998 resultados para Andrews-curtis Conjecture


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IQGAPs are cytoskeletal scaffolding proteins which collect information from a variety of signalling pathways and pass it on to the microfilaments and microtubules. There is a well-characterised interaction between IQGAP and calmodulin through a series of IQ-motifs towards the middle of the primary sequence. However, it has been shown previously that the calponin homology domain (CHD), located at the N-terminus of the protein, can also interact weakly with calmodulin. Using a recombinant fragment of human IQGAP1 which encompasses the CHD, we have demonstrated that the CHD undergoes a calcium ion-dependent interaction with calmodulin. The CHD can also displace the hydrophobic fluorescent probe 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulphonate from calcium-calmodulin, suggesting that the interaction involves non-polar residues on the surface of calmodulin. Molecular modelling identified a possible site on the CHD for calmodulin interaction. The physiological significance of this interaction remains to be discovered.


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Microbial ecology is currently undergoing a revolution, with repercussions spreading throughout microbiology, ecology and ecosystem science. The rapid accumulation of molecular data is uncovering vast diversity, abundant uncultivated microbial groups and novel microbial functions. This accumulation of data requires the application of theory to provide organization, structure, mechanistic insight and, ultimately, predictive power that is of practical value, but the application of theory in microbial ecology is currently very limited. Here we argue that the full potential of the ongoing revolution will not be realized if research is not directed and driven by theory, and that the generality of established ecological theory must be tested using microbial systems.


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Background and Purpose: Ca(2+) imaging reveals subcellular Ca(2+) sparks and global Ca(2+) waves/oscillations in vascular smooth muscle. It is well established that Ca(2+) sparks can relax arteries, but we have previously reported that sparks can summate to generate Ca(2+) waves/oscillations in unpressurized retinal arterioles, leading to constriction. We have extended these studies to test the functional significance of Ca(2+) sparks in the generation of myogenic tone in pressurized arterioles.

Experimental Approach: Isolated retinal arterioles (25-40 μm external diameter) were pressurized to 70 mmHg, leading to active constriction. Ca(2+) signals were imaged from arteriolar smooth muscle in the same vessels using Fluo4 and confocal laser microscopy.

Key Results: Tone development was associated with an increased frequency of Ca(2+) sparks and oscillations. Vasomotion was observed in 40% of arterioles and was associated with synchronization of Ca(2+) oscillations, quantifiable as an increased cross-correlation coefficient. Inhibition of Ca(2+) sparks with ryanodine, tetracaine, cyclopiazonic acid or nimodipine, or following removal of extracellular Ca(2+) , resulted in arteriolar relaxation. Cyclopiazonic acid-induced dilatation was associated with decreased Ca(2+) sparks and oscillations but with a sustained rise in the mean global cytoplasmic [Ca(2+) ] ([Ca(2+) ]c ), as measured using Fura2 and microfluorimetry.

Conclusions and Implications: This study provides direct evidence that Ca(2+) sparks can play an excitatory role in pressurized arterioles, promoting myogenic tone. This contrasts with the generally accepted model in which sparks promote relaxation of vascular smooth muscle. Changes in vessel tone in the presence of cyclopiazonic acid correlated more closely with changes in spark and oscillation frequency than global [Ca(2+) ]c , underlining the importance of frequency-modulated signalling in vascular smooth muscle.


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Transcription byRNApolymerase I (Pol-I) is the main driving force behind ribosome biogenesis, a fundamental cellular process that requires the coordinated transcription of all three nuclear polymerases. Increased Pol-I transcription and the concurrent increase in ribosome biogenesis has been linked to the high rates of proliferation in cancers. The ellipticine family contains a number of potent anticancer therapeutic agents, some having progressed to stage I and II clinical trials; however, the mechanism by which many of the compounds work remains unclear. It has long been thought that inhibition of Top2 is the main reason behind the drugs antiproliferative effects. Here we report that a number of the ellipticines, including 9-hydroxyellipticine, are potent and specific inhibitors of Pol-I transcription, with IC50 in vitro and in cells in the nanomolar range. Essentially, the drugs did not affect Pol-II and Pol-III transcription, demonstrating a high selectivity.Wehave shown that Pol-I inhibition occurs by a p53-, ATM/ATR-, and Top2-independent mechanism. We discovered that the drug influences the assembly and stability of preinitiation complexes by targeting the interaction between promoter recognition factor SL1 and the rRNA promoter. Our findings will have an impact on the design and development of novel therapeutic agents specifically targeting ribosome biogenesis.


