1000 resultados para BCG oral
Two attenuated bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) preparations derived from the same Moreau strain, Copenhagen but grown in Sauton medium containing starch and bacto-peptone (onco BCG, O-BCG), or asparagine (intradermal BCG, ID-BCG), exhibited indistinguishable DNA sequences and bacterial morphology. The number of viable bacilli recovered from spleen, liver and lungs was approximately the same in mice inoculated with the vaccines and was similarly reduced (over 90%) in mice previously immunized with either BCG vaccine. The humoral immune response evoked by the vaccines was, however, distinct. Spleen cell proliferation accompanying the growth of bacilli in tissue was significantly higher in mice inoculated with O-BCG. These cells proliferated in vitro upon challenge with the corresponding BCG extract. Previous cell treatment with mAb anti-CD4 T cells abolished this effect. Anti-BCG antibodies, as assayed either in serum by ELISA or by determining the number of antibody-producing spleen cells by the spot-ELISA method, were significantly higher in mice inoculated with ID-BCG. Anti-BCG antibodies were detected in all immunoglobulin classes, but they were more prevalent in IgG with the following distribution among its isotypes: IgG1>(IgG2a = IgG2b)>IgG3. When some well-characterized Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens were used as substitutes for BCG extracts in ELISA, although antibodies against the 65-kDa and 96-kDa proteins were detected significantly, antibodies against the 71-kDa, 38-kDa proteins and lipoarabinomannan were only barely detected or even absent. These results indicate that BCG bacilli cultured in Sauton-asparagine medium permitted the multiplication of bacilli, tending to induce a stronger humoral immune response as compared with bacilli grown in Sauton-starch/bacto-peptone-enriched medium.
Initial contacts with a T-dependent antigen by mucosal routes may result in oral tolerance, defined as the inhibition of specific antibody formation after subsequent parenteral immunizations with the same antigen. We describe here an additional and permanent consequence of these initial contacts, namely, the blockade of secondary-type responsiveness to subsequent parenteral contacts with the antigen. When repeatedly boosted ip with small doses (3 µg) of ovalbumin (OVA) (or lysozyme), primed B6D2F1 mice showed progressively higher antibody responses. In contrast, mice primed after a single oral exposure to the antigen, although repeatedly boosted, maintained their secondary antibody titers on a level which was inversely proportional to the dose of antigen in the oral pretreatment. This phenomenon also occurred in situations in which oral tolerance was not induced. For example, senile 70-week-old B6D2F1 mice pretreated with a single gavage of 20 mg OVA did not become tolerant, i.e., they formed the same secondary levels of anti-OVA antibodies as non-pretreated mice. However, after 4 weekly challenges with 3 µg OVA ip, orally pretreated mice maintained the same anti-OVA serum levels, whereas the levels of control mice increased sequentially. This "stabilizing" effect of mucosal exposure was dose dependent, occurred with different proteins and was triggered by single or multiple oral or nasal exposures to the antigen.
Rats rendered hypothyroid by treatment with methimazole develop an exaggerated sodium appetite. We investigated here the capacity of hypothyroid rats (N = 12 for each group) to respond to a low dose of captopril added to the ration, a paradigm which induces an increase in angiotensin II synthesis in cerebral areas that regulate sodium appetite by increasing the availability of circulating angiotensin I. In addition, we determined the influence of aldosterone in hypothyroid rats during the expression of spontaneous sodium appetite and after captopril treatment. Captopril significantly increased (P<0.05) the daily intake of 1.8% NaCl (in ml/100 g body weight) in hypothyroid rats after 36 days of methimazole administration (day 36: 9.2 ± 0.7 vs day 32: 2.8 ± 0.6 ml, on the 4th day after captopril treatment). After the discontinuation of captopril treatment, daily 1.8% NaCl intake reached values ranging from 10.0 ± 0.9 to 13.9 ± 1.0 ml, 48 to 60 days after treatment with methimazole. Aldosterone treatment significantly reduced (P<0.05) saline intake before (7.3 ± 1.6 vs day 0, 14.4 ± 1.3 ml) and after captopril treatment. Our results demonstrate that, although hypothyroid rats develop a deficiency in the production of all components of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, their capacity to synthesize angiotensin II at the cerebral level is preserved. The partial reversal of daily 1.8% NaCl intake during aldosterone treatment suggests that sodium retention reduces both spontaneous and captopril-induced salt appetite.
