999 resultados para Binge Ethanol Exposure


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In previous work, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strain SL1344 was exposed to sublethal concentrations of three widely used farm disinfectants in daily serial passages for 7 days in an attempt to investigate possible links between the use of disinfectants and antimicrobial resistance. Stable variants OXCR1, QACFGR2, and TOPR2 were obtained following treatment with an oxidizing compound blend, a quaternary ammonium disinfectant containing formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde, and a tar acid-based disinfectant, respectively. All variants exhibited ca. fourfold-reduced susceptibility to ciprofloxacin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, and ampicillin. This coincided with reduced levels of outer membrane proteins for all strains and high levels of AcrAB-To1C for OXCR1 and QACFGR2, as demonstrated by two-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The protein profiles of OXCR1 and QACFGR2 were similar, but they were different from that of TOPR2. An array of different proteins protecting against oxidants, nitroaromatics, disulfides, and peroxides were overexpressed in all strains. The growth and motility of variants were reduced compared to the growth and motility of the parent strain, the expression of several virulence proteins was altered, and the invasiveness in an enteric epithelial cell line was reduced. The colony morphology of OXCR1 and QACFGR2 was smooth, and both variants exhibited a loss of modal distribution of the lipopolysaccharide O-antigen chain length, favoring the production of short O-antigen chain molecules. Metabolic changes were also detected, suggesting that there was increased protein synthesis and a shift from oxidative phosphorylation to substrate level phosphorylation. In this study, we obtained evidence that farm disinfectants can select for strains with reduced susceptibility to antibiotics, and here we describe changes in protein expression in such strains.


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An ongoing debate on second language (L2) processing revolves around whether or not L2 learners process syntactic information similarly to monolinguals (L1), and what factors lead to a native-like processing. According to the Shallow Structure Hypothesis (Clahsen & Felser, 2006a), L2 learners’ processing does not include abstract syntactic features, such as intermediate gaps of wh-movement, but relies more on lexical/semantic information. Other researchers have suggested that naturalistic L2 exposure can lead to native-like processing (Dussias, 2003). This study investigates the effect of naturalistic exposure in processing wh-dependencies. Twenty-six advanced Greek learners of L2 English with an average nine years of naturalistic exposure, 30 with classroom exposure, and 30 native speakers of English completed a self-paced reading task with sentences involving intermediate gaps. L2 learners with naturalistic exposure showed evidence of native-like processing of the intermediate gaps, suggesting that linguistic immersion can lead to native-like abstract syntactic processing in the L2.


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Multiple exposures have been shown to increase preference for novel foods or flavours. This "mere exposure" effect is also well known anecdotally for changes in preference for tastants within foods, for example reducing sugar in tea or coffee. However, to date, this phenomenon has received little scientific attention. The present study addressed this issue in relation to changes in preference for salt within soup. Following an initial assessment of liking, familiarity and saltiness of six soups varying in salt content (0 - 337 mg NaCl/ml), thirty-seven participants, previously assessed for their preferred salt level in soup, were allocated to either an exposure group that received 20 ml soup samples with no added salt, to a group that received a 280 ml bowl of this soup, or to a control group that received 20 ml soup samples containing salt at 280mg/100g (within normal, commercial range). Soups were presented on eight occasions, at approximately daily intervals. The two groups receiving the no added salt soup showed increases in liking starting at the third exposure, and also evident in a repeat assessment following the exposures. Increases in familiarity of the no added salt soup were also evident during exposure. Rated saltiness of all soups increased as a function of exposure, so a change in saltiness perception could not account for changes in liking for just the no added salt soups. These data suggest that simple exposure to the taste of the no added salt soup was sufficient to increase liking to a level equivalent to the initially more preferred salt level.