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Lipoxidation reactions and the subsequent accumulation of advanced lipoxidation end products (ALEs) have been implicated in the pathogenesis of many of the leading causes of visual impairment. Here, we begin by outlining some of the major lipid aldehydes produced through lipoxidation reactions, the ALEs formed upon their reaction with proteins, and the endogenous aldehyde metabolizing enzymes involved in protecting cells against lipoxidation mediated damage. Discussions are subsequently focused on the clinical and experimental evidence supporting the contribution of lipid aldehydes and ALEs in the development of ocular diseases. From these discussions, it is clear that inhibition of lipoxidation reactions and ALE formation could represent a new therapeutic avenue for the treatment of a broad range of ocular disorders. Current and emerging pharmacological strategies to prevent or neutralize the effects of lipid aldehydes and ALEs are therefore considered, with particular emphasis on the potential of these drugs for treatment of diseases of the eye.


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In recent years, research on the roles of TRP channels in vascular function and disease has undergone a rapid expansion from tens of reports published in the early 2000s to several hundreds of papers published to date. Multiple TRP subtypes are expressed in vascular smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells, where they form diverse non-selective cation channels permeable to Ca2+. These channels mediate Ca2+ entry following receptor stimulation, Ca2+ store depletion and mechanical stimulation of vascular myocytes and endothelial cells. The complex molecular composition and signalling pathways leading to the activation of various vascular TRP channels and the growing evidence for their involvement in various vascular disorders, including dysregulation of vascular tone and hypertension, impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilatation, increased endothelial permeability, occlusive vascular disease, vascular injury and oxidative stress, are summarised and discussed in this review.


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BACKGROUND: Presentation with a firm type of chronic hepatomegaly of multifactorial etiology is common among school-age children in sub-Saharan Africa.

OBJECTIVE: Aflatoxin is a liver toxin and carcinogen contaminating staple maize food. In this study we examined its role in chronic hepatomegaly.

METHODS: Plasma samples collected in 2002 and again in 2004 from 218 children attending two schools in neighboring villages were assayed for aflatoxin exposure using the aflatoxin-albumin adduct (AF-alb) biomarker. Data were previously examined for associations among hepatomegaly, malaria, and schistosomiasis.

RESULTS: AF-alb levels were high in children from both schools, but the geometric mean (95% confidence interval) in year 2002 was significantly higher in Matangini [206.5 (175.5, 243.0) pg/mg albumin] than in Yumbuni [73.2 (61.6, 87.0) pg/mg; p < 0.001]. AF-alb levels also were higher in children with firm hepatomegaly [176.6 (129.6, 240.7) pg/mg] than in normal children [79.9 (49.6, 128.7) pg/mg; p = 0.029]. After adjusting for Schistosoma mansoni and Plasmodium infection, we estimated a significant 43% increase in the prevalence of hepatomegaly/hepatosplenomegaly for every natural-log-unit increase in AF-alb. In 2004, AF-alb levels were markedly higher than in 2002 [539.7 (463.3, 628.7) vs. 114.5 (99.7, 131.4) pg/mg; p < 0.001] but with no significant difference between the villages or between hepatomegaly and normal groups [539.7 (436.7, 666.9) vs. 512.6 (297.3, 883.8) pg/mg], possibly because acute exposures during an aflatoxicosis outbreak in 2004 may have masked any potential underlying relationship.

CONCLUSIONS: Exposure to aflatoxin was associated with childhood chronic hepatomegaly in 2002. These preliminary data suggest an additional health risk that may be related to aflatoxin exposure in children, a hypothesis that merits further testing.


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The Richardson-Lucy algorithm is one of the most important algorithms in the image deconvolution area. However, one of its drawbacks is slow convergence. A very significant acceleration is obtained by the technique proposed by Biggs and Andrews (BA), which is implemented in the deconvlucy function of the Image Processing MATLAB toolbox. The BA method was developed heuristically with no proof of convergence. In this paper, we introduce the Heavy-Ball (H-B) method for Poisson data optimization and extend it to a scaled H-B method, which includes the BA method as a special case. The method has proof of the convergence rate of O(k-2), where k is the number of iterations. We demonstrate the superior convergence performance of the scaled H-B method on both synthetic and real 3D images.


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Diabetic retinopathy remains the most common complication of diabetes mellitus and is a leading cause of visual loss in industrialized nations. The clinicopathology of the diabetic retina has been extensively studied, although the precise pathogenesis and cellular and molecular defects that lead to retinal vascular, neural and glial cell dysfunction remain somewhat elusive. This lack of understanding has seriously limited the therapeutic options available for the ophthalmologist and there is a need to identify the definitive pathways that initiate retinal cell damage and drive progression to overt retinopathy. The present review begins by outlining the natural history of diabetic retinopathy, the clinical features and risk factors. Reviewing the histopathological data from clinical specimens and animal models, the recent paradigm that neuroretinal dysfunction may play an important role in the early development of the disease is discussed. The review then focuses on the molecular pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy with perspective provided on new advances that have furthered our understanding of the key mechanisms underlying early changes in the diabetic retina. Studies have also emerged in the past year suggesting that defective repair of injured retinal vessels by endothelial progenitor cells may contribute to the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy. We assess these findings and discuss how they could eventually lead to new therapeutic options for diabetic retinopathy.