1000 resultados para 334.3


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All adults (n = 334) living in Brejo do Mutambal, an endemic area for cutaneous leishmaniasis, were included in this study. Contrary to our initial hypothesis, it was observed that men (23.7 ± 3.2 vs. 22.1 ± 2.6 kg/m²) and women (24.1 ± 4.7 vs. 22.5 ± 3.4 kg/m²) with cutaneous leishmaniasis presented higher body mass index than the controls.


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Neste relatório existem vários anexo disponíveis no CD


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A avaliação, no contexto de ensino-aprendizagem, ocupa um papel central e fulcral. Subdivide-se em diversas formas e modalidades que nos ajudam a compreender as formas de implementar momentos avaliativos e de conduzir práticas letivas. O presente relatório pretende efetuar uma contextualização teórica de alguns conceitos relacionados com a avaliação – nomeadamente a avaliação sumativa e a avaliação formativa – compreendendo a sua praticabilidade na atividade docente. A Prática de Ensino Supervisionada decorreu em duas escolas diferentes, e a minha prática letiva cingiu-se aos 8º e 9º anos do Ensino Básico. Desta forma, o trabalho apresentado efetua uma comparação entre duas práticas letivas e avaliativas, analisando a sua repercussão ao nível da aprendizagem dos alunos


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INTRODUCTION: In this study, we aimed at identifying Candida isolates obtained from blood, urine, tracheal secretion, and nail/skin lesions from cases attended at the Hospital Universitário de Londrina over a 3-year period and at evaluating fluconazole susceptibilities of the isolates. METHODS: Candida isolates were identified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using species-specific forward primers. The in vitro fluconazole susceptibility test was performed according to EUCAST-AFST reference procedure. RESULTS: Isolates were obtained from urine (53.4%), blood cultures (19.2%), tracheal secretion (17.8%), and nail/skin lesions (9.6%). When urine samples were considered, prevalence was similar in women (45.5%) and in men (54.5%) and was high in the age group >61 years than that in younger ones. For blood samples, prevalence was high in neonates (35%) and advanced ages (22.5%). For nail and skin samples, prevalence was higher in women (71.4%) than in men (28.6%). Candida albicans was the most frequently isolated in the hospital, but Candida species other than C. albicans accounted for 64% of isolates, including predominantly Candida tropicalis (33.2%) and Candida parapsilosis (19.2%). The trend for non-albicans Candida as the predominant species was noted from all clinical specimens, except from urine samples. All Candida isolates were considered susceptible in vitro to fluconazole with the exception of isolates belonging to the intrinsically less-susceptible species C. glabrata. CONCLUSIONS: Non-albicans Candida species were more frequently isolated in the hospital. Fluconazole resistance was a rare finding in our study.


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Se outrora o manual escolar era o único recurso disponível nas escolas, atualmente a sua utilização entra em competição com os recursos digitais, mais apelativos e dinâmicos. Estudos existentes demonstram a importância na utilização de ambos os recursos, existindo defensores e críticos para o seu uso. Este relatório não pretendeu entrar nessa discussão, mas refletiu acerca da importância do manual escolar para o professor e para o aluno do 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Na minha anterior experiencia como docente nunca tinha recorrido à utilização de recursos digitais. Deste modo e no âmbito do estágio realizado em duas escolas diferentes e depois de atribuídas as turmas para Geografia e História, optou-se pela lecionação das turmas do 8º ano através do manual escolar, ao passo que as turmas do 9º ano foram lecionadas através de recursos digitais. No final do estágio pude constatar que a utilização de recursos digitais revelou-se proveitosa na transmissão de conhecimentos aos alunos (à semelhança do manual escolar), mas requereu bastante tempo para a sua construção. Foram ainda aplicados 88 inquéritos aos alunos e não obstante os resultados demonstrarem uma ligeira tendência preferencial para a utilização de recursos digitais, a relação estabelecida com o professor e o sucesso na avaliação são aspetos capazes de persuadir essa preferência.


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The use of wastes and industrial by-products as building materials is an important issue in order to decrease costs with waste management and the embodied energy of building products. Scrap tire rubber has been studied as aggregate for cementitious materials. Natural hydraulic limes are natural binders with particular characteristics of both air and hydraulic binders. Their specifications became stricter with the last version of EN 459-1:2010. In this study scrap tire rubber was used as additional aggregate of mortars, based on NHL3.5 and natural sand. Different particle size fractions and proportions of scrap tire rubber were used: a mix obtained almost directly from industry (only after sieving for preparation of particle sizes similar to mortar aggregate) and separated fine, medium and coarse fractions; 0%, 18%, 36% and 54% weight of binder, corresponding to 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% weight of sand. The influence of the rubbers´ additions on the mortars´ fresh state, mechanical and physical performance is presented, namely by flow table consistency, water retention, fresh bulk density, dynamic elasticity modulus, flexural and compressive strength, open porosity and bulk density, capillary absorption, drying and thermal conductivity. The use of the rubber mix coming from the waste tire industry seems advantageous and may open possibilities for use as raw material by the mortars industry.


