993 resultados para Balneario de Sierra Elvira (Granada).


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Major and trace element (including REE) geochemistry of basalts and chilled basaltic glasses from the MAR axial zone in the vicinity of the Sierra Leone FZ (5-7°10'N) has been studied. Associations of basalts of various compositions with particular ocean-floor geological structural features have been analyzed as well. Three basaltic varieties have been discriminated. Almost ubiquitous are high-Mg basalts (Variety 1) that are derivatives of N-MORB tholeiitic melts and that are produced in the axial zone of spreading. Variety 2 is alkaline basalts widespread on the southwestern flank of the MAR crest zone in the Sierra Leone region, likely generated through deep mantle melting under plume impact. Variety 3 is basalts derivative from T- and P-MORB-like tholeiitic melts and originating through addition of deeper mantle material to depleted upper mantle melts. Magma generation parameters, as calculated from chilled glass compositions, are different for depleted tholeiites (44-55 km, 1320-1370°C) and enriched tholeiites (45-78 km, 1330-1450°C). Mantle plume impact is shown to affect not only tholeiitic basalt compositions but also magma generation conditions in the axial spreading zone, resulting in higher Ti and Na concentrations in melts parental to rift-related basalts occurring near the plume. T- and P-MORBs are also developed near areas where mantle plumes are localized. High-Mg basalts are shown to come in several types with distinctive Ti and Na contents. Nearly every single MAR segment (bounded by sinistral strike slips and the Bogdanov Fracture Zone) is featured by its own basalt type suggesting that it has formed above an asthenospheric diapir with its unique magma generation conditions. These conditions are time variable. Likely causes of temporal and spatial instability of the mantle upwelling beneath this portion of the MAR are singular tectonic processes and plume activity. In sulfide-bearing rift morphostructures (so-called "Ore area'' and the Markov Basin), basalts make up highly evolved suites generated through olivine and plagioclase fractionation, which is suggestive of relatively long-lived magma chambers beneath the sulfide-bearing rift morphostructures. Functioning of these chambers is a combined effect of singular geodynamic regime and plume activity. In these chambers melts undergo deep differentiation leading to progressively increasing concentration of sulfide phase, eventually to be supplied to the hydrothermal plumbing system.


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During R/V Meteor-cruise no. 30 4 moorings with 17 current meters were placed on the continental slope of Sierra Leone at depths between 81 and 1058 meters. The observation period started on March 8, 1973, 16.55 hours GMT and lasted 19 days for moorings M30_068MOOR, M30_069MOOR, M30_070MOOR on the slope and 9 days for M30_067MOOR on the shelf. One current meter recorded at location M30_067MOOR for 22 days. Hydrographic data were collected at 32 stations by means of the "Kieler Multi-Meeressonde". Harmonic analysis is applied to the first 15 days of the time series to determine the M2 and S2 tides. By vertically averaging of the Fourier coefficients the field of motion is separated into its barotropic and its baroclinic component. The expected error generated by white Gaussian noise is estimated. To estimate the influence of the particular vertical distribution of the current meters, the barotropic M2 tide is calculated by ommitting and interchanging time series of different moorings. It is shown that only the data of moorings M30_069MOOR, M30_070MOOR and M30_067MOOR can be used. The results for the barotropic M2 tide agree well with the previous publications of other authors. On the slope at a depth of 1000 m there is a free barotropic wave under the influence of the Coriolis-force propagating along the slope with an amplitude of 3.4 cm S**-1. On the shelf, the maximum current is substantially greater (5.8 cm s**-1) and the direction of propagation is perpendicular to the slope. As for the continental slope a separation into different baroclinic modes using vertical eigenmodes is not reasonable, an interpretation of the total baroclinic wave field is tried by means of the method of characteristis. Assuming the continental slope to generate several linear waves, which superpose, baroclinic tidal ellipses are calculated. The scattering of the direction of the major axes M30_069MOOR is in contrast to M30_070MOOR, where they are bundled within an angle of 60°. This is presumably caused by the different character of the bottom topography in the vicinity of the two moorings. A detailed discussion of M30_069MOOR is renounced since the accuracy of the bathymetric chart is not sufficient to prove any relation between waves and topography. The bundeling of the major axes at M30_070MOOR can be explained by the longslope changes of the slope, which cause an energy transfer from the longslope barotropic component to the downslope baroclinic component. The maximum amplitude is found at a depth of 245 m where it is expected from the characteristics originating at the shelf edge. Because of the dominating barotropic tide high coherence is found between most of the current meters. To show the influence of the baroclinic tidal waves, the effect of the mean current is considered. There are two periods nearly opposite longshore mean current. For 128 hours during each of these periods, starting on March 11, 05.00, and March 21, 08.30, the coherences and energy spectra are calculated. The changes in the slope of the characteristics are found in agreement with the changes of energy and coherence. Because of the short periods of nearly constant mean current, some of the calculated differences of energy and coherence are not statistically significant. For the M2 tide a calculation of the ratios of vertically integrated total baroclinic energy and vertically integrated barotropic kinetic energy is carried out. Taking into account both components (along and perpendicular to the slope) the obtained values are 0.75 and 0.98 at the slope and 0.38 at the shelf. If each component is considered separately, the ratios are 0.39 and 1.16 parallel to the slope and 5.1 and 15.85 for the component perpendicular to it. Taking the energy transfer from the longslope component to the doenslope component into account, a simple model yields an energy-ratio of 2.6. Considering the limited application of the theory to the real conditions, the obtained are in agreement with the values calculated by Sandstroem.


