989 resultados para Co-extractable Compounds
Molecular shape has long been known to be an important property for the process of molecular recognition. Previous studies postulated the existence of a drug-like shape space that could be used to artificially bias the composition of screening libraries, with the aim to increase the chance of success in Hit Identification. In this work, it was analysed to which extend this assumption holds true. Normalized Principal Moments of Inertia Ratios (NPRs) have been used to describe the molecular shape of small molecules. It was investigated, whether active molecules of diverse targets are located in preferred subspaces of the NPR shape space. Results illustrated a significantly stronger clustering than could be expected by chance, with parts of the space unlikely to be occupied by active compounds. Furthermore, a strong enrichment of elongated, rather flat shapes could be observed, while globular compounds were highly underrepresented. This was confirmed for a wide range of small molecule datasets from different origins. Active compounds exhibited a high overlap in their shape distributions across different targets, making a purely shape based discrimination very difficult. An additional perspective was provided by comparing the shapes of protein binding pockets with those of their respective ligands. Although more globular than their ligands, it was observed that binding sites shapes exhibited a similarly skewed distribution in shape space: spherical shapes were highly underrepresented. This was different for unoccupied binding pockets of smaller size. These were on the contrary identified to possess a more globular shape. The relation between shape complementarity and exhibited bioactivity was analysed; a moderate correlation between bioactivity and parameters including pocket coverage, distance in shape space, and others could be identified, which reflects the importance of shape complementarity. However, this also suggests that other aspects are of relevance for molecular recognition. A subsequent analysis assessed if and how shape and volume information retrieved from pocket or respective reference ligands could be used as a pre-filter in a virtual screening approach. ln Lead Optimization compounds need to get optimized with respect to a variety of pararneters. Here, the availability of past success stories is very valuable, as they can guide medicinal chemists during their analogue synthesis plans. However, although of tremendous interest for the public domain, so far only large corporations had the ability to mine historical knowledge in their proprietary databases. With the aim to provide such information, the SwissBioisostere database was developed and released during this thesis. This database contains information on 21,293,355 performed substructural exchanges, corresponding to 5,586,462 unique replacements that have been measured in 35,039 assays against 1,948 molecular targets representing 30 target classes, and on their impact on bioactivity . A user-friendly interface was developed that provides facile access to these data and is accessible at http//www.swissbioisostere.ch. The ChEMBL database was used as primary data source of bioactivity information. Matched molecular pairs have been identified in the extracted and cleaned data. Success-based scores were developed and integrated into the database to allow re-ranking of proposed replacements by their past outcomes. It was analysed to which degree these scores correlate with chemical similarity of the underlying fragments. An unexpectedly weak relationship was detected and further investigated. Use cases of this database were envisioned, and functionalities implemented accordingly: replacement outcomes are aggregatable at the assay level, and it was shawn that an aggregation at the target or target class level could also be performed, but should be accompanied by a careful case-by-case assessment. It was furthermore observed that replacement success depends on the activity of the starting compound A within a matched molecular pair A-B. With increasing potency the probability to lose bioactivity through any substructural exchange was significantly higher than in low affine binders. A potential existence of a publication bias could be refuted. Furthermore, often performed medicinal chemistry strategies for structure-activity-relationship exploration were analysed using the acquired data. Finally, data originating from pharmaceutical companies were compared with those reported in the literature. It could be seen that industrial medicinal chemistry can access replacement information not available in the public domain. In contrast, a large amount of often-performed replacements within companies could also be identified in literature data. Preferences for particular replacements differed between these two sources. The value of combining different endpoints in an evaluation of molecular replacements was investigated. The performed studies highlighted furthermore that there seem to exist no universal substructural replacement that always retains bioactivity irrespective of the biological environment. A generalization of bioisosteric replacements seems therefore not possible. - La forme tridimensionnelle des molécules a depuis longtemps été reconnue comme une propriété importante pour le processus de reconnaissance moléculaire. Des études antérieures ont postulé que les médicaments occupent préférentiellement un sous-ensemble de l'espace des formes des molécules. Ce sous-ensemble pourrait être utilisé pour biaiser la composition de chimiothèques à cribler, dans le but d'augmenter les chances d'identifier des