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Warming seawater temperatures and ocean acidification on the coastal western Antarctic Peninsula pose unique challenges to stenothermal marine invertebrates. The present study examines prospective sub-lethal effects of elevated temperature, pCO2, and resultant decrease in seawater pH, on righting behavior and maximal escape speeds for two common gastropods, the limpet Nacella concinna (Strebel) and mesogastropod snail Margarella antarctica (Lamy). Replicate individuals held in individual containers were exposed to four combinations of seawater temperature (1.5 °C-current average, 3.5 °C-projected average by 2100) and pH (pH 8.0-current average, pH 7.8-projected average by 2100 as a result of elevated pCO2 levels) for a period of 6 weeks. Following this chronic exposure, righting behavior, determined for the limpets as proportion to right over 24 h and for snails as time to right, as well as maximum escape speed following contact with a sea star predator were measured. We found no significant differences in proportions of limpets displaying the capacity to right among the four temperature-pH treatments. However, there was a significant temperature-pH interaction effect for mean righting times in snails, indicating that the effect of pH on the time to right is dependent on temperature. We found no significant effects of temperature or pH on mean maximal escape speed in limpets. Additionally, we observed a significant temperature-pH interaction effect for mean maximal escape speed in snails. These interactive effects make it difficult to make clear predictions about how these environmental factors may impact behavioral responses.


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TbxFe1−x thin films deposited by sputtering on Mo were investigated structurally and magnetically. The microstructure consists of TbFe2 nanoparticles embedded in an amorphous matrix, and the Tb content can be correlated with an increase in the volume of these nanoparticles. Similar microstructure and behavior were found when TbFe2 was deposited on glass and on a Pt buffer layer. Nevertheless, thermal treatments promote a different effect, depending on the mechanical stiffness of the buffer layer. The layers deposited on Mo, a rigid material, show crystalline TbFe2 together with α-Tb phase upon thermal treatment. In contrast, TbFe2 does not crystallize properly on Pt, a material with a lower stiffness than Mo. Intermediate results were observed on the film deposited on glass. Experimental results show the impact of the buffer stiffness on the crystallization process. Moreover, the formation of α-Tb appears to be fundamental to crystallized TbFe2 on layers deposited on rigid buffers


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The development of crystalline lamellae in ultra-thin layers of poly(ethylene terephthalate) PET confined between polycarbonate (PC) layers in an alternating assembly is investigated as a function of layer thickness by means of X-ray diffraction methods. Isothermal crystallization from the glassy state is in-situ followed by means of small-angle X-ray diffraction. It is found that the reduced size of the PET layers influences the lamellar nanostructure and induces a preferential lamellar orientation. Two lamellar populations, flat-on and edge-on, are found to coexist in a wide range of crystallization temperatures (Tc = 117–150 °C) and within layer thicknesses down to 35 nm. Flat-on lamellae appear at a reduced crystallization rate with respect to bulk PET giving rise to crystals of similar dimensions separated by larger amorphous regions. In addition, a narrower distribution of lamellar orientations develops when the layer thickness is reduced or the crystallization temperature is raised. In case of edge-on lamellae, crystallization conditions also influence the development of lamellar orientation; however, the latter is little affected by the reduced size of the layers. Results suggest that flat-on lamellae arise as a consequence of spatial confinement and edge-on lamellae could be generated due to the interactions with the PC interface. En este trabajo se investiga mediante difracción de rayos X a ángulos bajos (SAXS) y a ángulos altos (WAXS), la cristalización de láminas delgadas de Polietilén tereftalato (PET) confinadas entre láminas de Policarbonato (PC), tomando como referencia PET sin confinar. El espesor de las capas de PET varía entre 35nm y 115 nm. Se realizaron medidas de difracción a tres temperaturas de cristalización (117ºC, 132ºC y 150ºC) encontrándose que el reducido espesor de las capas de PET influye en la estructura lamelar que se desarrolla, induciendo una orientación preferente de las láminas. Se integró la intensidad difractada alrededor del máximo en SAXS para obtener una representación de la intensidad en función del ángulo acimutal. Mediante análisis de mínimos cuadrados se separó la curva experimental obtenida en tres contribuciones diferentes: una función Gausiana que describe la distribución de las orientaciones de las lamelas, una función lorenziana asociada a los máximos meridionales (asociados a las interfases PET-PC) y un background constante. Por otra parte la cantidad de material cristalizado se estimó asumiendo que la intensidad del background en el barrido acimutal, una vez restado el background del primer difractograma (sin máximos en SAXS) se asocia con la contribución del material isotrópico que resta en la muestra cristalizada. Se observa la coexistencia de dos poblaciones de lamelas: flat-on y edge-on. A medida que el espesor de las láminas de PET disminuye la población de las lamelas flat-on experimenta los siguientes cambios: 1) la distribución de orientación se estrecha, 2) la fracción de material cristalizado orientado aumenta, 3) la cinética de cristalización se ralentiza y 4) el largo espaciado aumenta es decir las regiones amorfas entre lamelas aumentan su tamaño. Parece demostrarse que es en las primeras etapas del crecimiento lamelar cuando la restricción espacial fuerza a las lamelas a esta orientación tipo flat-on frente a la orientación edge-on.