Recognition and control of depression symptoms are important to increase patient compliance with treatment and to improve the quality of life of diabetic patients. Clinical studies indicate that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) are better antidepressants for diabetic patients than other drugs. However, preclinical trials have demonstrated that not all SSRI reduce plasma glucose levels. In fact, fluoxetine increases and sertraline decreases glycemia in diabetic and non-diabetic rats. In the present study we evaluated plasma insulin levels during fasting and after glucose overload after treatment with sertraline. Adult male Wistar rats were fasted and treated with saline or 30 mg/kg sertraline and submitted or not to glucose overload (N = 10). Blood was collected and plasma insulin was measured. The mean insulin levels were: fasting group: 25.9 ± 3.86, sertraline + fasting group: 31.10 ± 2.48, overload group: 34.1 ± 3.40, and overload + sertraline group: 43.73 ± 5.14 µU/ml. Insulinemia was significantly increased in the overload + sertraline group. There were no differences between the other groups. No difference in glucose/insulin ratios could be detected between groups. The overload + sertraline group was the only one in which a significant number of individuals exceeded the upper confidence limit of insulin levels. This study demonstrates that sertraline increases glucose-stimulated insulin secretion without any change in peripheral insulin sensitivity.
There is increasing interest in the immune response induced by plant viruses since these could be used as antigen-expressing systems in vaccination procedures. Cowpea severe mosaic virus (CPSMV), as a purified preparation (300 g of leaves, 2 weeks post-inoculation), or crude extract from cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) leaves infected with CPSMV both administered by gavage to Swiss mice induced a humoral immune response. Groups of 10 Swiss mice (2-month-old females) were immunized orally with 10 daily doses of either 50 µg viral capsid protein (boosters of 50 µg at days 21 and 35 after immunization) or 0.6 mg protein of the crude extract (boosters of 0.6 mg at days 21 and 35 after immunization). Anti-CPSMV antibodies were quantified by ELISA in pooled sera diluted at least 1:400 at days 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 after the 10th dose. IgG and IgA against CPSMV were produced systemically, but IgE was not detected. No synthesis of specific antibodies against the proteins of leaf extracts from V. unguiculata, infected or not with CPSMV, was detected. The use of CPSMV, a plant-infecting virus that apparently does not induce a pathogenic response in animals, induced a humoral and persistent (at least 6 months) immune response through the administration of low antigen doses by gavage. These results raise the possibility of using CPSMV either as a vector for the production of vaccines against animal pathogens or in quick and easy methods to produce specific antisera for viral diagnosis.
The objective of the present study was to investigate whether the injection of a tolerated protein (indirect effects) affects the formation of granulomas around Schistosoma mansoni eggs trapped in the lungs after intravenous (iv) injection into normal (noninfected) C57BL/6 mice (6 animals per group). To induce oral tolerance to chicken egg ovalbumin a 1/5 dilution of egg white in water was offered ad libitum in a drinking bottle for 3 days. Control mice received water. After 7 days, control and experimental animals were injected iv with 2,000 S. mansoni eggs through a tail vein. In some mice of both groups the iv injection of eggs was immediately followed by intraperitoneal (ip) immunization with 10 µg of dinitrophenylated conjugates of ovalbumin (DNP-Ova) emulsified in complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) or only CFA; 18 days later, mice were bled and killed by ether inhalation. The lungs were fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin. Serial sections of 5 µm were stained with Giemsa, Gomori's silver reticulin and Sirius red (pH 10.2). Granuloma diameters were measured in histological sections previously stained with Gomori's reticulin. Anti-DNP and anti-soluble egg antigen (SEA) antibodies were analyzed by ELISA. In mice orally tolerant to ovalbumin the concomitant ip injection of DNP-Ova resulted in significantly lower anti-SEA antibodies (ELISA*: 1395 ± 352 in non-tolerant and 462 ± 146 in tolerant mice) and affected granuloma formation around eggs, significantly decreasing granuloma size (area: 22,260 ± 2478 to 12,993 ± 3242 µm²). Active mechanisms triggered by injection of tolerated antigen (ovalbumin) reduce granuloma formation.
