994 resultados para Calretinin immunohistochemistry


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There have been several recent reports of cytokeratin immunoreactivity in glial cells and tumors. We wanted to further test these tissues for cytokeratin immunoreactivity, and to determine whether antibody positivity corresponded to true cytokeratin expression. In the first set of experiments, a series of 10 formalin-fixed, frozen sections of glial tissue were employed; positive immunostaining with a cocktail of monoclonal anti-cytokeratin antibodies was seen only when a pepsin predigestion step was included in the immunostaining procedure. In the second set of experiments, 30 cases of malignant glioma fixed in both methacarn and formalin fixation were employed. Using a panel of three different anti-cytokeratin monoclonal antibodies (35 beta H11, 34 beta E12, CAM5.2), no positive immunostaining was observed in any of the methacarn-fixed tissues; positive immunostaining in the corresponding formalin-fixed tissue was frequently found, but only using the antibodies (35 beta H11, 34 beta E12) requiring enzyme predigestion. In the third set of experiments, immunoblots were performed on cytoskeletal extracts of human gliomas; no bands corresponding to known cytokeratins were observed in any cases. It is concluded that glial tissues and tumors do not, in fact, truly express cytokeratins, despite the fact that it is possible to obtain positive immunostaining of glial tumors and tissues using certain anti-cytokeratin antibodies under certain laboratory conditions.


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Expression of estrogen (ER) and progesterone (PR) receptors has traditionally been associated with hormone-responsive organs, such as breast, ovary, and endometrium, and carcinomas arising therefrom. More recently, examples of ''unexpected'' ER or PR expression have been reported, particularly in tumors of endocrine tissues, such as thyroid and pancreatic islet cells. We tested the hypothesis that neuroendocrine tumors of various primary and metastatic sites might also express ER or PR or both by performing a retrospective immunohistochemical study in a series of 59 formalin- or mechacarn-fixed neuroendocrine carcinomas of various sites, including lung, skin, gastrointestinal and female genital tracts, and including carcinoid and atypical carcinoid tumors, small cell carcinomas, and Merkel cell carcinomas. We employed the anti-ER monoclonal antibody 1D5 and the anti-PR monoclonal antibody PgR1A6 using standard immunohistochemical techniques after microwave-based heat-induced epitope retrieval. Two of 28 carcinoid tumors demonstrated ER positivity; six of 30 cases were positive for progesterone receptor only. In addition, PR expression was found in one of two cases of atypical carcinoid, in five of 25 cases of small cell carcinoma, and in one of two cases of Merkel cell carcinoma. None of the atypical carcinoids, small cell carcinomas, or Merkel cell carcinomas were ER positive. In most cases, the fraction of tumor cell nuclei that were positive was <50%. These studies add the spectrum of neuroendocrine tumors that can express these hormone receptors. Similar to the pattern previously described in the subsets of meningiomas and islet cell tumors, PR but not ER is detectable in most cases. These results underscore the caution that should be exercised in determining tissue origin of metastatic carcinomas based only on detection of hormone receptors by immunohistochemistry.


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Taking into consideration that glutatione S-transferase (GST) and cellular proliferation play a crucial role during carcinogenesis, the goal of this study was to investigate the expression of placental GST, called GST-P, and proliferating cellular nuclear antigen (PCNA) by means of immunohistochemistry during rat tongue carcinogenesis induced by 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide (4NQO). This is a useful model for studying oral squamous cell carcinoma phase by phase. Male Wistar rats were distributed into three groups of 10 animals each and treated with 50 ppm 4NQO solution by drinking water for 4, 12 or 20 weeks. Ten animals were used as negative control. GST-P positive foci were detected in non-neoplastic oral cells at 4 weeks of 4NQO administration. In the same way, GST-P positive cells were detected in pre-neoplastic lesions and squamous cell carcinomas induced after 12 and 20 weeks-treatment, respectively. None of the control animals expressed GST-P positive cells. Regarding cellular proliferation, PCNA positive nuclei were higher at 12 and 20 weeks following 4NQO exposure (p < 0.05) when compared to negative control. These results suggest that the expression of GST-P is correlated with cellular proliferation, in which GST-P is associated with risk and progression of oral cancer, whereas PCNA is closely involved during neoplastic conversion. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier GmbH.


