992 resultados para Apostadero Naval Malvinas


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This paper presents the results of a simulation using physical objects. This concept integrates the physical dimensions of an entity such as length, width, and weight, with the usual process flow paradigm, recurrent in the discrete event simulation models. Based on a naval logistics system, we applied this technique in an access channel of the largest port of Latin America. This system is composed by vessel movement constrained by the access channel dimensions. Vessel length and width dictates whether it is safe or not to have one or two ships simultaneously. The success delivered by the methodology proposed was an accurate validation of the model, approximately 0.45% of deviation, when compared to real data. Additionally, the model supported the design of new terminals operations for Santos, delivering KPIs such as: canal utilization, queue time, berth utilization, and throughput capability


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Charla impartida dentro de la asignatura Contaminación marina: procesos físicos (profesor, Jesús Cisneros Aguirre)


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[EN] The 1883 eruption of Krakatau is one of the best known volcanic events in the world, although it was not the largest, nor the deadliest of known eruptions. However, the eruption happened in a critical moment (just after the first global telegraph network was established) and in a strategic place (the Sunda Straits were a naval traffic hot spot at that time). The lecture will explore these events in some detail before presenting an outline on ongoing multidisciplinary efforts to unravel the past and present day plumbing systems of the 1883 eruption and that of the active Anak Krakatau cone. A mid- and a lower-crustal magma storage level exist beneath the volcano, placing significant emphasis on magma-crust interaction in the uppermost, sediment-rich crust. This final aspect shares similarities with the 2011/2012 El Hierro eruption, highlighting the relevance of the interaction between ascending magmas and marine deposits that oceanic magmas have to pass. At Krakatau, shallow-level crustal contamination offers a possible explanation for the explosive nature of the 1883 eruption and also for those of the presently active Anak Krakatau edifice and helps constrain location, style and processes of subvolcanic magma storage.


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[ES] En el año 2009, desde la iniciativa privada se pone en marcha esta plataforma web con el objetivo de fomentar la protección del patrimonio cultural subacuático de Canarias, y aprovechar las TICs para poner en conocimiento del público, de todos los ciudadanos, la riqueza y el valor de la historia y cultura sumergida, junto con el rico y variado patrimonio natural submarino, su flora y su fauna. Difundir el conocimiento y ponerlo en valor como un recurso turístico y didáctico, especialmente en el mundo del buceo en las islas, y ponerlo al servicio de la promoción turística de las islas en Europa, aprovechando las excelentes condiciones climáticas y marítimas que tiene el Archipiélago Canario.


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[ES] En 1743 el ingeniero militar Miguel Marín diseñó un arsenal naval en Barcelona. En este artículo se estudia el contexto inmediato de este proyecto. Primeramente, la voluntad de trasladar la principal base naval mediterránea de Cartagena a la capital catalana. En segundo lugar, la relación centro-periferia y el papel del lobby catalán dentro del proceso.


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This work analyzes the role of roman provincial fleets, mainly through the use of military diplomas. All the evidence has been collected, ordered and commented with special attention to the role of diplomas as official documents for the study of the naval provincial garrisons in the Ist and IInd centuries A.D.. Problems deriving from diplomas as still imperfect proofs for a full reconstruction of the history of roman fleets have been registered. Epigraphic evidence has been also taken into account to describe the history of the fleets.


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Durante l'attività di ricerca sono stati sviluppati tre progetti legati allo sviluppo e ottimizzazione di materiali compositi. In particolare, il primo anno, siamo andati a produrre materiali ceramici ultrarefrattari tenacizzati con fibre di carburo di silicio, riuscendo a migliorare il ciclo produttivo e ottenendo un materiale ottimizzato. Durante il secondo anno di attività ci siamo concentrati nello sviluppo di resine epossidiche rinforzate con particelle di elastomeri florurati che rappresentano un nuovo materiale non presente nel mercato utile per applicazioni meccaniche e navali. L'ultimo anno di ricerca è stato svolto presso il laboratorio materiali di Ansaldo Energia dove è stato studiato il comportamenteo di materiali per turbine a gas.


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L’obiettivo che si pone questa tesi è quello di analizzare alcune soluzioni esistenti riguardo i problemi riguardanti privacy e sicurezza informatica. Nello specifico sarà illustrato il programma Tor, un sistema di comunicazione grazie al quale si garantisce l’anonimato in Internet. Sponsorizzato inizialmente dall’US Naval Research Laboratory, all’origine veniva utilizzato per poter effettuare comunicazioni militari criptate; è stato successivamente un progetto della Electronic Frontier Foundation ed ora è gestito da The Tor Project, un’associazione senza scopo di lucro che si occupa del relativo sviluppo. Le ricerche e gli sviluppi riguardanti questa tecnologia vengono tuttavia resi difficili da problemi di scalabilità e dalla difficoltà di riprodurre risultati affidabili. Nel corso della tesi saranno illustrati gli studi riguardanti il simulatore Shadow, un progetto Open Source gestito da The Tor Project, che permette la simulazione del protocollo Tor. I risultati ottenuti dai test effettuati sul simulatore, possono essere riapplicati in seguito alla rete reale Tor, poiché grazie a Shadow è possibile testare ed ottenere risultati attendibili circa il comportamento e la corretta esecuzione del software Tor.


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This dissertation presents the competitive control methodologies for small-scale power system (SSPS). A SSPS is a collection of sources and loads that shares a common network which can be isolated during terrestrial disturbances. Micro-grids, naval ship electric power systems (NSEPS), aircraft power systems and telecommunication system power systems are typical examples of SSPS. The analysis and development of control systems for small-scale power systems (SSPS) lacks a defined slack bus. In addition, a change of a load or source will influence the real time system parameters of the system. Therefore, the control system should provide the required flexibility, to ensure operation as a single aggregated system. In most of the cases of a SSPS the sources and loads must be equipped with power electronic interfaces which can be modeled as a dynamic controllable quantity. The mathematical formulation of the micro-grid is carried out with the help of game theory, optimal control and fundamental theory of electrical power systems. Then the micro-grid can be viewed as a dynamical multi-objective optimization problem with nonlinear objectives and variables. Basically detailed analysis was done with optimal solutions with regards to start up transient modeling, bus selection modeling and level of communication within the micro-grids. In each approach a detail mathematical model is formed to observe the system response. The differential game theoretic approach was also used for modeling and optimization of startup transients. The startup transient controller was implemented with open loop, PI and feedback control methodologies. Then the hardware implementation was carried out to validate the theoretical results. The proposed game theoretic controller shows higher performances over traditional the PI controller during startup. In addition, the optimal transient surface is necessary while implementing the feedback controller for startup transient. Further, the experimental results are in agreement with the theoretical simulation. The bus selection and team communication was modeled with discrete and continuous game theory models. Although players have multiple choices, this controller is capable of choosing the optimum bus. Next the team communication structures are able to optimize the players’ Nash equilibrium point. All mathematical models are based on the local information of the load or source. As a result, these models are the keys to developing accurate distributed controllers.


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In this issue...Sigma RHO, M-Days, Marcus Daly, Moonshiner's Ball, Petroleum Engineering, Naval Air Corps, Loretta Buss Peck, Mines football team