Hits. L'analyse et la validation de cette assertion fait l'objet de cette première partie. Les Ratios de Moments Principaux d'Inertie Normalisés (RPN) ont été utilisés pour décrire la forme tridimensionnelle de petites molécules de type médicament. Il a été étudié si les molécules actives sur des cibles différentes se co-localisaient dans des sous-espaces privilégiés de l'espace des formes. Les résultats montrent des regroupements de molécules incompatibles avec une répartition aléatoire, avec certaines parties de l'espace peu susceptibles d'être occupées par des composés actifs. Par ailleurs, un fort enrichissement en formes allongées et plutôt plates a pu être observé, tandis que les composés globulaires étaient fortement sous-représentés. Cela a été confirmé pour un large ensemble de compilations de molécules d'origines différentes. Les distributions de forme des molécules actives sur des cibles différentes se recoupent largement, rendant une discrimination fondée uniquement sur la forme très difficile. Une perspective supplémentaire a été ajoutée par la comparaison des formes des ligands avec celles de leurs sites de liaison (poches) dans leurs protéines respectives. Bien que plus globulaires que leurs ligands, il a été observé que les formes des poches présentent une distribution dans l'espace des formes avec le même type d'asymétrie que celle observée pour les ligands: les formes sphériques sont fortement sous représentées. Un résultat différent a été obtenu pour les poches de plus petite taille et cristallisées sans ligand: elles possédaient une forme plus globulaire. La relation entre complémentarité de forme et bioactivité a été également analysée; une corrélation modérée entre bioactivité et des paramètres tels que remplissage de poche, distance dans l'espace des formes, ainsi que d'autres, a pu être identifiée. Ceci reflète l'importance de la complémentarité des formes, mais aussi l'implication d'autres facteurs. Une analyse ultérieure a évalué si et comment la forme et le volume d'une poche ou de ses ligands de référence pouvaient être utilisés comme un pré-filtre dans une approche de criblage virtuel. Durant l'optimisation d'un Lead, de nombreux paramètres doivent être optimisés simultanément. Dans ce contexte, la disponibilité d'exemples d'optimisations réussies est précieuse, car ils peuvent orienter les chimistes médicinaux dans leurs plans de synthèse par analogie. Cependant, bien que d'un extrême intérêt pour les chercheurs dans le domaine public, seules les grandes sociétés pharmaceutiques avaient jusqu'à présent la capacité d'exploiter de telles connaissances au sein de leurs bases de données internes. Dans le but de remédier à cette limitation, la base de données SwissBioisostere a été élaborée et publiée dans le domaine public au cours de cette thèse. Cette base de données contient des informations sur 21 293 355 échanges sous-structuraux observés, correspondant à 5 586 462 remplacements uniques mesurés dans 35 039 tests contre 1948 cibles représentant 30 familles, ainsi que sur leur impact sur la bioactivité. Une interface a été développée pour permettre un accès facile à ces données, accessible à http:/ /www.swissbioisostere.ch. La base de données ChEMBL a été utilisée comme source de données de bioactivité. Une version modifiée de l'algorithme de Hussain et Rea a été implémentée pour identifier les Matched Molecular Pairs (MMP) dans les données préparées au préalable. Des scores de succès ont été développés et intégrés dans la base de données pour permettre un reclassement des remplacements proposés selon leurs résultats précédemment observés. La corrélation entre ces scores et la similarité chimique des fragments correspondants a été étudiée. Une corrélation plus faible qu'attendue a été détectée et analysée. Différents cas d'utilisation de cette base de données ont été envisagés, et les fonctionnalités correspondantes implémentées: l'agrégation des résultats de remplacement est effectuée au niveau de chaque test, et il a été montré qu'elle pourrait également être effectuée au niveau de la cible ou de la classe de cible, sous réserve d'une analyse au cas par cas. Il a en outre été constaté que le succès d'un remplacement dépend de l'activité du composé A au sein d'une paire A-B. Il a été montré que la probabilité de perdre la bioactivité à la suite d'un remplacement moléculaire quelconque est plus importante au sein des molécules les plus actives que chez les molécules de plus faible activité. L'existence potentielle d'un biais lié au processus de publication par articles a pu être réfutée. En outre, les stratégies fréquentes de chimie médicinale pour l'exploration des relations structure-activité ont été analysées à l'aide des données acquises. Enfin, les données provenant des compagnies pharmaceutiques ont été comparées à celles reportées dans la littérature. Il a pu être constaté que les chimistes médicinaux dans l'industrie peuvent accéder à des remplacements qui ne sont pas disponibles dans le domaine public. Par contre, un grand nombre de remplacements fréquemment observés dans les données de l'industrie ont également pu être identifiés dans les données de la littérature. Les préférences pour certains remplacements particuliers diffèrent entre ces deux sources. L'intérêt d'évaluer les remplacements moléculaires simultanément selon plusieurs paramètres (bioactivité et stabilité métabolique par ex.) a aussi été étudié. Les études réalisées ont souligné qu'il semble n'exister aucun remplacement sous-structural universel qui conserve toujours la bioactivité quel que soit le contexte biologique. Une généralisation des remplacements bioisostériques ne semble donc pas possible.
