992 resultados para Agentes ativos de superficies


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Ao pensar na morte há um reconhecimento da vulnerabilidade humana e da própria fragilidade da vida. A morte é universal, mas experienciada de uma forma individualizada por cada um de nós, a partir da personalidade, experiências de vida, variáveis pessoais, idade, sexo, religião. Vivenciar a morte e o morrer poderá conduzir a sensações de medo e ansiedade. Os agentes funerários que lidam diariamente com a morte e com o “luto” (do corpo morto e dos familiares em relação ao ente querido que perderam) poderão estar expostos a sentimentos de ansiedade depressiva pela ativação diária do confronto com a própria morte, ou com a morte de pessoas a quem estão intimamente ligados. É objetivo deste estudo avaliar os níveis de ansiedade em face da morte em agentes funerários, e ainda explorar a eventual associação entre fatores sociodemográficos e profissionais selecionados e esta variável. A amostra é composta por 60 sujeitos de uma empresa funerária em Portugal. Os instrumentos psicométricos utilizados foram a Escala de Ansiedade face à Morte (DAQ), e um questionário sociodemográfico desenhado para o presente estudo. Os resultados globais mostram que os Agentes Funerários apresentam níveis de ansiedade face à morte estatisticamente significativos (M = 35,88; DP = 9,02). O género, a idade, religião, anos de experiência, estado civil, terem filhos, ter morrido alguém próximo ou significativo, especificidade de trabalho: ser comercial ou operacional o número de contatos, não marcam significativamente a forma como os sujeitos em estudo percecionam a sua ansiedade em face da morte. Os níveis de ansiedade aumentam entre aqueles que não tiveram formação específica para lidar com estas situações. / When thinking about death there is recognition of human vulnerability and fragility of life itself. Death is universal but experienced individually by each of us, through personality, life experiences, personal variables, age, sex, religion. Experiencing death and dying can lead to feelings of fear and anxiety. Funeral Agents who daily deal with death and with the "mourning" (the dead body and the family of the deceased) may be exposed to feelings of depressive anxiety activated by the daily confrontation with death itself or death of people who are close to them. The aim of this study is to assess the levels of anxiety in Funeral Agents when facing death, and also explore the eventual association of social-demographic and professional factors with this variable. The sample consisted of 60 subjects of a Portuguese Funeral company. The instruments used were the Death Anxiety Questionnaire (DAQ) and a socialdemographic questionnaire designed for the present study. The overall results show that Funeral Agents present anxiety levels statistically significant when facing death (M = 35.88, SD = 9.02). Gender, age, religion, years of experience, marital status, having children, the death of someone close or important, and the specificity of the job (commercial or operational agent), the number of contacts, show no statistically significant association with anxiety when facing death. However, the levels of anxiety increase among those who had had no specific formation to deal with these situations.


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Programa de doctorado: Microbiología y enfermedades infecciosas


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The Behavioral Finance develop as it is perceived anomalies in these markets efficient. This fields of study can be grouped into three major groups: heuristic bias, tying the shape and inefficient markets. The present study focuses on issues concerning the heuristics of representativeness and anchoring. This study aimed to identify the then under-reaction and over-reaction, as well as the existence of symmetry in the active first and second line of the Brazilian stock market. For this, it will be use the Fuzzy Logic and the indicators that classify groups studied from the Discriminant Analysis. The highest present, indicator in the period studied, was the Liabilities / Equity, demonstrating the importance of the moment to discriminate the assets to be considered "winners" and "losers." Note that in the MLCX biases over-reaction is concentrated in the period of financial crisis, and in the remaining periods of statistically significant biases, are obtained by sub-reactions. The latter would be in times of moderate levels of uncertainty. In the Small Caps the behavioral responses in 2005 and 2007 occur in reverse to those observed in the Mid-Large Cap. Now in times of crisis would have a marked conservatism while near the end of trading on the Bovespa speaker, accompanied by an increase of negotiations, there is an overreaction by investors. The other heuristics in SMLL occurred at the end of the period studied, this being a under-reaction and the other a over-reaction and the second occurring in a period of financial-economic more positive than the first. As regards the under / over-reactivity in both types, there is detected a predominance of either, which probably be different in the context in MLCX without crisis. For the period in which such phenomena occur in a statistically significant to note that, in most cases, such phenomena occur during the periods for MLCX while in SMLL not only biases are less present as there is no concentration of these at any time . Given the above, it is believed that while detecting the presence of bias behavior at certain times, these do not tend to appear to a specific type or heuristics and while there were some indications of a seasonal pattern in Mid- Large Caps, the same behavior does not seem to be repeated in Small Caps. The tests would then suggest that momentary failures in the Efficient Market Hypothesis when tested in semistrong form as stated by Behavioral Finance. This result confirms the theory by stating that not only rationality, but also human irrationality, is limited because it would act rationally in many circumstances


