989 resultados para Central Africa


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Novos táxons descritos: em Cerambycinae, Bomarion caudatum sp. nov., da Bolívia (Ectenessini); Nephalius levigatus sp. nov., do Brasil, Paraíba (Elaphidiini); Bothriospila pulcherrima sp. nov., do Brasil, Bahia (Bothriospilini); Cycnidolon rufescens sp. nov., do Brasil, Paraíba (Neoibidionini). Em Lamiinae: Cicatricallia gen. nov., espécie-tipo: C. cicatricosa sp. nov. de Trindade e Tobago (Calliini); Mimasyngenes clarkei sp. nov., de Trinidad e Tobago e Mimasyngenes fonticulus sp. nov., do Brasil, Piauí; Ibypeba gen. nov., espécie-tipo: I. camiri sp. nov., da Bolívia; Micratelodesmis gen. nov., espécie-tipo: M. minor sp. nov. (Desmiphorini); Lycidola affinis sp. nov. de Trinidad e Tobago (Hemilophini). Novos registros: Lycidola beltii Bates, 1872 para a Costa Rica e Alampyris fuscus Martins & Galileo, 2008 para o Panamá (Hemilophini).


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A new genus of Parastenocarididae is described from the Neotropical region. Iticocaris gen. nov. is established to include Parastenocaris itica Noodt, 1962. Iticocaris gen. nov. is defined by the following characters: 1) male leg 3 with 2-segmented exopod; 2) first exopodal segment short and rectangular; 3) thumb hypertrophic, longer than the second exopodal segment and inserted on the distal edge of exopod segment 1, occupying the whole distal margin; 4) exopod 2 or apophysis strongly sclerotized, articulated with the exopod segment 1 on its inner margin and curved against the thumb, forming a strong forceps; 5) leg 4 endopod without dimorphism in shape and size vs. minor dimorphism in ornamentation; 6) leg 5 with three setae and 7) lack of the anterolateral furcal seta II. The new genus is monotypic, represented by Iticocaris itica (Noodt, 1962) comb. nov., from El Salvador, Central America. A close relationship is hypothesized between I. itica and the genus Brasilibathynellocaris Jakobi, 1972, the males of which both share the forceps-like elongated apophysis.


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In the Cerrado vegetation, where the seasonal is well defined, rainfall has an important role in controlling the flow of streams and consequently on the structure of macroinvertebrates community. Despite the effects of rainfall associated with seasonality are well studied, little is known about the effects of stochastic rains on the community. In the present study we evaluated the structure and faunal composition of four first-order streams in Central Brazil during the dry season in two years, with and without stochastic rains. Community sampling was done by colonization of boards of high density polyethylene (HDPE), removed after one month submerged in streams. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) performed indicated no difference in rarefied richness between the two periods, different from numeric density of organisms that was higher in the period without disturbance; moreover, the Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) revealed differences in faunal composition between the two periods. Our results indicate that stochastic rainfall is an important factor in structuring the macroinvertebrates community in studied region.


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The spider Latrodectus mirabilis (Holmberg, 1876) is commonly found in cereals crops of central Argentina. We studied its diet composition at the field and capture rate on leaf-cutting ants based on laboratory experiments. This study comprises the first approach that documents the diet of L. mirabilis in wheat and oat fields of central Argentina. We identified 1,004 prey items collected from its webs during the last phenological stages of both cereal crops. The prey composition was variable but the spiders prey mainly on ants (Formicidae, Hymenoptera), who represented more than 86% of the total. Meanwhile, in the capture rate experiences we registered a high proportion of ants captured by spiders at the beginning of experiences, capturing the half of the ants from total in the first four hours. Summarizing, we reported a polyphagous diet of this spider species in wheat and oat fields. Ants were the most important prey item of this spider, as found in other Latrodectus spiders around the world.


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A diversidade biológica e os processos ecológicos do bioma Cerrado ainda são pouco conhecidos. Neste estudo são apresentadas informações acerca da estrutura da anurofauna do município de Barro Alto, estado de Goiás (Brasil Central). Cinco corpos d'água foram amostrados entre os anos de 2007 a 2010 (outubro-março), três deles associados à área florestal e dois associados à área aberta. Registraram-se 39 espécies de anuros, caracterizados como especialistas de hábitat aberto, florestal ou generalistas. A curva de acumulação de espécies apresentou a formação de uma assíntota, evidenciando que as técnicas e esforço de amostragens foram adequados para se estimar a riqueza de espécies de anuros na região. A riqueza foi influenciada pela umidade e temperatura, já que a maioria das espécies se reproduz na estação quente e chuvosa. Diferenças significativas na composição de espécies entre os sítios reprodutivos de áreas florestais e abertas foram registradas. A fauna de anuros no Cerrado parece ser constituída a partir da heterogeneidade horizontal dos hábitats no espaço. Assim, hábitats contrastantes no espaço são importantes para a manutenção da riqueza da anurofauna, e portanto, relevantes em termos conservacionistas.


