994 resultados para 1995_12230605 Optics-23


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The present work reports on the thermo-optical properties of photorefractive sillenite Bi(12)SiO(20) (BSO) crystals obtained by applying the Thermal Lens Spectrometry technique (TLS). This crystals presents one high photorefractive sensitivity in the region blue-green spectra, since the measurements were carried out at two pump beam wavelengths (514.5 nm and 750 nm) to study of the light-induced effects in this material (thermal and/or photorefractive). We determine thermo-optical parameters like thermal diffusivity (D), thermal conductivity (K) and temperature coefficient of the optical path length change (ds/dT) in sillenite crystals. These aspects, for what we know, not was studied in details up to now using the lens spectrometry technique and are very important against of the promising potentiality of applications these crystals in non linear optics, real time holography and optical processing data.


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The Serrinha magmatic suite (Mineiro belt) crops out in the southern edge of the Sao Francisco craton, comprising the Brito quartz-diorite, Brumado de Cima and Brumado de Baixo granodiorites, granophyres and felsic sub-volcanic and volcanic rocks, part of which intruded into the Nazareno greenstone belt. The suite rocks have petrographic features that are consistent with magma supercooling due to the low water content combined with volatile loss, leading to crystallization of quartz and alkaline feldspar at the rims of plagioclase phenocrysts (granophyric intergrowth). The investigated rocks are sub-alkaline, calc-alkaline and show low content in rare earth elements. The U-Pb zircon crystallization ages for the Brumado de Cima granodiorite [2227 +/- 22 (23) Ma] and a coeval granophyre [2211 +/- 22 (23) Ma], coupled with available single-zircon Pb evaporation ages for the Brito and Brumado de Baixo plutons, are significantly older than the ""Minas orogeny"" (ca. 2100-2050 Ga) of Quadrilatero Ferrifero area, eastward from the Serrinha suite. Our data establish an early Rhyacian event tectonically linked with the evolution of the Mineiro belt. The bulk Nd isotopic signature [low negative to positive epsilon(Nd(t)) values] of the Serrinha samples are consistent with the important role of Paleoproterozoic mantle components in the magma genesis. The integrated geologic, geochemical and isotopic information suggests that Paleoproterozoic evolution of the Mineiro belt initiated in a passive continental margin basin with deposition of the Minas Supergroup at ca. 2500 Ma. This stage was succeeded by outboard rupture of the oceanic lithosphere with development and coalescence of progressively younger magmatic arcs during Rhyacian time. One of the earliest arcs formed the Serrinha suite. The tectonic collage of the Serrinha and Ritapolis (2190-2120 Ma) arcs produced the NE-SW Lenheiro shear zone, resulting in mylonitization and recrystallization of both the granitoid intrusions and host rocks. As a matter of fact juxtaposition of distinct magmatic units in age and origin took place along the Lenheiros structure in this sector of the Mineiro belt. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Polycrystalline Eu(2+) and Dy(3+) doped barium aluminate materials, BaAl(2)O(4):Eu(2+),Dy(3+), were prepared with solid state reactions at temperatures between 700 and 1500 degrees C. The influence of the thermal treatments on the stability, homogeneity and structure as well as to the UV-excited and persistent luminescence of the materials was investigated by X-ray powder diffraction, SEM imaging and infrared spectroscopies as well as by steady state luminescence spectroscopy and persistent luminescence decay curves, respectively. The IR spectra of the materials prepared at 250, 700, and 1500 degrees C follow the formation of BaAl(2)O(4) composition whereas the X-ray powder diffraction of compounds revealed how the hexagonal structure was obtained. The morphology of the materials at high temperatures indicated important aggregation due to sintering. The luminescence decay of the quite narrow Eu(2+) band at ca. 500 nm shows the presence of persistent luminescence after UV irradiation. The dopant (Eu(2+)) and co-clopant (Dy(3+)) concentrations affect the crystallinity and luminescence properties of the materials. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A very high level of theoretical treatment (complete active space self-consistent field CASSCF/MRCI/aug-cc-pV5Z) was used to characterize the spectroscopic properties of a manifold of quartet and doublet states of the species BeP, as yet experimentally unknown. Potential energy curves for 11 electronic states were obtained, as well as the associated vibrational energy levels, and a whole set of spectroscopic constants. Dipole moment functions and vibrationally averaged dipole moments were also evaluated. Similarities and differences between BeN and BeP were analysed along with the isovalent SiB species. The molecule BeP has a X (4)Sigma(-) ground state, with an equilibrium bond distance of 2.073 angstrom, and a harmonic frequency of 516.2 cm(-1); it is followed closely by the states (2)Pi (R(e) = 2.081 angstrom, omega(e) = 639.6 cm(-1)) and (2)Sigma(-) (R(e) = 2.074 angstrom, omega(e) = 536.5 cm(-1)), at 502 and 1976 cm(-1), respectively. The other quartets investigated, A (4)Pi (R(e) = 1.991 angstrom, omega(e) = 555.3 cm(-1)) and B (4)Sigma(-) (R(e) = 2.758 angstrom, omega(e) = 292.2 cm(-1)) lie at 13 291 and 24 394 cm(-1), respectively. The remaining doublets ((2)Delta, (2)Sigma(+)(2) and (2)Pi(3)) all fall below 28 000 cm(-1). Avoided crossings between the (2)Sigma(+) states and between the (2)Pi states add an extra complexity to this manifold of states.


