998 resultados para Cirlce K Club


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a influência de diferentes temperaturas (20ºC, 25ºC, 30ºC e 35ºC), substratos (rolo de papel, papel-toalha, areia e vermiculita), condições de luz (ausência e presença) e umidade (substratos pouco úmido, úmido, muito úmido e encharcado) sobre a germinação de sementes de Blepharocalyx salicifolius. Os melhores resultados são obtidos com os substratos papel toalha, vermiculita e areia, nas temperaturas 20ºC e 25ºC, e com o substrato rolo de papel na temperatura 30ºC. As sementes germinam tanto na presença como na ausência de luz, bem como em substrato úmido, muito úmido e encharcado, nas temperaturas 20ºC e 25ºC.


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O objetivo neste trabalho foi caracterizar morfologicamente os frutos, as sementes e o desenvolvimento da plântula de Blepharocalyx salicifolius e Myrceugenia gertii. Para descrever os frutos e sementes foram utilizadas 100 unidades e para a descrição do desenvolvimento da plântula foram colocadas para germinar 100 sementes em substrato papel toalha, à temperatura de 25 ºC e 50 sementes em substrato vermiculita. Os frutos de B. salicifolius e M. gertii são carnosos e indeiscentes do tipo bacóide. As sementes de B. salicifolius possuem forma de espiral, coloração castanha semitransparente, não possuem endosperma e o embrião é do tipo pimentóide. As sementes de M. gertii são ovaladas, de coloração castanha semitransparente, comprimidas lateralmente, o endosperma é mucilaginoso e o embrião é do tipo mircióide. A germinação de ambas é epígea fanerocotiledonar.


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Painopaikka ja painovuosi kolofonista.


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Arkit: A8.


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Julkaisutiedot kolofonista.


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Sisältää myös kirjaston käyttösäännöt.


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The objective of this study was to identify the fungi associated with the fruit and seeds of Blepharocalyx salicifolius and verify their transmission and pathogenicity to seeds and seedlings. Fungal identification on seeds was made using the blotter test and potato-dextrose-agar but only the blotter test was used for fruit. Fungal transmission to seedlings was evaluated using four replications of 50 seeds planted in vermiculite. The pathogenicity of the fungi, Colletotrichum sp., Curvularia sp., Cladosporium sp. Pestalotia sp. and Macrophomina sp. was tested. Potentially pathogenic and saprophytic fungi were found on the fruits and seeds. The transmission of Cladosporium sp. from seeds to seedlings was verified, and Cladosporium sp. Pestalotia sp. and Macrophomina sp. were found to be pathogenic to B. salicifolius seedlings.


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As unregistered grassroots charities do not appear in official statistics in China, they tend to remain unnoticed by scholars. Also as they operate unofficially and avoid publicity, their work is usually not reported by the media. In this research I explore the grassroots charity activity of one pop music fan club from the viewpoint of trust as a sociological concept. I will also establish the general situation on charity in China. By using textual analysis on internet blogs and discussion forums I map the charity project from the discussion of the original idea to the execution and follow up phase. I study the roles the fan club members assume during the project as anonymous participants of internet conversations, as well as concrete active charity volunteers outside of the virtual world. I establish parties, other than the fan club, which are involved in the charity project. Interviews with one of the participant of the project in 2010, 2014 and 2015 bring valuable additional information and help in distributing the questionnaire survey. A quantitative questionnaire survey was distributed among the fan club members to get more detailed information on the motives and attitudes towards official and unofficial charity in China. Because of the inequality in China, the rural minority areas do not have similar educational opportunities as the mostly majority inhabited urban areas, even though the country officially has a nine year compulsory education. Grassroots charities can operate in relative freedom taking some of the government’s burden of social responsibilities if they are not criticizing the authorities. The problem with grassroots charity seems to be lack of sustainability. The lack of trust for authorities and official charities was the reason why the Jane Zhang fan club decided to conduct a charity case unofficially. As a group of people previously unknown to each other, they managed to build mutual trust to carry out the project transparently and successfully, though not sustainably. The internet has provided a new and effective platform for unofficial grassroots charities, who choose not to co-operate with official organisations. On grassroots level charities can have the transparency and trust that lack from official charities. I suggest, that interviewing the real persons behind the internet aliases and finding out what happened outside the discussion forums, would bring a more detailed and outspoken description of the project concerning of the contacts with the local authorities. Also travelling to the site and communicating with the local people in the village would establish how they have experienced the project.