1000 resultados para 340.023 T629m
Previously, a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), rs9939609, in the FTO gene showed a much stronger association with all-cause mortality than expected from its association with body mass index (BMI), body fat mass index (FMI) and waist circumference (WC). This finding implies that the SNP has strong pleiotropic effects on adiposity and adiposity-independent pathological pathways that leads to increased mortality. To investigate this further, we conducted a meta-analysis of similar data from 34 longitudinal studies including 169,551 adult Caucasians among whom 27,100 died during follow-up. Linear regression showed that the minor allele of the FTO SNP was associated with greater BMI (n = 169,551; 0.32 kg m(-2) ; 95% CI 0.28-0.32, P < 1 × 10(-32) ), WC (n = 152,631; 0.76 cm; 0.68-0.84, P < 1 × 10(-32) ) and FMI (n = 48,192; 0.17 kg m(-2) ; 0.13-0.22, P = 1.0 × 10(-13) ). Cox proportional hazard regression analyses for mortality showed that the hazards ratio (HR) for the minor allele of the FTO SNPs was 1.02 (1.00-1.04, P = 0.097), but the apparent excess risk was eliminated after adjustment for BMI and WC (HR: 1.00; 0.98-1.03, P = 0.662) and for FMI (HR: 1.00; 0.96-1.04, P = 0.932). In conclusion, this study does not support that the FTO SNP is associated with all-cause mortality independently of the adiposity phenotypes.
Se ha estudiado un rodal adulto (edad media = 139 años) de Pinus nigra ssp. salzmannii var. pyrenaica en el W de la comarca del Solsonès (Lérida). Se han medido y extraído testigos de madera de 97 árboles adultos, a partir de los cuales se han medido e interdatado 13.340 anillos anuales, construyendo una cronología de crecimientos que abarca desde 1818 a 1996. Se han analizado las relaciones entre diversos parámetros dendrométricos medidos y los crecimientos observados, encontrándose en general muy bajas correlaciones. Se han construido tres series medias de crecimiento (cronología media, estandarizada, y en función de la edad) a partir de las cuales se ha analizado la evolución del rodal. Se ha observado un prolongado período de ralentización y estancamiento del crecimiento que se mantiene cerca de ochenta años, seguido de una fuerte corta a la que la masa reacciona con un notable incremento del crecimiento radial en un momento en que la edad media era ya de 101 años.
BACKGROUND: Pneumonia is the biggest cause of deaths in young children in developing countries, but early diagnosis and intervention can effectively reduce mortality. We aimed to assess the diagnostic value of clinical signs and symptoms to identify radiological pneumonia in children younger than 5 years and to review the accuracy of WHO criteria for diagnosis of clinical pneumonia. METHODS: We searched Medline (PubMed), Embase (Ovid), the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and reference lists of relevant studies, without date restrictions, to identify articles assessing clinical predictors of radiological pneumonia in children. Selection was based on: design (diagnostic accuracy studies), target disease (pneumonia), participants (children aged <5 years), setting (ambulatory or hospital care), index test (clinical features), and reference standard (chest radiography). Quality assessment was based on the 2011 Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS-2) criteria. For each index test, we calculated sensitivity and specificity and, when the tests were assessed in four or more studies, calculated pooled estimates with use of bivariate model and hierarchical summary receiver operation characteristics plots for meta-analysis. FINDINGS: We included 18 articles in our analysis. WHO-approved signs age-related fast breathing (six studies; pooled sensitivity 0·62, 95% CI 0·26-0·89; specificity 0·59, 0·29-0·84) and lower chest wall indrawing (four studies; 0·48, 0·16-0·82; 0·72, 0·47-0·89) showed poor diagnostic performance in the meta-analysis. Features with the highest pooled positive likelihood ratios were respiratory rate higher than 50 breaths per min (1·90, 1·45-2·48), grunting (1·78, 1·10-2·88), chest indrawing (1·76, 0·86-3·58), and nasal flaring (1·75, 1·20-2·56). Features with the lowest pooled negative likelihood ratio were cough (0·30, 0·09-0·96), history of fever (0·53, 0·41-0·69), and respiratory rate higher than 40 breaths per min (0·43, 0·23-0·83). INTERPRETATION: Not one clinical feature was sufficient to diagnose pneumonia definitively. Combination of clinical features in a decision tree might improve diagnostic performance, but the addition of new point-of-care tests for diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia would help to attain an acceptable level of accuracy. FUNDING: Swiss National Science Foundation.
