999 resultados para 207-1260A


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La connaissance de ses origines biologiques est une question constitutive et existentielle pour chaque individu. Dans les cas d'incertitude, les expertises en paternité apportent leur contribution dans l'inclusion ou l'exclusion d'un lien de paternité/filiation biologique. La sous-commission « Filiation et droits de l'enfant » a été chargée d'apporter une réponse à plusieurs questions sur les origines biologiques dont la question suivante : "S'il est considéré comme étant de la maltraitance envers un enfant de lui cacher la véritable identité de son père biologique (marié à sa mère ou pas) ?» La sous-commission a entrepris un travail de réflexion et a départagé la question en 3 volets : juridique, psychologique et médical. Le but de notre travail est d'apporter une réponse médicale, fondée sur l'expérience pratique des médecins, à la question suivante : « Le fait de ne pas informer un enfant quant à sa paternité biologique, dans le cas ou celle-ci est douteuse ou différente de la paternité légale, relève-t-il de la maltraitance ? » Nous présentons tout d'abord une revue de la littérature concernant les sujets de la paternité, de la filiation, de la maltraitance. Nous avons consulté 935 praticiens généralistes, psychiatres et pédiatres par le biais d'un questionnaire à choix multiple de 25 questions et nous avons analysé les 263 exemplaires retournés. Nous avons investigué la révélation des patients aux médecins, la révélation aux enfants (par qui, à quel âge, etc.), le vécu des patients et des enfants, l'avis des praticiens sur le sujet de la révélation, de la connaissance des origines biologiques, de la maltraitance, leurs conseils, etc. Nous observons que 93 praticiens ont été les confidents de situations de paternité légales différentes de la paternité biologique ou d'un doute à ce sujet. D'après les médecins, les patients (les mères, les pères et les enfants) vivent généralement mal la situation de paternité particulière. La moitié des enfants concernés étaient informés de leur filiation atypique. La majorité des enfants informés se sentaient victimes. Une proportion élevée de problèmes affectifs et psychologiques était signalée parmi les enfants informés et non informés. A la question ci-dessus, nous avons observé une différence entre la réponse globale des praticiens consultés et la littérature psychologique et psychiatrique relative au secret des origines. Nous apportons également une réflexion sur la situation des enfants dont la filiation est particulière et sur une hypothèse de prise en charge de ces patients.


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This thesis studies gray-level distance transforms, particularly the Distance Transform on Curved Space (DTOCS). The transform is produced by calculating distances on a gray-level surface. The DTOCS is improved by definingmore accurate local distances, and developing a faster transformation algorithm. The Optimal DTOCS enhances the locally Euclidean Weighted DTOCS (WDTOCS) with local distance coefficients, which minimize the maximum error from the Euclideandistance in the image plane, and produce more accurate global distance values.Convergence properties of the traditional mask operation, or sequential localtransformation, and the ordered propagation approach are analyzed, and compared to the new efficient priority pixel queue algorithm. The Route DTOCS algorithmdeveloped in this work can be used to find and visualize shortest routes between two points, or two point sets, along a varying height surface. In a digital image, there can be several paths sharing the same minimal length, and the Route DTOCS visualizes them all. A single optimal path can be extracted from the route set using a simple backtracking algorithm. A new extension of the priority pixel queue algorithm produces the nearest neighbor transform, or Voronoi or Dirichlet tessellation, simultaneously with the distance map. The transformation divides the image into regions so that each pixel belongs to the region surrounding the reference point, which is nearest according to the distance definition used. Applications and application ideas for the DTOCS and its extensions are presented, including obstacle avoidance, image compression and surface roughness evaluation.


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En 1987 Cataluña inició una profunda reforma de su organización territorial. Sin embargo, no se ha impulsado la prevista unificación provincial, al tiempo que el funcionamiento de las comarcas ha resultado insatisfactorio. Ello ha dado lugar a la elaboración de una nueva propuesta de reforma: el denominado «Informe Roca». Entre otros aspectos, propugna la creación de dos nuevas provincias. Por otra parte, en los últimos años Galicia y Aragón han generado dos modelos diferentes de comarcalización.