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Listeria monocytogenes is a psychrotrophic food-borne pathogen that is problematic for the food industry because of its ubiquitous distribution in nature and its ability to grow at low temperatures and in the presence of high salt concentrations. Here we demonstrate that the process of adaptation to low temperature after cold shock includes elevated levels of cold shock proteins (CSPs) and that the levels of CSPs are also elevated after treatment with high hydrostatic pressure (HHP). Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis combined with Western blotting performed with anti-CspB of Bacillus subtilis was used to identify four 7-kDa proteins, designated Csp1, Csp2, Csp3, and Csp4. In addition, Southern blotting revealed four chromosomal DNA fragments that reacted with a csp probe, which also indicated that a CSP family is present in L. monocytogenes LO28. After a cold shock in which the temperature was decreased from 37°C to 10°C the levels of Csp1 and Csp3 increased 10- and 3.5-fold, respectively, but the levels of Csp2 and Csp4 were not elevated. Pressurization of L. monocytogenes LO28 cells resulted in 3.5- and 2-fold increases in the levels of Csp1 and Csp2, respectively. Strikingly, the level of survival after pressurization of cold-shocked cells was 100-fold higher than that of cells growing exponentially at 37°C. These findings imply that cold-shocked cells are protected from HHP treatment, which may affect the efficiency of combined preservation techniques.


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The aim of the present work is to study the occupants' exposure to fine particulate concentrations in ten nightclubs (NCs) in Athens, Greece. Measurements of PM1 and PM 2.5 were made in the outdoor and indoor environment of each NC. The average indoorPM1 andPM 2.5 concentrations were found to be 181.77 μgm−3 and 454.08 μg m−3 respectively, while the corresponding outdoor values were 11.04 μg m−3 and 32.19 μg m−3. Ventilation and resuspension rates were estimated through consecutive numerical experiments with an indoor air quality model and were found to be remarkably lower than the minimum values recommended by national standards. The relative effects of the ventilation and smoking on the occupants' exposures were examined using multiple regression techniques. Itwas found that given the low ventilation rates, the effect of smoking as well as the occupancy is of the highest importance. Numerical evaluations showed that if the ventilation rates were at the minimum values set by national standards, then the indoor exposures would be reduced at the 70% of the present exposure values.


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Objectives: The physiological response of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium to fluoroquinolone antibiotics was investigated using proteomic methods. Methods: Proteomes were prepared from strain SL1344 following treatment of broth cultures with ciprofloxacin (0.03 and 0.008 mg/L; 2x and 0.5x MIC) and enrofloxacin (0.03 mg/L) and from a multiple antibiotic resistant (MAR) mutant. Protein expression was determined by two-dimensional HPLC-MSn and also after exposure to ciprofloxacin by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D-GE). Results: The number of proteins (mean +/- SD) detected by 2D-GE derived from control cultures of the wild-type strain was significantly (P < 0.05) reduced from 296 +/- 77 to 153 +/- 36 following treatment with ciprofloxacin (0.03 mg/L). Raised expression (P < 0.05) of 17 proteins was also detected, and increases of up to 8-fold (P < 0.0001) were observed for subunits of F1F0-ATP synthase, TolC and Imp. Analysis by two-dimensional HPLC-MSn provided higher proteome coverage with 787 +/- 50 proteins detected, which was reduced (P < 0.005) to 560 +/- 14 by ciprofloxacin (0.03 mg/L). Increased expression of 43 proteins was observed which included those detected by 2D-GE and additionally the efflux pump protein AcrB. The basal expression of the AcrAB/TolC efflux pump was elevated in the MAR mutant compared with the untreated wild-type and augmented following treatment with ciprofloxacin (0.03 mg/L). F1F0-ATP synthase and Imp were only elevated in the mutant when treated with ciprofloxacin. Conclusions: These studies suggest that increased expression of AcrAB/TolC was associated with resistance while other increases, such as in F1F0-ATP synthase and Imp, were a response to fluoroquinolone.