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The objective is to analyze the relationship between risk and number of stocks of a portfolio for an individual investor when stocks are chosen by "naive strategy". For this, we carried out an experiment in which individuals select actions to reproduce this relationship. 126 participants were informed that the risk of first choice would be an asset average of all standard deviations of the portfolios consist of a single asset, and the same procedure should be used for portfolios composed of two, three and so on, up to 30 actions . They selected the assets they want in their portfolios without the support of a financial analysis. For comparison we also tested a hypothetical simulation of 126 investors who selected shares the same universe, through a random number generator. Thus, each real participant is compensated for random hypothetical investor facing the same opportunity. Patterns were observed in the portfolios of individual participants, characterizing the curves for the components of the samples. Because these groupings are somewhat arbitrary, it was used a more objective measure of behavior: a simple linear regression for each participant, in order to predict the variance of the portfolio depending on the number of assets. In addition, we conducted a pooled regression on all observations by analyzing cross-section. The result of pattern occurs on average but not for most individuals, many of which effectively "de-diversify" when adding seemingly random bonds. Furthermore, the results are slightly worse using a random number generator. This finding challenges the belief that only a small number of titles is necessary for diversification and shows that there is only applicable to a large sample. The implications are important since many individual investors holding few stocks in their portfolios


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The present paper has the purpose of investigate the dynamics of the volatility structure in the shrimp prices in the Brazilian fish market. Therefore, a description of the initial aspects of the shrimp price series was made. From this information, statistics tests were made and selected univariate models to be price predictors. Then, it was verified the existence of relationship of long-term equilibrium between the Brazilian and American imported shrimp and if, confirmed the relationship, whether or not there is a causal link between these assets, considering that the two countries had presented trade relations over the years. It is presented as an exploratory research of applied nature with quantitative approach. The database was collected through direct contact with the Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de São Paulo (CEAGESP) and on the official website of American import, National Marine Fisheries Service - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NMFS- NOAA). The results showed that the great variability in the active price is directly related with the gain and loss of the market agents. The price series presents a strong seasonal and biannual effect. The average structure of price of shrimp in the last 12 years was R$ 11.58 and external factors besides the production and marketing (U.S. antidumping, floods and pathologies) strongly affected the prices. Among the tested models for predicting prices of shrimp, four were selected, which through the prediction methodologies of one step forward of horizon 12, proved to be statistically more robust. It was found that there is weak evidence of long-term equilibrium between the Brazilian and American shrimp, where equivalently, was not found a causal link between them. We concluded that the dynamic pricing of commodity shrimp is strongly influenced by external productive factors and that these phenomena cause seasonal effects in the prices. There is no relationship of long-term stability between the Brazilian and American shrimp prices, but it is known that Brazil imports USA production inputs, which somehow shows some dependence productive. To the market agents, the risk of interferences of the external prices cointegrated to Brazilian is practically inexistent. Through statistical modeling is possible to minimize the risk and uncertainty embedded in the fish market, thus, the sales and marketing strategies for the Brazilian shrimp can be consolidated and widespread


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This study aims to investigate the influence of the asset class and the breakdown of tangibility as determinant factors of the capital structure of companies listed on the BM & FBOVESPA in the period of 2008-2012. Two current assets classes were composed and once they were grouped by liquidity, they were also analyzed by the financial institutions for credit granting: current resources (Cash, Bank and Financial Applications) and operations with duplicates (Stocks and Receivables). The breakdown of the tangible assets was made based on its main components provided as warrantees for loans like Machinery & Equipment and Land & Buildings. For an analysis extension, three metrics for leverage (accounting, financial and market) were applied and the sample was divided into economic sectors, adopted by BM&FBOVESPA. The data model in dynamic panel estimated by a systemic GMM of two levels was used in this study due its strength to problems of endogenous relationship as well as the omitted variables bias. The found results suggest that current resources are determinants of the capital structure possibly because they re characterized as proxies for financial solvency, being its relationship with debt positive. The sectorial analysis confirmed the results for current resources. The tangibility of assets has inverse proportional relationship with the leverage. As it is disintegrated in its main components, the significant and negative influence of machinery & equipment was more marked in the Industrial Goods sector. This result shows that, on average, the most specific assets from operating activities of a company compete for a less use of third party resources. As complementary results, it was observed that the leverage has persistence, which is linked with the static trade-off theory. Specifically for financial leverage, it was observed that the persistence is relevant when it is controlled for the lagged current assets classes variables. The proxy variable for growth opportunities, measured by the Market -to -Book, has the sign of its contradictory coefficient. The company size has a positive relationship with debt, in favor of static trade-off theory. Profitability is the most consistent variable in all the performed estimations, showing strong negative and significant relationship with leverage, as the pecking order theory predicts