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Aquesta guia explica com reparar documents existents en format PDF perquè siguin accessibles.


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Field poppy, Papaver rhoeas L., is a very common weed in winter cereals in North-Eastern Spain. Its control is becoming difficult due to expanding herbicide resistance. To control field poppies there are alternative strategies such as non-chemical control that take into account the weed emergence period. However, there is a lack of knowledge of P. rhoeas emergence patterns in semi-arid conditions. Thus, here we conducted pot experiments on the emergence of P. rhoeas. We aimed to describe the emergence period and to quantify the emergence of a susceptible and of a herbicide-resistant P. rhoeas population at two locations in Catalonia, Spain, from 1998 to 2001 and until 2004 at one of them. Therefore, pots containing seeds of both populations were established at the two locations and emergence was recorded monthly. We studied the origin of the population, the sowing location, the effect of cultivation and the sowing year. First, we found that the main emergence peaks in our experiments occurred in autumn, accounting for between 65.7 and 98.5% of the annual emergence from October to December, and only little emergence was recorded in spring. This emergence pattern is different from those found in the literature corresponding to Northern European countries, where in some cases main flushes occur only in autumn, in spring and winter or only in spring. The emergence was mainly affected by cultivation, but the effect of light stimulus was observed several months later. As a consequence, cultivation should be done in early autumn, promoting emergence during the whole autumn and winter so that emerged seedlings can be controlled before sowing a spring crop. Second, most experiments showed that the emergence was significantly higher in the first autumn than in the following seasons, e.g. 4.1% emergence in the first year and only 2.1, 2.3, 0.5 and 0.6% new emergence at one of the locations for the second, third, fourth and fifth years. Thus, after having a severe P. rhoeas infestation causing a big seed rain, emergence should be stimulated by autumn cultivation in the following season and seedlings controlled by trying to deplete the soil seed bank as much as possible. Despite the fact that emergence will be staggered throughout several years and that there was a significant relationship between rainfall and emergence, so that dry years will cause a smaller emergence rate of the weed, these findings define a cultural management strategy to reduce P. rhoeas infestations and to contribute to integrated weed management strategies combining it with other tools.


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Se ha aplicado la técnica de la tinción con el fluorocromo DAPI (4'-6- diamidino- 2-fenilindol) a la detección de organismos del tipo micoplasma («mycoplasma-like organisms» o MLOs) y al seguimiento, a lo largo de un año, de la distribución de MLOs en albaricoqueros enfermos de enrollamiento clorótico («apricot chloroiic leaf roll» o ACLR). Los resultados obtenidos confirman la poca fiabilidad de esta técnica para la detección precoz de micoplasmosis en árboles frutales, a causa de la baja concentración e irregular distribución de MLOs dentro de los árboles enfermos. Én cambio, la tinción con DAPI es útil para la observación a lo largo del año de la distribución de MLOs en diferentes partes de los árboles infectados por ACLR. A lo largo del invierno y la primavera, los MLOs fueron detectados solamente en las raíces y en los ramos formados el año anterior. La presencia de MLOs en los nuevos brotes no pudo ser detectada hasta el principio del verano. En trabajos previos se observaron grandes variaciones en la difusión natural del ACLR, incluso entre áreas próximas de la misma provincia de Valencia. Las investigaciones efectuadas ahora sobre las poblaciones de cicadélidos han mostrado que tanto el número de especies como el de individuos capturados son superiores en un área con una importante difusión natural del ACLR que en otra zona donde la difusión de la enfermedad es prácticamente nula. Las diferencias entre los cicadélidos capturados en estas dos áreas han proporcionado indicaciones acerca de las especies que tienen más probabilidades de ser vectores del ACLR. Se ha estudiado también, durante tres años, la influencia de tratamientos insecticidas y herbicidas sobre la difusión natural del ACLR en una plantación de albaricoqueros. En la mitad de la plantación que se dejó sin tratar, el número de cicadélidos capturados, así como el de nuevos árboles con síntomas de ACLR fue mayor que en la parte de la plantación que había sido tratada.


