993 resultados para Anomalies thématiques


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In India, Food Security meant supply of food grains and the medium was Public Distribution System. Public Distribution System (PDS) is a rationing mechanism that entitles households to specified quantities of selected commodities at subsidized prices. The Objectives of PDS are maintaining Price Stability, rationing during times of scarcity, welfare of the poor, and keeping a check on private trade. Kerala has registered remarkable improvement in poverty reduction in general over the years among all social sections, including scheduled caste and scheduled tribe population. As part of the structural adjustment intended to reduce public expenditure, PDS has been modified as Revamped PDS (RPDS) during 1992 and later on as Targeted PDS (TPDS) in 1997, intended to target households on the basis of income criterion, classifying people as Below Poverty Line (BPL) and Above Poverty Line (APL). TPDS provides 25Kg. of food gra.ins through the Fair Price Shops per month @ Rs.3/- per Kg. of rice/ wheat to the BPL category and @Rs.8.90 and Rs.6.7O for rice and wheat respectively to the APL category of people. Since TPDS is intended to target the poor people, the subsidy spent by the government for the scheme should be beneficial to the poor people and naturally they should utilize the benefits by purchasing the food grains allotted under the scheme. Several studies have shown that there is underutilization of the allotments under TPDS. Therefore, the extent of utilization of TPDS in food grains, how and why remains as a major hurdle, in improving the structure and system of PDS. Livelihood of the tribal population being under threat due to increasing degradation of the resources, the targeting system ought to be effective among the tribal population. Therefore, performance of the TPDS in food grains, in terms of the utilization by the tribal population in Kerala, impact thereof and the factors, if any, affecting proper utilization were considered as the research problem in this study. The study concentrated on the pattern of consumption of food grains by the tribal people, whether their hunger needs are met by distribution of food grains through the TPDS, extent to which TPDS in food grains reduce their share of expenditure on food in the total household expenditure, and the factors affecting the utilization of the TPDS in food grains by the tribal population. Going through the literature, it has been noted that only few studies concentrated on the utilization of TPDS in food grains among the tribal population in Kerala.The Research Design used in this study is descriptive in nature, but exploratory in some aspects. Idukki, Palakkad and Wayanad have more than 60% of the population of the tribals in the state. Within the three districts mentioned above, 14 villages with scheduled tribe concentration were selected for the study. 95 tribal colonies were selected from among the various tribal settlements. Collection of primary data was made from 1231 households with in the above tribal colonies. Analysis of data on the socio-economic factors of the tribal people, pattern of food consumption, extent of reduction in the share of expenditure on food among the household expenditure of the tribal people and the impact of TPDS on the tribal families etc. and testing of hypotheses to find out the relation/association of each of the six variables, using the data on BPL and APL categories of households separately have resulted in findings such as six percent of the tribal families do not have Ration Cards, average per capita consumption of food grains by the tribal people utilizing TPDS meets 62% of their minimum requirement, whereas the per capita consumption of food grains by the tribal people is higher than the national average per capita consumption, 63% deficiency in food grains may be felt by tribal people in general, if TPDS is withdrawn, and the deficit for BPL tribal people may be 82%, TPDS facilitates a reduction of 9.71% in the food expenditure among the total household expenditure of the tribal people in general, share of food to non-food among BPL category of tribals is 55:45 and 40:60 among the APL, Variables, viz. household income, number of members in the family and distance of FPS from tribal settlements etc. have influence on the quantity of rice being purchased by the tribal people from the Fair Price Shops, and there is influence of household income and distance of FPS from tribal settlements on the quantity of rice being purchased by the tribal people from the open market. Rationing with differential pricing on phased allotments, rectification of errors in targeting, anomalies in norms and procedures for classifying tribal people as BPL/APL, exclusive Income Generation for tribal population, paddy cultivation in the landholdings possessed by the tribal people, special drive for allotment of Ration Cards to the tribal people, especially those belonging to the BPL category, Mobile Fair Price Shops in tribal settlements, ensure quality of the food grains distributed through the TPDS, distribution of wheat flour in packed condition instead of wheat through the Fair Price Shops are recommended to address the shortcomings and weaknesses of the TPDS vis-avis the tribal population in Kerala.