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The aim of this study was to test whether the richness observed and the biomass per trophic group of fish assemblages vary depending on the order (1st and 2nd) of the streams located in three different basins of the Upper Paraná River Basin, Central Brazil. Samples were collected between April and September, 2009, in 27 streams of the Meia Ponte, Piracanjuba and Santa Maria River basins. A total of 4,879 specimens were collected distributed in 59 species and 19 families. The statistical analyses carried out indicate that the observed richness and biomass of omnivore fish were influenced by the interaction of two factors: stream order and basin. The 2nd order streams located in the Santa Maria basin presented significant differences in the observed richness and omnivore biomass when compared to i) 1st order streams in the same basin (only richness) or in the Piracanjuba and Meia Ponte basin; ii) 2nd order streams in the Piracanjuba (only omnivore biomass) and Meia Ponte Rivers basins. Results are discussed considering the influence of geomorphic processes on fish assemblages and food availability.


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Los mosquitos representan una amenaza para la salud del hombre y de los animales debido a que actúan como vectores de distintas enfermedades. Especies de peces nativos son potenciales candidatos a tenerse en cuenta para control biológico de poblaciones de culícidos. Experiencias de consumo de media hora y de 24 horas por Cnesterodon decemmaculatus (Jenyns, 1842) y Jenynsia multidentata (Jenyns, 1842) se llevaron a cabo con larvas de Culex pipiens (Linnaeus, 1758), midiéndose longitud estándar, ancho de boca y peso en individuos de las dos especies. En ambas pruebas, J. multidentata consumió más C. pipiens que C. decemmaculatus, consumiendo las hembras de esta última especie más que los machos (e igual a ambos sexos de J. multidentata en la prueba de 24 horas de duración). Estos resultados no variaron cuando se compararon tantos consumos absolutos o relativos para las pruebas de media hora, sin embargo cuando se compararon los consumos relativos al peso no se encontraron diferencias entre las especies para las pruebas de 24 horas. Análisis de regresión entre las tasas de consumo versus las variables morfométricas y el peso mostraron poco valor explicativo en las pruebas de media hora de duración, mientras que en las pruebas de 24 horas de duración los análisis de regresión tuvieron un mayor valor explicativo, especialmente con el ancho de la boca. Por último, pruebas de media hora de duración fueron llevadas a cabo exponiendo a hembras de C. decemmaculatus con larvas de C. pipiens y Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1742) observándose una fuerte preferencia por las últimas. Este trabajo permitió evidenciar que las especies de peces en estudio presentan grandes diferencias en las tasas de consumo de C. pipiens en periodos cortos. Estas diferencias se atenuaron cuando las tasas de consumo se prolongaron y hasta llegar a desaparecer cuando el peso se tuvo en cuenta.


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Pimelodella taenioptera Miranda Ribeiro, 1914 and Imparfinis schubarti (Gomes, 1956) are two of the most common fish species in Bodoquena Plateau streams, Paraguay basin. These species have benthic habits and subaquatical observations suggested that they present differentiation in their preference for mesohabitat types. Pimelodella taenioptera shows preference for slow waters, such as pools, while I. schubarti is associated to riffles. In this study we investigated if the known patterns of mesohabitat use of P. taenioptera and I. schubarti can be predict by their ecomorphological and trophic traits. We described the dietary habits and ecomorphological attributes of P. taenioptera and I. schubarti individuals, captured in the Parque Nacional da Serra da Bodoquena (PNSB), Mato Grosso do Sul state, central Brazil. Pimelodella taenioptera presented a more generalist diet, consuming a total of 23 different food items. Imparfinis schubarti have a diet based exclusively on aquatic insects. The ecomorphological analysis revealed that the species differed in relation to five morphological traits associated to habitat use (p <0.01). The results of this study reveal a clear functional dissimilarity between P. taenioptera and I. shubarti. The observed trophic and ecomorphological patterns are congruent with the known habitat use for these species and probably reflect the spatial and temporal variability on conditions and resources present in riffles and pools. Therefore, as expected, the morphological and feeding attributes represent predictive information related to mesohabitat use.


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For over 40 years malacologists have been discussing the taxonomical status of Heleobia species, an enigmatic genus from Cochliopidae family (Caenogastropoda: Rissooidea). As with other rissooidean families, the considerable character convergence and the paucity of anatomical synapomorphies has proved to be a problem in resolving cochliopid phylogenetic relations and establishing the validity of several nominal cochliopid species. Here we present a molecular contribution to solve the taxonomical status of one of the most abundant Southern South America cochliopid genera which has many endemic species. We report molecular evidence that supports three of the four Heleobia groups described for this region, the "australis", "parchappii" and "piscium" groups. The fourth, the "hatcheri" group, belongs not to Heleobia but to a different genus which itself should not be considered as part of the family Cochliopidae but closely related to genus Potamolithus Pilsbry & Rush, 1896.


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ABSTRACT The genus Bostryx Troschel, 1847 is endemic to South America, extending from Ecuador to Chile and Argentina. The southernmost Argentinian species of the genus that inhabit San Luis, San Juan and Mendoza provinces, specially the pre-Andes, Andes and Sierras Pampeanas mountain ranges, were examined. This is the first time the anatomy of Bostryx pastorei (Holmberg, 1912), Bostryx reedi (Parodiz, 1947) and Bostryx strobeli (Parodiz, 1956) has been described.Bostryx cordillerae (Strobel, 1874) is re-described regarding shell and anatomy due to new morphological data. The main differences among the species examined are based on shell characters. The distribution ofBostryx mendozanus (Strobel, 1874) and Bostryx cuyanus (Pfeiffer, 1867), other species found in this region, was also discussed.