The two-kidney, one-clip renovascular (2K1C) hypertension model is characterized by a reduction in renal flow on the clipped artery that activates the renin-angiotensin system. Endothelium dysfunction, including diminished nitric oxide production, is also believed to play a role in the pathophysiology of this model. Some studies have shown an effect of L-arginine (L-Arg, a nitric oxide precursor) on hypertension. In the present study we determined the ability of L-Arg (7 days of treatment) to reduce blood pressure and alter renal excretions of water, Na+ and K+ in a model of 2K1C-induced hypertension. Under ether anesthesia, male Wistar rats (150-170 g) had a silver clip (0.20 mm) placed around the left renal artery to produce the 2K1C renovascular hypertension model. In the experimental group, the drinking water was replaced with an L-Arg solution (10 mg/ml; average intake of 300 mg/day) from the 7th to the 14th day after surgery. Sham-operated rats were used as controls. At the end of the treatment period, mean blood pressure was measured in conscious animals. The animals were then killed and the kidneys were removed and weighed. There was a significant reduction of mean blood pressure in the L-Arg-treated group when compared to control (129 ± 7 vs 168 ± 6 mmHg, N = 8-10 per group; P<0.05). Concomitantly, a significant enhancement of water and Na+ excretion was observed in the 2K1C L-Arg-treated group when compared to control (water: 13.0 ± 0.7 vs 9.2 ± 0.5 ml/day, P<0.01; Na+: 1.1 ± 0.05 vs 0.8 ± 0.05 mEq/day, respectively, P<0.01). These results show that orally administered L-Arg acts on the kidney, possibly inducing changes in renal hemodynamics or tubular transport due to an increase in nitric oxide formation.
The gut mucosa is a major site of contact with antigens from food and microbiota. Usually, these daily contacts with natural antigens do not result in inflammatory reactions; instead they result in a state of systemic hyporesponsiveness named oral tolerance. Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are associated with the breakdown of the immunoregulatory mechanisms that maintain oral tolerance. Several animal models of IBD/colitis are available. In mice, these include targeted disruptions of the genes encoding cytokines, T cell subsets or signaling proteins. Colitis can also be induced by intrarectal administration of chemical substances such as 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid in 50% ethanol. We report here a novel model of colitis induced by intrarectal administration of 50% ethanol alone. Ethanol-treated mice develop an inflammatory reaction in the colon characterized by an intense inflammatory infiltrate in the mucosa and submucosa of the large intestine. They also present up-regulation of both interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) and interleukin-4 (IL-4) production by cecal lymph node and splenic cells. These results suggest a mixed type of inflammation as the substrate of the colitis. Interestingly, cells from mesenteric lymph nodes of ethanol-treated mice present an increase in IFN-gamma production and a decrease in IL-4 production indicating that the cytokine balance is altered throughout the gut mucosa. Moreover, induction of oral tolerance to ovalbumin is abolished in these animals, strongly suggesting that ethanol-induced colitis interferes with immunoregulatory mechanisms in the intestinal mucosa. This novel model of colitis resembles human IBD. It is easy to reproduce and may help us to understand the mechanisms involved in IBD pathogenesis.
Pancreatic ß cell function and insulin sensitivity, analyzed by the homeostasis model assessment, before and after 24 weeks of insulin therapy were studied and correlated with the presence of autoantibodies against ß cells (islet cell and anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies), in a group of 18 Brazilian lean adult non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) patients with oral hypoglycemic agent failure (OHAF). Median fasting plasma glucose before and after insulin treatment was 19.1 and 8.5 mmol/l, respectively (P < 0.001); median HbA1c was 11.7% before vs 7.2% after insulin treatment (P < 0.001). Forty-four percent of the patients were positive (Ab+) to at least one autoantibody. Fasting C-peptide levels were lower in Ab+ than Ab- patients, both before (Ab+: 0.16 ± 0.09 vs Ab-: 0.41 ± 0.35 nmol/l, P < 0.003) and after insulin treatment (Ab+: 0.22 ± 0.13 vs Ab-: 0.44 ± 0.24 nmol/l, P < 0.03). Improvement of Hß was seen in Ab- (median before: 7.3 vs after insulin therapy: 33.4%, P = 0.003) but not in Ab+ patients (median before: 6.6 vs after insulin therapy: 20.9%). These results show that the OHAF observed in the 18 NIDDM patients studied was due mainly to two major causes: autoantibodies and ß cell desensitization. Autoantibodies against ß cells could account for 44% of OHAF, but Ab- patients may still present ß cell function recovery, mainly after a period of ß cell rest with insulin therapy. However, the effects of ß cell function recovery on the restoration of the response to oral hypoglycemic agents need to be determined.
