994 resultados para Anisotropic Triangular Lattice


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Abstract Claystones are considered worldwide as barrier materials for nuclear waste repositories. In the Mont Terri underground research laboratory (URL), a nearly 4-year diffusion and retention (DR) experiment has been performed in Opalinus Clay. It aimed at (1) obtaining data at larger space and time scales than in laboratory experiments and (2) under relevant in situ conditions with respect to pore water chemistry and mechanical stress, (3) quantifying the anisotropy of in situ diffusion, and (4) exploring possible effects of a borehole-disturbed zone. The experiment included two tracer injection intervals in a borehole perpendicular to bedding, through which traced artificial pore water (APW) was circulated, and a pressure monitoring interval. The APW was spiked with neutral tracers (HTO, HDO, H2O-18), anions (Br, I, SeO4), and cations (Na-22, Ba-133, Sr-85, Cs-137, Co-60, Eu-152, stable Cs, and stable Eu). Most tracers were added at the beginning, some were added at a later stage. The hydraulic pressure in the injection intervals was adjusted according to the measured value in the pressure monitoring interval to ensure transport by diffusion only. Concentration time-series in the APW within the borehole intervals were obtained, as well as 2D concentration distributions in the rock at the end of the experiment after overcoring and subsampling which resulted in �250 samples and �1300 analyses. As expected, HTO diffused the furthest into the rock, followed by the anions (Br, I, SeO4) and by the cationic sorbing tracers (Na-22, Ba-133, Cs, Cs-137, Co-60, Eu-152). The diffusion of SeO4 was slower than that of Br or I, approximately proportional to the ratio of their diffusion coefficients in water. Ba-133 diffused only into �0.1 m during the �4 a. Stable Cs, added at a higher concentration than Cs-137, diffused further into the rock than Cs-137, consistent with a non-linear sorption behavior. The rock properties (e.g., water contents) were rather homogeneous at the centimeter scale, with no evidence of a borehole-disturbed zone. In situ anisotropy ratios for diffusion, derived for the first time directly from field data, are larger for HTO and Na-22 (�5) than for anions (�3�4 for Br and I). The lower ionic strength of the pore water at this location (�0.22 M) as compared to locations of earlier experiments in the Mont Terri URL (�0.39 M) had no notable effect on the anion accessible pore fraction for Cl, Br, and I: the value of 0.55 is within the range of earlier data. Detailed transport simulations involving different codes will be presented in a companion paper.


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Clays and claystones are used as backfill and barrier materials in the design of waste repositories, because they act as hydraulic barriers and retain contaminants. Transport through such barriers occurs mainly by molecular diffusion. There is thus an interest to relate the diffusion properties of clays to their structural properties. In previous work, we have developed a concept for up-scaling pore-scale molecular diffusion coefficients using a grid-based model for the sample pore structure. Here we present an operational algorithm which can generate such model pore structures of polymineral materials. The obtained pore maps match the rock’s mineralogical components and its macroscopic properties such as porosity, grain and pore size distributions. Representative ensembles of grains in 2D or 3D are created by a lattice Monte Carlo (MC) method, which minimizes the interfacial energy of grains starting from an initial grain distribution. Pores are generated at grain boundaries and/or within grains. The method is general and allows to generate anisotropic structures with grains of approximately predetermined shapes, or with mixtures of different grain types. A specific focus of this study was on the simulation of clay-like materials. The generated clay pore maps were then used to derive upscaled effective diffusion coefficients for non-sorbing tracers using a homogenization technique. The large number of generated maps allowed to check the relations between micro-structural features of clays and their effective transport parameters, as is required to explain and extrapolate experimental diffusion results. As examples, we present a set of 2D and 3D simulations and investigated the effects of nanopores within particles (interlayer pores) and micropores between particles. Archie’s simple power law is followed in systems with only micropores. When nanopores are present, additional parameters are required; the data reveal that effective diffusion coefficients could be described by a sum of two power functions, related to the micro- and nanoporosity. We further used the model to investigate the relationships between particle orientation and effective transport properties of the sample.


