999 resultados para Architecture, Norman


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All-optical label swapping (AOLS) forms a key technology towards the implementation of all-optical packet switching nodes (AOPS) for the future optical Internet. The capital expenditures of the deployment of AOLS increases with the size of the label spaces (i.e. the number of used labels), since a special optical device is needed for each recognized label on every node. Label space sizes are affected by the way in which demands are routed. For instance, while shortest-path routing leads to the usage of fewer labels but high link utilization, minimum interference routing leads to the opposite. This paper studies all-optical label stacking (AOLStack), which is an extension of the AOLS architecture. AOLStack aims at reducing label spaces while easing the compromise with link utilization. In this paper, an integer lineal program is proposed with the objective of analyzing the softening of the aforementioned trade-off due to AOLStack. Furthermore, a heuristic aiming at finding good solutions in polynomial-time is proposed as well. Simulation results show that AOLStack either a) reduces the label spaces with a low increase in the link utilization or, similarly, b) uses better the residual bandwidth to decrease the number of labels even more


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The Introductory Lecture is a discussion about "What is the Web". It involves lots of calling out TLAs and writing them on the blackboard, dividing things into servers, clients, protocols, formats, and the punchline is that the one unique and novel thing about the web is the hypertext link. This follows naturally into the Web architecture - the answer to the question "what is the web".


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Plain Text - ASCII, Unicode, UTF-8 Content Formats - XML-based formats (RSS, MathML, SVG, Office) + PDF Text based data formats: CSV, JSON


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A collection of notes and white papers regarding Enterprise Architecture


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Wednesday 23rd April 2014 Speaker(s): Willi Hasselbring Organiser: Leslie Carr Time: 23/04/2014 14:00-15:00 Location: B32/3077 File size: 802Mb Abstract The internal behavior of large-scale software systems cannot be determined on the basis of static (e.g., source code) analysis alone. Kieker provides complementary dynamic analysis capabilities, i.e., monitoring/profiling and analyzing a software system's runtime behavior. Application Performance Monitoring is concerned with continuously observing a software system's performance-specific runtime behavior, including analyses like assessing service level compliance or detecting and diagnosing performance problems. Architecture Discovery is concerned with extracting architectural information from an existing software system, including both structural and behavioral aspects like identifying architectural entities (e.g., components and classes) and their interactions (e.g., local or remote procedure calls). In addition to the Architecture Discovery of Java systems, Kieker supports Architecture Discovery for other platforms, including legacy systems, for instance, inplemented in C#, C++, Visual Basic 6, COBOL or Perl. Thanks to Kieker's extensible architecture it is easy to implement and use custom extensions and plugins. Kieker was designed for continuous monitoring in production systems inducing only a very low overhead, which has been evaluated in extensive benchmark experiments. Please, refer to http://kieker-monitoring.net/ for more information.


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Resources from the HTML session on 6th October 2015


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A summary of the HTTP calls we made during the tutorial session.


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Identifying the genetic changes driving adaptive variation in natural populations is key to understanding the origins of biodiversity. The mosaic of mimetic wing patterns in Heliconius butterflies makes an excellent system for exploring adaptive variation using next-generation sequencing. In this study, we use a combination of techniques to annotate the genomic interval modulating red color pattern variation, identify a narrow region responsible for adaptive divergence and convergence in Heliconius wing color patterns, and explore the evolutionary history of these adaptive alleles. We use whole genome resequencing from four hybrid zones between divergent color pattern races of Heliconius erato and two hybrid zones of the co-mimic Heliconius melpomene to examine genetic variation across 2.2 Mb of a partial reference sequence. In the intergenic region near optix, the gene previously shown to be responsible for the complex red pattern variation in Heliconius, population genetic analyses identify a shared 65-kb region of divergence that includes several sites perfectly associated with phenotype within each species. This region likely contains multiple cis-regulatory elements that control discrete expression domains of optix. The parallel signatures of genetic differentiation in H. erato and H. melpomene support a shared genetic architecture between the two distantly related co-mimics; however, phylogenetic analysis suggests mimetic patterns in each species evolved independently. Using a combination of next-generation sequencing analyses, we have refined our understanding of the genetic architecture of wing pattern variation in Heliconius and gained important insights into the evolution of novel adaptive phenotypes in natural populations.


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Este artículo explora un tema central en la filosofía de la religión actual: la relación entre la razón y la fe, a partir de la controversia que genera la defensa de Norman Malcolm del argumento ontológico de San Anselmo. Dado que Malcolm es conocido por su postura fideísta, surge la cuestión de cómo es posible que defienda al mismo tiempo dos posiciones que parecen contrarias: por un lado, que las demostraciones racionales son irrelevantes para producir la fe y, por el otro, que haya un argumento a favor de la existencia de Dios que pueda ser considerado válido. Esta posición se puede entender a partir de la tesis propuesta en este trabajo que consiste en sostener que si bien la fe religiosa no se obtiene por argumentos, la argumentación racional tiene un lugar dentro de la fe, el cual consiste en ayudar a comprender por la razón aquello que se cree. Este trabajo intenta mostrar que la postura de Malcolm no es contradictoria en tanto que implica la diferencia entre la creencia "que Dios existe", la cual sería el objeto de los argumentos racionales y no supone ninguna práctica o devoción religiosa, y la creencia "en Dios", la cual a la vez que presupone que Dios existe, constituye el tipo de creencia propiamente religiosa que se entiende en términos de confianza, fe y devoción.


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Guía para la visita de las salas diez y trece del Museo de Arte Moderno de Cataluña. Estas salas tratan contenidos sobre el Modernismo, concretamente sobre la arquitectura y las artes decorativas. Mediante un mapa, esta guía orienta al visitante por los distintos espacios de las salas.


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Se repasan cinco mil años de historia de la arquitectura de todas las partes del mundo, desde Occidente hasta China, Japón y América y de todos los estilos, desde los zigurats de Mesopotamia hasta la arquitectura industrial y actual de aeropuertos y edificios de las grandes compañias. Se examinan los materiales, las técnicas de construcción, los elementos clave y las características decorativas de cada estilo arquitectónico.