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Os marmeleiros sempre foram propagados comercialmente através de enraizamento de estacas. Devido à falta de vigor das mudas, principalmente nos primeiros anos após o plantio, uma série de trabalhos foram desenvolvidos no Brasil a fim de viabilizar a utilização do marmeleiro 'Japonês' (Chaenomeles sinensis Koehne) como porta-enxerto para marmelos. Frente à falta de informações, desenvolveu-se este experimento com o objetivo de verificar o desenvolvimento de diferentes cultivares de marmeleiros enxertadas sobre esse porta-enxerto. Os marmeleiros 'Japonês', 'MC', 'Adams', 'Van Deman', 'Provence', 'Cheldow', 'Smyrna', 'Rea's Mamouth', 'De Patras', 'De Vranja', 'Lajeado', 'Champion', 'Mendoza Inta-37', 'Alongado', 'Meech Prolific', 'Bereckzy', 'Alaranjado', 'Kiakami', 'Du Lot', 'Radaelli', 'CTS 207', 'D'Angers', 'Zuquerinetta', 'BA 29', 'Constantinopla', 'Marmelo Pêra', 'Apple', 'Portugal', 'Füller', 'Meliforme' e 'Pineapple' foram enxertados através de garfagem em mudas de 'Japonês', pelo método em fenda cheia. Foram utilizados garfos com três gemas, coletados de plantas-matrizes. As mudas foram mantidas em viveiro, sendo avaliadas, após 60 dias, a porcentagem de garfos brotados. O comprimento e diâmetro médio do enxerto foram avaliados aos 60; 90; 120 e 150 dias após a realização da enxertia. Concluiu-se que os marmeleiros apresentaram boa afinidade com o porta-enxerto 'Japonês'. As cultivares 'Van Deman', 'Japonês', 'Smyrna', 'De Vranja', 'Lajeado', 'Mendoza Inta-37', 'Alongado', 'Meech Prolific', 'Meliforme', 'Cheldow', 'Champion', 'Bereckzy' e 'De Patras' foram as que tiveram o maior vigor na fase de viveiro.


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The global human population is expected to reach ∼9 billion by 2050. Feeding this many people represents a major challenge requiring global crop yield increases of up to 100%. Microbial symbionts of plants such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) represent a huge, but unrealized resource for improving yields of globally important crops, especially in the tropics. We argue that the application of AMF in agriculture is too simplistic and ignores basic ecological principals. To achieve this challenge, a community and population ecology approach can contribute greatly. First, ecologists could significantly improve our understanding of the determinants of the survival of introduced AMF, the role of adaptability and intraspecific diversity of AMF and whether inoculation has a direct or indirect effect on plant production. Second, we call for extensive metagenomics as well as population genomics studies that are crucial to assess the environmental impact that introduction of non-local AMF may have on native AMF communities and populations. Finally, we plead for an ecologically sound use of AMF in efforts to increase food security at a global scale in a sustainable manner.


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Helsingfors : A.W. Gröndahl & A.C. Öhman 1845 : Dresden, Adler u. Dietze


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D’acord amb dos llibres notarials del fons parroquial de Sant Martí de Vilaverd (1342 i 1358-1359), s’estudien els cognoms d’aquest poble, concretament el sistema formal de denominació de l’antroponímia cercada, l’anàlisi tipològica i freqüència dels prenoms i la classificació semàntica, freqüència i filiació lingüística dels cognoms.


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Helsingfors : A.W. Gröndahl & A.C. Öhman 1845 : Dresden, Adler u. Dietze