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O presente relatório tem como principal objetivo descrever as atividades desenvolvidas durante o Estágio Pedagógico realizado no âmbito da unidade curricular Prática Profissional do Mestrado Ensino da Física e da Química no 3.° Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário, da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Este relatório encontra-se organizado em 2 partes principais. A primeira onde se descreve o estágio pedagógico e a segunda onde se apresenta o projeto de investigação. O estágio compreendeu a realização e acompanhamento de atividades letivas e não letivas em concordância com o horário do professor Carlos Cunha, professor orientador do estágio, e ainda a realização de formação contínua, através de visitas de estudo. A componente letiva contemplou a observação de aulas lecionadas pelo professor orientador e o co-ensino nas disciplinas de Ciências Físico-Químicas do ensino básico (9.º anos) e de Física do ensino secundário (12.º ano). O trabalho de Investigação Educacional procurou responder à seguinte questão de investigação: Será que aplicando uma diferente metodologia pedagógica existe mais interesse por parte dos alunos sobre a disciplina de Ciências Físico Químicas? A questão de investigação surgiu da circunstância de ter assistido a uma conferência proferida pelo Professor Kakalios na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova. Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal dar a conhecer o que foi realizado durante um ano de estágio pedagógico nas áreas a que me propus, assim como a forma de me apresentar como professora.


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The occurrence of tuberculosis with first-line multidrug resistance leads to the use of alternative medications, often at higher costs, longer treatment periods, and greater clinical complexity. Here, we report 3 patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. One patient with human immunodeficiency virus died before the sensitivity test was performed. The early diagnosis of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and appropriate treatment should be priorities of the National Tuberculosis Control Program in order to break the chain of transmission. In addition, the possibility of substituting the proportion method with more modern and faster techniques should be urgently evaluated.


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Introduction Six genotypes of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) have been identified thus far, and their distribution is well defined. Genotype 1, which is the most prevalent worldwide, is always compared to genotypes 2 and 3, particularly in terms of treatment response. However, little is known about the differences between genotypes 2 and 3 because these genotypes are analyzed together in most studies. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate differences in the clinical, epidemiological, laboratory, and histological parameters between HCV-2 and HCV-3. Methods Patients with chronic hepatitis C infected with genotypes 2 and 3 were studied retrospectively and compared according to clinical, laboratory, and histological aspects. Hepatitis C virus-ribonucleic acid (HCV-RNA) was analyzed quantitatively by TaqMan® real-time PCR, and the HCV genotype was determined by sequencing the 5′-untranslated region. Results A total of 306 patients with chronic HCV-2 (n=50) and HCV-3 (n = 256) were studied. Subtype 2b (n=17/50) and subtype 3a (n=244/256) were the most prevalent among patients infected with HCV-2 and HCV-3, respectively. The mean age was 47 ± 10 years, and there was a predominance of men in the group studied (61%). Comparative analysis between HCV-2 and HCV-3 showed a younger age (p=0.002), less prevalence of arterial hypertension (p=0.03), higher serum albumin levels (p=0.01), more advanced stage of liver fibrosis (p=0.03), and higher frequency of steatosis in patients with HCV-3 (p=0.001). After multivariate regression analysis, all the variables, except serum albumin, remained as variables associated with HCV-3 in the final model. Conclusions Clinical and histological differences exist between HCV-2 and HVC-3, which suggests the need for separate analyses of these genotypes.


