983 resultados para Autosomal recessive
Color patterns are strongly related to defensive strategies in anurans. Some anurans present more than one morphotype. Leptodactylus fuscus, for example, present two morphotypes (with and without vertebral white line). The proportion of each pattern in nature is different, whereby there are always more individuals without stripes. Therefore, we speculated if this difference in the observed color pattern is due to unequal predation pressures (i.e. stronger over the striped morphotype), and/or if there is a genetic component related to autossomic heritage. To test the selective predation over the morphotypes, we prepared plasticine models of L. fuscus with both phenotypes and placed them in the field. We did not find evidence of predation selection and as we found significant relationships between the proportions of the phenotypes and Mendelian proportions, we suggest that the phenotypes observed in this species are genetically determined (involving dominant and recessive alleles) and may not have a defensive function.
We made a cytogenetic analysis of four species of Oxyopidae and compared it with the karyotype data of all species of this family. In Hamataliwa sp, the mitotic cells showed 2n♂ = 26+X 1X 2 and telocentric chromosomes. The 2n♂ = 28, which has been described for only one oxyopid spider, is the highest diploid number reported for this family. Peucetia species exhibited distinct karyotype characteristics, i.e., 2n♂ = 20+X 1X 2 in P. flava and 2n♂ = 20+X in P. rubrolineata, revealing interspecific chromosome variability within this genus. However, both Peucetia species exhibited telocentric chromosomes. The most unexpected karyotype was encountered in Oxyopes salticus, which presented 2n♂ = 10+X in most individuals and a predominance of biarmed chromosomes. Additionally, one male of the sample of O. salticus was heterozygous for a centric fusion that originated the first chromosomal pair and exhibited one supernumerary chromosome in some cells. Testicular nuclei of Hamataliwa sp and O. salticus revealed NORs on autosomal pairs, after silver impregnation. The majority of Oxyopidae spiders have their karyotype differentiated by both reduction in diploid number chromosome number and change of the sex chromosome system to X type; however, certain species retain the ancestral chromosome constitution 2n = 26+X1X2. The most remarkable karyotype differentiation occurred in O. salticus studied here, which showed the lowest diploid number ever observed in Oxyopidae and the second lowest registered for Entelegynae spiders. © FUNPEC-RP www.funpecrp.com.br.
Latin-American Society of Forensic Genetics (SLAGF) Interlaboratory Quality Control Exercise (2010-2011) included the analysis of three bloodstain samples in FTA Classic Card (three persons, biologically unrelated) and one theoretical exercise. There were 56 participating laboratories from 13 Latin-American countries that belong to society, were reported 70 STRs, including autosomal and sex chromosome markers with consensus in 53 STRs with a rate in reporting errors of 2.3%. Fifty-six laboratories reported results in theoretical exercise with mistakes in calculation of IP for each marker. It is necessary to hold meetings to discuss the results of this exercise to reach conclusions and recommendations on all aspects of DNA forensics analysis and paternity test, to improve results and quality in the results of each laboratory. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.
Triatoma lenti and Triatoma sherlocki are hemipterans that belong to the brasiliensis subcomplex. In triatomines, the constitutive heterochromatin pattern is species-specific and allows, in many cases, for the grouping of species. Thus, we cytogenetically analyzed T. sherlocki and T. lenti using C-banding, and we compared the results with previous ones obtained in other species of the brasiliensis subcomplex. Both species were found to have a male diploid chromosome number of 22 chromosomes (2n = 20A. +. XY) with heterochromatic blocks at one or both chromosomal ends of all autosomal pairs. During early meiotic prophase, they showed a large heteropycnotic chromocenter constituted by the association of both sex chromosomes plus two autosomal pairs and many heterochromatic blocks dispersed inside the nucleus. All of these cytogenetic characteristics are similar to those observed in other species of brasiliensis subcomplex, results which confirm the grouping of T. sherlocki and T. lenti within this subcomplex. However, we emphasize the importance of other approaches, such as molecular analysis, to confirm the placement of T. lenti within the brasiliensis subcomplex. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY) is a heterogeneous group of genetic diseases characterized by a primary defect in insulin secretion and hyperglycemia, non-ketotic disease, monogenic autosomal dominant mode of inheritance, age at onset less than 25. years, and lack of auto-antibodies. It accounts for 2-5% of all cases of non-type 1 diabetes. MODY subtype 2 is caused by mutations in the glucokinase (GCK) gene. In this study, we sequenced the GCK gene of two volunteers with clinical diagnosis for MODY2 and we were able to identify four mutations including one for a premature stop codon (c.76C>T). Based on these results, we have developed a specific PCR-RFLP assay to detect this mutation and tested 122 related volunteers from the same family. This mutation in the GCK gene was detected in 21 additional subjects who also had the clinical features of this genetic disease. In conclusion, we identified new GCK gene mutations in a Brazilian family of Italian descendance, with one due to a premature stop codon located in the second exon of the gene. We also developed a specific assay that is fast, cheap and reliable to detect this mutation. Finally, we built a molecular ancestry model based on our results for the migration of individuals carrying this genetic mutation from Northern Italy to Brazil. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
Horses were domesticated from the Eurasian steppes 5,000-6,000 years ago. Since then, the use of horses for transportation, warfare, and agriculture, as well as selection for desired traits and fitness, has resulted in diverse populations distributed across the world, many of which have become or are in the process of becoming formally organized into closed, breeding populations (breeds). This report describes the use of a genome-wide set of autosomal SNPs and 814 horses from 36 breeds to provide the first detailed description of equine breed diversity. FST calculations, parsimony, and distance analysis demonstrated relationships among the breeds that largely reflect geographic origins and known breed histories. Low levels of population divergence were observed between breeds that are relatively early on in the process of breed development, and between those with high levels of within-breed diversity, whether due to large population size, ongoing outcrossing, or large within-breed phenotypic diversity. Populations with low within-breed diversity included those which have experienced population bottlenecks, have been under intense selective pressure, or are closed populations with long breed histories. These results provide new insights into the relationships among and the diversity within breeds of horses. In addition these results will facilitate future genome-wide association studies and investigations into genomic targets of selection. © 2013 Petersen et al.
Objectives: Primary failure of tooth eruption (PFE) is a rare autosomal-dominant disease characterized by severe lateral open bite as a consequence of incomplete eruption of posterior teeth. Heterozygous mutations in the parathyroid hormone 1 receptor (PTH1R) gene have been shown to cause PFE likely due to protein haploinsufficiency. To further expand on the mutational spectrum of PFE-associated mutations, we report here on the sequencing results of the PTH1R gene in 70 index PFE cases. Materials and methods: Sanger sequencing of the PTH1R coding exons and their immediate flanking intronic sequences was performed with DNA samples from 70 index PFE cases. Results: We identified a total of 30 unique variants, of which 12 were classified as pathogenic based on their deleterious consequences on PTH1R protein while 16 changes were characterized as unclassified variants with as yet unknown effects on disease pathology. The remaining two variants represent common polymorphisms. Conclusions: Our data significantly increase the number of presently known unique PFE-causing PTH1R mutations and provide a series of variants with unclear pathogenicity which will require further in vitro assaying to determine their effects on protein structure and function. Clinical relevance: Management of PTH1R-associated PFE is problematic, in particular when teeth are exposed to orthodontic force. Therefore, upon clinical suspicion of PFE, molecular DNA testing is indicated to support decision making for further treatment options. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
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