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From a 10.7 m long gravity core from the Sierra Leone Rise (5°39.5' N, 19°51' W) a detailed oxygen and carbon isotope record of both planktonic and benthonic foraminifera species was obtained extending from the Recent to Jaramillo event. The analysis yielded six major results. 1. Benthos oxygen isotopes varied by 1.8-2.2 per mil from interglacial to glacial times and may indicate a synglacial cooling of North Atlantic Deep Water at 2800 m depth by 1-3°C. 2. Variable anomalies between the benthos and plankton d18O record indicate a cooling of sea-surface temperatures (SST) by up to 6 °C during some glacial stages. 3. Southerly trade winds and equatorial upwelling may excert the primary control off SST variations, in particular of extremee values of cold and warm stages and of the abrupt character of climate transitions and their leads and lags, and finally, of variable sedimentation rates. 4. The benthos d13C record correlates well with the flux and preservation of organic matter. 5. A new time scale, CARPOR, was established from the assumption that terrigenous sediment supply was ± constant bit CaCO3 varied considerably. When applied to the d18O record, three major and numerous short-term variations of sedimentation rates (0.8 to 4.0 cm/kyr) can be distinguished. 6. The climatic record was modified by bioturbation much more strongly during cold than during warm stages.


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On "Meteor" cruise 30 (1973) 22 piston-cores were collected off Sierra Leone from water-depths between about 5000 m (Sierra Leone Basin) and 500 m (upper continental slope) with the objective to study the sediment composition and age as well as processes of sedimentation on the continental slope in a tropical humid region. Granulometric analysis and determinations of the carbonate contents of the sediment samples were carried out, as well as qualitative and quantitative analysis of the components of the grain size fractions > 63 µm and of the planktonic and benthonic foraminifera > 160 µm. Presently, the cold Canary Current influences the composition of the planktonic foraminifera within the northwestern area of investigation (profile A), whereas the planktonic fauna of the eastern area (profile C) seems to be truly tropical. In all Quaternary sediments from the continental slope off Sierra Leone, species of Globorotalia are less abundant than in truly pelagic sediments. For that reason, the zonation of the Pleistocene sediments based on the presence or absence of Globorotalia cultrata does not always agree with the climatic changes reflected in the sediments. Concerning past climates better results can be obtained by using the changes in percentage abundances of Globigerina sp. sp. and Globigerinoides sp. sp. as indicators for cool and warm temperatures. The Tertiary sediments contain a pelagic foraminiferal assemblage. In the Holocene sediments the benthonic foraminifera do not only serve as good paleodepth indicators, but their communities are also restricted to defined water masses, which change their positions in accordance with climatic changes. Thus, Cassidulina carinata in the area of investigation is an excellent indicator for sediments deposited during times, which were cooler than today; this is true for all cores from the continental slope off Sierra Leone independent of water-depth although this species presently abounds at water-depths around 600 m. The cores from the continental rise and from the Sierra Leone Basin (M30-261, M30-146, M30-147) were deposited below the calcium carbonate compensation depth. Only small sections of the cores consist of the original carbonate-free sediments, whereas the main part of the sediment column is redeposited material, rich in foraminifera, which normally live on the upper continental slope, or even on the shelf. From these cores only M30-261 can be subdivided into biostratigraphic zones ranging from zone V to zone Y. In all cores from the middle and upper continental slope of the eastern area of investigation (profile C; KL 230, 209-204) and in cores KL 183 and KL 184 from the northwestern area (profile A) we observed an undisturbed succession of sediments from the