1000 resultados para Cadeira especial


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The purpose of this study is to know the route of Special Education in different contexts, the city of Maringa/Brazil and Guadalajara/Spain and analyze the bases underlying the organization, structure and operation of this mode of education having as starting point the process inclusive school. This investigation is based on the theoretical and methodological principles of the historical-cultural notion by Vygotsky. He argues that the existence of fundamental principles underlying the development of children with disabilities. If, on the one hand, the disability imposes limitations on the individual, hindering its development, on the other, just by causing difficulties, enables the movement to compensate, increasing the development of other capabilities. The deficit itself is less. Therefore, it is a field research carried out by means of observations, literature search and document analysis in early childhood education institutions visited in the cities mentioned above. The results showed that there are peculiarities of its path, organization and functioning of Special Education in each of the contexts analyzed. Referentemente the inclusive education movement, it is clear that Spain is a precursor of this process therefore has the right conditions in different ways to conduct the service children with special needs, and on the other hand, schools have the resources and specialized materials they need. While in Brazil the operationalization of these measures occurs more slowly. Thus, we can say that this process of inclusive education does not happen in a linear fashion within mainstream schools and so little action in the different forms of special education in two contexts analyzed.


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Disposição construtiva aplicada em cadeira antropométrica. Patente de modelo de utilidade para uma cadeira antropométrica constituída de uma estrutura (1) que sustenta uma pluralidade de instrumentos de medição, sendo que a parte posterior da cadeira é provida de dois instrumentos de medição compostos por duas hastes, sendo uma delas para medida da altura tronco-encefálica (2) e a outra para a medida do assento até a região renal (4), de modo que cada uma dessas hastes possui uma escala numérica, sendo ora interna (3), ora externa (5). O assento (6) da cadeira (1) é composto por um anteparo com uma canaleta interna e dois cursores laterais deslizantes para a direita e para a esquerda, que possuem escala numérica.; O assento é provido de referências métricas sendo uma no sentido da largura do assento (8) e outra no sentido da profundidade do assento (9), sendo a escala (8) dividida em duas escalas, onde o ponto zero é exatamente o meio do assento. O assento (6) também possui acoplada uma haste frontal, com deslizamento no sentido antero-posterior (10), a qual contém uma escala interna embutida na peça, de modo que a soma entre a medida da profundidade do assento com a medida obtida pela haste deslizante horizontal (10) totalizam a medida sacro-poplítea. Para a tomada da medida da altura poplítea, há uma outra haste (11), integrada à superfície anterior da cadeira, cujo deslizamento é vertical, sendo que essa haste (11) possui uma escala numérica interna uma externa (12).; A base da cadeira (13) possui um dispositivo de acionamento lateral com o pé (16), que é conectado ao assento (6) por meio de um macaco hidráulico, permitindo a elevação do assento, sendo que a outra alavanca (17), ao ser girada, realiza a descida do assento (6).


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O presente modelo de utilidade descreve uma disposição construtiva em cadeira de banho para indivíduos com deficiência física motora e/ou com falta de estabilidade ou sustentação do tronco corporal que apresenta a estrutura do assento e do encosto de espuma de polietileno expandido de alta densidade, substituindo os convencionais revestimentos de material sintético, que não garante conforto ao usuário quando molhado e que se degenera rapidamente tendo em vista a umidade a que se encontra exposto, e alavancas dispostas nas laterais do assento interligadas à braços que se projetam descendentes com porção extrema inferior dotada de um batente que envolve a porção anterior das rodas frontais, evitando os tombamentos frontais nas situações de alteração do posicionamento do usuário em relação ao centro de gravidade da cadeira.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of this paper is to present an experience of inclusion of individuals with mental disabilities in a religious community in the city of Londrina, north Paraná state. Called here Special Catechesis this was an evangelizing held inside a Catholic Church with the mental disabilities people The project, which five years and five classes per year, allowed the development of a pedagogical action with goals of evangelization and catechesis, where all people were successful. It was also an action to raise the consciousness among parents of these children in order to allow their children could participate in the project. Special Catechesis was evaluated for us as significant experience because it allowed a relative and positive inclusion of the classes in religious and social activities of the local community.


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The air part of the cassava plant is considered an agronomical residue due to the great volume produced in Brazil, the second biggest world producer of this plant. It is a residue which presents possibilities of being used as a non-wooden raw material in the production of pulp due to the fact that its stem and presenting a high concentration of fibers, which accounts for 30,18% in try weight. Under such considerations, this paper dealt with the aspects of the pulp obtaining process of this cassava agronomical residue for the production of special papers, with further assessment of its use in the visual communication.


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Twelve athletes (13,9±1,1 years, 169,0±6,0 cm and 59,5±13,5 kg ofbody weight) were under went to anthropometric and body compositionassessments, and maximum concentric strength of lower limbs. The jumptest in the water was done by ‘boost’ and scaled to jump height. The resultsof strength (Leg Press 45: 157,1±43,3 kg; Leg Extension: 72,1±12,9 kg),anthropometry (circumferences of arm: 26,0±3,3 cm; thigh: 50,5±7,7 cm;shoulder: 96,0±8,0 cm, and diameter of elbow: 4,7±0,5 cm; wrist: 3,2±0,3cm; knee: 7,9±0,6 cm; bi-acromial: 37,5±3,8 cm; and bi-iliac: 25,4±4,3cm), BMI (20,7±4,0 kg/m²), and body composition (fat: 8,5±4,3%) were notrelated to the values of vertical jump performance (47,80 ? 4,35 cm), as didshowed for body height (0,595). Thus, athletes height was one able to influencethe jump performance by modifying it self, perhaps by maturity.


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