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Crystallization and grain growth technique of thin film silicon are among the most promising methods for improving efficiency and lowering cost of solar cells. A major advantage of laser crystallization and annealing over conventional heating methods is its ability to limit rapid heating and cooling to thin surface layers. Laser energy is used to heat the amorphous silicon thin film, melting it and changing the microstructure to polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) as it cools. Depending on the laser density, the vaporization temperature can be reached at the center of the irradiated area. In these cases ablation effects are expected and the annealing process becomes ineffective. The heating process in the a-Si thin film is governed by the general heat transfer equation. The two dimensional non-linear heat transfer equation with a moving heat source is solve numerically using the finite element method (FEM), particularly COMSOL Multiphysics. The numerical model help to establish the density and the process speed range needed to assure the melting and crystallization without damage or ablation of the silicon surface. The samples of a-Si obtained by physical vapour deposition were irradiated with a cw-green laser source (Millennia Prime from Newport-Spectra) that delivers up to 15 W of average power. The morphology of the irradiated area was characterized by confocal laser scanning microscopy (Leica DCM3D) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM Hitachi 3000N). The structural properties were studied by micro-Raman spectroscopy (Renishaw, inVia Raman microscope).


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An advantage of laser crystallization over conventional heating methods is its ability to limit rapid heating and cooling to thin surface layers. Laser energy is used to heat the a-Si thin film to change the microstructure to poly-Si. Thin film samples of a-Si were irradiated with a CW-green laser source. Laser irradiated spots were produced by using different laser powers and irradiation times. These parameters are identified as key variables in the crystallization process. The power threshold for crystallization is reduced as the irradiation time is increased. When this threshold is reached the crystalline fraction increases lineally with power for each irradiation time. The experimental results are analysed with the aid of a numerical thermal model and the presence of two crystallization mechanisms are observed: one due to melting and the other due to solid phase transformation.


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Social behaviors are often targets of natural selection among higher organisms, but quantifying the effects of such selection is difficult. We have used the bacterium Myxococcus xanthus as a model system for studying the evolution of social interactions. Changes in the social behaviors of 12 M. xanthus populations were quantified after 1,000 generations of evolution in a liquid habitat, in which interactions among individuals were continually hindered by shaking and low cell densities. Derived lineages were compared with their ancestors with respect to maximum growth rate, motility rates on hard and soft agar, fruiting body formation ability, and sporulation frequency during starvation. Improved performance in the liquid selective regime among evolved lines was usually associated with significant reductions in all of the major social behaviors of M. xanthus. Maintenance of functional social behaviors is apparently detrimental to fitness under asocial growth conditions.


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Previously, it was shown that the lack of a functional estrogen receptor (ER) α gene (ERα) greatly affects reproduction-related behaviors in both female and male mice. However, widespread expression of a novel second ER gene, ERβ, demanded that we examine the possible participation of ERβ in regulation of these behaviors. In dramatic contrast to our results with ERα knockout (αERKO) males, βERKO males performed at least as well as wild-type controls in sexual behavior tests. Moreover, not only did βERKO males exhibit normal male-typical aggressive behavior, including offensive attacks, but they also showed higher levels of aggression than wild-type mice under certain conditions of social experience. These data revealed a significant interaction between genotype and social experience with respect to aggressive behavior. Finally, females lacking a functional β isoform of the ER gene showed normal lordosis and courtship behaviors, extending in some cases beyond the day of behavioral estrus. These results highlight the importance of ERα for the normal expression of natural reproductive behaviors in both sexes and also provide a background for future studies evaluating ERβ gene contributions to other, nonreproductive behaviors.


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Understanding the mechanisms of action of membrane proteins requires the elucidation of their structures to high resolution. The critical step in accomplishing this by x-ray crystallography is the routine availability of well-ordered three-dimensional crystals. We have devised a novel, rational approach to meet this goal using quasisolid lipidic cubic phases. This membrane system, consisting of lipid, water, and protein in appropriate proportions, forms a structured, transparent, and complex three-dimensional lipidic array, which is pervaded by an intercommunicating aqueous channel system. Such matrices provide nucleation sites (“seeding”) and support growth by lateral diffusion of protein molecules in the membrane (“feeding”). Bacteriorhodopsin crystals were obtained from bicontinuous cubic phases, but not from micellar systems, implying a critical role of the continuity of the diffusion space (the bilayer) on crystal growth. Hexagonal bacteriorhodopsin crystals diffracted to 3.7 Å resolution, with a space group P63, and unit cell dimensions of a = b = 62 Å, c = 108 Å; α = β = 90° and γ = 120°.


