986 resultados para 327.587


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Se muestran los resultados de una encuesta sobre las opiniones del profesorado de Matemáticas de secundaria en Galicia, relativa a la instrucción sobre el concepto de "Límite funcional" En esta comunicación se presentan sólo tres aspectos relacionados con el tema de una investigación más amplia: El profesorado opina sobre el nivel adecuado en que considera se debería impartir la noción de límite de funciones en los itinerarios del Bachillerato o en la ESO; se identifican algunos referentes que utiliza en su introducción, y finalmente, se recuentan instrumentos, técnicas y herramientas que el profesorado utiliza habitualmente en la instrucción de este objeto matemático. Transversalmente se trata de ver en qué grado el contexto general del aula condiciona las estrategias, herramientas y procedimientos.


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La estrategia didáctica es uno de los resultados de la investigación que realiza el grupo de matemática educativa de la Universidad de Camagüey. Tiene como objetivo diseñar una estrategia didáctica para favorecer la formación y el desarrollo de la competencia organizar e interpretar el conocimiento matemático en los estudiantes de la carrera Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de Camagüey. La misma centra sus resultados científicos fundamentales en un modelo teórico para la formación y desarrollo de la competencia organizar e interpretar el conocimiento matemático. En esta estrategia didáctica para favorecer la formación y el desarrollo de la competencia organizar e interpretar el conocimiento matemático en los estudiantes de la carrera Ingeniería Informática presenta un set de instrumentos e indicadores para evaluar la formación y el desarrollo de la competencia organizar e interpretar el conocimiento matemático. En el desarrollo de la investigación se utilizaron diferentes métodos, y la implementación se realizó en dos grupos de esta facultad con resultados satisfactorios. Con esta investigación se contribuye al Perfeccionamiento de la Educación Superior.


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El propósito de esta investigación en curso es indagar sobre las representaciones que tienen estudiantes del nivel medio superior (secundaria y primer nivel universitario) acerca de nociones matemáticas variacionales, prestando especial atención a su forma de aprenderlas y buscando propiciar espacios de reflexión respecto de ellas, con el objeto de aportar información que sirva de base para la elaboración de diseños didácticos tendientes a mediar -en procesos de profundidad creciente- aprendizajes de nociones matemáticas variacionales, por ejemplo, la razón de cambio de una magnitud. Como técnica exploratoria consideramos el uso de bitácoras personales de reflexión de los estudiantes, para luego, en una segunda etapa, derivar en la construcción y aplicación de un cuestionario y la realización de entrevistas para triangular fuentes de información. En este artículo se reportan evidencias de la primera etapa, provenientes de las bitácoras personales, en el contexto de un curso de cálculo inicial.


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Este capítulo presenta el trabajo final de la concentración en Educación Matemática de la Maestría en Educación de la Universidad de los Andes de un grupo de cuatro profesores de matemáticas. El informe describe las actuaciones para el diseño, implementación y evaluación de la unidad didáctica relacionada con permutaciones sin repetición. Este diseño se fundamenta en el modelo de análisis didáctico que constituyó el contenido central de la maestría.


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A pyrolysis model for noncharring solid fuels is presented in this paper. Model predictions are compared with experimental data for the mass loss rates of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and very good agreement is achieved. Using a three-dimensional CFD environment, the pyrolysis model is then coupled with a gas-phase combustion model and a thermal radiation model to simulate fire development within a small compartment. The numerical predictions produced by this coupled model are found to be in very good agreement with experimental data. Furthermore, numerical predictions of the relationship between the air entrained into the fire compartment and the ventilation factor produce a characteristic post-flashover linear correlation with constant of proportionality 0.38 kg/sm5=2. The simulation results also suggest that the model is capable of predicting the onset of "flashover" and "post-flashover" type behaviour within the fire compartment.