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This paper addresses the microscale heat transfer problem from heated lattice to the gas. A micro-device for enhanced heat transfer is presented and numerically investigated. Thermal creep induces 3-D vortex structures in the vicinity of the lattice. The gas flow is in the slip flow regime (Knudsen number Kn⩽0.1Kn⩽0.1). The simulations are performed using slip flow Navier–Stokes equations with boundary condition formulations proposed by Maxwell and Smoluchowski. In this study the wire thicknesses and distances of the heated lattice are varied. The surface geometrical properties alter significantly heat flux through the surface.


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We present a lattice QCD calculation of the up, down, strange and charm quark masses performed using the gauge configurations produced by the European Twisted Mass Collaboration with Nf=2+1+1 dynamical quarks, which include in the sea, besides two light mass degenerate quarks, also the strange and charm quarks with masses close to their physical values. The simulations are based on a unitary setup for the two light quarks and on a mixed action approach for the strange and charm quarks. The analysis uses data at three values of the lattice spacing and pion masses in the range 210–450 MeV, allowing for accurate continuum limit and controlled chiral extrapolation. The quark mass renormalization is carried out non-perturbatively using the RI′-MOM method. The results for the quark masses converted to the scheme are: mud(2 GeV)=3.70(17) MeV, ms(2 GeV)=99.6(4.3) MeV and mc(mc)=1.348(46) GeV. We obtain also the quark mass ratios ms/mud=26.66(32) and mc/ms=11.62(16). By studying the mass splitting between the neutral and charged kaons and using available lattice results for the electromagnetic contributions, we evaluate mu/md=0.470(56), leading to mu=2.36(24) MeV and md=5.03(26) MeV.


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A quantum simulator of U(1) lattice gauge theories can be implemented with superconducting circuits. This allows the investigation of confined and deconfined phases in quantum link models, and of valence bond solid and spin liquid phases in quantum dimer models. Fractionalized confining strings and the real-time dynamics of quantum phase transitions are accessible as well. Here we show how state-of-the-art superconducting technology allows us to simulate these phenomena in relatively small circuit lattices. By exploiting the strong non-linear couplings between quantized excitations emerging when superconducting qubits are coupled, we show how to engineer gauge invariant Hamiltonians, including ring-exchange and four-body Ising interactions. We demonstrate that, despite decoherence and disorder effects, minimal circuit instances allow us to investigate properties such as the dynamics of electric flux strings, signaling confinement in gauge invariant field theories. The experimental realization of these models in larger superconducting circuits could address open questions beyond current computational capability.


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We review lattice results related to pion, kaon, D- and B-meson physics with the aim of making them easily accessible to the particle-physics community. More specifically, we report on the determination of the lightquark masses, the form factor f+(0), arising in semileptonic K → π transition at zero momentum transfer, as well as the decay-constant ratio fK / fπ of decay constants and its consequences for the CKM matrix elements Vus and Vud. Furthermore, we describe the results obtained on the lattice for some of the low-energy constants of SU(2)L × SU(2)R and SU(3)L×SU(3)R Chiral Perturbation Theory and review the determination of the BK parameter of neutral kaon mixing. The inclusion of heavy-quark quantities significantly expands the FLAG scope with respect to the previous review. Therefore, we focus here on D- and B-meson decay constants, form factors, and mixing parameters, since these are most relevant for the determination of CKM matrix elements and the global CKM unitarity-triangle fit. In addition we review the status of lattice determinations of the strong coupling constant αs.


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In this contribution, a first look at simulations using maximally twisted mass Wilson fermions at the physical point is presented. A lattice action including clover and twisted mass terms is presented and the Monte Carlo histories of one run with two mass-degenerate flavours at a single lattice spacing are shown. Measurements from the light and heavy-light pseudoscalar sectors are compared to previous Nf = 2 results and their phenomenological values. Finally, the strategy for extending simulations to Nf = 2+1+1 is outlined.


