995 resultados para Celley, Neil


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Web sites that rely on databases for their content are now ubiquitous. Query result pages are dynamically generated from these databases in response to user-submitted queries. Automatically extracting structured data from query result pages is a challenging problem, as the structure of the data is not explicitly represented. While humans have shown good intuition in visually understanding data records on a query result page as displayed by a web browser, no existing approach to data record extraction has made full use of this intuition. We propose a novel approach, in which we make use of the common sources of evidence that humans use to understand data records on a displayed query result page. These include structural regularity, and visual and content similarity between data records displayed on a query result page. Based on these observations we propose new techniques that can identify each data record individually, while ignoring noise items, such as navigation bars and adverts. We have implemented these techniques in a software prototype, rExtractor, and tested it using two datasets. Our experimental results show that our approach achieves significantly higher accuracy than previous approaches. Furthermore, it establishes the case for use of vision-based algorithms in the context of data extraction from web sites.


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Protein-protein interactions play a central role in many cellular processes. Their characterisation is necessary in order to analyse these processes and for the functional identification of unknown proteins. Existing detection methods such as the yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) and tandem affinity purification (TAP) method provide a means to answer rapidly questions regarding protein-protein interactions, but have limitations which restrict their use to certain interaction networks; furthermore they provide little information regarding interaction localisation at the subcellular level. The development of protein-fragment complementation assays (PCA) employing a fluorescent reporter such as a member of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) family has led to a new method of interaction detection termed Bimolecular Fluorescent Complementation (BiFC). These assays have become important tools for understanding protein interactions and the development of whole genome interaction maps. BiFC assays have the advantages of very low background signal coupled with rapid detection of protein-protein interactions in vivo while also providing information regarding interaction compartmentalisation. Modified forms of the assay such as the use of combinations of spectral variants of GFP have allowed simultaneous visualisation of multiple competing interactions in vivo. Advantages and disadvantages of the method are discussed in the context of other fluorescence-based interaction monitoring techniques.


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Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are an important conservation tool. For marine predators, recent research has focused on the use of Species Distribution Models (SDMs) to identify proposed sites. We used a maximum entropy modelling approach based on static and dynamic oceanographic parameters to determine optimal feeding habitat for black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) at two colonies during two consecutive breeding seasons (2009 and 2010). A combination of Geographic Positioning System (GPS) loggers and Time-Depth Recorders (TDRs) attributed feeding activity to specific locations. Feeding areas were <30 km from the colony, <40 km from land, in productive waters, 25–175m deep. The predicted extent of optimal habitat declined at both colonies between 2009 and 2010 coincident with declines in reproductive success. Whilst the area of predicted optimal habitat changed, its location was spatially stable between years. There was a close match between observed feeding locations and habitat predicted as optimal at one colony (Lambay Island, Republic of Ireland), but a notable mismatch at the other (Rathlin Island, Northern Ireland). Designation of an MPA at Rathlin may, therefore, be less effective than a similar designation at Lambay perhaps due to the inherent variability in currents and sea state in the North Channel compared to the comparatively stable conditions in the central Irish Sea. Current strategies for designating MPAs do not accommodate likely future redistribution of resources due to climate change. We advocate the development of new approaches including dynamic MPAs that track changes in optimal habitat and non-colony specific ecosystem management.


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We examined regurgitates from Black-legged Kittiwakes during the early chick-rearing period over two breeding seasons at two colonies in Ireland where diet has not been studied previously. Clupeids were the dominant food source at both colonies, which contrasts with other studies throughout the British Isles that suggest Kittiwakes feed mainly on sandeels during this period. Our study is limited
by sample size and restricted to the early breeding season, but suggests a link between reproductive success and dietary composition which should be investigated further.


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The Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra L.) is a top predator in aquatic systems and plays an important role in ecosystem functioning. However, it has undergone dramatic declines throughout Europe as a result of environmental degradation. We examine the putative role of the otter as a bioindicator in Ireland which remains a stronghold for the species and affords a unique opportunity to examine variation in its ecological niche. We describe diet, using spraint contents, along rivers during 2010 and conduct a review and quantitative meta-analysis of the results of a further 21 studies. We aimed to assess variation in otter diet in relation to river productivity, a proxy for natural nutrification and anthropogenic eutrophication, and availability of salmonid prey (Salmo trutta and Salmo salar), to test the hypothesis that otter diet is related to environmental quality. Otter diet did not vary with levels of productivity or availability of salmonids whilst Compositional Analysis suggested there was no selection of salmonid over non-salmonid fish. There was a distinct niche separation between riverine and lacustrine systems, the latter being dominated by Atlantic eel (Anguilla anguilla). Otters are opportunistic and may take insects, freshwater mussels, birds, mammals and even fruit. Otters living along coasts have a greatest niche breath than those in freshwater systems which encompasses a wide variety of intertidal prey though pelagic fish are rarely taken. It is concluded that the ability of the otter to feed on a wide diversity of prey taxa and the strong influence of habitat type, renders it a poor bioindicator of environmental water quality. It seems likely that the plasticity of the habitat and dietary niche of otters, and the extent of suitable habitat, may have sustained populations in Ireland despite intensification of agriculture during the 20th century.


