999 resultados para Capacitação de espermatozóide
Considering the importance of food and nutritional surveillance as part of a community's basic health care, our objective was to expose and discuss the educational experience of eleven municipalities of the state of São Paulo geared to build an attitude of nutritional security. The accounts were made in the form of workshops with the contribution of basic health care workers of each municipality, based on daily field worksheets and followed by an evaluation process, which used a semi-structured questionnaire. The results were classified into four categories. The methodology, based on the actual participation in the workshops was considered adequate, although some exposure and removal of personal inhibitions were necessary. These barriers were left behind with the aid of group dynamic exercises. Among the themes treated, anthropometry was highlighted because of insufficient technical know-how and standardization. An attitude towards nutritional surveillance was recognized by the health-care professionals as an important basis for the nutritional practice in order to attain food and nutritional security.
Introduction: The violence against children and teenagers severely damages physical health and psychological development of their victims. Health professionals are in a strategic position to detect cases of assault and legally obliged to report such cases, even suspected. Objectives: This study aimed to assess the knowledge of health professionals who work in the National Health System (SUS) on reporting of violence against children and adolescents. Methods: We conducted interviews with 54 primary care team of four cities from the region of São José do Rio Preto. Results: Through the study could be seen that 92.6% of respondents suspected or witnessed violence against children exercising their profession in the SUS. About Order 1968/2001, 75.5% of practitioners claim ignoring it. 96.2% were not informed about completing the notification form of violence. 88.9% do not know about the existence of the same workplace. The association between obtaining information on work and the act of notification was significant (p = 0.0276). Conclusion: The professionals are still unaware of the legal issues related to notification. It is suggested that the training of them to deal with the bureaucratic side of the issue, once notify contributes to the delineation of the epidemiology of violence and consequent development of public policies
The aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge of Hygienists (TSB) and Dental Auxiliaries (ASB) in relation to their roles regulated by Law number 11.889, December 24th, 2008, and formation of them and capacitating received before they had been admitted in public health system. It’s a transversal and descriptive study where the target population were TSB and ASB (N=76) that works in public service from 5 cities of the DRS II-SP. Data collection was performed by semi-structured instrument with opened and closed questions. The answer rate was 90.79% (n=69). The results showed that the majority of professional know part of their duties (56%) Near half of them had formation course (47.8%). In relation to information received during formation courses, 80% stated had received all information necessary to actualization of knowledge, however, 84% stated to feel necessity to actualize their knowledge to develop their works, 58% of professionals said that they don’t receive capacitating after they had been admitted. It was possible to conclude that the majority of professionals know part of their roles, has formation course and the majority don’t receive capacitating when they are admitted in public health system, however, it was observed that a part of them don’t have specific formation yet and don’t know part of their roles according to current legislation
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem - FMB
This work is intended to promote a reflection about the forms of work in groups for continuous training of teachers. Based on the hypothesis that the groups of study / discussion of specific topics in physics can have very effects significant and recommended by the literature, we based on the propositions of the educator José Contreras Domingo about autonomy of teachers and we does a report of an experience with group of continuing education in which they succeeded in developing the characteristics of autonomy of teachers in a job with physics teachers who participate in a group of study / discussion of topics of Modern and Contemporary Physics. In this way presents arguments relating the autonomy of teachers with the teacher continuing education and presents the report of a group of training teachers of physics who works along these lines.
In this work we make a study of the dissertations of Master of Education, at the State University of Londrina, in the period 1995 to 2006. It aims to provide support to other researchers who may be interested in the topic and find material available for further studies, examining the organization of the program to detect their social involvement with the city of Londrina and its regional environment, specifically north of Paraná. His character is descriptive census. The mapping these productions show significant contributions to the construction of educational policies at the local level, but mainly in education and training of teachers for higher education in the region and also meet the teacher network municipal and state. It also provides a critique of their training students to act in society and in the production and transmission of knowledge but also for the collective construction of the university.
