996 resultados para Au(111)


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Tetrahexahedral Pt nanocrystals (THH Pt NCs), bound by high index facets, belong to an emerging class of nanomaterials that promise to bridge the gap between model and practical electrocatalysts. The atomically stepped surfaces of THH Pt NCs are extremely active for the electrooxidation of small organic molecules but they also readily accommodate the dissociative chemisorption of such species, resulting in poisoning by strongly adsorbed CO. Formic acid oxidation is an ideal reaction for studying the balance between these competing catalyst characteristics, since it can proceed by either a direct or a CO mediated pathway. Herein, we describe electrochemical and in situ FTIR spectroscopic investigations of formic acid electrooxidation at both clean and Au adatom modified THH Pt NC surfaces. The Au decoration leads to higher catalytic currents and enhanced CO2 production in the low potential range. As the CO oxidation behaviour of the catalyst is not changed by the presence of the Au, it is likely that the role of the Au is to promote the direct pathway. Beyond their fundamental importance, these results are significant in the development of stable, poison resistant anodic electrocatalysts for direct formic acid fuel cells.


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This chapter surveys the extent to which UK courts have developed the concept of social justice. It focuses on decisions reached in the areas of equality, welfare law, education, and health care, and concludes with a consideration of the extent to which UK judges consider that individuals should take personal responsibility for their own well-being.


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This article considers the textual forces operating in Au Bonheur des Dames, Zola's 1883 novel on modern commerce. It proposes that, with its echoes of the disorderly impulses that governed the infamous prostitute Nana earlier in the Rougon-Macquart cycle, coupled with its appreciation of the benefits of regulation, the dynamics of controlled and contained prostitution constitute the energy which fuels an efficient and successful business model in Au Bonheur des Dames. By closely analyzing both texts as well as Zola's preparatory documents, and borrowing from Genette's theories of intertextuality, this study reads Nana as a pre-historic hypotext, buried in the textual chantier from which the structure of Au Bonheur des Dames emerges.


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We demonstrate a novel way to actively tune surface plasmons by fabricating plasmonic nanostructures on stretchable elastomeric films. This allows reversible modification of the metal geometry on the nanometer scale. Using 100 nm scale Au nanoparticle dimers whose spacing is stretch-tuned reveals radically different spectral tuning than previously reported for sub-10-nm nanoparticles, but which can be explained by a revised interpretation of existing models. Tuning plasmons in this way offers a much more robust way than lithography to interrogate the physics of localized plasmons and has applications in optimized surface-enhanced luminescence and Raman scattering.


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La terminologie ‘écriture écran’ est souvent utilisée dans un sens proche de celui que lui donne Annie Ernaux lorsqu’elle écrit que ‘la fiction protège’ en permettant à un auteur de dire tout en gardant le lecteur à distance. Pourtant, de Blanchot à Genette, de nombreux critiques ont souligné que le texte est par essence un espace qui n’existe que dans et par cet échange, le lecteur – surtout dans le cas des textes de fiction – devant s’investir, se projeter dans le texte lu. Le texte de fiction serait-il donc un écran protecteur pour celui qui tient la plume et un écran projecteur pour celui qui tient le livre ? En nous basant principalement sur des textes de la psychanalyste Rachel Rosenblum et de l’auteure et survivante de la Shoah Anna Langfus, nous suggèrerons que, pour l’auteur comme pour le lecteur, le texte de fiction est à la fois un écran protecteur et un écran projecteur, ces deux fonctions étant étroitement liées et nullement contradictoires. Nous montrerons en effet qu’aucun genre n’est a priori protecteur puisque c’est l’acte de lecture ou d’écriture qui peut se transformer en morbide compulsion de répétition quand la mémoire d’un lecteur ou d’un auteur est devenue pathologique.


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Low-energy electron diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, high-resolution electron energy-loss spectroscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy, and temperature-programmed reaction spectrometry results are reported for the structural and reactive behavior of alumina films grown on Pt(111) as a function of thickness and oxidation temperature. Submonolayer Al films undergo compete oxidation at 300 K, annealing at 1100 K resulting in formation of somewhat distorted crystalline gamma-alumina, Thicker deposits require 800 K oxidation to produce Al2O3, and these too undergo crystallization at 800 K, yielding islands of apparently undistorted gamma-alumina on the Pt(111) surface. Oxidation of a p(2 x 2) Pt3Al surface alloy occurs only at>800 K, resulting in Al extraction, These alumina films on Pt(lll) markedly increase the coverage of adsorbed SO4 resulting from SO2 chemisorption onto oxygen-precovered surfaces. This results in enhanced propane uptake and subsequent reactivity relative to SO4/Pt(111). A bifunctional mechanism is proposed to account for our observations, and the relevance of these to an understanding of the corresponding dispersed systems is discussed.


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The structural, thermal, chemisorptive, and electronic properties of Ce on Pt{111} are studied by photoemission, Auger spectroscopy, scanning tunnel microscope (STM), and low-energy electron diffraction (LEED). Stranski-Krastanov-like growth of low-density Ce layers is accompanied by substantial valence charge transfer from Ce to Pt: in line with this, the measured dipole moment and polarizability of adsorbed Ce at low coverages are 7.2 x 10(-30) C m and similar to 1.3x10(-29) m(3), respectively. Pt-Ce intermixing commences at similar to 400 K and with increasing temperature a sequence of five different ordered surface alloys evolves. The symmetry, periodicities, and rotational epitaxy observed by LEED are in good accord with the STM data which reveal the true complexity of the system. The Various bimetallic surface phases are based on growth of crystalline Pt5Ce, a hexagonal layer structure consisting of alternating layers of Pt2Ce and Kagome nets of Pt atoms. This characteristic ABAB layered arrangement of the surface alloys is clearly imaged, and chemisorption data permit a distinction to be made between the more reactive Pt2Ce layer and the less reactive Pt Kagome net. Either type of layer can appear at the surface as the terminating structure, thicker films exhibiting unit mesh parameters characteristic of the bulk alloy.


