989 resultados para Allou, Anne Raguenet, épouse (16..-17..) -- Portraits


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Las investigaciones sobre la violencia filio-parental (VFP) son escasas y llegan a conclusiones diversas. El estudio de caso como estrategia metodológica puede ser útil para conocer en profundidad un fenómeno del que aún sabemos poco, entendiendo su realidad como proceso y permitiendo su comprensión de forma holística.


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t. 16-17 (1852-1854)


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Este proyecto se enmarca en la utlización de métodos formales (más precisamente, en la utilización de teoría de tipos) para garantizar la ausencia de errores en programas. Por un lado se plantea el diseño de nuevos algoritmos de chequeo de tipos. Para ello, se proponen nuevos algoritmos basados en la idea de normalización por evaluación que sean extensibles a otros sistemas de tipos. En el futuro próximo extenderemos resultados que hemos conseguido recientemente [16,17] para obtener: una simplificación de los trabajos realizados para sistemas sin regla eta (acá se estudiarán dos sistemas: a la Martin Löf y a la PTS), la formulación de estos chequeadores para sistemas con variables, generalizar la noción de categoría con familia utilizada para dar semántica a teoría de tipos, obtener una formulación categórica de la noción de normalización por evaluación y finalmente, aplicar estos algoritmos a sistemas con reescrituras. Para los primeros resultados esperados mencionados, nos proponemos como método adaptar las pruebas de [16,17] a los nuevos sistemas. La importancia radica en que permitirán tornar más automatizables (y por ello, más fácilmente utilizables) los asistentes de demostración basados en teoría de tipos. Por otro lado, se utilizará la teoría de tipos para certificar compiladores, intentando llevar adelante la propuesta nunca explorada de [22] de utilizar un enfoque abstracto basado en categorías funtoriales. El método consistirá en certificar el lenguaje "Peal" [29] y luego agregar sucesivamente funcionalidad hasta obtener Forsythe [23]. En este período esperamos poder agregar varias extensiones. La importancia de este proyecto radica en que sólo un compilador certificado garantiza que un programa fuente correcto se compile a un programa objeto correcto. Es por ello, crucial para todo proceso de verificación que se base en verificar código fuente. Finalmente, se abordará la formalización de sistemas con session types. Los mismos han demostrado tener fallas en sus formulaciones [30], por lo que parece conveniente su formalización. Durante la marcha de este proyecto, esperamos tener alguna formalización que dé lugar a un algoritmo de chequeo de tipos y a demostrar las propiedades usuales de los sistemas. La contribución es arrojar un poco de luz sobre estas formulaciones cuyos errores revelan que el tema no ha adquirido aún suficiente madurez o comprensión por parte de la comunidad.


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Title provided by cataloger.


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Local paper.


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Background—Limited information exists regarding the long-term development of comorbidity between Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD; abuse/dependence). Using a representative prospective study, we examine multiple aspects pertaining to MDD+AUD comorbidity, with a focus on the relation between disorders across periods (adolescence, early adulthood, adulthood) and cumulative impairments by age 30. Method—816 participants were diagnostically interviewed at ages 16, 17, 24, and 30. Results—Rates of comorbid MDD+AUD were low in adolescence (2%), but increased in early adulthood (10%) and adulthood (7%). Rates of cumulative comorbidity were elevated (21%). Most individuals with a history of MDD or AUD had the other disorder, except for women with MDD. Prospectively, adolescent AUD predicted early adult MDD, while early adult MDD predicted adult AUD. Compared to pure disorders, MDD+AUD was associated with higher risk of alcohol dependence, suicide attempt, lower global functioning, and life dissatisfaction. Conclusions—Lifetime rates of comorbid MDD+AUD were considerably higher than in crosssectional studies. Comorbidity was partly explained by bidirectional and developmentally-specific associations and predicted selected rather than generalized impairments. Clinically, our findings emphasize the need to always carefully assess comorbidity in patients with MDD or AUD, taking into account concurrency and developmental timing.