biostratigraphic zones X (partly), Y and Z. All cores from the central area (M30-181, M30-182, M30-262 to 264) and M30-187 from the upper slope of profile A show variable hiatuses in the sedimentary record. Locally, high velocity bottom currents were probably responsible for erosion, nondeposition or minimal sedimentation rates. These currents might have been initiated partly by the somewhat exposed position of this part of the continental slope, where the shelf edge bends from a northwest towards an eastern direction, and partly by very young tectonic movements. Fracture zones with vertically displaced fault blocs are frequent at Sierra Leone continental margin. According to seismic measurements by McMaster et al. (1975) the sites of the central area are located on an uplifted fault bloc explaining the reduced sediment rates or erosion. Unlike the central area, the eastern area (profile C) is situated on a downfaulted bloc with high sediment rates. The sediments from the cores of profile B as well as the turbiditic deep-sea sediments were deposited under a higher flow regime; therefore they are coarser than the extremely fine-grained sediments of the cores from profile C. Since the sand fraction (> 63 µm) is mainly composed of foraminifera, besides pteropods and light-colored fecal pellets, the carbonate content increases with the increasing percentage of the coarse grain fraction. Higher concentrations of quartz were only observed in core sections with considerable carbonate dissolution (mainly in the X-Zone), and, in general, in all sediments from the eastern area with higher terrigenous input including larger concentration of mica. Especially during times transitional between glacials and interglacials (or interstadials) the bottom currents were intensified. The percentages of coarse fraction and carbonate increase with increasing current velocities. Calcium carbonate dissolution becomes important in water depths > 3500 m. During cooler times the lysokline is depressed. Light-colored fecal pellets were redeposited from Late Neogene sediments (M30-187, M30-181). In the area of investigation they occur in the Holocene and mainly the Pleistocene sediments of the cores from the northwestern and central area because only here Tertiary sediments have been eroded at the uppermost continental slope. In the central area there are at least two periods of non-sedimentation and/or erosion which can be confined as being (1) not older than middle Pliocene and not younger than zone V and (2) younger than zone W. The local character of the erosion is documented by the fact that a complete Late Quaternary section is present in the cores of the northwestern and eastern area, each within less than 100 km from incomplete cores from the central area.


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Colony counts on high and low-nutrient agar media incubated at 2 and 20 °C, Acridine Orange Direct Counts and biomasses are reported for sediments of the Sierra Leone Abyssal Plain. All isolates from low-nutrient agars also grew in nutrient-rich seawater broth (100 % SWB). However, a greater proportion of the 2 °C than of the 20 °C isolates grew in 2.5% SWB, containing 125 mg/l peptone and 25 mg/l yeast extract. Only 14 strains or 12.7% of the 2 °C isolates, but none of the 20 °C isolates, grew in 0.25 % SWB. Psychrophilic bacteria with maximum growth temperatures below 12 °C, isolated at 2 °C, were predominant among the cultivable bacteria from the surface layer. They required seawater for growth and belonged mainly to the Gram-negative genera Alteromonas and Vibrio. In contrast to the earlier view that psychrophily is connected with the Gram-negative cell type, it was found that cold-adapted bacteria of the Gram-positive genus Bacillus predominated in the 4 to 6 cm layer. The 20 °C isolates, however, were mostly Gram-positive, mesophilic, not dependent on seawater for growth, not able to utilize organic substrates at 4 °C, and belonged mainly to the genus Bacillus and to the Gram-positive cocci. The majority of the mesophilic bacilli most likely evolved from dormant spores, but not from actively metabolizing cells. It can be concluded that only the strains isolated at 2 °C can be regarded as indigenous to the deep-sea.