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Modern computer systems are plagued with stability and security problems: applications lose data, web servers are hacked, and systems crash under heavy load. Many of these problems or anomalies arise from rare program behavior caused by attacks or errors. A substantial percentage of the web-based attacks are due to buffer overflows. Many methods have been devised to detect and prevent anomalous situations that arise from buffer overflows. The current state-of-art of anomaly detection systems is relatively primitive and mainly depend on static code checking to take care of buffer overflow attacks. For protection, Stack Guards and I-leap Guards are also used in wide varieties.This dissertation proposes an anomaly detection system, based on frequencies of system calls in the system call trace. System call traces represented as frequency sequences are profiled using sequence sets. A sequence set is identified by the starting sequence and frequencies of specific system calls. The deviations of the current input sequence from the corresponding normal profile in the frequency pattern of system calls is computed and expressed as an anomaly score. A simple Bayesian model is used for an accurate detection.Experimental results are reported which show that frequency of system calls represented using sequence sets, captures the normal behavior of programs under normal conditions of usage. This captured behavior allows the system to detect anomalies with a low rate of false positives. Data are presented which show that Bayesian Network on frequency variations responds effectively to induced buffer overflows. It can also help administrators to detect deviations in program flow introduced due to errors.


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This thesis entitled southern hemispheric features and their Teleconnection with indian summer monsoon.Southern hemisphere is entirely distinct from the northern hemisphere in many aspects, which is well reflected in atmospheric and oceanic properties.The thesis consists of eight chapters, in which the first chapter contains an overview of southern hemisphere. In this chapter, variability in southern hemisphere is described along with Indian summer monsoon and its teleconnection. The different types of data sets used and various methodologies adopted in the present thesis were described in Chapter 2. The period of climate shift and the magnitude of anomalies after the climate shift, which extended from troposphere to stratopause level, were investigated in detail and presented in chapter 3. Chapter 4 depicts the recent trend and variability in southern stratosphere. The higher order variability during various months and the frequency of extremity is included in this chapter.Climatology of divergence and convergence after the documented shift is reported in chapter 5.Southern extratropical connection to Indian summer monsoon through the modulation of SAM is presented in Chapter 6.Chapter 7 deals with the modulation of SAM‐Monsoon link through North Atlantic Oscillation.


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The edge excitations and related topological orders of correlated states of a fast rotating Bose gas are studied. Using exact diagonalization of small systems, we compute the energies and number of edge excitations, as well as the boson occupancy near the edge for various states. The chiral Luttinger-liquid theory of Wen is found to be a good description of the edges of the bosonic Laughlin and other states identified as members of the principal Jain sequence for bosons. However, we find that in a harmonic trap the edge of the state identified as the Moore-Read (Pfaffian) state shows a number of anomalies. An experimental way of detecting these correlated states is also discussed.


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We report on measurements of the adiabatic second-order elastic constants of the off-stoichiometric Ni54Mn23Al23 single-crystalline Heusler alloy. The variation in the temperature dependence of the elastic constants has been investigated across the magnetic transition and over a broad temperature range. Anomalies in the temperature behavior of the elastic constants have been found in the vicinity of the magnetic phase transition. Measurements under applied magnetic field, both isothermal and variable temperature, show that the value of the elastic constants depends on magnetic order, thus giving evidence for magnetoelastic coupling in this alloy system.


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The stratospheric warming events are categorized into major and minor warming depending on the temperature increase in the polar stratosphere. The warming is called a ‘major’, when the polar temperature increases poleward from 60 degree latitude and followed by a reversal in the zonal wind at 10 hPa (~32 Km). Usually major warming events are associated with the displacement of polar vortex from high to mid latitudes or the splitting of vortices in to two. The warming is called a "Minor", when the polar temperature increases more than 25 degree in a period of a week or less, at any stratospheric level with less intensified easterly wind anomalies. The stratospheric warmings generated during the transition period of winter to spring are called final warmings. The warming events observed in the early winter period (November to early December) over Canadian region are called Canadian warmings. There is strong interaction between stratosphere and troposphere during SSW period over high and low latitudes regions. The thesis consists of 7 chapters


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In this paper we discuss our research in developing general and systematic method for anomaly detection. The key ideas are to represent normal program behaviour using system call frequencies and to incorporate probabilistic techniques for classification to detect anomalies and intrusions. Using experiments on the sendmail system call data, we demonstrate that we can construct concise and accurate classifiers to detect anomalies. We provide an overview of the approach that we have implemented


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This paper discusses our research in developing a generalized and systematic method for anomaly detection. The key ideas are to represent normal program behaviour using system call frequencies and to incorporate probabilistic techniques for classification to detect anomalies and intrusions. Using experiments on the sendmail system call data, we demonstrate that concise and accurate classifiers can be constructed to detect anomalies. An overview of the approach that we have implemented is provided.