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This CEPS Policy Brief is based on a larger study for the EEAS and European Commission, written by the same authors in the run-up of the Milan ASEM summit of 16-17 October 2014. The main idea of the study is to assess whether ASEM works and how, by verifying the factual evidence in detail. After all, ASEM has no institutions, no budget and no treaty, whilst dialogues and a loose improvement over time in Asia-Europe relations refer to process much more than genuine ‘results’. The stocktaking covers all ASEM activities since the 2006 Helsinki summit. Summit and foreign ministers’ declarations and ASEM calendar of activities (and interviews) are used to trace ASEM activities in the three ASEM pillars (political, economic, and peoples-to-peoples/cultural). All the ‘regular’ ASEM meetings at ministerial and other levels (many of which are only known to relatively few) have been mapped. Also the ASEM working methods, based on the 2000 AECF framework and many subsequent initiatives, have been scrutinised, including whether they are actually implemented or not or partially. Such methods refer to how to work together in areas of cooperation (beyond the typical ASEM dialogue), organisation, coordination and ASEM visibility. The main conclusion is that ASEM works reasonably well, once one accepts the ASEM of today, although some inefficiencies still characterise the ‘system’. There is a host of secondary conclusions on the three pillars, the foreign ministers, the strong government-to-government nature of ASEM and the working methods. We recommend that today’s ASEM needs no reform and that not having ASEM would entail political and diplomatic costs. We emphasise that ASEM is well placed to stimulate exchange of information between the mega-FTAs such as TPP, RCEP and TTIP. However, the ASEM of tomorrow might be different, given the great changes in geo-political and economic conditions since ASEM began in the mid-1990s. Moreover, the size of ASEM has become such that classical ways of operating with (after Milano) 53 countries (including the EU and ASEAN) cannot possibly be effective all the time. We suggest that, in the run-up to the 20th ASEM birthday (2016), EU and Asian independent think-tanks get together to write an ‘options report’ reconsidering options for a new ASEM, as the basis for a profound and wide debate how to get more value-added out of ASEM.


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When the new European Commission started work in autumn 2014, the president of the Commission took great pride in calling it a ‘political Commission’, which will be big on big things and small on small. Whilst the EU is currently dealing with many crises, reality is that things do not come much bigger than Nord Stream II. Will this be a political Commission that stands by its principles, including respect for liberty, democracy, the rule of law and human rights? Will this Commission have the backbone to politically assess a project that threatens EU unity and its core values, undermines the Union’s commonly agreed commitment to building an Energy Union and facilitates Russia’s aggression against Ukraine? President Juncker’s controversial visit to Russia and meeting with President Putin on 16-17 June is a test-case: will this Commission be ready to defend its commitments and principles when discussing ‘economic issues’?


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Background—Limited information exists regarding the long-term development of comorbidity between Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD; abuse/dependence). Using a representative prospective study, we examine multiple aspects pertaining to MDD+AUD comorbidity, with a focus on the relation between disorders across periods (adolescence, early adulthood, adulthood) and cumulative impairments by age 30. Method—816 participants were diagnostically interviewed at ages 16, 17, 24, and 30. Results—Rates of comorbid MDD+AUD were low in adolescence (2%), but increased in early adulthood (10%) and adulthood (7%). Rates of cumulative comorbidity were elevated (21%). Most individuals with a history of MDD or AUD had the other disorder, except for women with MDD. Prospectively, adolescent AUD predicted early adult MDD, while early adult MDD predicted adult AUD. Compared to pure disorders, MDD+AUD was associated with higher risk of alcohol dependence, suicide attempt, lower global functioning, and life dissatisfaction. Conclusions—Lifetime rates of comorbid MDD+AUD were considerably higher than in crosssectional studies. Comorbidity was partly explained by bidirectional and developmentally-specific associations and predicted selected rather than generalized impairments. Clinically, our findings emphasize the need to always carefully assess comorbidity in patients with MDD or AUD, taking into account concurrency and developmental timing.