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The placental vasculature of five hystricomorph rodents was examined by latex injection of the blood vessels, immunohistochemistry and scanning electron microscopy of vessel casts. The pattern of branching of the vessels is described at the level of fine structure. The placenta is divided into lobes separated by interlobular trophoblast. Fetal arteries course through the interlobular areas and give rise to capillaries from which blood drains into veins at the centre of the lobes. Maternal blood reaches the placenta through spiral arteries that pass around the perimeter of the subplacenta. They supply large maternal blood sinuses, lined by trophoblast, which run through the interlobular areas and into the centre of the lobes. Here they supply fine channels that run parallel to the fetal capillaries, so that maternal blood flows from the centre of the lobe to the periphery. This arrangement provides the morphological basis for countercurrent exchange. The maternal channels of the labyrinth drain into spaces formed by the latticework of the interlobular trophoblast and thence through venous lacunae to a basal venous lacunar ring. The subplacenta is supplied by a single fetal artery. The vessels within the subplacenta pursue a tortuous course with dilatations and constrictions as in an endocrine gland. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Laboratory animals exposed to feeding ticks develop resistance which is reflected by a decline in tick engorgement weight, egg-laying by adults and reduced egg viability. Serum antibodies from these hosts and their reaction with tick antigens have been detected by different methods, including precipitation techniques, immunofluorescent techniques, ELISA and Western blots. However, little is known about the effects of antibodies on ticks that engorge on resistant hosts, or which tissues of the tick body are possibly immunogenic. Some researchers, using immunohistochemistry, have detected host antibodies in the gut, salivary glands and haemolymph of ticks engorged on resistant animals. The same technique has helped considerably in determining antigenic sites or antibody targets in other arthropods. Consequently, immunohistochemistry techniques were used in this study to detect cross-reactivity between sera raised against Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius, 1787) with Amblyomma hebraeum (Koch, 1844), and vice versa. The results show the existence of shared antigens between the 2 tick species. In general, our results point more to a 1-way cross-reactivity of A. hebraeum with A. cajennense than a reciprocal cross-reactivity, suggesting that A. hebraeum is more immunogenic than A. cajennense.


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We tested the hypothesis that a panel of antibodies to cell surface, cytoplasmic, and nuclear antigens could reliably distinguish the cells composing reactive germinal centers from those composing follicular lymphoma. Immunocytochemistry was performed on deparaffinized sections of methacarn-fixed lymph node and tonsil (15 cases of reactive hyperplasia and 14 cases of follicular lymphoma) using antibodies to the nerve growth factor receptor (NGFR5), bcl-2 protein (124), proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA; 19A2), and CD45RA (MT2). In 100% of cases of reactive hyperplasia, both MT2 and 124 showed positive immunostaining of mantle zone and scattered interfollicular lymphocytes, but in all cases there was a sharply demarcated absence of immunostaining of germinal center cells. However, diffuse immunostaining of follicular centers with MT2 (64%) and 124 (93%) and scattered intervening cells were seen in follicular lymphoma. The combination of antibodies to CD45RA and bcl-2 yielded positive immunostaining of follicular center cells in 93% of follicular lymphomas. The germinal center cells of reactive hyperplasia showed >75% nuclear positivity with antibodies to PCNA, in contrast to the follicular lymphoma cells, which showed variable PCNA indices ranging from 25 to >75%. A minority of follicular lymphoma cases (29%) showed PCNA indices comparable with those seen in cases of reactive hyperplasia. Antibodies to NGFR were positive in all cases of reactive hyperplasia and in 79% of cases of follicular hyperplasia, although the immunostaining intensity was generally decreased in follicular hyperplasia. In summary, antibodies to bcl-2 appear to be superior to those to CD45RA in distinguishing reactive hyperplasia from follicular lymphoma. Reactive hyperplasia cannot be discriminated from follicular hyperplasia using antibodies to PCNA or to nerve growth factor receptor.


