1000 resultados para AIR-SHOWER


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A certificate from the Cuban Tourist Commission "in recognition of his success in crossing the Channel to Cuba from the United States in the Sixth Annual All Women International Air Race". The certificate was awarded to Dorothy Rungeling on July 11, 1955.


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An official program from the 9th Annual All Woman Transcontinental Air Race, July 2-6 1955, Long Beach, California - Springfield, Massachusetts. Mrs. Dorothy Rungeling is number 36 in the program. Many of the female pilots have signed their profiles in the program for Mrs. Rungeling.


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An article about Dorothy Rungeling in her third Derby competition in 1958. She will be co-piloted by Miss Susan Koch and the route will take them from San Diego, California to Charleston, South Carolina.


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A certificate from The Confederate Air Corps that reads, "To all who shall see these presents, greeting: Know yes, that in recognition of his having manifested an unusually high regard for black-eyed peas, turnip greens, hog jowl, sow belly, pot likkers, grits, chittlins, and good old corn squeezins, Dorothy Rungeling is, as of this date, hereby appointed to the rank of Colonel in the Confederate Air Corps. This officer will, by virtue of this appointment, therefore, be obliged to carefully and diligently discharge the duties of the office to which appointed by doing and performing all manner of things thereunto belonging. As evidence of his good faith in accepting this commission, the officer named herein will continue to praise the glories of the Deep South, consume a true gentleman's share of the fares mentioned above, pay respectful homage to our lovely Southern Belles, save his Confederate money, harass the carpetbaggers, and always remember that damnyankee is one word. As Secretary of this Corps, I strictly charge and require all officers of the air militia of the South to render such obedience and courtesies as are due an Officer of this distinguished rank and honored position. Done at the City of Montgomery, Alabama, the Cradle of the Confederacy, this Seventh day of July in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty Eight." It is stamped with the name Thadeus P. Throckmorton - Secretary, Confederate Air Corps.


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A program for the 1963 Annual All Women's International Air Race from Welland, Ontario, Canada to Hollywood-by-the-Sea, Florida. The race took place May 28-29-30 and was sponsored by the Hollywood-By-The-Sea, Florida, Chamber of Commerce and the Florida Women Pilots Association, Inc.


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An article clipping discussing the four Canadian women entered in the third annual All Women's International Air Race in 1951.


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A chart of Dorothy Rungeling's flight landings and departures during the Third Annual All-Women's International Air Race in 1951.


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A newspaper clipping from The Globe and Mail, 15 May 1953, that reads: "In Florida Flight - Twenty-one planes are expected to participate in the Welland, Ont., to New Smyrna Beach, Fla., June 11. First definite Canadian entry is Mrs. Dorothy Rungeling of Fenwick, Ont. (right), who will be accompanied by Mrs. Beverly Belfry of St. Catharines (left)."


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A listing of the pilots competing in the All Women's International Air Race, 1953.


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An article in The St. Catharines Standard that discusses the upcoming sixth all-women's international air race from Welland, Ontario to New Smyrna Beach, Florida. Mrs. Rungeling will be accompanied by Beverly Belfry of St. Catharines and wife of a Thompson Products executive. Thompson Products is also sponsoring Mrs. Rungeling's flight and a representative, Mr. Stauffer, of Thompson Products, states "It is encouraging to see the international air race grow as it has done...This year's list of 21 probable entries compares with eight in last year's race".


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A result list for the 1953 All Women's International Air Race. The list has four columns: Name, Plane Flown, Hand mph. and Time made plus or minus - plus is less than hand minus more than hand. At the end of the result list of 17 pilots is a note that reads "Catherine Benner did not finish race".


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The article discusses the 1953 Governor-General's Cup win for Mrs. Dorothy Rungeling at the National Air Show. There were nine other pilots competing in the race.


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A flyer for the 1952 Air Show at the Welland Airport. The Welland Airport is to be the final arrival point for the All Women International Air Race the date of 5 July 1952.


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Receipt from G. Lloyd, dealer in hot air furnaces, stoves, ranges, gas fixtures and pumps, located on King Street, St. Catharines regarding payment received for burners, dampers and other gas fixtures, Jan. 1, 1875.


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Cette thèse se propose d’étudier les façons dont la pensée et l’imaginaire grec de l’époque archaïque se représentaient quelques pans du réel qui ne se laissaient jamais voir ni atteindre: l’éther, l’air et l’abîme marin. Vu le caractère insondable de ces espaces, l’imagination et l’abstraction se sont ingéniées à les appréhender par un discours spécifique et à les intégrer dans le système de connaissances et de croyances propre à l’époque en leur assignant une place dans le système de l’univers, en les rattachant à une hiérarchie de l’ordre cosmologique, en leur donnant une forme, en classant leurs objets et en les rapportant aux modèles du monde connu, en les aménageant par les moyens les plus divers. Une étude des formes d’expression de la pensée grecque archaïque, autant littéraires qu’iconographiques, permet de cerner les diverses formes de représentation des domaines inaccessibles et les modèles d’organisation spatiale issus de ce type de pensée. Grâce à la dialectique particulière qui ressort du rapport entre espace et mouvement, cette thèse se propose également d’interroger le corpus des sources grecques archaïques sous des angles jusqu’ici peu explorés: comment maîtrise-t-on l’espace par les déplacements physiques en dehors des parcours terrestres? Comment les schémas du mouvement dans l’espace se sont-ils forgés? Comment les dichotomies issues de la logique spatiale archaïque (haut/bas, droite/gauche, est/ouest, en deça/au-delà, etc.) influent-elles sur la structuration spatiale? Quelles espèces d’espace révèlent les déplacements à travers les différents niveaux du monde, que ce soit ceux des dieux, ceux des mortels et d’autres entités, forces physiques et substances privilégiées dans le commerce avec le divin et le monde d’en haut? Ces analyses mettent en valeur les façons dont l’imagination et l’abstraction plutôt que l’expérience vécue ont contribué, à leur façon, à structurer l’espace et à forger l’image du monde comme κόσμος, monde mis en ordre et soumis autant aux lois physiques qu’aux lois divines.