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The Tropospheric Biennial Oscillation (TBO), a major interannual variation phenomenon in the Indo-Pacific region, is the result of strong ocean-atmosphere coupling over the Asian-Australian monsoon area. Along with other meteorological and oceanographic parameters, the tropical circulation also exhibits interannual oscillations. Even though the TBO is the result of strong air–sea interaction, the circulation cells during TBO years are, as yet, not well understood. In the present study, an attempt has been made to understand the interannual variability of the mean meridional circulation and local monsoon circulation over south Asia in connection with the TBO. The stream function computed from the zonal mean meridional wind component of NCEP=NCAR reanalysis data for the years 1950–2003 is used to represent the meanmeridional circulation. Mean meridional mass transport in the topics reverses from a weak monsoon to a strong monsoon in the presence of ENSO, but in normal TBO yearsmean transport remains weak across the Northern Hemisphere. The meridional temperature gradient, which drives the mean meridional circulation, also shows no reversal during the normal TBO cycle. The local Hadley circulation over the monsoon area follows the TBO cycle with anomalous ascent (descent) in strong (weak) monsoon years. During normal TBO years, the Equatorial region and Indian monsoon areas exhibit opposite local Hadley circulation anomalies


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A la física o a l’enginyeria es defineix com fregament o fricció a la resistència que s'oposa a la rotació o al lliscament d'un cos sobre un altre, o també a la força que apareix en la superfície de contacte de dos cossos quan s'intenta lliscar un sobre un altre. El fregament ha estat fins avui dia un gran problema físic, això és degut a que genera imperfeccions, especialment microscòpiques, entre les superfícies en contacte. Aleshores és quan apareix la tribologia. La tribologia és la ciència que estudia la fricció, el desgast i la lubricació de superfícies en contacte. El lliscament entre superfícies sòlides es caracteritza generalment per un alt coeficient de fricció i un gran desgast a causa de les propietats específiques de les superfícies. La lubricació consisteix en la introducció d'una capa intermèdia d'un material aliè entre les superfícies en moviment. En aquest projecte hem intentat aplicar tècniques i mètodes de control els quals puguin arribar a millorar i perfeccionar els sistemes de mesura i control a nivell industrial i/o particular. En el nostre cas ha estat l’estudi dels olis lubricants usats en motors de combustió interna de variats vehicles com motocicletes, automòbils, camions o vaixells. Hem introduït una millora d’automatització mitjançant un circuit pneumàtic al captador de partícules, hi hem introduït una tècnica per captar partícules a partir de filtres de membrana, hem estudiat les mostres i llurs ferrogrames i membranes amb la finalitat de detectar les anomalies dels motors. L’objectiu del treball és l’estudi del desgast originat en motors de combustió interna, majoritàriament, Dièsel de camions, automòbils i vaixells. Això, comprèn la captació de partícules en ferrografies, la seva observació i anàlisi en microscopi, la seva classificació, comparació i la detecció d’anomalies en els motors. Per altra banda, també s’aprofundirà en les tècniques d’anàlisi, la lubricació i manteniment dels motors i el nou disseny i validació d’un captador de partícules automatitzat


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El objetivo de este estudio es describir los resultados de las diferentes pruebas de la función hepática y la asociación que estás guardan con la exposición a horas de vuelo de los aviadores. Métodos: Se realizo revisión de 1716 historias clínicas correspondientes al control médico anual de esta población, realizados entre el 1 junio del 2010 y el 1 de junio del 2011, observando los valores de transaminasas, bilirrubinas, edad, horas de vuelo y antecedentes médicos. Resultados: Se encontraron valores anormales para todas las pruebas de función hepática disponibles para el estudio (AST, ALT, Bilirubinas); se encontró relación estadísticamente significativa entre el número de horas de vuelo y la alteración de las transaminasas. Discusión: No hay estudios específicos relacionados con estas alteraciones en el campo de la aviación militar o comercial, pero se conoce que la exposición a vapores de hidrocarburos, el consumo de drogas hepatotóxicas y consumo de alcohol, sufrir enfermedades virales, cardiacas, neoplasias primarias o metastásicas del hígado, así como el síndrome metabólico, entre otras patologías, alteran la función hepática. Conclusiones: Hay asociación entre el número de horas de vuelo y la elevación de la AST y la ALT. Para establecer una relación específica se requiere la aplicación de estudios de seguimiento y la inclusión de otros factores que alteran las pruebas función hepática.