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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En este trabajo se pretende establecer que factores fundamentales influyen en el movimiento de la tasa de cambio COP/USD en un periodo intra-diario de forma horaria, para así poder establecer un modelo que ayude a estimar la prima de riesgo de la tasa de cambio colombiana -- Basados en Pantoja (2012)1, se pretende la aplicación de un modelo VAR (vectores autorregresivos) para estimar la prima de riesgo de la tasa de cambio, donde se encontró que este modelo no es el modelo más adecuado para explicar la serie de datos utilizada, por lo que se propone un modelo GARCH para modelar la serie -- Se encontró que hay factores fundamentales que explican la prima, como lo son el WTI, el S&P500 y la tasa de cambio EUR/USD


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As infeções do trato urinário (ITU), depois das infeções respiratórias, são as mais comuns na comunidade, sendo a Escherichia coli o principal agente etiológico. Afeta predominantemente o sexo feminino e, anualmente, estima-se que ocorram em todo o Mundo cerca de 150 milhões de episódios de ITU, sendo responsável por 15% dos antibióticos prescritos em ambulatório. Os objetivos deste estudo foram caracterizar os agentes etiológicos das ITU e determinar o seu padrão de resistência aos antimicrobianos na região litoral norte de Portugal, de modo a contribuir para o uso racional na terapêutica empírica. Foi realizado um estudo observacional, descritivo e transversal, sendo obtidos 80 967 resultados de uroculturas de um Laboratório de Análises Clínicas de prestação de serviços à comunidade, relativos ao período entre Abril de 2007 e Março de 2015. Registaram-se 13 541 bacteriúrias positivas (16,72%). Escherichia coli foi o microrganismo mais isolado (71,62%), seguida de Klebsiella pneumoniae (12,41%), Proteus mirabilis (7,84%), Enterococcus. faecalis (3,97%) e Pseudomonas aeruginosa (1,42%), tendo-se observado diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre sexos e idades. Verificou-se uma diminuição da resistência aos antimicrobianos a partir do ano de 2012. E. coli apresentou em 2015 a menor taxa de resistência respetivamente de 4,46% e 12,37% para a fosfomicina e nitrofurantoína. A combinação de amoxicilina+ácido clavulânico registou uma taxa de resistência superior a 20% (22,03%). O baixo nível de resistência à fosfomicina permite que este antibiótico se apresente como a opção terapêutica de primeira linha no tratamento empírico de ITU não complicada na mulher em ambulatório, pelo que, estes resultados permitem corroborar as indicações de 2011 da Direção Geral de Saúde sobre a substituição de fluoroquinolonas por fosfomicina.


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Sistema de coloración de superficies mediante el empleo de soluciones de partículas nanoscópicas metálicas depositadas sobre la superficie del objeto a tintar. Al no suponer un recubrimiento completo de la superficie, como el que se da en depósitos moleculares, sino un depósito discreto de partículas, dejará pasar los detalles originales de la superficie. Este método presenta la ventaja de que el color se controla mediante la elección del tipo de partícula o mezcla de ellas y no únicamente mediante el control del espesor de la lámina depositada, en el caso de deposiciones moleculares. Lo parámetros de control y diseño son: forma de las partículas, tamaño de las partículas, relación de aspecto de las mismas, naturaleza material de las partículas, concentración de partículas, relación de mezcla de las partículas.


