997 resultados para CA-MN-O


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Situacao da producao; Valor nutritivo da soja; Funcoes dos nutrientes: Macronutrientes (N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S) Nitrogenio, Fosforo, Potassio, Calcio, Magnesio, Enxofre e Micronutrientes (Fe, Mn, An, Cu, B, Mo, Cl, Ni e Co) Ferro, Boro, Cloro, Molibdenio, Cobre, Zinco, Manganes, Niquel, Cobalto; Exigencias nutricionais da soja: Extracao e exportacao de nutrientes, Acumulo de materia seca da planta, Acumulo de nutrientes na planta; Respostas da soja a nutrientes aplicados: Nitrogenio, Potassio, Enxofre, Molibdenio, Interacao entre nutrientes (Nitrogenio e Potassio, Fosforo e potassio, Nitrogenio e enxofre, Fosforo, enxofre e molibdenio, Enxofre e zinco).


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The gas-phase oxidative dehydrogenation (ODH) of cyclohexane to cyclohexene in the presence of molecular oxygen has been studied over various Mn-based catalysts. It is found that LiCl/MnOx/PC (Portland cement) catalyst exhibits the highest catalytic performance, and a 42.8% cyclohexane conversion, 58.8% cyclohexene selectivity and 25.2% cyclohexene yield can be achieved under 600 degrees C, 20,000 h(-1) and C6H12/O-2/N-2= 14/7/79. There are good correlations between the selectivities to cyclohexene and the electrical conductivities of Li doped Mn-based catalysts, from which it is deduced that the non-fully reduced oxygen species (O-2(-), O-2(2-), O-) involved in a new phase of LiMn2O4 might be responsible for the high selectivity toward cyclohexene, whereas the Mn2O3 crystal phase results in the COx formation. The selectivity to cyclohexene increases with increasing molar ratio of Li to Mn in LiCl/ MnOx/PC.


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Three chiral Mn(salen) complexes were immobilized into different mesoporous material via phenoxy group by a simplified method and they show high activity and enantioselectivity for asymmetric epoxidation of various substituted unfunctional olefins. The heterogeneous Mn(salen) catalysts show comparable ee values for asymmetric epoxidation of styrene and 6-cyano-2,2-dimethylchromene and much higher ee values for epoxidation of a-methylstyrene (heterogeneous 79.7% ee versus homogeneous 26.4% ee) and cis-beta-methylstyrene (heterogeneous 94.9% ee versus homogeneous 25.3% ee for cis-epoxide) than the homogeneous catalysts. These heterogeneous catalysts also remarkably alter the cis/trans ratio of epoxides for asymmetric epoxidation of cis-beta-methylstyrene (heterogeneous 21 versus homogeneous 0.38). The axial tether group does not make a big effect on ee values and the increase in ee value and change in cis/trans ratio are mainly attributed to the axial immobilization mode and the support effect of heterogeneous catalysts. The catalysts keep constant ee values for the recycle tests of eight times for asymmetric epoxidation of a-methylstyrene. And several possibilities were proposed to elucidate the difference in ee values of heterogeneous catalysts from homogeneous catalysts. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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CO hydrogenation to light alkenes was carried out on manganese promoted iron catalysts prepared by coprecipitation and sol-gel techniques. Addition of manganese in the range of 1-4 mol.% by means of coprecipitation could improve notably the percentage of C-2 (=) similar to C-4 (=) in the products, but it was not so efficient when the sol-gel method was employed. XRD and H-2-TPR measurements showed that the catalyst samples giving high C-2 (=) similar to C-4 (=) yields possessed ultra. ne particles in the form of pure alpha-(Fe1-xMnx)(2)O-3, and high quality in lowering the reduction temperature of the iron oxide. Furthermore, these samples displayed deep extent of carburization and different surface procedures to the others in the tests of Temperature Programmed Surface Carburization (TPSC). The different surface procedures of these samples were considered to have close relationship with the evolving of surface oxygen. It was also suggested that for the catalysts with high C-2 (=) similar to C-4 (=) yields, the turnover rate of the active site could be kept at a relatively high level due to the improved reducing and carburizing capabilities. Consequently, there would be a large number of sites for CO adsorption/dissociation and an enhanced carburization environment on the catalyst surface, so that the process of hydrogenation could be suppressed relatively to a low level. As a result, the percentage of the light alkenes in the products could be raised.


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No ano de 2000, o desempenho dos laboratorios participantes do Programa de Analise de Qualidade de Laboratorios de Fertilidade (PAQLF) foi avaliado atraves dos resultados analiticos de 8 amostras de terra. Os participantes analisaram, obrigatoriamente, P e K (Mehlich-1); ph (agua; Ca, Mg e Al (KCl); H+Al (acetato de Ca ou SMP); e, facultativamente, materia organica (colorimetrico ou Walkey-Black) e os micronutrientes B (agua quente), Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn (Mehlich-1). Os resultados foram avaliados quanto a exatidao (acerto) e precisao (repeticao) e, entao, se calculou o Indice de Excelencia, atribuindo-se conceitos. Dos 79 laboratorios avaliados, 63% apresentaram conceitos A ou B ( 10 destes obtiveram conceito A), sendo habilitados ao uso do selo de qualidade. Foram apresentados os coeficientes de variacao dos parametros analisados e os resultados discrepantes das 8 amostras, no ano, pelos 79 participantes. De modo geral, os parametros que apresentaram resultados mais variaveis foram P, Al, Ca, Mg e K. Materia organica e A+Al foram intermediarios e as menores variacoes foram observadas para pH. Para os micronutrientes, as menores variacoes ocorrem nas determinacoes de Zn.


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