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Although neurokinin 1 receptor antagonists prevent ethanol (EtOH)-induced gastric lesions, the mechanisms by which EtOH releases substance P (SP) and SP damages the mucosa are unknown. We hypothesized that EtOH activates transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) on sensory nerves to release SP, which stimulates epithelial neurokinin 1 receptors to generate damaging reactive oxygen species (ROS). SP release was assayed in the mouse stomach, ROS were detected using dichlorofluorescein diacetate, and neurokinin 1 receptors were localized by immunofluorescence. EtOH-induced SP release was prevented by TRPV1 antagonism. High dose EtOH caused lesions, and TRPV1 or neurokinin 1 receptor antagonism and neurokinin 1 receptor deletion inhibited lesion formation. Coadministration of low, innocuous doses of EtOH and SP caused lesions by a TRPV1-independent but neurokinin 1 receptor-dependent process. EtOH, capsaicin, and SP stimulated generation of ROS by superficial gastric epithelial cells expressing neurokinin 1 receptors by a neurokinin 1 receptor-dependent mechanism. ROS scavengers prevented lesions induced by a high EtOH dose or a low EtOH dose plus SP. Gastric lesions are caused by an initial detrimental effect of EtOH, which is damaging only if associated with TRPV1 activation, SP release from sensory nerves, stimulation of neurokinin 1 receptors on epithelial cells, and ROS generation.


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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous environmental pollutants that frequently accumulate in soils. There is therefore a requirement to determine their levels in contaminated environments for the purposes of determining impacts on human health. PAHs are a suite of individual chemicals, and there is an ongoing debate as to the most appropriate method for assessing the risk to humans from them. Two methods predominate: the surrogate marker approach and the toxic equivalency factor. The former assumes that all chemicals in a mixture have an equivalent toxicity. The toxic equivalency approach estimates the potency of individual chemicals relative to the usually most toxic Benzo(a)pyrene. The surrogate marker approach is believed to overestimate risk and the toxic equivalency factor to underestimate risk. When analysing the risks from soils, the surrogate marker approach is preferred due to its simplicity, but there are concerns because of the potential diversity of the PAH profile across the range of impacted soils. Using two independent data sets containing soils from 274 sites across a diverse range of locations, statistical analysis was undertaken to determine the differences in the composition of carcinogenic PAH between site locations, for example, rural versus industrial. Following principal components analysis, distinct population differences were not seen between site locations in spite of large differences in the total PAH burden between individual sites. Using all data, highly significant correlations were seen between BaP and other carcinogenic PAH with the majority of r2 values > 0.8. Correlations with the European Food Standards Agency (EFSA) summed groups, that is, EFSA2, EFSA4 and EFSA8 had even higher correlations (r2 > 0.95). We therefore conclude that BaP is a suitable surrogate marker to represent mixtures of PAH in soil during risk assessments.


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The wood mouse is a common and abundant species in agricultural landscape and is a focal species in pesticide risk assessment. Empirical studies on the ecology of the wood mouse have provided sufficient information for the species to be modelled mechanistically. An individual-based model was constructed to explicitly represent the locations and movement patterns of individual mice. This together with the schedule of pesticide application allows prediction of the risk to the population from pesticide exposure. The model included life-history traits of wood mice as well as typical landscape dynamics in agricultural farmland in the UK. The model obtains a good fit to the available population data and is fit for risk assessment purposes. It can help identify spatio-temporal situations with the largest potential risk of exposure and enables extrapolation from individual-level endpoints to population-level effects. Largest risk of exposure to pesticides was found when good crop growth in the “sink” fields coincided with high “source” population densities in the hedgerows. Keywords: Population dynamics, Pesticides, Ecological risk assessment, Habitat choice, Agent-based model, NetLogo


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In the European Union, first-tier assessment of the long-term risk to birds and mammals from pesticides is based on calculation of a deterministic long-term toxicity/exposure ratio(TERlt). The ratio is developed from generic herbivores and insectivores and applied to all species. This paper describes two case studies that implement proposed improvements to the way long-term risk is assessed. These refined methods require calculation of a TER for each of five identified phases of reproduction (phase-specific TERs) and use of adjusted No Observed Effect Levels (NOELs)to incorporate variation in species sensitivity to pesticides. They also involve progressive refinement of the exposure estimate so that it applies to particular species, rather than generic indicators, and relates spraying date to onset of reproduction. The effect of using these new methods on the assessment of risk is described. Each refinement did not necessarily alter the calculated TER value in a way that was either predictable or consistent across both case studies. However, use of adjusted NOELs always reduced TERs, and relating spraying date to onset of reproduction increased most phase-specific TERs. The case studies suggested that the current first-tier TERlt assessment may underestimate risk in some circumstances and that phase-specific assessments can help identify appropriate risk-reduction measures. The way in which deterministic phase-specific assessments can currently be implemented to enhance first-tier assessment is outlined.