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HMB-45, named for the immunogen used (human melanoma, black) is a monoclonal antibody developed 10 years ago by Gown and colleagues to a whole-cell extract of a human melanoma. Over the years, it has been demonstrated that HMB-45 is a highly sensitive and specific reagent for the identification of melanoma. More recently, it has been found that HMB-45 reacts with a protein designated gp100-cl, which is apparently related to the pmel 17 gene product. Because gp100-cl is a melanosomal matrix protein, HMB-45 is more correctly identified as an organelle-specific rather than tumor-specific reagent. HMB-45 immunoreactivity is seen in normal fetal and neonatal melanocytes but not in adult resting melanocytes. Reactive or proliferating melanocytes present in inflamed adult skin or in skin overlying certain dermal neoplasms, can also ''re-express'' the HMB-45-defined antigen. Whereas the vast majority of melanomas are HMB-45-positive, one important exception is desmoplastic malignant melanoma, which consistently demonstrates a much lower rate of expression of the HMB-45-defined antigen compared with other types of melanoma. In recent years there have been scattered reports of HMB-45 immunoreactivity in nonmelanomatous tumors, such as breast and other carcinomas, but virtually all these reports employed commercial ascites fluid preparations of HMB-45 antibody that were subsequently shown to be contaminated with nonspecific antibodies. Thus, for most practical purposes, a positive reaction with HMB-45 indicates active melanosome formation and, therefore, melanocytic differentiation. There is also a set of HMB-45-positive tumors that consistently manifest HMB-45 immunoreactivity but do not display obvious pigmentation: clear cell ''sugar'' tumor of the lung, angiomyolipoma, and lymphangiomyomatosis. Nonetheless, these lesions are all unified by recent ultrastructural studies that confirm the presence premelanosomes. Curiously, all three lesions also manifest evidence for simultaneous smooth-muscle differentiation. HMB-45 remains, therefore, a reliable marker of melanoma but may also provide insights into a rare group of tumors.


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Immunohistochemistry was used to analyze the rat brain distribution of thimet oligopeptidase and neurolysin. Both enzymes appear ubiquitously distributed within the entire rat brain. However, neuronal perikarya and processes stained for neurolysin, while intense nuclear labeling was only observed for thimet oligopeptidase. These data suggest that neurolysin and thimet oligopeptidase, endopeptidases sharing several functional and structural similarities, are present in distinctive intracellular compartments in neuronal cells. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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1. Cell proliferation is of interest since abnormal cell proliferation appears to be a precursor of tumorigenesis and also because the quantitative description of cell proliferation in tumors can be used to predict the biological behavior of a particular neoplasia.2. Them am several reliable methods of studying cell proliferation in tissues. One of the most important is the detection of the Ki67 defined antigen in frozen sections. The number of cells expressing Ki67 correlates with histological grades of tumors and can also be predictive of clinical outcome. The Ki67 can be localized in tissue sections using monoclonal antibodies in association with the immunoperoxidase technique.3. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is a component of DNA polymerase-delta and is another important cell proliferation marker manifesting a striking increase in concentration during the S phase of the cell cycle. 19A2 and PC10 are two different monoclonal antibodies which can be employed to detect PCNA in paraffin-embedded tissues.4. Molecular biology has also been making a great contribution to the study of cell proliferation. The most recent innovation in tissue identification of proliferating cells is the use of in situ hybridization for the localization of histone H3 and/or H4 mRNA. H3 mRNA-positive cells appear to be present in basal cells of the skin and in crypt cells of the intestine which are sites with high proliferation rate.


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The aim of this study was to report an unusual case of mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) in a 39-year-old woman. The tumor showed a prominent population of clear and intermediate basal cells. Clear cells rarely predominate over other cell types. Such cases are called clear cell variant of MEC. The case also revealed a variable amount of calcified material in the tumor mass. Calcifications are rare in clear cell MEC. These structures were periodic acid- Schiff positive and diastase resistant, excluding glycogen origin. Immunohistochemistry was performed, and the epidermoid component was positive for cytokeratin (CK) 7, CK13, CK14, and CK19. The mucous and clear cells presented mild staining for CK7. Cytokeratins 7, 13, and 19 stained luminal cells, and intermediate cells exhibited positivity for CK7, CK14, and vimentin. The origin of the calcifications is speculated to be the result of dystrophic calcification of the amorphous eosinophilic material secreted by intermediate basal cells.