We studied the effect of oral and portal vein administration of alloantigens on mouse skin allograft survival. Graft receptor BALB/c mice received spleen cells (30, 90, 150 or 375 x 10(6)) from donor C57BL/6 mice intragastrically on three successive days, starting seven days before the skin graft. Allograft survival was significantly increased with the feeding of 150 x 10(6) allogeneic spleen cells by one gavage (median survival of 12 vs 14 days, P <= 0.005) or when 300 x 10(6) cells were given in six gavage (12 vs 14 days, P < 0.04). A similar effect was observed when 150 x 10(6) spleen cells were injected into the portal vein (12 vs 14 days, P <= 0.03). Furthermore, prolonged allograft survival was observed with subcutaneous (12 vs 16 days, P <= 0.002) or systemic (12 vs 15 days, P <= 0.016) application of murine interleukin-4 (IL-4), alone or in combination with spleen cell injection into the portal vein (12 vs 18 days, P <= 0.0018). Taken together, these results showed that tolerance induction with spleen cells expressing fully incompatible antigens by oral administration or intraportal injection partially down-modulates skin allograft rejection. Furthermore, these findings demonstrated for the first time the effect of subcutaneous or systemic IL-4 application on allograft skin survival suggesting its use as a beneficial support therapy in combination with a tolerance induction protocol.
Large-scale vaccination with BCG, the live attenuated strain of Mycobacterium bovis, is being adopted around the world, although sporadic complications have occurred after the procedure. Lymphadenopathy is not uncommon especially in babies under one year (0.73% of vaccinated infants), but the swelling subsides within 2 months in most cases, with no medical or surgical treatment. Brazil adopted BCG vaccination program earlier in the seventies and by 1995 more than 96% of the infant population received this immunization. We report here the occurrence of lymphadenopathy in a two-year-old child vaccinated with the Brazilian BCG strain. The diagnosis was made using a lymph node biopsy and intestinal aspirates that yielded a positive mycobacterial culture. The isolate was resistant to isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide and thiophen-2-carbonic acid hydrazide, sensitive to streptomycin, ethambutol, and p-nitrobenzoic acid, and reacted positively to cyclo-serine and negatively to niacin. The pncA gene involved in bacterial activation of pyrazinamide contains in M. bovis a point mutation that renders pyrazinamidase unable to catalyze drug activation. Therefore, this polymorphism is a good option for developing methods to differentiate M. bovis and M. tuberculosis. Taking advantage of this difference we further analyzed the isolates by single-stranded conformation polymorphism electrophoresis of DNA following PCR of the pncA gene. The isolate identity was confirmed by RFLP electrophoretic analysis of the amplified fragment following Eco065I digestion, which selectively cleaves M. tuberculosis DNA. From this result it is proposed that RFLP of pncA gene represents an alternative for differential diagnosis of M. bovis.
the response to an oral calcium load test was assessed in 17 hypercalciuric nephrolithiasis patients who presented elevated parathyroid hormone (PTH) irrespective of the ionized calcium (sCa2+) levels. Blood samples were collected at baseline (0 min) and at 60 and 180 min after 1 g calcium load for serum PTH, total calcium, sCa2+, and 1.25(OH)2D3 determinations. According to the sCa2+ level at baseline, patients were classified as normocalcemic (N = 9) or hypercalcemic (N = 8). Six healthy subjects were also evaluated as controls. Bone mineral density was reduced in 14/17 patients. In the normocalcemic group, mean PTH levels at 0, 60 and 180 min (95 ± 76, 56 ± 40, 57 ± 45 pg/ml, respectively) did not differ from the hypercalcemic group (130 ± 75, 68 ± 35, 80 ± 33 pg/ml) but were significantly higher compared to healthy subjects despite a similar elevation in sCa2+ after 60 and 180 min vs baseline in all 3 groups. Mean total calcium and 1.25(OH)2D3 were similar in the 3 groups. Additionally, we observed that 5 of 9 normocalcemic patients presented a significantly higher concentration-time curve for serum PTH (AUC0',60',180') than the other 4 patients and the healthy subjects, suggesting a primary parathyroid dysfunction. These data suggest that the individual response to an oral calcium load test may be a valuable dynamic tool to disclose a subtle primary hyperparathyroidism in patients with high PTH and fluctuating sCa2+ levels, avoiding repeated measurements of both parameters.