Metais pesados formam um grupo de elementos com particularidades relevantes e de ocorrência natural no ambiente, como elementos acessórios na constituição de rochas. Esses elementos, apesar de associados à toxidez, exigem tratamento diferenciado em relação aos xenobióticos, uma vez que diversos metais possuem essencialidade (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn e Ni) e benefício (Co) comprovados para as plantas. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os teores naturais dos metais Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cu e Co nos solos de referência de Pernambuco. Foram coletadas amostras de solo nas três regiões fisiográficas (Zona da Mata, Agreste e Sertão), dos dois primeiros horizontes dos 35 solos de referência do Estado de Pernambuco. A digestão das amostras baseou-se no método 3051A (USEPA, 1998), e a determinação foi efetuada em ICP-OES. Correlações significativas foram estabelecidas entre os metais e entre estes e a fração argila do solo, em ambos os horizontes, indicando a associação comum da maioria dos metais com solos mais argilosos. A maioria dos solos apresentou teores de Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni e Co menores que os de solos de outras regiões do País, com litologia mais máfica, o que corrobora o fato de que os teores desses elementos são mais diretamente relacionados aos minerais Fe-magnesianos. Os resultados indicam baixo potencial dos solos de Pernambuco em liberar Cu, Co e Ni para plantas, enquanto deficiências de Zn, Fe e Mn são menos prováveis. Os teores naturais de Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni e Co determinados podem ser utilizados como base para definição dos Valores de Referência de Qualidade para os solos de Pernambuco, de acordo com o preconizado pela legislação nacional.
Donateur : Maunoir, Charles (1830-1901)
BACKGROUND: When fructose is ingested together with glucose (GLUFRU) during exercise, plasma lactate and exogenous carbohydrate oxidation rates are higher than with glucose alone. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to investigate to what extent GLUFRU increased lactate kinetics and oxidation rate and gluconeogenesis from lactate (GNG(L)) and from fructose (GNG(F)). DESIGN: Seven endurance-trained men performed 120 min of exercise at approximately 60% VOmax (maximal oxygen consumption) while ingesting 1.2 g glucose/min + 0.8 g of either glucose or fructose/min (GLUFRU). In 2 trials, the effects of glucose and GLUFRU on lactate and glucose kinetics were investigated with glucose and lactate tracers. In a third trial, labeled fructose was added to GLUFRU to assess fructose disposal. RESULTS: In GLUFRU, lactate appearance (120 +/- 6 mumol . kg(1) . min(1)), lactate disappearance (121 +/- 7 mumol . kg(1) . min(1)), and oxidation (127 +/- 12 mumol . kg(1) . min(1)) rates increased significantly (P < 0.001) in comparison with glucose alone (94 +/- 16, 95 +/- 16, and 97 +/- 16 mumol . kg(1) . min(1), respectively). GNG(L) was negligible in both conditions. In GLUFRU, GNG(F) and exogenous fructose oxidation increased with time and leveled off at 18.8 +/- 3.7 and 38 +/- 4 mumol . kg(1) . min(1), respectively, at 100 min. Plasma glucose appearance rate was significantly higher (P < 0.01) in GLUFRU (91 +/- 6 mumol . kg(1) . min(1)) than in glucose alone (82 +/- 9 mumol . kg(1) . min(1)). Carbohydrate oxidation rate was higher (P < 0.05) in GLUFRU. CONCLUSIONS: Fructose increased total carbohydrate oxidation, lactate production and oxidation, and GNG(F). Fructose oxidation was explained equally by fructose-derived lactate and glucose oxidation, most likely in skeletal and cardiac muscle. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT01128647.
It has been previously described that p21 functions not only as a CDK inhibitor but also as a transcriptional co-repressor in some systems. To investigate the roles of p21 in transcriptional control, we studied the gene expression changes in two human cell systems. Using a human leukemia cell line (K562) with inducible p21 expression and human primary keratinocytes with adenoviral-mediated p21 expression, we carried out microarray-based gene expression profiling. We found that p21 rapidly and strongly repressed the mRNA levels of a number of genes involved in cell cycle and mitosis. One of the most strongly down-regulated genes was CCNE2 (cyclin E2 gene). Mutational analysis in K562 cells showed that the N-terminal region of p21 is required for repression of gene expression of CCNE2 and other genes. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays indicated that p21 was bound to human CCNE2 and other p21-repressed genes gene in the vicinity of the transcription start site. Moreover, p21 repressed human CCNE2 promoter-luciferase constructs in K562 cells. Bioinformatic analysis revealed that the CDE motif is present in most of the promoters of the p21-regulated genes. Altogether, the results suggest that p21 exerts a repressive effect on a relevant number of genes controlling S phase and mitosis. Thus, p21 activity as inhibitor of cell cycle progression would be mediated not only by the inhibition of CDKs but also by the transcriptional down-regulation of key genes.
