacuolar ATPase activity. The resulting endolysosomal alkalization impedes macrophage antigen processing and prevents the transport of peptides to the cell surface in conjunction with MHC class II for presentation to CD4(+) T cells. Thus, we have elucidated a novel mechanism by which helminth pathogens alter innate immune cell function to assist their survival in the host.-Robinson, M. W., Alvarado, R., To, J., Hutchinson, A. T., Dowdell, S. N., Lund, M., Turnbull, L., Whitchurch, C. B., O'Brien, B. A., Dalton, J. P., Donnelly, S. A helminth cathelicidin-like protein suppresses antigen processing and presentation in macrophages via inhibition of lysosomal vATPase.


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The excretory-secretory (ES) proteins of nematode parasites are of major interest as they function at the host-parasite interface and are likely to have roles crucial for successful parasitism. Furthermore, the ES proteins of intracellular nematodes such as Trichinella spiralis may also function to regulate gene expression in the host cell. In a recent proteomic analysis we identified a novel secreted cystatin-like protein from T. spiralis L1 muscle larva. Here we show that the protein, MCD-1 (multi-cystatin-like domain protein 1), contains three repeating cystatin-like domains and analysis of the mcd-1 gene structure suggests that the repeated domains arose from duplication of an ancestral cystatin gene. Cystatins are a diverse group of cysteine protease inhibitors and those secreted by parasitic nematodes are important immuno-modulatory factors. The cystatin superfamily also includes cystatin-like proteins that have no cysteine protease inhibitory activity. A recombinant MCD-1 protein expressed as a GST-fusion protein in Escherichia coli failed to inhibit papain in vitro suggesting that the T. spiralis protein is a new member of the non-inhibitory cystatin-related proteins. MCD-1 secreted from T. spiralis exists as high- and low-molecular weight isoforms and we show that a recombinant MCD-1 protein secreted by HeLa cells undergoes pH-dependent processing that may result in the release of individual cystatin-like domains. Furthermore, we found that mcd-1 gene expression is largely restricted to intracellular stages with the highest levels of expression in the adult worms. It is likely that the major role of the protein is during the intestinal stage of T. spiralis infections.


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The innate immune response to bacterial infection is mediated through Toll-like receptors (TLRs), which trigger tightly regulated signaling cascades through transcription factors including NF-?B. LPS activation of TLR4 triggers internalization of the receptor-ligand complex which is directed toward lysosomal degradation or endocytic recycling. Cystic fibrosis (CF) patients display a robust and uncontrolled inflammatory response to bacterial infection, suggesting a defect in regulation. This study examined the intracellular trafficking of TLR4 in CF and non-CF airway epithelial cells following stimulation with LPS. We employed cells lines [16hBE14o-, CFBE41o- (CF), and CFTR-complemented CFBE41o-] and confirmed selected experiments in primary nasal epithelial cells from non-CF controls and CF patients (F508del homozygous). In control cells, TLR4 expression (surface and cytoplasmic) was reduced after LPS stimulation but remained unchanged in CF cells and was accompanied by a heightened inflammatory response 24 h after stimulation. All cells expressed markers of the early (EEA1) and late (Rab7b) endosomes at basal levels. However, only CF cells displayed persistent expression of Rab7b following LPS stimulation. Rab7 variants may directly internalize bacteria to the Golgi for recycling or to the lysosome for degradation. TLR4 colocalized with the lysosomal marker LAMP1 in 16 hBE14o- cells, suggesting that TLR4 is targeted for lysosomal degradation in these cells. However, this colocalization was not observed in CFBE41o- cells, where persistent expression of Rab7 and release of proinflammatory cytokines was detected. Consistent with the apparent inability of CF cells to target TLR4 toward the lysosome for degradation, we observed persistent surface and cytoplasmic expression of this pathogen recognition receptor. This defect may account for the prolonged cycle of chronic inflammation associated with CF.


