986 resultados para 4-D-treatment
L'article a été réalisé en collaboration avec Marie-Elise Verga, infirmière de recherche au DMCP, il a été publié dans les Archives de Pédiatrie, une revue française d'importance pour la profession en novembre 2013. L'impact factor de la revue est de 0.36. Ce travail est centré sur l'évaluation de l'impact d'une école de l'asthme chez l'enfant. L'asthme est la maladie chronique la plus fréquente chez l'enfant, sa prévalence est en augmentation dans le monde depuis plusieurs années. Son impact sur la vie des enfants atteints et de leur famille est important en termes d'absentéisme et de limitation dans les activités de la vie quotidienne. Selon différentes études, la connaissance de la maladie serait un pilier pour l'amélioration de son contrôle. Associée à des compétences personnelles et une médication optimale, elle diminuerait les absences scolaires, la survenue des crises et augmenterait la compliance au traitement. L'Ecole de l'Asthme de l'Hôpital de l'Enfance à Lausanne a été mise en place dans ce but, afin d'offrir, par une équipe pluridisciplinaire, des séances d'éducation thérapeutique tant aux enfants qu'à leur famille. Notre étude exploratoire a pour but d'évaluer l'effet de l'Ecole de l'Asthme sur la consommation en soins et la qualité de vie des enfants de 4 à 12 ans et de leurs parents. 27 enfants ont été inclus durant une année. La qualité de vie a été évaluée chez les enfants et leurs parents au moyen du Paediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire à l'inclusion et 6 mois plus tard. La consommation en soins a été évaluée sur une période d'un an avant et après l'Ecole de l'asthme par un questionnaire envoyé aux pédiatres. Il s'agit de la première étude de ce genre en Suisse et il y en a très peu à l'étranger. Elle démontre clairement une diminution de la consommation en soins que ce soit les rendez- vous chez le pédiatre, les consultations aux urgences et les hospitalisations. Une amélioration de la qualité de vie retrouvée tant chez les enfants que leurs parents a aussi été observée lors de notre étude. En donnant aux enfants et à leur famille des moyens de mieux gérer la maladie à domicile, l'Ecole de l'Asthme contribue à un meilleur contrôle de cette maladie. Ces premières conclusions valident l'importance d'évaluer cette prise en charge par des études prospectives randomisées. Il existe plusieurs perspectives à développer dans le prolongement de cette étude par exemple inclure des patients non francophones, sachant que les migrants représentent une part importante des consultations en urgences et que leur maladie asthmatique est souvent mal contrôlée. Il faudrait affiner les résultats en comparant nos résultats à ceux d'un groupe contrôle ou d'un groupe avec un enseignement individualisé. Un suivi sur 5 ans permettrait de voir l'impact à long terme. Le côté financier devrait être évalué afin de vérifier la diminution des coûts supposée en rapport à la diminution de la consommation en soins.
The presence of intralesional natural regulatory T cells, characterized by the expression of Foxp3 mRNA, was analyzed in patients with localized leishmaniasis due to Leishmania guyanensis infection that was unresponsive to treatment with pentamidine isethionate. Foxp3 mRNA levels were associated with unresponsiveness to treatment among patients with a lesion duration of 1 month, but this association was not observed among patients with a lesion duration of <1 month. In conclusion, high intralesional expression of Foxp3 might be an indicator of poor response to treatment, depending on the duration of lesions.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether HIV-infected patients on a stable and fully suppressive combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) regimen could safely be monitored less often than the current recommendations of every 3 months. DESIGN: Two thousand two hundred and forty patients from the EuroSIDA study who maintained a stable and fully suppressed cART regimen for 1 year were included in the analysis. METHODS: Risk of treatment failure, defined by viral rebound, fall in CD4 cell count, development of new AIDS-defining illness, serious opportunistic infection or death, in the 12 months following a year of a stable and fully suppressed regimen was assessed. RESULTS: One hundred thirty-one (6%) patients experienced treatment failure in the 12 months following a year of stable therapy, viral rebound occurred in 99 (4.6%) patients. After 3, 6 and 12 months, patients had a 0.3% [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.1-0.5], 2.2% (95% CI 1.6-2.8) and 6.0% (95% CI 5.0-7.0) risk of treatment failure, respectively. Patients who spent more than 80% of their time on cART with fully suppressed viraemia prior to baseline had a 38% reduced risk of treatment failure, hazard ratio 0.62 (95% CI 0.42-0.90, P = 0.01). CONCLUSION: Patients who have responded well to cART and are on a well tolerated and durably fully suppressive cART regimen have a low chance of experiencing treatment failure in the next 3-6 months. Therefore, in this subgroup of otherwise healthy patients, it maybe reasonable to extend visit intervals to 6 months, with cost and time savings to both the treating clinics and the patients.