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After reviewing how simulations employing classical lattice gauge theory permit to test a conjectured Euclideanization property of a light-cone Wilson loop in a thermal non-Abelian plasma, we show how Euclidean data can in turn be used to estimate the transverse collision kernel, C(k⊥), characterizing the broadening of a high-energy jet. First results, based on data produced recently by Panero et al, suggest that C(k⊥) is enhanced over the known NLO result in a soft regime k⊥ < a few T. The shape of k3⊥ C(k⊥) is consistent with a Gaussian at small k⊥.


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The behavior of bottomonium state correlators at non-zero temperature, 140.4(β = 6.664) ≤ T ≤ 221(β = 7.280) (MeV), where the transition temperature is 154(9) (MeV), is studied, using lattice NRQCD on 48³ ×12 HotQCD HiSQ action configurations with light dynamical Nf = 2+1 (mu,s/ms = 0.05) staggered quarks. In order to understand finite temperature effects on quarkonium states, zero temperature behavior of bottomonium correlators is compared based on 32⁴ (β = 6.664,6.800 and 6.950) and 48³ ×64 (β = 7.280) lattices. We find that temperature effects on S-wave bottomoniumstates are small but P-wave bottomoniumstates show a noticeable temperature dependence above the transition temperature.


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We use quantum link models to construct a quantum simulator for U(N) and SU(N) lattice gauge theories. These models replace Wilson’s classical link variables by quantum link operators, reducing the link Hilbert space to a finite number of dimensions. We show how to embody these quantum link models with fermionic matter with ultracold alkaline-earth atoms using optical lattices. Unlike classical simulations, a quantum simulator does not suffer from sign problems and can thus address the corresponding dynamics in real time. Using exact diagonalization results we show that these systems share qualitative features with QCD, including chiral symmetry breaking and we study the expansion of a chirally restored region in space in real time.


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A variety of lattice discretisations of continuum actions has been considered, usually requiring the correct classical continuum limit. Here we discuss “weird” lattice formulations without that property, namely lattice actions that are invariant under most continuous deformations of the field configuration, in one version even without any coupling constants. It turns out that universality is powerful enough to still provide the correct quantum continuum limit, despite the absence of a classical limit, or a perturbative expansion. We demonstrate this for a set of O(N) models (or non-linear σ-models). Amazingly, such “weird” lattice actions are not only in the right universality class, but some of them even have practical benefits, in particular an excellent scaling behaviour.


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The quantum dimer model on the square lattice is a U(1) gauge theory that addresses aspects of the physics of high-Tc superconductors. Using a quantum Monte Carlo method, we show that the theory exists in a confining columnar valence bond solid phase. The interfaces separating distinct columnar phases display plaquette order, which, however, is not realized as a bulk phase. Static “electric” charges are confined by flux tubes that consist of multiple strands, each carrying a fractionalized flux ¼. A soft pseudo-Goldstone mode (which becomes exactly massless at the Rokhsar-Kivelson point) extends deep into the columnar phase, with potential implications for high-Tc physics.


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Using the low-energy effective field theory for hole-doped antiferromagnets on the honeycomb lattice, we study the localization of holes on Skyrmions, as a potential mechanism for the preformation of Cooper pairs. In contrast to the square lattice case, for the standard radial profile of the Skyrmion on the honeycomb lattice, only holes residing in one of the two hole pockets can get localized. This differs qualitatively from hole pairs bound by magnon exchange, which is most attractive between holes residing in different momentum space pockets. On the honeycomb lattice, magnon exchange unambiguously leads to f-wave pairing, which is also observed experimentally. Using the collective-mode quantization of the Skyrmion, we determine the quantum numbers of the localized hole pairs. Again, f-wave symmetry is possible, but other competing pairing symmetries cannot be ruled out.