988 resultados para Art 7 Ley 527 de 1999
Continuous black carbon (BC) observations were conducted from 1999 through 2009 by an Aethalometer (AE10) and from 2006 through 2011 by a Multi-Angle Absorption Photometer (MAAP) at Neumayer Station (NM) under stringent contamination control. Considering the respective observation period, BC concentrations measured by the MAAP were somewhat higher (median ± standard deviation: 2.1 ± 2.0 ng/m**3) compared to the AE10 results (1.6 ± 2.1 ng/m**3). Neither for the AE10 nor for the MAAP data set a significant long-term trend could be detected. Consistently a pronounced seasonality was observed with both instruments showing a primary annual maximum between October and November and a minimum in April with a maximum/minimum ratio of 4.5/1.6 = 3.8 and 2.7/0.64 = 4.2 for the MAAP and AE10 data, respectively. Occasionally a secondary summer maximum in January/February was visible. With the aim to assess the impact of BC on optical properties of the aerosol at NM, we evaluated the BC data along with particle scattering coefficients measured by an integrating nephelometer. We found the mean single scattering albedo of w550 = 0.992 ± 0.0090 (median: 0.994) at a wavelength of 550 nm with a range of values from 0.95 to 1.0.
Equilibrium melting and controlled cooling experiments were undertaken to constrain the crystallization and cooling histories of tholeiitic basalts recovered by the Ocean Drilling Program drilling of Site 989 on the Southeast Greenland continental margin. Isothermal experiments conducted at 1 atm. and at the fayalite-magnetite-quartz buffer using lava sample Section 163-989B-10R-7 yielded the equilibrium appearance sequence with decreasing temperature: olivine at 1184 ± 2ºC; plagioclase at 1177ºC ± 5ºC; augite at 1167 ± 5ºC; and pigeonite at 1113 ± 12ºC. In controlled cooling experiments using the same starting composition and cooling rates between 10ºC/hr and 2000ºC/hr, we find a significant temperature delay in the crystallization of olivine, plagioclase, and augite (relative to the equilibrium appearance temperature); pigeonite does not form under any dynamic crystallization conditions. Olivine exhibits the largest suppression in appearance temperature (e.g., 30º for 10ºC/hr and >190º at 100ºC/hr), while plagioclase shows the smallest (~10ºC at 10ºC/hr; 30ºC at 100ºC/hr, and ~80ºC at 1000ºC/hr). These results are in marked contrast to those obtained on lunar basalts, which generally show a large suppression of plagioclase crystallization and modest suppression of olivine crystallization with an increased cooling rate. The results we report agree well with the petrography of lavas recovered from Site 989. Furthermore, the textural analysis of run products, representing a large range of cooling rates and quench temperatures (1150ºC to 1000ºC), provide a framework for evaluating cooling conditions necessary for glass formation, rates of plagioclase growth, and kinetic factors governing plagioclase growth morphology. Specifically, we use these insights to interpret the textural and mineralogical features of the unusual compound flow recovered at Site 989. We concluded from the analysis that this flow most likely records multiple breakouts from a distal tube at an abrupt break in slope, possibly a fault scarp, resulting in the formation of a lava fan delta. This interpretation implies that normal faulting of the oldest lava sequences (lower and, possibly, middle series) preceded eruption of Site 989 lavas.
En el contexto de países Latinoamericanos, donde la marginalidad transversaliza sus sistemas de educación, ya sea de modo incidental, circunstancial o como resultante de procesos sociales, la educación puede constituirse en un instrumento de equilibrio dentro de la sociedad o, contrariamente, promover la discriminación y la exclusión educativa y social. El espacio universitario actúa como un espacio de tensiones en que se manifiestan y exteriorizan asimetrías y desigualdades sociales. Así, se expresa un modo de aprehensión de la interrelación entre educación y sociedad que antecede a los acontecimientos y, en este orden, los revela. Este trabajo aborda el estudio de la Ley de Educación Superior de Argentina (LES, 1995) a partir de la consideración de las siguientes variables: los sistemas de admisión, la diversificación institucional, la evaluación y exigencias de calidad, la autonomía universitaria y el financiamiento universitario. Precisamente, en el marco del actual debate sobre la reformulación de la citada Ley, se intentará esbozar un análisis sobre algunos de los puntos críticos del marco normativo. La finalidad del estudio apunta a conceptualizar la legislación sobre educación superior desde un doble enfoque: por una parte, como emergente de la realidad social y, por otra, como instrumento para solucionar problemas sociales