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The chemisorption and reactivity of SO2 on Pt{111} have been studied by HREELS, XPS, NEXAFS and temperature-programmed desorption. At 160 K SO2 adsorbs intact at high coverages, with eta(2) S-O coordination to the surface. On annealing to 270 K, NEXAFS indicates the SO2 molecular plane essentially perpendicular to the surface. Preadsorbed O-a reacts with SO2 to yield adsorbed SO4, identified as the key surface species responsible for SO2-promoted catalytic alkane oxidation. Coadsorbed CO or propene efficiently reduce SO2 overlayers to deposit S-a, and the implications of this for catalytic systems are discussed.


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XPS, TPD and HREEL results indicate that molecular pyrrole is a fragile adsorbate on clean Pd{111}. At 200 K and for low coverages, the molecule remains intact and adopts an almost flat-lying geometry. With increasing coverage, pyrrole molecules tilt away from the surface and undergo N-H bond cleavage to form strongly tilted pyrrolyl (C4H4N) species. In addition, a weakly bound, strongly tilted form of molecular pyrrole is observed at coverages approaching saturation. Heating pyrrole monolayers results in desorption of similar to 15% of the overlayer as molecular pyrrole and N-a+ C4H4Na recombination with formation of hat-lying pyrrole molecules. This strongly bound species undergoes decomposition to adsorbed CN, CHx and H, leading ultimately to desorption of HCN and H-2. The implications of these results for the production of pyrrole by a heterogeneously catalysed route are discussed.


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XPS, HREELS, ARUPS and Delta phi data show that furan chemisorbs non-dissociatively on Pd{111} at 175 K, the molecular plane being significantly tilted with respect to the surface normal. Bonding involves both the oxygen lone pair and significant a interaction with the substrate. The degree of decomposition that accompanies molecular desorption is a strong function of coverage: similar to 40% of the adsorbate desorbs molecularly from the saturated monolayer. Decomposition occurs via decarbonylation to yield COa and H-a followed by desorption rate limited loss of H-2 and CO. It seems probable that an adsorbed C3H3 species formed during this process undergoes subsequent stepwise dehydrogenation ultimately yielding H-2 and C-a.


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Electrochemically modified ethylene oxidation over a PI film supported on the Na+ ion conductor beta '' alumina has been studied over a range of conditions encompassing both promotion and poisoning, The system exhibits reversible behavior, and the data are interpreted in terms of (i) Na-enhanced oxygen chemisorption and (ii) poisoning of the surface by accumulation of Na compounds. At low Na coverages the first effect results in increased competitive adsorption of oxygen at the expense of ethylene, resulting in an increased rate, At very negative catalyst potentials (high Na coverage) both effects operate to poison the system: the increased strength of the Pt-O bond and coverage of the catalytic surface by compounds of Na strongly suppress the rate, Kinetic and spectroscopic results for ethylene oxidation over a Pt(111)-Na model catalyst shed light on important aspects of the electrochemically controlled system, Low levels of Na promote the reaction and high levels poison it, mirroring the behavior observed under electrochemical control and strongly suggesting that sodium pumped from the solid electrolyte is the key species, XP and Auger spectra show that under reaction conditions, the sodium exists as a surface carbonate. Post-reaction TPD spectra and the use of (CO)-C-13 demonstrate that CO is formed as a stable reaction intermediate, The observed activation energy (56 +/- 3 kJ/mol) is similar to that measured for CO oxidation under comparable conditions, suggesting that the rate limiting step is CO oxidation. (C) 1996 Academic Press, Inc.


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A proof-of-concept study was reported on analysis of antigen–antibody recognition based on resonant Rayleigh scattering response of single Au nanoparticles in an imaging chamber. As benefited by a traditional dark-field microscope and a spectrograph, individual Au nanoparticles (30 nm) were observed with high signal-to-noise ratio and they were effectively utilized to monitor changes in refractive index induced by specific binding of the adsorbates. Using PSA antigen as a model, a LSPR ?max shift of about 2.85 nm was recorded for a molecular binding corresponding to 0.1 pg ml-1 of the protein biomarker. This result successfully demonstrates a non-labeling detection system for proteins as well as thousands of different chemical or biological species, and it possesses a great potential as a sensitive, on-chip and multiplexing detection.


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Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) have attracted a great interest in fabrication of various biosensor systems for analysis of cellular and biomolecular recognitions. In conjunction with vast conjugation chemistry available, the materials are easily coupled with biomolecules such as nucleic acids, antigens or antibodies in order to achieve their many potential applications as ligand carriers or transducing platforms for preparation, detection and quantification purposes. Furthermore, the nanoparticles possess easily tuned and unique optical/ physical/ chemical characteristics, and high surface areas, making them ideal candidates to this end. In this topic, sensing mechanisms based on localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR), particle aggregation, catalytic property, and Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) of AuNPs as well as barcoding technologies including DNA biobarcodes will be discussed.