993 resultados para Church of England. Archdeaconry of Wells


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[1st series]: 1892 reprint; 2nd series: 1902 reprint; 3rd series: 1901 reprint.


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"The sermons here republished were ... preached at various periods between the years 1825 and 1843."--Pref., signed by the editor, W. J. Copeland, and dated 1868.


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Dark blue endpapers.


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Issue published as 1 of this pamphlet series is the 3rd ed. of that work; i.e. earlier versions of that work were published 1898 and 1903, prior to the pamphlet series.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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This book examines the unique dynamics between Orthodoxy and politics in Romania. It provides an accessible narrative on church-state relations in the early Cold War period within a wider timeframe, from the establishment of the state in 1859 to the rise of Nicolae Ceausescu in 1965. In the 1950s Romania began to distance itself from Moscow's influence, developing its own form of communism. Based on new archival resources, the book argues that Romanian national communism, outside Moscow's influence, had an ally in a strong Church. It addresses the following questions: How did the Church, which openly opposed communism in the interwar period, survive the atheist regime? How did the regime use religion to its political advantage? What was the Church's influence on Romanian politics? The book analyses the political interests of the Romanian Orthodox Church and its religious diplomacy with actors in the West, in particular with the Church of England.


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The Oporto's St. Lourenço Church of the Jesuit College is locally known, since the St. Augustin Barefooted Eremites occupation (1779/80), as Grilos' Church. The Oporto's siege laid by D. Pedro and D. Miguel (1832/33) succeed in the college abandonment by Grilo's Friars. Throughout Augustin Friars presence period, the white plasters of the nave (end of 18th c.) were executed and it was constructed the Holly Sacrament Chapel (early 19th c.) with neoclassic coloured stuccos and plasters, influenced by Robert Adam, Luigi Chiari and Teixeira Barreto ornamental motifs. Pigments were added to the external layer to imitate the marble and to achieve the “base” colour of the panels. This study of the blue, rose and white stuccos and plasters of H.S. Chapel of Grilo's Church allows carrying out useful database on the original mortars composition by the use of different analytical techniques, important to select the most adequate solutions for restoration interventions. Optical microscopy, XRD, TG-DTA, SEM-EDS, XRF analysis results were considered to identify the composition of different layers and to provide mineralogical, microstructure and chemical characterization of the mortars components and to quantify the binder content in those mortars. These results were compared with collected information on compositions from other sources. This study allowed the identification of the decay causes of decorative stuccos and plaster, suggesting that water retention in the masonries and wooden laths structure of the dome of the chapel is the main factor.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Demonstrators in Brisbane, Australia with banners and flags during Moratorium march 1970. Semper press car (Volkswagon Kombi) can be seen. Protestors are outside the Presbyterian Church of Queensland (now Uniting Church) in Ann Street, Brisbane. In the background, scaffolding can be seen at the construction site of the Crest Hotel. Semper Floreat is the student newspaper of the University of Queensland.


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA 33004013063P4


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Atualmente, a escavação de poços em locais densamente ocupados requer medidas severas para reduzir riscos e possíveis influências quer na própria obra quer em estruturas próximas. Neste campo, a instrumentação geotécnica e a sua monitorização tem um papel determinante na execução de obras geotécnicas, sendo que neste trabalho é dado um especial realce à instrumentação utilizada, às atividades de observação geotécnica, bem como à análise e interpretação das leituras para o controlo de movimentos induzidos no terreno pelas escavações. Este acompanhamento é baseado num plano de instrumentação, sendo descrito de uma forma transversal a importância do projeto e em particular das fases do processo de investigação geotécnica. O acompanhamento da execução dos poços para a futura Estação da Reboleira, permitiu validar as soluções de projeto para um determinado método construtivo, determinadas através de métodos numéricos e semi-empíricos, e abordados neste trabalho. A monitorização sistemática desde o início das escavações até ao revestimento secundário, permitiu tecer apreciações sobre os valores obtidos, apresentando-se alguns registos. Todas estas ações visam controlar e antecipar riscos de acidentes provocados pela execução de escavações, pelo que nesta tese é também realçada a importância da segurança e higiene no trabalho na prevenção dos riscos profissionais, independentemente da sua origem.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Arquitectura / Cultura Arquitectónica.


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Amb la finalitat de conèixer l’estat de qualitat de les aigües de les basses i pous del Parc del Garraf, s’analitzen una sèrie de paràmetres fisico-químics en 17 estacions de mostreig prèviament seleccionades, distribuïdes en zones amb diferents tipologies d’ús del sòl. La base de l’anàlisi ha estat la integració d’informació provinent de diferents fonts. Mitjançant l’elaboració de taules i gràfics, la generació de cartografia i el tractament estadístic de les dades, s’ha procedit a la tria de punts de mostreig i s’ha obtingut un inventari que ha permès la interpretació global dels resultats, facilitant la diagnosi. El procés de tractament de dades inclou la confecció d’un índex de qualitat de les aigües (ICA) propi, no vinculant, a partir de fórmules genèriques de normalització i ponderació de valors. Durant la realització de la diagnosi s’han detectat pertorbacions puntuals en determinats paràmetres corresponents a contaminacions locals, en diferents estacions de mostreig. Aquestes pertorbacions s’han relacionat amb la situació dels pous i les basses al Garraf i les tipologies d’ús del sòl de cada zona. El diagnòstic de pertorbacions ha orientat les propostes de millora aplicables que s’han dividit en tres classes segons el nivell d’actuació. Aquestes incideixen principalment, en la millora de la informació disponible, l’aplicació de l’agricultura ecològica, l’explotació sostenible dels aqüífers i la realització d’estudis globals i/o locals, més complets i exhaustius.