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When people evaluate syllogisms, their judgments of validity are often biased by the believability of the conclusions of the problems. Thus, it has been suggested that syllogistic reasoning performance is based on an interplay between a conscious and effortful evaluation of logicality and an intuitive appreciation of the believability of the conclusions (e.g., Evans, Newstead, Allen, & Pollard, 1994). However, logic effects in syllogistic reasoning emerge even when participants are unlikely to carry out a full logical analysis of the problems (e.g., Shynkaruk & Thompson, 2006). There is also evidence that people can implicitly detect the conflict between their beliefs and the validity of the problems, even if they are unable to consciously produce a logical response (e.g., De Neys, Moyens, & Vansteenwegen, 2010). In 4 experiments we demonstrate that people intuitively detect the logicality of syllogisms, and this effect emerges independently of participants' conscious mindset and their cognitive capacity. This logic effect is also unrelated to the superficial structure of the problems. Additionally, we provide evidence that the logicality of the syllogisms is detected through slight changes in participants' affective states. In fact, subliminal affective priming had an effect on participants' subjective evaluations of the problems. Finally, when participants misattributed their emotional reactions to background music, this significantly reduced the logic effect.


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Hierarchical Fe/ZSM-5 zeolites were synthesized with a diquaternary ammonium surfactant containing a hydrophobic tail and extensively characterized by XRD, Ar porosimetry, TEM, DRUV-Vis, and UV-Raman spectroscopy. Their catalytic activities in catalytic decomposition of NO and the oxidation of benzene to phenol with NO as the oxidant were also determined. The hierarchical zeolites consist of thin sheets limited in growth in the b-direction (along the straight channels of the MFI network) and exhibit similar high hydrothermal stability as a reference Fe/ZSM-5 zeolite. Spectroscopic and catalytic investigations point to subtle differences in the extent of Fe agglomeration with the sheet-like zeolites having a higher proportion of isolated Fe centers than the reference zeolite. As a consequence, these zeolites have a somewhat lower activity in catalytic NO decomposition (catalyzed by oligomeric Fe), but display higher activity in benzene oxidation (catalyzed by monomeric Fe). The sheet-like zeolites deactivate much slower than bulk Fe/ZSM-5, which is attributed to the much lower probability of secondary reactions of phenol in the short straight channels of the sheets. The deactivation rate decreases with decreasing Fe content of the Fe/ZSM-5 nanosheets. It is found that carbonaceous materials are mainly deposited in the mesopores between the nanosheets and much less so in the micropores. This contrasts the strong decrease in the micropore volume of bulk Fe/ZSM-5 due to rapid clogging of the continuous micropore network. The formation of coke deposits is limited in the nanosheet zeolites because of the short molecular trafficking distances. It is argued that at high Si/Fe content, coke deposits mainly form on the external surface of the nanosheets. © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The effect of applied magnetic fields on the collective nonequilibrium dynamics of a strongly interacting Fe-C nanoparticle system has been investigated. It is experimentally shown that the magnetic aging diminishes to finally disappear for fields of moderate strength. The field needed to remove the observable aging behavior increases with decreasing temperature. The same qualitative behavior is observed in an amorphous metallic spin glass (Fe0.15Ni0.85)(75)P16B6Al3.


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The UV spectra of nova-like variables are dominated by emission from the accretion disk, modified by scattering in a wind emanating from the disk. Here, we model the spectra of RW Tri and UX UMa, the only two eclipsing nova-like variables which have been observed with the Hubble Space Telescope in the far-ultraviolet, in an attempt to constrain the geometry and the ionization structure of their winds. Using our Monte Carlo radiative transfer code, we computed spectra for simply parameterized axisymmetric biconical outflow models and were able to find plausible models for both systems. These reproduce the primary UV resonance lines-N v, Si iv, and C iv-in the observed spectra in and out of eclipse. The distribution of these ions in the wind models is similar in both cases as is the extent of the primary scattering regions in which these lines are formed. The inferred mass-loss rates are 6%-8% of the mass accretion rates for the systems. We discuss the implication of our point models for our understanding of accretion disk winds in cataclysmic variables. © 2010. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.