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Ponds are an ephemeral feature of the landscape but their large-scale loss can have profound implications for biodiversity and the persistence of amphibian populations. We quantified rates of pond loss throughout Ireland over a period of approximately 125 yr. Environmental parameters and perceived risk factors associated with the current occurrence and density of the Common Frog, Rana temporaria, were also analyzed. The numbers of farmland ponds declined by 54% between 1887–1913 and 2005–11, with most ponds and the greatest losses
in the East, coincident with agricultural intensification and human habitation. The decline of pond numbers was significant but, at approximately 0.5% per annum, was substantially less than losses recorded in other European countries. Losses were coincident with major changes to the agricultural landscape including extensive land drainage. However, losses of pond and natural wetland habitats throughout Ireland may have been partially or wholly mitigated by a synchronous expansion of artificial field margin ditches associated with drainage projects during the mid-20th Century. The ecology of the Common Frog in Ireland was similar to its ecology elsewhere and it appears largely unaffected by pollution and disturbance. Consequently, the conservation status of the frog in Ireland was judged ‘‘favorable’’ and should remain so for the foreseeable future.


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Several observational studies have suggested the potential benefit of internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling to treat idiopathic full-thickness macular hole (FTMH). However, no strong evidence is available on the potential benefit(s) of this surgical manoeuvre and uncertainty remains among vitreoretinal surgeons about the indication for peeling the ILM, whether to use it in all cases or in long-standing and/or larger holes. 


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I undertook the 2012 ECOSEP travelling fellowship, sponsored by Bauerfeind, between May and August 2012, which involved visiting 5 European sport medicine centres and spending approximately one week in each centre. The 5 centres included: National Track and Field Centre, SEGAS, Thessaloniki, Greece; Professional School in Sport & Exercise Medicine, University of Barcelona, Spain; Sport Medicine Frankfurt Institute, Germany; Isokinetic Medical Group, FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence, Bologna, Italy, and Centre for Sports and Exercise Medicine, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Mile End Hospital, England. Throughout the fellowship, the clinical cases which were routinely encountered were documented. The following sections detail my experiences throughout the fellowship, the sports of the athletes and the injuries which were treated at each of the sport medicine centres during the fellowship visit and the different forms of management employed. © 2012, CIC Edizioni Internazionali


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Background: A relationship may exist between body iron stores, endothelial dysfunction and overall cardiovascular risk.

Aims: To compare vascular compliance, biochemical endothelial function and antioxidant status between patients with homozygous hereditary haemochromatosis and healthy controls.

Methods: Haemochromatosis patients and healthy controls were recruited. Measures of vascular compliance were assessed by applanation tonometry. Serological markers of endothelial function (plasma lipid hydroperoxides, cell adhesion molecules), antioxidant levels (ascorbate, lipid soluble antioxidants) and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP) were also measured.

Results: Thirty-five hereditary haemochromatosis patients (ten females, mean age 54.6) and 36 controls (27 female, mean age 54.0) were recruited. Haemochromatosis patients had significantly higher systolic and diastolic blood pressures. Pulse wave velocity (PWV) was significantly higher in male haemochromatosis patients (9.90 vs. 8.65 m/s, p = 0.048). Following adjustment for age and blood pressure, male haemochromatosis patients continued to have a trend for higher PWVs (+1.37 m/s, p = 0.058). Haemochromatosis patients had significantly lower levels of ascorbate (46.11 vs. 72.68 lmol/L, p = 0.011), retinol (1.17 vs. 1.81 lmol/L, p = 0.001) and g-tocopherol (2.51 vs. 3.14 lmol/L, p = 0.011). However, there was no difference in lipid hydroperoxides (0.46 vs. 0.47 nmol/L, p = 0.94), cell adhesion molecule levels (ICAM: 348.12 vs. 308.03 ng/mL, p = 0.32 and VCAM: 472.78 vs. 461.31 ng/mL, p = 0.79) or high-sensitivity CRP (225.01 vs. 207.13 mg/L, p = 0.32).

Conclusions: Haemochromatosis is associated with higher PWVs in males and diminished antioxidants across the sexes but no evidence of endothelial dysfunction or increased lipid peroxidation.


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