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Research on incidental second language (L2) vocabulary acquisition through reading has claimed that repeated encounters with unfamiliar words and the relative elaboration of processing these words facilitate word learning. However, so far both variables have been investigated in isolation. To help close this research gap, the current study investigates the differential effects of the variables ‘word exposure frequency’ and ‘elaboration of word processing’ on the initial word learning and subsequent word retention of advanced learners of L2 English. Whereas results showed equal effects for both variables on initial word learning, subsequent word retention was more contingent on elaborate processing of form–meaning relationships than on word frequency. These results, together with those of the studies reviewed, suggest that processing words again after reading (input–output cycles) is superior to reading-only tasks. The findings have significant implications for adaptation and development of teaching materials that enhance L2 vocabulary learning.


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This work investigated the personal exposure to indoor particulate matters using the intake fraction metric and provided a possible way to trace the particle inhaled from an indoor particle source. A turbulence model validated by the particle measurements in a room with underfloor air distribution (UFAD) system was used to predict the indoor particle concentrations. Inhalation intake fraction of indoor particles was defined and evaluated in two rooms equipped with the UFAD, i.e., the experimental room and a small office. According to the exposure characteristics and a typical respiratory rate, the intake fraction was determined in two rooms with a continuous and episodic (human cough) source of particles, respectively. The findings showed that the well-mixing assumption of indoor air failed to give an accurate estimation of inhalation exposure and the average concentration at return outlet or within the overall room could not relate well the intake fraction to the amount of particle emitted from an indoor source.


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Background: Acquisition of the intestinal microbiota in early life corresponds with the development of the mucosal immune system. Recent work on caesarean-delivered infants revealed that early microbial composition is influenced by birthing method and environment. Furthermore, we have confirmed that early-life environment strongly influences both the adult gut microbiota and development of the gut immune system. Here, we address the impact of limiting microbial exposure after initial colonization on the development of adult gut immunity. Methodology/Principal Findings: Piglets were born in indoor or outdoor rearing units, allowing natural colonization in the immediate period after birth, prior to transfer to high-health status isolators. Strikingly, gut closure and morphological development were strongly affected by isolator-rearing, independent of indoor or outdoor origins of piglets. Isolator-reared animals showed extensive vacuolation and disorganization of the gut epithelium, inferring that normal gut closure requires maturation factors present in maternal milk. Although morphological maturation and gut closure were delayed in isolatorreared animals, these hard-wired events occurred later in development. Type I IFN, IL-22, IL-23 and Th17 pathways were increased in indoor-isolator compared to outdoor-isolator animals during early life, indicating greater immune activation in pigs originating from indoor environments reflecting differences in the early microbiota. This difference was less apparent later in development due to enhanced immune activation and convergence of the microbiota in all isolator-reared animals. This correlated with elevation of Type I IFN pathways in both groups, although T cell pathways were still more affected in indoor-reared animals. Conclusions/Significance: Environmental factors, in particular microbial exposure, influence expression of a large number of immune-related genes. However, the homeostatic effects of microbial colonization in outdoor environments require sustained microbial exposure throughout development. Gut development in high-hygiene environments negatively impacts on normal succession of the gut microbiota and promotes innate immune activation which may impair immune homeostasis.


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Cereal grains are the dominant source of cadmium in the human diet, with rice being to the fore. Here we explore the effect of geographic, genetic, and processing (milling) factors on rice grain cadmium and rice consumption rates that lead to dietary variance in cadmium intake. From a survey of 12 countries on four continents, cadmium levels in rice grain were the highest in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, with both these countries also having high per capita rice intakes. For Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, there was high weekly intake of cadmium from rice, leading to intakes deemed unsafe by international and national regulators. While genetic variance, and to a lesser extent milling, provide strategies for reducing cadmium in rice, caution has to be used, as there is environmental regulation as well as genetic regulation of cadmium accumulation within rice grains. For countries that import rice, grain cadmium can be controlled by where that rice is sourced, but for countries with subsistence rice economies that have high levels of cadmium in rice grain, agronomic and breeding strategies are required to lower grain cadmium.