We analyzed the performance of 162 normal subjects, subdivided into groups according to age and schooling, in the oral comprehension tasks of the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination translated and adapted to Brazilian Portuguese to obtain a profile of performance for the Brazilian population, as well as cut-off scores for each task, and to determine the best combination of tasks that distinguish normal from aphasic subjects, as a guide for clinicians. The normal subjects were compared to 69 aphasics. Age alone influenced the performance in the designation of actions (subjects above 70 years showing the worst performance); schooling alone influenced the comprehension of forms, colors and numbers (subjects with less than four years of education showing a poorer performance). Both age and schooling influenced the performance in Body Part Identification (BPI) and Complex Ideational Material (CIM) with mean values of 70.5 ± 3.3 (Word Discrimination, WD), 18.9 ± 1.4 (BPI), 14.7 ± 0.9 (Commands), and 10.3 ± 1.7 (CIM) for the whole sample; the cut-off scores obtained were 65 (WD), 17.5 (BPI), 14 (Commands), and 9.5 (CIM) for the whole sample. Logistic regression showed that the combination of BPI + Commands + CIM was the most efficient in differentiating normal subjects from aphasics, with 72.5% sensitivity and 97.6% specificity. However, for low-education subjects, BPI and Commands were sufficient for this differentiation (75.7% sensitivity and 84.7% specificity). The main contribution of this study was to provide reference values that are far more representative of our population to be used by health professionals in Brazil, taking into account cultural differences.
Caries is a plaque-associated multifactorial chronic disease. Oral hygiene habits, sugar, and oral micobiota interactions are important for caries to occur. Xylitol has been shown to reduce caries mainly due to its effects on mutans streptococci (MS). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship of daily oral health habits and bacterial level on the caries occurrence and to study the effect of xylitol on the composition of oral microflora. A total of 192, 10-12 years old, male school children had been screened for salivary MS. Healthy subjects with high MS counts participated in two parallel double-blinded, randomised, controlled trials. In the first 5-week trial, subjects were assigned into xylitol (n=35) and sorbitol gum (n=38) groups. At baseline, children were examined using International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS) criteria and interviewed for oral health habits. In the second 4-week trial, subjects were assigned into xylitol (n=25) and saccharine mouthrinse (n=25) groups. In the end of both interventions, saliva samples were collected. The samples were analysed for changes in MS counts and changes in the composition of the oral microbiota assessed by the Human Oral Microbe Identification Microarray (HOMIM). Relationships between daily habits, bacterial levels and caries were evaluated. Daily use of sweets and soft drinks were the habits significantly associated with caries severity measured by ICDAS Caries Index (CI), while toothbrushing was the only habit associated with the low caries severity. Abiotrophia defectiva and Actinomyces meyeri/ A. odontolyticus were significantly higher in caries-affected children while Shuttleworthia satelles was significantly higher in caries-free children. Xylitol showed significant reduction in salivary levels of MS in both trials. No significant effects on other members of the microbiota were found when evaluated by HOMIM. In conclusion, other members of oral microbiota than MS may be associated with caries occurrence or absence. The use of xylitol had significant effect on MS with no effects on the other members of the salivary microbiota.
Treatment of non-thyroidal illness by intravenous triiodothyronine (T3) after cardiac surgery causes a disproportional elevation of hormone levels. The administration of oral T3, which has never been studied in this context, could cause physiological hormone levels. The aim of this study was to test oral T3 for the prevention of T3 reduction during the postoperative period of valvular cardiac surgery in adults. Eighteen patients who underwent cardiac surgery for valvular disease with invasive hemodynamic monitoring were randomly assigned to 2 groups: the T group received oral T3 (N = 8), 25 µg three times/day, initiated 24 h before surgery and maintained for 48 h and the NT group (N = 10) received placebo. Serum T3, thyroxine and thyrotropin were determined at baseline, 1 h before surgery, within 30 min of cardiopulmonary bypass and 6, 12, 24, and 48 h after removal of the aortic cross-clamp. Baseline T3 was similar in both groups (T: 119 ± 13; NT: 131 ± 9 ng/dL). Serum T3 increased during the first 24 h in the T group compared to the NT group (232 ± 18 vs 151 ± 13 ng/dL; P < 0.001). In the NT group, T3 was reduced by 24% (P = 0.007) 6 h after removal of the aortic cross-clamp, confirming the non-thyroidal illness syndrome. There were no differences in clinical or hemodynamic parameters between groups. Administration of oral T3 prevented its serum reduction after valvular cardiac surgery in adults, with normal serum levels for 48 h without disproportional elevations.