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The dideprotonation of 4-(4-nitrophenylazo)resorcinol generates an anionic species with substantial electronic pi delocalization. As compared to the parent neutral species, the anionic first excited electronic transition, characterized as an intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) from the CO(-) groups to the NO(2) moiety, shows a drastic red shift of ca. 200 nm in the lambda(max) in the UV-vis spectrum, leading to one of the lowest ICT energies observed (lambda(max) = 630 nm in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)) in this class of push-pull molecular systems. Concomitantly, a threefold increase in the molar absorptivity (epsilon(max)) in comparison to the neutral species is observed. The resonance Raman enhancement profiles reveal that in the neutral species the chromophore involves several modes, as nu(C-N), nu(N=N), nu(C=C) and nu(s)(NO(2)), whereas in the dianion, there is a selective enhancement of the NO(2) vibrational modes. The quantum chemical calculations of the electronic transitions and vibrational wavenumbers led to a consistent analysis of the enhancement patterns observed in the resonance Raman spectra. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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MgAl(2)O(4):Eu, Dy nanoparticles were prepared by citrate sol-gel method and thermally treated at 600, 700, 800 and 900 degrees C. The trivalent europium ion is partially reduced to the divalent state at 700 and 800 degrees C. Infrared spectra of the phosphors showed bands around 700 and 520 cm(-1) corresponding to the AlO(6) groups. X-ray diffraction patterns present sharp reflections of samples heated from 700 to 900 degrees C indicating the MgAl(2)O(4) spinel phase. Grain size in the range 20-30 nm were observed by measurement of transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The emission spectra of the phosphors show a broadened band at 480 nm assigned to the 4f(G)5d -> 4f(7) ((8)S(7/2)) transition of Eu(2+) ion overlapped to the (4)F(9/2) -> (6)H(15/2) transition of the Dy(3+) ion. Besides, the (4)F(9/2) -> (6)H(13/2) transition (579 nm) of Dy(3+) ion is overlapped with the (5)D(0) -> (7)F(0) (578 nm) and (5)D(0) -> (7)F(1) (595 nm) transitions from the Eu(3+) ion. Excitation spectra of the sample heated at 900 degrees C monitoring the excitation at 615 nm of (5)D(0) -> (7)F(2) transition of Eu(3+) ion exhibit a broad band assigned to the O -> Eu(3+) ligand-to-metal charge-transfer states (LMCT) around 280 nm. The samples present green persistent luminescence after exposure to UV radiation. The chromaticity coordinates were obtained from the luminescence emission spectrum. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The adsorption of the diazo dye Direct Red 23 onto a zinc oxide surface at 30 degrees C in the dark was investigated. The color reduction was monitored by spectrophotometry at 503 run. The FTIR and Raman spectra of the Direct Red 23 adsorption as a function of ZnO concentration were registered. From the PM3 semi-empirical calculations of the atomic charge density and dipole moment of the Direct Red 23 molecule, it was demonstrated that the azo, dye molecule may be adsorbed onto the ZnO Surface through molecule geometry modifications, enhancing the interfacial area causing a variation in the bonding frequencies. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This article reports on a classroom-based case study of a group of six Year 10 students, within a class of 23 students. The study implemented constructivist-informed teaching and learning approaches within a classroom setting in the topic of optics and documented any changes in the conceptual understanding students had about seven central concepts of geometrical optics over a teaching sequence lasting nine weeks.


