1000 resultados para Administración municipal Vitoria-Gasteiz 1791


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Audit report on the Perry Municipal Waterworks, Perry, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2009


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Audit report on the Evansdale Municipal Water Works, Evansdale, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2009


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[eng] We describe the project for the organization of the documentary management system at the University of Barcelona, which is inspired by the opportunities presented by the introduction of electronic administration. We stress the function of the documentary management system as an agent for promoting continuous innovation and improvement. We illustrate this vision with a description of the process of introducing the documentary management system in the area of research.


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A pesar de que todavía se suele identificar al archivero con el profesional que se dedica exclusivamente a la clasificación, descripción y difusión de los documentos históricos o, como mucho, de aquellos que ya han acabado su función administrativa, esta concepción no se corresponde con el trabajo que actualmente desarrolla un número cada vez mayor de expertos.


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Audit report on the Perry Municipal Waterworks, Perry, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2010


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As partes metálicas dos caixões, como alças e adereços, são consideradas as principais fontes de contaminação dos solos de cemitério por metais pesados. Outras fontes de poluentes são os produtos usados no embalsamento de corpos, conservantes da madeira de caixões e líquidos humurosos liberados na decomposição. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram estudar a mineralogia da fração de argila e os teores de metais pesados de solos do Cemitério Municipal de Santa Cândida, Curitiba (PR), e estimar o risco de contaminação ambiental por esses poluentes. Foram selecionados sete locais, de onde se coletaram amostras em três profundidades (0-20, 20-80 e 80-120 cm), representando dois materiais de origem (granito/gnaisse e argilito) e dois tipos de sepultura (de indigentes e por jazigos). A fração de argila foi estudada por difratometria de raios X e análises térmicas. Determinaram-se os teores de Fe e Al nos extratos das amostras com oxalato de amônio ácido (óxidos de Fe e Al de baixa cristalinidade) e com ditionito-citrato-bicarbonato (óxidos de Fe cristalinos) por espectrometria de absorção atômica (EAA). Os teores totais e trocáveis de Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni e Zn foram determinados por EAA, após digestão das amostras com HF concentrado e solução de BaCl2 1 mol L-1, respectivamente. A ocorrência de vermiculita hidroxi-Al entrecamadas e esmectita, além do predomínio de caulinita na fração de argila, determinou os altos valores de capacidade de troca catiônica (CTC) dos solos. Na área de jazigos, as amostras de solos apresentaram os maiores teores de metais pesados, com valores máximos de Cr e Pb, na ordem de 516,3 e 260,2 mg kg-1, respectivamente. A menor contaminação na área de indigentes pode ser atribuída à maior simplicidade dos sepultamentos, com menor quantidade de fontes potenciais de metais pesados, como conservantes da madeira e as partes metálicas dos caixões. As características químicas e mineralógicas do solo, em parte determinadas pelo material de origem, não apresentaram relação de causa e efeito com metais pesados nas áreas estudadas.


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Audit report on the Evansdale Municipal Water Works, Evansdale, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2010


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The objective of this study is to analyse the technical or productive efficiency ofthe refuse collection services in 75 municipalities located in the Spanish regionof Catalonia. The analysis has been carried out using various techniques. Firstly we have calculated a deterministic parametric frontier, then a stochastic parametric frontier, and finally, various non-parametric approaches (DEA and FDH). Concerning the results, these naturally differ according to the technique used to approach the frontier. Nevertheless, they have an appearance of solidity, at least with regard to the ordinal concordance among the indices of efficiency obtained by the different approaches, as is demonstrated by the statistical tests used. Finally, we have attempted to search for any relation existing between efficiency and the method (public or private) of managing the services. No significant relation was found between the type of management and efficiencyindices


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The objective of this study is to analyse the technical or productive efficiency ofthe refuse collection services in 75 municipalities located in the Spanish regionof Catalonia. The analysis has been carried out using various techniques. Firstly we have calculated a deterministic parametric frontier, then a stochastic parametric frontier, and finally, various non-parametric approaches (DEA and FDH). Concerning the results, these naturally differ according to the technique used to approach the frontier. Nevertheless, they have an appearance of solidity, at least with regard to the ordinal concordance among the indices of efficiency obtained by the different approaches, as is demonstrated by the statistical tests used. Finally, we have attempted to search for any relation existing between efficiency and the method (public or private) of managing the services. No significant relation was found between the type of management and efficiencyindices


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This empirical work applies a duration model to the study of factors determining privatization of local water services. I assess how factors determining privatization decision evolve as time goes by. A sample of 133 Spanish municipalities during the six terms of office taken place during the 1980-2002 period is analyzed. A dynamic neighboring effect is hypothesized and successfully tested. In a first stage, private water supply firms may try to expand to regions where there is no service privatized, in order to spread over this region after having being installed thanks to its scale advantages. Other factors influencing privatization decision evolve during the two decades under study, from the priority to fix old infrastructures to the concern about service efficiency. Some complementary results regarding political and budgetary factors are also obtained


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To assess the impact of electoral systems on voting turnout, cross-national studies can be usefully complemented by studies of turnout in local elections in countries using more than one electoral system at that level. In this article, we look at data from a 1998 survey of Swiss municipalities to revisit the findings of our earlier study. This previous study, based on a 1988 survey, concluded, in particular, that there exists a positive relationship between proportional representation elections, party politicization, and voter turnout. The moment is opportune since, in the interval, turnout has markedly declined in Swiss municipalities, as elsewhere. By testing whether municipalities with proportional representation voting were more or less successful in stemming the decline, we learn more about the relationship among these three phenomena. We use the results for those Swiss municipalities which participated in both surveys as our primary source.