Transcription and translation require a high concentration of potassium across the entire tree of life. The conservation of a high intracellular potassium was an absolute requirement for the evolution of life on Earth. This was achieved by the interplay of P- and V-ATPases that can set up electrochemical gradients across the cell membrane, an energetically costly process requiring the synthesis of ATP by F-ATPases. In animals, the control of an extracellular compartment was achieved by the emergence of multicellular organisms able to produce tight epithelial barriers creating a stable extracellular milieu. Finally, the adaptation to a terrestrian environment was achieved by the evolution of distinct regulatory pathways allowing salt and water conservation. In this review we emphasize the critical and dual role of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase in the control of the ionic composition of the extracellular fluid and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) in salt and water conservation in vertebrates. The action of aldosterone on transepithelial sodium transport by activation of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) at the apical membrane and that of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase at the basolateral membrane may have evolved in lungfish before the emergence of tetrapods. Finally, we discuss the implication of RAAS in the origin of the present pandemia of hypertension and its associated cardiovascular diseases.
La atribución a Joan Reixach de una tabla con la Flagelación, nos ha permitido aportar noticias inéditas en torno a su autor y a los lazos profesionales que pudieron unirle en ocasiones con Jacomart. Una asociación tácita demostrada documentalmente con una nueva noticia fechada en 1449 que explicaría la proximidad estilística y contractual de algunas de sus obras.
Data was analyzed on development of the solanaceen fruit crop Cape gooseberry to evaluate how well a classical thermal time model could describe node appearance in different environments. The data used in the analysis were obtained from experiments conducted in Colombia in open fields and greenhouse condition at two locations with different climate. An empirical, non linear segmented model was used to estimate the base temperature and to parameterize the model for simulation of node appearance vs. time. The base temperature (Tb) used to calculate the thermal time (TT, ºCd) for node appearance was estimated to be 6.29 ºC. The slope of the first linear segment was 0.023 nodes per TT and 0.008 for the second linear segment. The time at which the slope of node apperance changed was 1039.5 ºCd after transplanting, determined from a statistical analysis of model for the first segment. When these coefficients were used to predict node appearance at all locations, the model successfully fit the observed data (RSME=2.1), especially for the first segment where node appearance was more homogeneous than the second segment. More nodes were produced by plants grown under greenhouse conditions and minimum and maximum rates of node appearance rates were also higher.
A cultura da aceroleira despertou um grande interesse do mercado consumidor, tendo em vista o alto teor de vitamina C (ácido ascórbico), que varia entre 1.325 a 2.250 mg por 100 mL de suco. Com a expansão da cultura, surgiram problemas fitossanitários, entre os quais a infecção das raízes da aceroleira por nematóides. Os produtos químicos utilizados no controle dos nematóides são agressivos ao meio ambiente, e a seleção de genótipos resistentes e tolerantes constitui-se na melhor alternativa para a solução do problema. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em casa de vegetação com 18 genótipos de aceroleira, com o objetivo de encontrar genótipos resistentes e tolerantes a Meloidogyne incognita raça 2 assistida por marcadores isoenzimáticos, para indicar plantas destinadas a porta-enxerto. A avaliação foi realizada 60 dias após a inoculação mediante análise das variáveis: número de ovos por planta e por grama de raiz, índice de galhas e massa de ovos, biomassa fresca relativa do sistema radicular e biomassa fresca relativa da parte aérea. Os resultados permitiram identificar o genótipo 023-CMF como menos suscetível, e os genótipos 027-CMF e 035-CMF, como mais suscetíveis. Estudos realizados através da eletroforese isoenzimática com os sistemas α esterase, fosfatase ácida e peroxidase, 20; 40 e 60 dias após a inoculação com ovos de M. incognita raça 2, possibilitaram relacionar a expressão de proteínas com a suscetibilidade. Os genótipos mais próximos geneticamente, com índice de similaridade 0,941, foram 027-CMF e 026-CMF, 046-CMF e 026-CMF, e 041-CMF e 026-CMF. O menor índice de similaridade genética (0,115) foi observado entre os genótipos 002-SPE e 036-CMF.
O conhecimento da variabilidade genética e da relação entre diferentes acessos de aceroleira é importante para maximizar o uso dos recursos genéticos para futuros programas de melhoramento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a divergência genética entre 48 acessos de aceroleira, por meio de marcadores moleculares RAPD e características morfoagronômicas. Foram utilizados 25 iniciadores, possibilitando obter 108 marcadores, sendo observadas 92 marcas polimórficas. Os marcadores obtidos foram analisados, usando os métodos de otimização de Tocher e hierárquico UPGMA, que gerou um dendrograma utilizando o índice de Jaccard. Os resultados mostraram uma concordância parcial entre os métodos de agrupamentos estudados, com a formação de 14 grupos. Os acessos ACE 023 e ACE 033 foram os mais distintos, apresentando distância genética de 0,58. A análise comparativa dos agrupamentos revelou que os marcadores RAPD, associados com características morfoagronômicas, foram eficientes para a discriminação dos acessos e que houve uma variabilidade genética potencial para o programa de melhoramento genético e informações úteis, como a indicação de acessos promissores para avaliação clonal.