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Este estudio pretende valorar la competencia sociocultural, presentando un abanico de actividades para desarrollarla en clase con nuestros alumnos. Asimismo se mostrará cómo un profesor puede y debe ser un mediador en la transmisión y adquisición de contenidos socioculturales. Para ello, en el primer capítulo se da la definición del término cultura, analizando la importancia de su integración en las clases de lengua y presentando la evolución del estudio de contenidos socioculturales en la didáctica de idiomas. Se analizará igualmente la relevancia dada hoy en día a los contenidos socioculturales en los documentos oficiales, el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia, el Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes y el Programa de Español del Ministerio de Educación Portugués. A continuación, definimos el concepto de interculturalidad e incidimos en el papel del profesor en la eliminación de estereotipos, prejuicios y malentendidos, en el descubrimiento de uno mismo y en la tolerancia por los demás, resaltando también la importancia de la intraculturalidad en las clases de lengua materna y terminando el capítulo con algunos aspectos socioculturales españoles, indispensables para la formación de un alumno de español. En un segundo capítulo, se presenta el Instituto de Ciências Educativas – institución privada en la que se realizó la Práctica Supervisionada de Español - , y se procede igualmente a la caracterización de los grupos. Finalmente, se presentan algunas de las actividades más significativas para el tema de estudio y su respectiva reflexión.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário


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INTRODUCTION: The present study investigated the prevalence of two single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) gene in patients infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV). METHODS: Samples collected from HCV (n = 74) and HBV (n = 35) carriers were subjected to quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) to detect the presence of the SNPs rs5743305 and rs3775291 in TLR3 and to measure the following biomarkers: alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), and prothrombin time (PT). A healthy control group was investigated and consisted of 299 HCV- and HBV-seronegative individuals. RESULTS: No significant differences in allele, genotype and haplotype frequencies were observed between the investigated groups, and no association was observed between the polymorphisms and histopathological results. Nevertheless, genotypes TA/AA (rs5743305) and GG (rs3775291) appear to be associated with higher levels of ALT (p<0.01), AST (p<0.05) and PT (p<0.05). In addition, genotypes TT (rs5743305; p<0.05) and GG (rs3775291; p<0.05) were associated with higher GGT levels. CONCLUSIONS: This genetic analysis revealed the absence of an association between the polymorphisms investigated and susceptibility to HBV and HCV infection; however, these polymorphisms might be associated with a greater degree of biliary damage during the course of HCV infection.


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3-O-methylmannose polysaccharides (MMPs) are cytoplasmic carbohydrates synthesized by mycobacteria, which play important intracellular roles, such as for example in metabolism regulation. An important way to confirm if the inhibition of the synthesis of these polysaccharides will critically affect the survival of mycobacteria is the study of the biosynthetic pathways from these molecules on these microorganisms. The purpose of this work is the efficient synthesis of three saccharides, which are rare cellular precursors from the biosynthesis of the mycobacterial polysaccharides, allowing its study. In order to obtain these molecules, a chemical strategy to connect two precursors was used. This process is called chemical glycosylation and its importance will be highlighted as an important alternative to enzymatic glycosylation. The first objective was the synthesis of the disaccharides Methyl (3-O-methyl-α-D-mannopyranosyl)-(1→4)-3-O-methyl-α-D-mannopyranoside and (3-O-Methyl-α-D-mannopyra- nosyl)-(1→4)-3-O-methyl-(α/β)-D-mannopyranose. The mannose precursors were prepared before the glycosylation reaction. The same mannosyl donor was used in the preparation of both molecules and its efficient synthesis was achieved using a 8 step synthetic route from D-mannose. A different mannosyl acceptor was used in the synthesis of each disaccharide and their syntheses were also efficient, the first one a 4 step synthetic route from α-methyl-D-mannose and the second one as an intermediate from the synthesis of the mannosyl donor. The stereoselective preparation of these disaccharides was performed successfully. The second and last objective of the proposed work was the synthesis of the tetrasaccharide methyl (3-O-methyl-α-D-mannopyranosyl-(1→4)-3-O-methyl-α-D-mannopyra- nosyl-(1→4)-3-O-methyl-α-D-mannopyranosyl-(1→4)-3-O-methyl-α-D-mannopyranoside. The disaccharide acceptor and donor to be linked through a stereoselective glycosidic reaction had to be first synthesized. Several synthetic strategies were studied. Neither the precursors nor the tetrasaccharide were synthesized, but a final promising synthetic route for its preparation has been proposed.


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Controlar a navegação de uma embarcação, neste caso de um veleiro, pode ser fácil quando controlada por um humano. Mas, quando falamos em embarcação autónoma, existem algumas dificuldades relativas à programação da rota a que a embarcação deve seguir. Nesta dissertação foram feitas diversas análises referentes às técnicas de velejar, bem como a caracterização de um controlador utilizando lógica difusa, com a colaboração de sensores e atuadores. Para este estudo foi necessário equipar um veleiro com diversos sensores, atuadores e controladores. Por fim, foram realizados testes e análises que possibilitaram o aperfeiçoamento das técnicas de controlo. O objetivo é transformar um veleiro telecomandado num capaz de navegar autonomamente, por forma a ser introduzido posteriormente num de maior escala.