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Im Rahmen des TASQWA-Projektes (Quarternary Variability of Water Masses in the Southern Tasman Sea and the Southern Ocean) wurde eine erstmalige quantitative und taxonomische Bestandsaufnahme der rezenten, benthischen Tiefseeforaminiferen der Korngrößenfraktion > 250 µm in 27 Sedimentoberflächenproben aus dem austral-antarktischen Gebiet durchgeführt. Es konnten 137 Arten bestimmt werden, wobei aber keine Art dominante Anteile in den Proben erreichte. Über benthische Tiefseeforaminiferen im untersuchten Gebiet existiert kaum Literatur. Es gibt zwar aus dem 19. Jhrd. sehr gut dokumentierte Foraminiferen in diesem Bereich, diese decken aber längst nicht alle gefundenen Exemplare ab. Erst um die Jahrtausendwende beschäftigten sich Autoren wieder intensiver mit den australischen und neuseeländischen, benthischen Foraminiferen. Aber auch sie drangen nicht bis in die Tiefsee vor, sondern blieben vorwiegend im Schelfbereich. Aufgrund dieser spärlichen Literatur ist jede einzelne Art ausführlich mit Synonymieliste und Abbildung dokumentiert worden. Die PAST-Analyse generierte mit den 137 Arten und den 27 Stationen sechs Faunenvergesellschaftungen, die überwiegend bathymetrisch zoniert sind. Ab 562 m beginnt am Campbell Plateau in der Hochproduktionszone die Bulimina-Vergesellschaftung. Diese Vergesellschaftung zeichnet sich durch die höchste Individuenzahl aus. Ab 959 m findet sich die Rhizammina-Vergesellschaftung, die im Untersuchungsgebiet am weitesten verbreitet ist. Die weniger oft anzutreffende Cibicides-Vergesellschaftung läßt sich ab 1660 m Tiefe finden. Nur in einer einzigen Probe an der Tasmanschwelle in 2146 m Tiefe, tritt die Reophax-Vergesellschaftung auf, in der die Textulariina überwiegen. Die weniger oft anzutreffende Ehrenbergina-Vergesellschaftung läßt sich ab 1841 m finden. In dieser Vergesellschaftung, in der die Artenanzahl fast an das Niveau der Hochproduktionszone heranreicht, halten sich Rotaliina und Textulariina die Waage. Im Emerald Becken ab 3909 m Tiefe beginnt die Jaculella- Vergesellschaftung. Diese liegt in einem echten Hungergebiet und besteht hauptsächlich aus Textulariina. Im gesamten Untersuchungsgebiet lassen sich durch die Probenauswertung vier unterschiedliche Lebensräume (Challenger Plateau, Campbell Plateau, Emerald Becken und Tasmanschwelle) ausmachen. Da jedoch nur zwei Sedimentoberflächenproben am Challenger Plateau genommen wurden, konnte dieser Bereich nur eingeschränkt mit den anderen drei Bereichen verglichen werden. Die Foraminiferengemeinschaften des Challenger Plateaus und der Tasmanschwelle können jedoch im oberen Bereich der Wassersäule auch nur eingeschränkt miteinander verglichen werden, da man an der Tasmanschwelle Sedimentoberflächenproben erst ab 1634 m genommen hat und am Campbell Plateau Proben ab 562 m vorhanden sind. Die oberen Bereiche (ab 562 m bis ca. 1300 m) des Campbell Plateaus sind Hochproduktionsbereiche, die die höchsten Individuenzahlen pro 10 cm**3 Sediment und die höchste Artenvielfalt aufweisen. Am Südwesthang des Campbell Plateaus läßt sich eine Abfolge der verschiedenen Foraminiferenvergesellschaftungen bis hinunter in das Emerald Becken nachweisen. An der Tasmanschwelle selbst läßt sich keine ausgeprägte Hochproduktionszone erkennen. Generell gibt es hier weniger Arten und weniger Individuen pro 10 cm**3 Sediment als am Cambell Plateau. Das Emerald Becken, als tiefster Bereich des Untersuchungsgebietes und als echtes Hungergebiet, nimmt eine Sonderrolle ein.