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Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are mesenchymal tumors that may exhibit varied morphologic appearances (spindle, epithelioid) and biologic potentials. Given the continuing controversy regarding the type of cell differentiation present in these tumors (muscle versus nerve sheath versus null), we evaluated a set of GISTs, most of which had been previously examined for the presence of smooth muscle differentiation, for expression of CD34, a 115 kDa cell-surface progenitor cell marker also recently identified in a subset of mesenchymal tumors. Using antibody My 10 in deparaffinized, formalin-fixed tissue after pretreatment with microwave energy, we found that 46 of 57, or 81%, of GISTs were CD34+; this fraction of CD34+ tumors exceeded the fraction of these same GISTs found to show muscle actin (72%) expression. In addition, a consistently higher fraction of the tumor cell population was CD34+ than was muscle actin positive. These findings suggest that CD34 is a very sensitive marker for the identification of GISTs. CD34 is normally expressed by endothelial as well as perivascular cells, perhaps related to, but distinct from, vascular smooth muscle cells. While the nature of these latter cells is uncertain, the expression of CD34 in such a large fraction of GISTs may provide evidence of a unique differentiation pathway in these tumors.


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Placentae of three hystricimorph rodents-capybara, agouti and paca-were examined by conventional histology, immunohistochemistry for cytokeratin and vimentin, and TUNEL staining. The placentae were divided into lobules of labyrinthine syncytium separated by interlobular and marginal trophoblast. The subplacenta comprised cytotrophoblasts, supported on lamellae of allantoic mesoderm, and syncytiotrophoblast. The central excavation was still apparent in the definitive placenta of capybara. In agouti and paca, the decidua of the junctional zone formed a mesoplacenta comprising a capsule and a pedicle. Towards term the pedicle formed a tenuous attachment between placenta and uterine wall comprising a few maternal vessels surrounded by degraded tissue. In paca placenta, it was shown by TUNEL staining that breakdown of this tissue occurred by apoptosis. The visceral yolk sac was highly villous and, in agouti, the yolk sac villi were extremely long. Lateral to its attachment to the placenta, the fetal surface was covered with non-vascular yolk sac endoderm. A layer of spongiotrophoblast cells was interposed between the endoderm and the marginal trophoblast. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of macrophage activity and antibody production in experimental infection with Leptospira Pomona in mice genetically selected for high (H) or low (L) humoral immune response. To evaluate macrophage activity, reactive oxygen and nitrogen intermediates were determined. Also, the production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha) and the recovery of Leptospira-specific antibodies in the kidneys and liver were assessed; histological lesions were analyzed using the hematoxylin-eosin technique, and Leptospira antigens in tissues were determined by immunohistochemistry. Results showed that recovery of microorganisms from the analyzed organs was lower in LIV-A mice. However, HIV-A animals showed total restraint since the 14th day after infection, whereas LIV-A mice still had bacteria in the liver at the 21st post-infection day. Immune response against Pomona serovar in those lineages was characterized as high production of antibodies, mainly in late periods of the infectious process. The production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen intermediates also contributed to the elimination of Leptospira Pomona in all two lineages; H2O2 production was an important factor in HIV-A mice, as well as NO production in the LIV-A animals, mainly at the latest post-inoculation periods. The same occurred regarding TNF-alpha production. Severe renal lesions were observed at periods in which larger numbers of leptospires were isolated using the culture technique. Tissue alterations persisted in LIV-A mice, even at periods in which leptospires were not recovered. Immunohistochemistry showed to be more sensitive than culturing. However, both techniques were appropriate for the agent identification in the studied lineages. Results suggest that such lineages could represent an important model to investigate pathogenesis and immune response against the varied serovars of leptospires.


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E-cadherin is a cell-cell adhesion molecule and low e-cadherin expression is related to invasiveness and may indicate a bad prognosis in mammary neoplasms. The expression of cell proliferation markers PCNA and especially Ki-67, has also proved to have a strong prognostic value in this tumor class. The expression of these markers was related to the clinical-pathological characteristics of 73 surgically removed mammary tumors in female dogs by immunohistochemistry. There was no statistical correlation between these markers and death by neoplasm, survival time and disease-free interval. However, the loss of e-cadherin expression and marked Ki-67 expression (p=0.016) were considered statistically significant for the diagnosis (p=0.032). When evaluated as independent factors, there was evidence of the relationship between the loss of e-cadherin expression and high PCNA expression with changes in the body status (divided into obese, normal and cachectic) of female dogs (p=0.030); there was also evidence of the relationship between pseudopregnancy and e-cadherin alone (p=0.021) and for ulceration and PCNA alone (p=0.035). The significant correlation between the markers expression and these well known prognostic factors used individually or in combination suggests their prognostic value in canine mammary tumors.