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes concentrações e épocas de aplicação de cianamida hidrogenada (CH) + óleo mineral (OM) e boro sobre a fenologia e produção de pessegueiros 'Granada'. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no município de Charqueadas, na Depressão Central do Rio Grande do Sul. Avaliaram-se a fenologia, a queda de gemas florais e intensidade de floração, a frutificação efetiva, o rendimento e a qualidade físico-química dos frutos. A aplicação de 0,4 % CH + 1,0 % OM no estádio de gema dormente estimulou o florescimento e a brotação, mas reduziu a produção das plantas. A pulverização com 0,2% de bórax (220 mg.L-1 de boro nas gemas e flores) aumentou a produção das plantas. A aplicação simultânea de 0,25% CH + 0,8% OM, no estádio de início de inchamento das gemas, e de 0,2% de ácido bórico (340 mg.L-1 de boro), na plena floração, promoveu a maior produção de frutos. A aplicação isolada de 0,25 % CH + 0,8 % OM, no estádio de início de inchamento das gemas, reduziu o teor de sólidos solúveis (SS) totais e, quando aplicados simultaneamente com o boro, na plena floração, reduziu a acidez titulável dos frutos.
Over the years, transfusion medicine has been faced to many different problems, notably those related to transmission of pathogens. Major progresses have been accomplished in terms of security. However, nowadays, the discipline is confronted to the day-to-day variability and availability of blood products. More and more donors are excluded from blood donation due to various reasons, and the donor selection criteria have increased over the years, influencing the number of donors able to give blood. This paradox represents one of the constraints that transfusion medicine should resolve in the future. This paper presents some aspects either common or different between France and Switzerland.
Amsterdam 1579, Christopher Plantin
MR imaging is currently regarded as a pivotal technique for the assessment of a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. Diffusion-weighted MR imaging (DWI) is a relatively recent sequence that provides information on the degree of cellularity of lesions. Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) value provides information on the movement of water molecules outside the cells. The literature contains many studies that have evaluated the role of DWI in musculoskeletal diseases. However, to date they yielded conflicting results on the use and the diagnostic capabilities of DWI in the area of musculoskeletal diseases. However, many of them have showed that DWI is a useful technique for the evaluation of the extent of the disease in a subset of musculoskeletal cancers. In terms of tissue characterization, DWI may be an adjunct to the more conventional MR imaging techniques but should be interpreted along with the signal of the lesion as observed on conventional sequences, especially in musculoskeletal cancers. Regarding the monitoring of response to therapy in cancer or inflammatory disease, the use of ADC value may represent a more reliable additional tool but must be compared to the initial ADC value of the lesions along with the knowledge of the actual therapy.
Tämä diplomityö tutkii elektroniikka- ja telekommunikaatioteollisuutta sekä siihen läheisesti liittyviä robotteja ja robottijärjestelmiä. Tavoitteena on määrittää E&T-teollisuuden prosesseihin soveltuvien robottien testausmenetelmä. Tavoitteena on myös selvittää kahden ABB:n robotin soveltuvuutta E&T-teollisuuden tarpeisiin. Muutamia systemaattisia valmistusjärjestelmien suunnitteluun soveltuvia menetelmiä ja apuvälineitä on myös käsitelty. Alussa työ keskittyy elektroniikka- ja telekommunikaatioteollisuuden nykytilan tutkimiseen sekä siellä vallitsevien ja ennustettujen trendien kartoitukseen. Kohdat “Collaborative manufacturing” ja E&T-teollisuuden valmistusjärjestelmille asettamat vaatimukset käydään yksityiskohtaisesti läpi. Tutkimuksen pääkohteina ovat robotit, erityisesti ABB:n IRB 140 ja IRB 340 sekä robottien testausmenetelmän määrittäminen. Työssä käydään läpi IRB 340:llä suoritetut testit, jotka tehtiin sekä konenäköjärjestelmää apuna käyttäen että ilman. Myös TTKK:lla suoritetut robottitestit on käyty läpi. Robottien testituloksia on analysoitu ja vertailtu muihin robotteihin. Testausmenetelmät perustuvat ISO 9283 standardiin. Viimeinen osa työstä esittelee robottijärjestelmien systemaattiseen suunnitteluun soveltuvia menetelmiä ja apuvälineitä. Esillä ovat mm. Modular function deployment (MFD) ja The system design method (SDM).