993 resultados para Arquitectura -- Andalusia -- Sevilla
La ciudad es un interior total. Como una nueva naturaleza, el medio urbano tiene tendencia a proliferar indefinidamente y llenar todo el espacio disponible. No sólo está caracterizado por las cualidades atmosféricas de la climatología sino por un rango cada vez mayor de sustancias y fuerzas que forman un vasto océano químico, de energía e información. La arquitectura fantasma que penetra inadvertidamente entre los objetos y ensamblajes presentes en nuestra vida cotidiana es tan importante para la cualificación de nuestro entorno como la arquitectura en sentido tradicional, sólida y visible. En consecuencia, desde el punto de vista de las prácticas materiales ya no es posible situarse en un contexto (social, político, profesional) donde este proceso de densificación ambiental pueda ser ignorado sin más. Vivimos sumergidos en una atmósfera compleja, activa y en gran medida artificial, que de manera voluntaria o involuntaria incorporamos a nuestro organismo, en un proceso en que finalmente sujeto y medio forman un ámbito común. Este es el punto de partida de la presente investigación: a partir de procesos esencialmente arquitectónicos que podemos tildar de ‘encantamientos urbanos’, individuos y objetos comparten una impregnación recíproca, una suerte de erotismo espacial, consistente en la relación a veces inadvertida y agresiva, a veces lúdica y hedonista entre el sujeto y el medio. El objetivo de esta tesis es la construcción de un concepto ampliado y polifacético del ambiente mediante el estudio de los componentes y estímulos físicos que lo caracterizan, los aquí denominados efectos ambientales. Dos elementos fundamentales gravitan inevitablemente en torno a los efectos. Por una parte la estructura, que hace referencia a aquellos objetos o soportes que los producen. Por otra, la afección producida en el sujeto, esto es, las consecuencias emocionales y fisiológicas que comportan su asimilación. La terna resultante, Estructura-Efecto-Afecto, proporcionará un orden conceptual global a la investigación. La tesis está dividida en tres partes. La primera investiga el concepto de efecto ambiental: como figura artística, como detonador de un nuevo paradigma espacial originado en el ámbito de la práctica científica y, finalmente, como categoría estética. La sección intermedia aborda la relación entre estructura y efecto, y se centra en experiencias de diversos ámbitos culturales donde la construcción de determinados artefactos y ensamblajes tiene como único propósito la caracterización del espacio únicamente mediante emisiones ambientales. Finalmente, la tercera parte investiga la arquitectura en busca una materialidad ambiental creciente. Es decir, un espacio donde estructura, atmósfera y psique finalmente convergen. Aquellas estrategias -epistemológicas, teóricas, técnicas- conducentes a la producción de todo tipo de efectos, sean ornamentales, emocionales o fisiológicos, y aquellas prácticas que hacen énfasis en los efectos y no en los objetos de los que proceden serán un importante referente para comprender aquello hoy en día conforma nuestro medio, y contribuirán a concebir la construcción de nuevas formas de habitabilidad. ABSTRACT The city is a total interior. Like a new kind of nature, urban mediums proliferate indefinitely, pervading all available space. Their atmospheric qualities are not only defined by the weather, but by a growing range of substances and forces that form a vast ocean of chemicals, energy and information. The ghost architecture that inadvertently penetrates the objects and assemblages present in our daily lives is as important for the qualification of our environment as traditional, solid and visible architecture. Consequently, there is virtually no context (social, political, professional) where material practices can simply ignore such environmental densification. We live immersed in a complex and—largely artificial—active environment that we voluntarily or involuntarily incorporate to our bodies in a process where ultimately the subject and the environment form a common substance. This is the starting point of our research: through a series of essentially architectural processes that can be called 'urban enchantments,’ individuals and objects come to share a reciprocal impregnation. This spatial erotica consists of the relationship, sometimes unnoticed and violent, sometimes playful and hedonistic, between subject and medium. This research aims at the construction of an expanded and multifaceted idea of environment through the analysis of its quintessential components and physical stimuli, here called ambient effects. Such effects are inevitably accompanied by two key elements. On the one hand there is Structure, which refers to the objects or devices that produce them. On the other hand, the Affect experimented by the subject; namely, the emotional and physiological consequences involved in effect assimilation. The resulting three interlinked concepts, Structure-Effect-Affect, provide the overall conceptual structure of this study. Three main sections are proposed. The first one investigates the concept of ambient effect in different ways: as an artistic figure, as the origin of a new spatial paradigm originated within scientific practices and, finally, as an aesthetic category. The middle section deals with the relationship between structure and effect, and focuses on the construction of certain artifacts and assemblages whose sole purpose is to characterize space by environmental emissions only. Finally, the third part investigates architecture’s quest for ultimate ambiental materiality, that is, a space where structure, atmosphere and psyche finally converge. The strategies, from the epistemological to the technical, leading to the production of all kinds of effects—be they ornamental, emotional or physiological,—and the practices that focus on effects and not the objects from where they come, will be studied. All of them will open new windows to a contemporary notion of environment and will contribute to the construction of new living habitats.
This survey presents the results of a questionnaire sent to a list of key scholars and professionals in fields related to urban processes and planning – town planning, geography, sociology, architecture and anthropology. The survey raised four simple, straightforward questions. What are the most pressing conflicts with regard to contemporary cities? What are the main fields of action for solving them? How can your discipline contribute with respect to this task? Could you mention an intervention that could serve as an example of that line of work? The response represents a plural and multidisciplinary perspective on contemporary urban issues from which a series of research and intervention perspectives emerges.