Purpose: Letrozole (LET) has recently been shown to be superior to tamoxifen for postmenopausal patients (pts). In addition, LET radiosensitizes breast cancer cells in vitro. We conducted a phase II randomized study to evaluate concurrent and sequential radiotherapy (RT)-LET in the adjuvant setting. We present here clinical results with a minimum follow-up of 24 months. Patients and Methods: Postmenopausal pts with early-stage breast cancer were randomized after conservative surgery to either: A) concurrent RT-LET (LET started 3 weeks before the first day of RT) or B) sequential RT-LET (LET started 3 weeks after the end of RT). Whole breast RT was delivered to a total dose of 50 Gy. A 10-16 Gy boost was allowed according to age and pathological prognostic factors. Pts were stratified by center, adjuvant chemotherapy, boost, and radiation-induced CD8 apoptosis (RILA). RILA was performed before RT as previously published (Ozsahin et al. Clin Cancer Res, 2005). An independent monitoring committee reviewed individual safety data. Skin toxicities were evaluated by two different clinicians at each medical visit (CTCAE v3.0). Lung CT-scan and functional pulmonary tests were performed regularly. DNA samples were screened for SNPs in candidate genes as recently published (Azria et al., Clin Cancer Res, 2008). Results: A total of 150 pts were randomized between 01/05 and 02/07. Median follow-up is 26 months (range, 3-40 months). No statistical differences were identified between the two arms in terms of mean age; initial TNM; median surgical bed volume; post surgical breast volume. Chemotherapy and RT boost were delivered in 19% and 38% of pts, respectively. Nodes received 50 Gy in 23% of patients without differences between both arms. During RT and within the first 6 weeks after RT, 10 patients (6.7%) presented grade 3 acute skin dermatitis during RT but no differences were observed between both arms (4 and 6 patients in arm A and B, respectively). At 26 month of follow-up, grade 2 and more radiation-induced subcutaneous fibrosis (RISCF) was present in 4 patients (3%) without any difference between arm A (n = 2) and B (n = 2), p=0.93. In both arms, all patients that presented a RICSF had a RILA lower than 16%. Sensitivity and specificity were 100% and 39%, respectively.No acute lung toxicities were observed and quality of life was good to excellent for all patients.SNPs analyses are still on-going (Pr Rosenstein, NY). Conclusion: Acute and early late grade 2 dermatitis were similar in both arms. The only factor that influenced RISCF was a low radiation-induced lymphocyte apoptosis yield. We confirmed prospectively the capacity of RILA for identifying hypersensitive patients to radiation. Indeed, patients with RILA superior to 16% did not present late effects to radiation and confirmed the first prospective trial we published in 2005 (Ozsahin et al., Clin Cancer Res).
During the ontogenesis of dorsal root ganglia (DRG), the immunoreactivity to substance P (SP) and calbindin D-28k (CaBP) appears in chickens at embryonic day 5 (E5) and E10 respectively. To establish the birthdates of primary sensory neurons expressing SP or CaBP, chick embryos were given repetitive intra-amniotic injections of [3H]-thymidine. The neuroblasts giving rise to SP-expressing neurons were labeled up to E6 while those generating CaBP-immunoreactive neurons stopped to incorporate [3H]-thymidine before E5.5. This finding indicates that neurons exhibiting distinct phenotypes may originate from neuroblasts which arrest to proliferate at close but distinct stages of development. To determine whether SP and CaBP are co-expressed or not in DRG neurons, chick embryos at E12, E18, and chickens two weeks after hatching were perfused and fixed to detect simultaneously SP- and CaBP-immunoreactivity in DRG sections. The results showed that SP and CaBP were transiently co-expressed by a subset of neurons at E12. Later, however, the SP-immunoreactivity was gradually lost by these ganglion cells, so that the SP- and CaBP-immunoreaction defined two distinct neuronal subpopulations after hatching. In conclusion, most CaBP-immunoreactive DRG cells derive from a subset of neurons in which SP and CaBP are transiently co-localized.