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En una sociedad donde el crecimiento económico está aislado del crecimiento social, se tiende a observar, en gran proporción, una calidad de vida marginada, marcada por la exclusión social y la falta de pertenencia, en donde el desempleo, la pobreza, el desplazamiento, etc., son fenómenos que amenazan a largo plazo los procesos competitivos y productivos del país. De cierta forma, el Gobierno, a través de sus instituciones, ha trabajado en la disminución de estas anomalías y ha obtenido resultados no muy significativos; en cierto sentido, cuando se habla de un 48,3% de personas pobres y un 12% de personas desempleadas en Colombia [DANE, 2009], es comprensible. En esta situación, toma importancia el rol en la empresa del sector privado; aquel conjunto de organizaciones con una nueva tendencia en su pensamiento: social en su visión, pública en su imagen y privada en su operación [Restrepo, 2009]. Esta nueva alternativa de adaptación crea escenarios para la aplicación de un modelo que mida la cohesión social ejercida por la empresa y, por consiguiente, una red que genere más impacto en el crecimiento social de la sociedad, equiparable con su crecimiento económico.


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Introducción: la hibridación genómica comparativa en una técnica que permite la exploración de las anormalidades cromosómicas. Su utilidad en la aproximación de los pacientes con retraso global del desarrollo o fenotipo dismórfico, sin embargo, no ha sido explorada mediante una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Metodología: realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Se incluyeron estudios controlados, cuasi-experimentales, de cohortes, de casos y controles, transversales y descriptivos publicados en idiomas inglés y español entre los años 2000 y 2013. Se realizó un análisis de la evidencia con un enfoque cualitativo y cuantitativo. Se realizó un análisis del riesgo de sesgo de los estudios incluidos. Resultados: se incluyeron 4 estudios que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. La prevalencia de alteraciones cromosómicas en los niños con retraso global del desarrollo fue de entre el 6 y 13%. El uso de la técnica permitió identificar alteraciones que no fueron detectadas mediante el cariotipo. Conclusiones: la hibridación genómica comparativa es una técnica útil en la aproximación diagnóstica de los niños con retraso global del desarrollo y del fenotipo dismórfico y permite una mayor detección de alteraciones comparada con el cariotipo.


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En Colombia, después de casi dos décadas de la creación del régimen de cuentas privadas, se implementó una reforma donde se pasa de un sistema con un unico fondo a uno multifondos. Este tipo de reformas se vienen implementando en diferentes paises europeos y de Latino America. A la luz de las teorías clásicas dicha reforma trae mejoras en el bienestar de los individuos; sin embargo, la literatura sobre las nuevas teorías del comportamiento sugiere que los individuos no siempre toman decisiones que están de acuerdo con los supuestos de las teorías clásicas. Este trabajo estudia esta reforma en Colombia bajo algunas de las teorías del comportamiento financiero. Se encuentra que aún cuando el afiliado se quede en la opción default , o actúe con aversión a la pérdida, va a obtener valores en sus cuentas privadas mayores a las que obtendría con un sistema de un único fondo.


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En Colombia, después de casi dos décadas de la creación del régimen de cuentas privadas, se implementó una reforma donde se pasa de un sistema con un único fondo a uno multifondos. Este tipo de reformas se vienen implementando en diferentes países europeos y de Latino América. A la luz de las teorías clásicas dicha reforma trae mejoras en el bienestar de los individuos; sin embargo, la literatura sobre las nuevas teorías del comportamiento sugiere que los individuos no siempre toman decisiones que están de acuerdo con los supuestos de las teorías clásicas. Este trabajo estudia esta reforma en Colombia bajo algunas de las teorías del comportamiento financiero. Se encuentra que aún cuando el afiliado se quede en la opción default , o actúe con aversión a la pérdida, va a obtener valores en sus cuentas privadas mayores a las que obtendría con un sistema de un único fondo.