The encounter of architecture and urbanism with parcelisation is marked with the sign of a historical debt. Parcelisation is a tremendously powerful design tool. Architecture and urban planning attest to its capacity to shape sociospatial relations across a range of scales and contexts. From Renaissance palazzi to modernist slabs, from nation-wide agrarian reforms and Haussmann’s Paris to Christopher Alexander’s new theory of urban design and Michael Webb’s Suitaloon — most of the historical revolutions and experimental projects that have shaken these fields have relied, consciously or not, on a critique and restructuration of inherited divisions of land and space. The layout of parcel patterns has a series of implications including forms of property, the divide between private and public realms, the distribution of spatial contents and uses through zoning, typological decisions and so forth. The behaviour of any urban structure depends on the tissue of plots that configures the urban fabric and many of the challenges urban design faces today —complexity, urban vitality, social equality, etc.— hinge upon the forms of land division and distribution we adopt.
In 1933 public letter to Wilhelm Furtwängler, Joseph Goebbels synthesized the official understanding of the link between politics, art and society in the early steps of the Third Reich. By assuming the ethos of art, politics acquired a plastic agency to mold its objects —population and the state— as a unified entity in the form of a ‘national-popular community’ (Volksgemeinschaft); in turn, by infusing art with a political valence, it became part of a wider governmental apparatus that reshaped aesthetic discourses and practices. Similar remarks could be made about the ordering of cities and territories in this period. Dictatorial imaginations mobilized urbanism —including urban theory, urban design and planning— as a fundamental tool for social organization. Under their aegis the production of space became a moment in a wider production of society. Many authors suggest that this political-spatial nexus is intrinsic to modernity itself, beyond dictatorial regimes. In this light, I propose to use dictatorial urbanisms as an analytical opportunity to delve into some concealed features of modern urban design and planning. This chapter explores some of these aspects from a theoretical standpoint, focusing on the development of dictatorial planning mentalities and spatial rationalities and drawing links to other historical episodes in order to inscribe the former in a broader genealogy of urbanism. Needless to say, I don’t suggest that we use dictatorships as mere templates to understand modern productions of space. Instead, these cases provide a crude version of some fundamental drives in the operationalization of urbanism as an instrument of social regulation, showing how far the modern imagination of sociospatial orderings can go. Dictatorial urbanisms constituted a set of experiences where many dreams and aspirations of modern planning went to die. But not, as the conventional account would have it, because the former were the antithesis of the latter, but rather because they worked as the excess of a particular orientation of modern spatial governmentalities — namely, their focus on calculation, social engineering and disciplinary spatialities, and their attempt to subsume a wide range of everyday practices under institutional structuration by means of spatial mediations. In my opinion the interest of dictatorial urbanisms lies in their role as key regulatory episodes in a longer history of our urban present. They stand as a threshold between the advent of planning in the late 19th and early 20th century, and its final consolidation as a crucial state instrument after World War II. We need, therefore, to pay attention to these experiences vis-à-vis the alleged ‘normal’ development of the field in contemporary democratic countries in order to develop a full comprehension thereof.
Los debates contemporáneos sobre el eclipse del espacio público suelen ofrecer una visión idealizada de su pasado, impidiendo una correcta reconsideración del papel que las técnicas urbanísticas han tenido en la producción y evolución del mismo. Contribuyendo al desarrollo de una historia crítica que subsane estas lagunas, Central Park se presenta aquí como un dispositivo gubernamental ideado para sustituir el régimen de uso del espacio público habitual en las calles de Manhattan a mediados del siglo XIX, por un nuevo conjunto de prácticas espaciales definidas y monitorizadas por el Estado. Tras una descripción de las formas de apropiaciones espontáneas de la calle por parte de las clases populares, se analizan los distintos niveles proyectuales en los cuales se articulaba esta estrategia de domesticación del espacio público: del propio diseño espacial y concepción de la red de lugares del parque, a la regulación normativa del uso y comportamiento de los visitantes, al ejercicio activo de vigilancia y castigo de conductas y sujetos indeseables.
Las nuevas formas de la Arquitectura
Arquitectura española contemporánea. Dos proyectos de alumnos de la Escuela de Madrid
Arquitectura española contemporánea. El arquitecto catalán Nebot
Arquitectura española contemporánea. El Concurso de proyectos de la Sociedad Central
Arquitectura española contemporánea. La casa de D. Carlos Gato, en la calle de Zurbarán en Madrid
Artículo incluido en la recopilación "Sobre monumentos y otros escritos". Paginación original de la revista Arquitectura: 323-324
Artículo incluido en la recopilación "Sobre monumentos y otros escritos". Paginación original de la revista Arquitectura: 10-14
Dos obras de arquitectura almohade: la mezquita de Cuatrohabitan y el castillo de Alcalá de Guadaira
Dos obras de arquitectura almohade: la mezquita de Cuatrohaitan y el castillo de Alcalá de Guadaira
Artículo incluido en la recopilación "Sobre monumentos y otros escritos". Paginación original de la revista Arquitectura: 309-314
Los servicios de arquitectura del Ayuntamiento de La Habana. La I Exposición de Bellos Oficios y una Exposición hipotética de mobiliario popular. Al pasar en el tren. El castillo de la Mota