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This article describes an exploration of a class of secondary school students perceptions of a constructivist informed teaching and learning environment for geometric optics. The students perceived the environment as one where they could freely express their ideas and be involved in activities. What was also apparent in this exploration was the students' preference for a classroom that involved small group discussions to whole class discussions that reflected a need for time to think about issues. They also have a preference for relevant, practical work that tests their ideas and a preference to have fewer notes that they construct themselves rather than notes dictated by the teacher.

NT: Refereed article. Includes bibliographical references.


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The global trend toward more intensive forms of agriculture is changing the nature of matrix habitat in agricultural areas. Removal of components of matrix habitat can affect native biota at the paddock and the landscape scale, particularly where intensification occurs over large areas. We identify the loss of paddock trees due to the proliferation of centre pivot irrigation in dryland farming areas as a potentially serious threat to the remnant biota of these areas. We used a region of south-eastern Australia as a case study to quantify land use change from grazing and dryland cropping to centre pivot irrigation over a 23-year period. We also estimated rates of paddock tree loss in 5 representative landscapes within the region over the same period. The total area affected by centre pivots increased from 0 ha in 1980 to nearly 9000 ha by 2005. Pivots were more likely to be established in areas which had originally been plains savannah and woodlands containing buloke (Allocasuarina luehmannii), a food source for an endangered bird. On average, 42% of paddock buloke trees present in 1982 were lost by 2005. In the two landscapes containing several centre pivots, the loss was 54% and 70%. This accelerated loss of important components of matrix habitat is likely to result in species declines and local extinctions. We recommend that measures to alleviate the likely negative impacts of matrix habitat loss on native biota be considered as part of regional planning strategies.


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Research confirms that laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) results in shorter lengths of hospital stay and earlier return to usual activity than the traditional cholecystectomy procedure. Research in this area, however, focuses more on the medical aspects of patient recovery, but very few studies have evaluated how these patients manage their recovery at home or what types of problems they encounter. A total of 28 LC patients were randomly assigned to two groups: (1) 23 h stay (overnight) in a general surgical ward or (2) day procedure unit (DPU) stay. Data was collected by a self-administered Postoperative Symptoms Diary and telephone interview. Results showed no significant difference between the two groups of patients recovery symptoms scores. Problems with mobility, pain and elimination recorded the highest mean scores for both groups of patients. Overnight patients also experienced problems with tiredness and eating. All DPU patients were able to manage their postoperative symptoms, compared to only 44% of patients who had stayed in overnight. Carer assistance was needed with regard to activities of daily living, child care and reassurance. Results showed that with careful selection of patients, LC cases performed as day procedures did not impact at all on the patients' recovery trajectory.


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In 1966, Wagner used computational search methods to construct a  [23,14,5] code. This code has been examined with much interest since that time, in hopes of finding a geometric construction and possible code extensions. In this article, we give a simple geometric construction for Wagner's code and consider extensions of this construction.