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2002cx-like supernovae are a sub-class of sub-luminous Type Ia supernovae (SNe). Their light curves and spectra are characterized by distinct features that indicate strong mixing of the explosion ejecta. Pure turbulent deflagrations have been shown to produce such mixed ejecta. Here, we present hydrodynamics, nucleosynthesis and radiative-transfer calculations for a 3D full-star deflagration of a Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarf. Our model is able to reproduce the characteristic observational features of SN 2005hk (a prototypical 2002cx-like supernova), not only in the optical, but also in the near-infrared. For that purpose we present, for the first time, five near-infrared spectra of SN 2005hk from -0.2 to 26.6 d with respect to B-band maximum. Since our model burns only small parts of the initial white dwarf, it fails to completely unbind the white dwarf and leaves behind a bound remnant of ~1.03Mconsisting mainly of unburned carbon and oxygen, but also enriched by some amount of intermediate-mass and iron-group elements from the explosion products that fall back on the remnant.We discuss possibilities for detecting this bound remnant and how it might influence the late-time observables of 2002cx-like SNe. © 2013 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society.


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Background: There are reports with conflicting results on the expression of toll-like receptors (TLRs) in trauma patients. In addition, these studies analyzed TLR expression only at patients hospital admission but not later when complications usually arise. Objectives: To analyze the surface expression of TLR2 and TLR4 on circulating monocytes from trauma patients during the hospitalization period and to correlate this with cytokine production after stimulation with TLR2 and TLR4 agonists. The phagocytic capacity of monocytes was analyzed at the same time points of TLR expression analysis; to correlate these molecular findings with the presence or absence of infections. Methods: Prospective and observational study from June 2005 to June 2007. In all analysis, a control group composed of healthy subjects was included. Results: We studied 70 trauma patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) of a tertiary hospital, and 30 healthy volunteers. Blood samples were collected at hospital admission, on day 7 and 14. Forty-four patients (63%) developed at least one episode of infection. Monocytes from trauma patients expressed higher levels of TLR2 and TLR4 than monocytes from control subjects at all time points. Expression of TLR2 and TLR4 in monocytes from those patients who developed any infection was significantly lower than in those patients without infection but still significantly higher than in control subjects. Cellular responses to TLR4 agonist were impaired. Monocytes from traumatic patients phagocytosized less efficiently than monocytes from control subjects. Conclusions: These results indicate that trauma patients present a dysregulation of the innate immune system that persists during the first 14 days after hospital admission. Copyright © 2010 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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Airway epithelial cells act as the first barrier against pathogens. These cells recognize conserved structural motifs expressed by microbial pathogens via Toll-like receptors (TLRs) expressed on the surface. In contrast to the level of expression in lymphoid cells, the level of expression of TLR2 and TLR4 in airway epithelial cells is low under physiological conditions. Here we explored whether Klebsiella pneumoniae upregulates the expression of TLRs in human airway epithelial cells. We found that the expression of TLR2 and TLR4 by A549 cells and human primary airway cells was upregulated upon infection with K. pneumoniae. The increased expression of TLRs resulted in enhancement of the cellular response upon stimulation with Pam3CSK4 and lipopolysaccharide, which are TLR2 and TLR4 agonists, respectively. Klebsiella-dependent upregulation of TLR expression occurred via a positive IkappaBalpha-dependent NF-kappaBeta pathway and via negative p38 and p44/42 mitogen-activated protein kinase-dependent pathways. We showed that Klebsiella-induced TLR2 and TLR4 upregulation was dependent on TLR activation. An isogenic capsule polysaccharide (CPS) mutant did not increase TLR2 and TLR4 expression. Purified CPS upregulated TLR2 and TLR4 expression, and polymyxin B did not abrogate CPS-induced TLR upregulation. Although no proteins were detected in the CPS preparation by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and colloidal gold staining, we could not rule out the possibility that traces of protein in our CPS preparation could have been responsible, at least in part, for the TLR upregulation.


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We evaluated the expression of Toll-like receptors 2 and 4 (TLR-2 and TLR-4) in circulating monocytes from peripheral blood of critical care patients treated with and without glutamine. Because no research has been published to date on the effect of glutamine on TLR receptors in critical patients, it was determined in an initial sample of 30 patients.