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Computer based mathematical models describing the aircraft evacuation process have a vital role to play in the design and development of safer aircraft, in the implementation of safer and more rigorous certification criteria and in post mortuuum accident investigation. As the risk of personal injury and costs involved in performing large-scale evacuation experiments for the next generation 'Ultra High Capacity Aircraft' (UHCA) are expected to be high, the development and use of these evacuation modelling tools may become essential if these aircraft are to prove a viable reality. In this paper the capabilities and limitation of the air-EXODUS evacuation model are described. Its successful application to the prediction of a recent certificaiton trial, prior to the actual trial taking place, is described. Also described is a newly defined parameter known as OPS which can be used as a measure of evacuation trial optimality. Finally, the data requirements of aircraft evacuation models is discussed along with several projects currently underway at the University of Greenwich designed to obtain this data. Included in this discussion is a description of the AASK - Aircraft Accident Statistics and Knowledge - data base which contains detailed information from aircraft accident survivors.


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An integrated fire spread model is presented in this study including several sub-models representing different phenomena of gaseous and solid combustion. The integrated model comprises of the following sub-models: a gaseous combustion model, a thermal radiation model that includes the effects of soot, and a pyrolysis model for charring combustible solids. The interaction of the gaseous and solid phases are linked together through the boundary conditions of the governing equations for the flow domain and the solid region respectively. The integrated model is used to simulate a fire spread experiment conducted in a half-scale test compartment. Good qualitative and reasonable quantitative agreement is achieved between the experiment and numerical predictions.


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Allylic sulfonyl halides can be generated by halogenolysis of the corresponding triorganotin sulfinates. Allylic sulfonyl bromides and iodides undergo a first order, thermal desulfination with allylic rearrangement to yield the corresponding allylic halides. The desulfination of a cyclic allylic sulfonyl bromide is stereospecific, proceeding with T-syn bromine migration.


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When evacuating through fire environments, the presence of smoke may not only have a physiological impact on the evacuees but may also lead occupants to adapt their evacuation strategy through the adoption of another exit. This paper attempts to introduce this type of adaptive behaviour within the buildingEXODUS evacuation model through enabling occupants to make decisions concerning the selection of the most viable available exit during an evacuation involving fire. The development of this adaptive behaviour requires the introduction of several new capabilities namely, the representation of the occupants’ familiarity with the structure, the behaviour of an occupant that is engulfed in smoke and the behaviour of an occupant that is faced with a smoke barrier. The appropriateness of the redirection decision is dependent upon behavioural data gathered from real fire incidents (in the UK and USA) that is used to construct the redirection probabilities. The implementation is shown to provide a more complex and arguably more realistic representation of this behaviour than that provided previously.


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Computer based mathematical models describing aircraft fire have a role to play in the design and development of safer aircraft, in the implementation of safer and more rigorous certification criteria and in post mortuum accident investigation. As the cost involved in performing large-scale fire experiments for the next generation 'Ultra High Capacity Aircraft' (UHCA) are expected to be prohibitively high, the development and use of these modelling tools may become essential if these aircraft are to prove a safe and viable reality. By describing the present capabilities and limitations of aircraft fire models, this paper will examine the future development of these models in the areas of large scale applications through parallel computing, combustion modelling and extinguishment modelling.


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This paper presents work on document retrieval based on first time participation in the CLEF 2001 monolingual retrieval task using French. The experiment findings indicated that Okapi, the text retrieval system in use, can successfully be used for non-English text retrieval. A lot of internal pre-processing is required in the basic search system for conversion into Okapi access formats. Various shell scripts were written to achieve the conversion in a UNIX environment, failure of which would significantly have impeded the overall performance. Based on the experiment findings using Okapi - originally designed for English - it was clear that, although most European languages share conventional word boundaries and variant word morphemes formed by the additon of suffixes, there is significant difference between French and English retrieval depending on the adaptation of indexing and search strategies in use. No sophisticated method for higher recall and precision such as stemming techniques, phrase translation or de-compounding was employed for the experiment and our results were suggestively poor. Future participation would include more refined query translation tools.