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Objetivo:Este estudo teve como objetivo construir e validar um instrumento de avaliação da compreensão de leitura a fim de caracterizar o perfil de leitura e detectar dificuldades de compreensão em escolares do terceiro ao quinto ano do Ensino Fundamental.Métodos:Participaram 378 escolares divididos em trés grupos para avaliação da compreensão de proposições literais e inferenciais de micro e macroestruturas de dois textos expositivos e dois textos narrativos por meio de questões de múltipla escolha.Resultados:Os dados analisados estatisticamente indicaram valores do teste alfa de Cronbach apresentando consisténcia interna nos quatros textos aplicados para os trés grupos.Conclusão:Foi possível constatar que os escolares apresentaram menor número de erros com o aumento da escolarização e que cada tipo de texto apresentou uma dificuldade específica para os escolares.


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We discuss the reasons why Defensive Medicine is widely used in Brazil and worldwide. The Defensive Medicine is characterized by excessive use of complementary tests, the use of supposedly safer therapeutic procedures, the frequent referral of patients to other specialists and by the refusal to care for critically ill patients and with greater potential for complications. This is a practice that aims to defend the doctor from legal suits. The way the processes are conducted by the judiciary certainly contributes to the consolidation of this foolish practice. The slow pace of justice in our country, associated with the unpreparedness of judges and legal experts in the analysis of cases, leads to an emotional exhaustion of the parties involved. Furthermore, poor training of doctors in our country values the use of sophisticated diagnostic and treatment methods, rather than a thorough clinical examination and appropriate communication with the patient. Besides inefficient in protecting the doctor, Defensive Medicine has severe consequences to the patient and to society, since it generates an additional invaluable cost to medical practice, determines greater suffering to the patient and causes deterioration of the doctor-patient relationship, which has always been marked by trust, respect and personhood.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a evolução metodológica e do delineamento estatístico nas publicações da Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia (RBGO) a partir da resolução 196/96. MÉTODOS: Uma revisão de 133 artigos publicados nos anos de 1999 (65) e 2009 (68) foi realizada por dois revisores independentes com formação em epidemiologia clínica e metodologia da pesquisa científica. Foram incluídos todos os artigos clínicos originais, séries e relatos de casos, sendo excluídos os editoriais, as cartas ao editor, os artigos de revisão sistemática, os trabalhos experimentais, artigos de opinião, além dos resumos de teses e dissertações. Características relacionadas com a qualidade metodológica dos estudos foram analisadas por artigo, por meio de check-list que avaliou dois critérios: aspectos metodológicos e procedimentos estatísticos. Utilizou-se a estatística descritiva e o teste do χ2 para comparação entre os anos. RESULTADOS: Observa-se que houve diferença entre os anos de 1999 e 2009 no tocante ao desenho dos estudos e ao delineamento estatístico, demonstrando maior rigor nos respectivos procedimentos com o uso de testes mais robustos, relativamente, entre os anos de 1999 e 2009. CONCLUSÕES: Na RBGO, observou-se evolução metodológica dos artigos publicados entre os anos de 1999 e 2009 e aprofundamento nas análises estatísticas com o uso de testes mais sofisticados, como o uso mais frequente das análises de regressão e da análise multinível, que são técnicas primordiais na produção do conhecimento e planejamento de intervenções em saúde. Isso pode resultar em menos erros de interpretações.


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The estimation of reference evapotranspiration (ETo) subsidizes the calculations of water consumption in irrigated agriculture. The use of simpler methodologies are common however should be carefully studied. The present study evaluated the sensitivity of the Hargreaves -Samani equation compared to the standard Penman-Monteith -FAO to estimate ETo for the climatic conditions of the Bebedouro-SP region, simulating the effects of increasing and decreasing 5 % in the temperatures, resulting in ten different scenarios (PM -Penman-Montheit -FAO; S0 -original Hargreaves Samani; S1 to S8 -modified Hargreaves Samani). The obtained results of sensitivity, linear regression, accuracy and concordance index, were compared. We concluded that the Hargreaves -Samani equation overestimates the monthly values of the ETo in 13% compared to the standard method. A variation of 5% in maximum and minimum temperatures resulted in errors of up to 1 mm day-1 (monthly average) and this increase is more expressive in maximum temperature.


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Data from reference stations are widely used in GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) positioning, and can be used in relative positioning or network-based positioning concept. Positioning accuracy will be directly influenced by errors in signals collected in these stations. In this paper, it is aimed at evaluating these data quality using temporal series of multipath index MP1 and MP2. A statistical study of temporal series with 7 years of daily observations related to 7 stations from RBMC (Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento Contínuo) was accomplished. In order to investigate trends and seasonality a linear regression model, correlograms, and Fourier periodograms were used. We also used a harmonic adjust to identify peaks on temporal series. At last, the possible causes of seasonality found in some stations were discussed. It was also possible to identify peaks in MP values of March and October months (mainly in stations located near geomagnetic equator).


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The goal of this paper is to present a methodology for quality control of horizontal geodetic networks through robustness and covariance analysis. In the proposed methodology, the positional accuracy of each point is estimated by a possible bias in their position (based on robustness analysis), in addition to its own positional precision (uncertainty) (through covariance analysis), being a measure independently from the choice of the datum. Besides presenting the theoretical development of the method, its application is demonstrated in a numerical example. The results indicate that, in general, the greater the distance of an unknown point to the control(s) point(s) of the network, the greater is the propagation of random errors on this unknown point, and the smaller the number of redundant observations around a unknown point, the greater the influence of possible (undetected) non-random errors on this point.


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The efficient generation of digital surface model (DSM) from optical images has been explored for many years and the results are dependent on the project characteristics (image resolution, size of overlap between images, among others), of the image matching techniques and the computer capabilities for the image processing. The points generated from image matching have a direct impact on the quality of the DSM and, consequently, influence the need for the costly step of edition. This work aims at assessing experimentally a technique for DSM generation by matching of multiple images (two or more) simultaneously using the vertical line locus method (VLL). The experiments were performed with six images of the urban area of Presidente Prudente/SP, with a ground sample distance (GSD) of approximately 7cm. DSMs of a small area with homogeneous texture, repetitive pattern, moving objects including shadows and trees were generated to assess the quality of the developed procedure. This obtained DSM was compared to cloud points acquired by LASER (Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation) scanning as wells as with a DSM generated by Leica Photogrammetric Suite (LPS) software. The accomplished results showed that the MDS generated by the implemented technique has a geometric quality compatible with the reference models.


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Currently, the need of reliable coordinates has been one of the main objectives of the scientific and practice community. Thus, the robustness analysis of a geodetic network, aims, at analyzing if the network is robust or not, based on the maximum undetectable errors. The network will be robust if the influence of these errors is small, otherwise it is weak, or not robust. This analysis is performed with the merger of two techniques, one which deals with the statistical analysis of reliability and the other one with the geometric strength analysis. The reliability analysis will provide the maximum error that cannot be detected by tests, after the adjustment. After finding these errors, the geometric strength analysis will determine the potential strain that the network will have, based on these errors. It is emphasized that the robustness analysis doesn't depend of the datum, reflecting only the geometry of the network and the accuracy of the observations (VANÌCEK et al., 2001). Therefore, this work aims at contributing to the scientific research on geodetic networks, checking the same, based on their geometry and observations.