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A chimeric Lhcb gene encoding light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein (LHCII) was expressed in transgenic tobacco plants. To separate native from recombinant LHCII, the protein was extended by six histidines at its C terminus. Recombinant LHCII was isolated by detergent-mediated monomerization of pure trimers followed by affinity-chromatography on Ni2+-NTA-agarose (NTA is nitrilotriacetic acid). Elution with imidazole yielded recombinant monomers that formed trimers readily after dilution of the detergent without further in vitro manipulations. LHCII subunits showed the typical chlorophyll a/b ratio at all steps of purification indicating no significant loss of pigments. Transgenic tobacco overexpressed amounts of recombinant protein that corresponded to about 0.7% of total LHCII. This yield suggested that expression in planta might be an alternative to the expression of eukaryotic membrane proteins in yeast. Recombinant LHCII was able to form two-dimensional crystals after addition of digalactolipids, which diffracted electrons to 3.6-Å resolution. LHCII carrying a replacement of Arg-21 with Gln accumulated to only 0.004% of total thylakoid proteins. This mutant was monomeric in the photosynthetic membrane probably due to the deletion of the phosphatidylglycerol binding site and was degraded by the plastidic proteolytic system. Exchange of Asn-183 with Leu impaired LHCII biogenesis in a similar way presumably due to the lack of a chlorophyll a binding site.


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Cellular immunity is mediated by the interaction of an αβ T cell receptor (TCR) with a peptide presented within the context of a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule. Alloreactive T cells have αβ TCRs that can recognize both self- and foreign peptide–MHC (pMHC) complexes, implying that the TCR has significant complementarity with different pMHC. To characterize the molecular basis for alloreactive TCR recognition of pMHC, we have produced a soluble, recombinant form of an alloreactive αβ T cell receptor in Drosophila melanogaster cells. This recombinant TCR, 2C, is expressed as a correctly paired αβ heterodimer, with the chains covalently connected via a disulfide bond in the C-terminal region. The native conformation of the 2C TCR was probed by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis by using conformation-specific monoclonal antibodies, as well as syngeneic and allogeneic pMHC ligands. The 2C interaction with H-2Kb-dEV8, H-2Kbm3-dEV8, H-2Kb-SIYR, and H-2Ld-p2Ca spans a range of affinities from Kd = 10−4 to 10−6M for the syngeneic (H-2Kb) and allogeneic (H-2Kbm3, H-2Ld) ligands. In general, the syngeneic ligands bind with weaker affinities than the allogeneic ligands, consistent with current threshold models of thymic selection and T cell activation. Crystallization of the 2C TCR required proteolytic trimming of the C-terminal residues of the α and β chains. X-ray quality crystals of complexes of 2C with H-2Kb-dEV8, H-2Kbm3-dEV8 and H-2Kb-SIYR have been grown.


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Alterations in serotonin (5-hydroxytriptamine, 5-HT), norepinephrine, and γ-aminobutyric acid have been linked to the pathophysiology of anxiety and depression, and medications that modulate these neurotransmitters are widely used to treat mood disorders. Recently, the neuropeptide substance P (SP) and its receptor, the neurokinin 1 receptor (NK1R), have been proposed as possible targets for new antidepressant and anxiolytic therapies. However, animal and human studies have so far failed to provide a clear consensus on the role of SP in the modulation of emotional states. Here we show that both genetic disruption and acute pharmacological blockade of the NK1R in mice result in a marked reduction of anxiety and stress-related responses. These behavioral changes are paralleled by an increase in the firing rate of 5-HT neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus, a major source of serotonergic input to the forebrain. NK1R disruption also results in a selective desensitization of 5-HT1A inhibitory autoreceptors, which resembles the effect of sustained antidepressant treatment. Together these results indicate that the SP system powerfully modulates anxiety and suggest that this effect is at least in part mediated by changes in the 5-HT system.


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Several human genetic cataracts have been linked recently to point mutations in the γD crystallin gene. Here we provide a molecular basis for lens opacity in two genetic cataracts and suggest that the opacity occurs because of the spontaneous crystallization of the mutant proteins. Such crystallization of endogenous proteins leading to pathology is an unusual event. Measurements of the solubility curves of crystals of the Arg-58 to His and Arg-36 to Ser mutants of γD crystallin show that the mutations dramatically lower the solubility of the protein. Furthermore, the crystal nucleation rate of the mutants is enhanced considerably relative to that of the wild-type protein. It should be noted that, although there is a marked difference in phase behavior, there is no significant difference in protein conformation among the three proteins.


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