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Na literatura acadêmica sobre inovação em serviços o tema da aprendizagem se destaca como um processo capaz de alavancar capacidades dinâmicas da empresa a curto, médio e longo prazo através da criação e transmissão do conhecimento. Os resultados desse processo podem impactar positivamente o desempenho da organização e melhorar seu posicionamento entre os concorrentes. Com objetivo de contribuir para o debate nesta área, este trabalho tem como objetivo principal identificar evidências empíricas sobre ativos de conhecimento capazes de sustentar a inovação e impulsionar a vantagem competitiva do Serviço de Cirurgia Cardiovascular (SCC) do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA). Vantagem competitiva é tratada neste trabalho como a capacidade de se distinguir de outros serviços de atendimento médico na área, identificando o que confere vantagem na disputa por investimentos públicos em inovações e tecnologias. Assim, a ideia central deste artigo é evidenciar a capacidade operacional/funcional que distingue o SCC dos outros serviços em termos de ativos de conhecimento gerados. Neste sentido, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com o médico responsável pelo SCC e análise documental de aspectos relevantes em relação ao processo de aprendizagem e produção de conhecimento no SCC utilizando as seguintes fontes: (a) publicações da equipe presentes no currículo Lattes; (b) linhas de pesquisas em que o SCC atua, apresentadas nos sites do HPCA e do Programa de Pós Graduação em Cardiologia e Cirurgia Cardiovascular da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; e (c) redes de conhecimento médico especializado onde estão inseridos, que estão discriminadas no site da Rede Nacional de Terapia Celular. Os ativos do conhecimento foram classificados pela taxonomia proposta por Li and Tsai (2009). A dinâmica de circulação dos ativos de conhecimento observados neste estudo de caso foi analisada através do modelo teórico de Gallouj (2002) para inovações em serviços de saúde intensivos na produção de conhecimento. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram dois aspectos essenciais no processo de aprendizagem do serviço de saúde investigado: (a) o incremento cumulativo das capacidades tecnológicas únicas do SCC, as quais sustentam sua diferenciação no setor de forma única; e (b) inovação de procedimentos cirúrgicos de alta complexidade diretamente relacionados com sua capacidade dinâmica para responder rapidamente à volatilidade ambiental onde o SCC está inserido. Tais dados se caracterizam como relevantes para compreender de que forma um serviço desta natureza pode gerenciar seu conhecimento, aumentando seu impacto nas estratégias de vantagem competitiva sustentável.


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The agriculture with the use of products with less environmental impact is expanding. In it, the producers offer their products without the use of synthetic chemical inputs, solving the phytosanitary problems with the use of biological or alternative control agents such as parasites, predators, entomopathogenic, alternative products, plant extracts and essential oils. These products can be considered safe to non-target organisms, but studies are needed to find these features on natural enemies and on the beneficial insects such as bees, common frequenter of cultures. In this sense, this study aims to evaluate the effects of control over reproductive quality queens of Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Africanized. For this, it tested the action of control products on the production of A. mellifera queens, using the commercial entomopathogenic fungus Boveril® 1,0x108 (Beauveria bassiana) and aqueous extract of pomegranate (Punica granatum) at a concentration of 5% sterile distilled water with Tween (0.01%) and sterile distilled water (controls). The treatments were incorporated into a tissue type gauze, wrapped in an acrylic plate and packed inside minirrecrias type colonies for the production of queens on the day before the transfer of larvae. The next day were introduced battens with 30 domes with larvae to produce queens, so the workers have contacted the agent tested. From the emergence of all the queens, they were monitored to determine the measures of body weight (mg), length and width of wing and abdomen, length, width and height of the chest (mm) as well as the time of emergence of queens. The next step was evaluated the influence of the control agents in production creates, performing measurements of creating areas in cm2 for six straight weeks. It was found that the area creates Queens did not differ among the treatments. Histological analysis of hipofaringeanas of workers glands that came into contact with the control agents and the midgut of virgin queens were also held. Histological analysis differences were observed in the tissues when the treatments were compared with the respective controls.


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En los últimos años ha aumentado el deterioro del medio ambiente causado por la contaminación doméstica e industrial, dañando el aire, el agua y el suelo; afectando la vida de los seres vivos y causando enfermedades. Queremos llegar a los educandos ha que tomen conciencia, se sensibilicen, apliquen alternativas de control de la contaminación y sean multiplicadores de la información, para ello se ha elaborado un material audiovisual, en Power Point con información sencilla, actual, de fácil comprensión sobre los causas y efectos que produce la contaminación producida por el Parque Industrial de Cuenca