PURPOSE: Effective cancer treatment generally requires combination therapy. The combination of external beam therapy (XRT) with radiopharmaceutical therapy (RPT) requires accurate three-dimensional dose calculations to avoid toxicity and evaluate efficacy. We have developed and tested a treatment planning method, using the patient-specific three-dimensional dosimetry package 3D-RD, for sequentially combined RPT/XRT therapy designed to limit toxicity to organs at risk. METHODS AND MATERIALS: The biologic effective dose (BED) was used to translate voxelized RPT absorbed dose (D(RPT)) values into a normalized total dose (or equivalent 2-Gy-fraction XRT absorbed dose), NTD(RPT) map. The BED was calculated numerically using an algorithmic approach, which enabled a more accurate calculation of BED and NTD(RPT). A treatment plan from the combined Samarium-153 and external beam was designed that would deliver a tumoricidal dose while delivering no more than 50 Gy of NTD(sum) to the spinal cord of a patient with a paraspinal tumor. RESULTS: The average voxel NTD(RPT) to tumor from RPT was 22.6 Gy (range, 1-85 Gy); the maximum spinal cord voxel NTD(RPT) from RPT was 6.8 Gy. The combined therapy NTD(sum) to tumor was 71.5 Gy (range, 40-135 Gy) for a maximum voxel spinal cord NTD(sum) equal to the maximum tolerated dose of 50 Gy. CONCLUSIONS: A method that enables real-time treatment planning of combined RPT-XRT has been developed. By implementing a more generalized conversion between the dose values from the two modalities and an activity-based treatment of partial volume effects, the reliability of combination therapy treatment planning has been expanded.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to analyse the long-term mortality and morbidity of a group of patients undergoing thrombolysis during the acute phase of myocardial infarction and to determine the factors influencing the prognosis. One hundred and seventy five patients (149 mean and 26 women, mean age: 54 years) were included in a randomized study, comparing the efficacy of 2 thrombolytic substances administered during the acute phase of myocardial infarction. A standard questionnaire was sent to the various attending physicians to follow-up of these 175 patients. RESULTS: The hospital mortality was 5% (9 patients) and 14 patients (9%) died after a mean follow-up of 4.3 +/- 2.1 years. The 5-year actuarial survival was 81%. Fourteen patients (8%) were lost to follow-up and 49 patients (32%) underwent surgical or percutaneous revascularization during follow-up. Revascularized patients had a significantly better survival than non-revascularized patients. The mean left ventricular ejection fraction of patients who died was lower (48% versus 71%) than that of survivors. Patients with an ejection fraction < 40% also had a significantly lower survival (p = 0.01). Patency of the vessel after thrombolysis was associated with a slightly better survival; this difference was not significant. The ejection fraction at 6 month was also significantly higher (60 +/- 10% versus 49 +/- 11%) for patients with a patent artery. Three risk factors for death or reinfarction were identified: age > 65 years at the time of infarction, disease in more than one coronary vessel and absence of angina pectoris before infarction. The probability of a coronary accident varied from 2 to 88% according to the number of risk factors present. At the time of follow-up, 60% of patients presented hypercholesterolaemia versus only 7% before infarction 73% of patients received anticoagulant or antiaggregant treatment and 81% of patients were asymptomatic. CONCLUSION: The mortality and the acute and long-term morbidity of myocardial infarction remain high, as only 34% of our patients did not develop any events during follow-up, despite serious medical management and follow-up. The ejection fraction has an important prognostic value. Patient management should take the abovementioned risk factors into account.
Die Ergebnisse mehrerer, in letzter Zeit publizierter Phase-III-Studien haben die therapeutischen Möglichkeiten in der Behandlung des metastasierten Magenkarzinoms deutlich erweitert. Die Dauerinfusion von 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) kann ohne Verlust an Wirkung durch Capecitabin ersetzt werden, ebenso wie Cisplatin durch Oxaliplatin. Nach den Ergebnissen der REAL-2-Studie zeigt die Kombination aus Epirubicin, Oxaliplatin und Capecitabin (EOX) eine Verbesserung des Gesamtüberlebens (9,9 vs. 11,2 Monate; HR 0,8) im Vergleich zu Epirubicin, Cisplatin und 5-FU (ECF). Die Frage, ob in der First-Line-Therapie eine Dreifachkombination oder eine Zweifachkombination eingesetzt werden sollte, ist allerdings weiterhin umstritten. Die Kombination aus Irinotecan und 5-FU stellt für solche Patienten, bei denen aufgrund von Komorbiditäten eine platinfreie Therapie bevorzugt wird, eine Alternative zur Kombination Cisplatin/5-FU dar. Docetaxel, 5-FU und Cisplatin (DCF) hat sich bezüglich des Überlebens in einer randomisierten Phase-III-Studie als statistisch signifikant überlegen erwiesen, allerdings besteht eine ausgeprägte hämatologische Toxizität, welche die Anwendbarkeit insbesondere bei den häufig älteren Patienten mit einem Magenkarzinom limitiert. Randomisierte Phase-III-Studien zum Vergleich von DCF mit anderen Dreierkombinationen, wie z. B. EOX, stehen aus. Recently published results from several phase III trials have significantly increased the therapeutic options in the treatment of metastatic stomach cancer: The continuous infusion of 5-FU can be replaced by capecitabine, and cisplatin can be replaced by oxaliplatin in both cases without impairing efficacy. According to the results of the REAL-2 trial, the combination of epirubicin, oxaliplatin and capecitabine (EOX) achieved superior results for overall survival compared to epirubicin, cisplatin und 5-FU (ECF) (9.9 versus 11.2 months, HR 0.8). However, the question of whether an optimal first line therapy should include a triplet regimen or the sequential use of doublets is a matter of debate. The combination of irinotecan and 5-FU may serve as an alternative to platinum-containing regimens in patients where, due to co-morbidity, a platinum-free regimen is preferred. The 3-drug combination of docetaxel, 5-FU and cisplatin (DCF) demonstrated a statistically significant survival benefit compared to the 2-drug combination of 5-FU and cisplatin in a randomized phase III trial, although results were limited by a particularly significant hematological toxicity, which prevents its application in the large group of elderly patients with gastric cancer. Direct randomized phase III comparisons of DCF with other 3-drug combinations, such as EOX are still missing.
Collection : Le Livre du divan