Introdução: O bambu é uma cultura perene, renovável, de rápido crescimento, com produção anual de colmos e com milhares de possibilidades de uso. O Assentamento Rural Horto de Aimorés, distante 15 km da UNESP, possui cerca de 350 famílias assentadas pelo INCRA, desde o ano de 2007, e a comunidade, que tem por característica básica o trabalho com a terra, vem buscando alternativas de sustentabilidade, fixação ao campo e geração de renda. Este trabalho faz parte do projeto de extensão “Implantação do Projeto Bambu no Assentamento Rural Horto de Aimorés”, Unesp – Unisol / Banco Real - Santander, desenvolvido no Laboratório de Experimentação com Bambu da Unesp, campus de Bauru. O projeto de extensão universitária prevê um conjunto de atividades de capacitação e desenvolvimento pautadas em estudos na área da sustentabilidade e do design de modo a dar condições técnicas para geração de renda. Objetivos: O objetivo deste trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de três produtos artesanais em bambu, pulseira, pegador de pimenta e pote de aperitivos, capazes de gerar renda. Depois de desenvolvidos pelos agricultores, os produtos são periodicamente expostos ao público através da participação em feiras e mostras locais na cidade, como por exemplo, feira Ubá e feira do grupo Pão de Açúcar. Métodos: Este trabalho ocorreu em três etapas, a primeira envolvendo a colheita e processamento do bambu. A segunda através de oficinas de extensão com os agricultores, para a confecção dos produtos artesanais em bambu in natura. A terceira envolvendo a geração de renda com os agricultores através de participações em amostras e feiras locais. Resultados: As oficinas ocorreram de forma prática e permitiu aos agricultores o aprendizado de todo o processo para a confecção do produto final. A confecção dos produtos artesanais tem mostrado a viabilidade técnica da utilização do bambu como matéria prima e a capacitação e evolução mostrada pelos agricultores permitem que se desenvolvam novos produtos, num processo gradual e contínuo de aprendizado e geração de renda.
What is the place of theory in the field of communication? From this epistemological inquiry, this paper examines the tensions and connections between theory and practice in the discipline of Communication. It discusses the segmentation of Undergraduate courses of Communication in Journalism, Public Relations, Advertising, and Radio and the emphasis on technical and vocational training that occurs in the communicator’s education. It discusses some components of the new curriculum guidelines of the course of Journalism and articulates this segmentation with the Postgraduate area. The paper also discusses the deduction and induction movements in the construction of the area’s knowledge and advocates a dialectical examination of the relationship between science and experience, theory and practice, leading to a praxis of communication.
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Objective: To present a model for research and training in multivisceral transplantation in pigs. Methods: Eight Large White pigs (four donors and four recipients) were operated. The multivisceral transplant with stomach, duodenum, pancreas, liver and intestine was performed similarly to transplantation in humans with a few differences, described below. Anastomoses were performed as follows: end-to-end from the supra-hepatic vena cava of the graft to the recipient juxta diaphragmatic vena cava; end-to-end from the infra-hepatic vena cava of the graft to the inferior (suprarenal) vena cava of the recipient; and endto-side patch of the aorta of the graft to the infrarenal aorta of the recipient plus digestive reconstruction. Results: The performance of the multivisceral transplantion was possible in all four animals. Reperfusions of the multivisceral graft led to a severe ischemia-reperfusion syndrome, despite flushing of the graft. The animals presented with hypotension and the need for high doses of vasoactive drugs, and all of them were sacrificed after discontinuing these drugs. Conclusion: Some alternatives to minimize the ischemia-reperfusion syndrome, such as the use of another vasoactive drug, use of a third pig merely for blood transfusion, presence of an anesthesia team in the operating room, and reduction of the graft, will be the next steps to enable experimental studies.
With the purpose to contribute to the construction of quality indicators in human resources management, this study aimed at identifying, from the perspective of nurse managers, essential elements in the composition of indicators for evaluating human resources management in nursing. To that end, phenomenology was adopted as the theoretical methodological framework for this qualitative investigation, in which ten nurses performing in teaching or care provision at a university hospital participated. Following approval by the Committee of Ethics in Research and the subjects’ consent, interviews were performed from September 2005 to July 2006. The analysis enabled the recovery of the following topics “Professional education”, “Training multiprofessional nursing teams” and “Institutional training conditions” in the Permanent Education category and topics “Actions that favor participant management” and “Team work” in the Participant Management category. In its conclusion, the study considers the findings to allow identify elements constituting quality indicators in human resources management.