993 resultados para 183-1137
用原位杂交技术,以地高辛标记的反义RNA为探针,检测了金鱼(Carassiusauratus)DEAD box家族基因vasa在卵子及精子发生中的分布及表达。结果表明在金鱼卵子发生中,在各个时期的卵母细胞的胞质中均有金鱼vasaRNA的杂交信号表达。在Ⅰ、Ⅱ期卵母细胞中vasaRNA的杂交信号强烈,均匀地分布在整个胞质。随着卵母细胞的生长发育及卵黄的积累,Ⅲ、Ⅳ期卵母细胞胞质中vasaRNA的杂交信号急剧减弱,而外周皮层区域,其阳性信号仍较强。在金鱼精子发生中,在精原细胞和初级精母细胞中可检测到金鱼vas
We apply adjoint-based sensitivity analysis to a time-delayed thermo-acoustic system: a Rijke tube containing a hot wire. We calculate how the growth rate and frequency of small oscillations about a base state are affected either by a generic passive control element in the system (the structural sensitivity analysis) or by a generic change to its base state (the base-state sensitivity analysis). We illustrate the structural sensitivity by calculating the effect of a second hot wire with a small heat-release parameter. In a single calculation, this shows how the second hot wire changes the growth rate and frequency of the small oscillations, as a function of its position in the tube. We then examine the components of the structural sensitivity in order to determine the passive control mechanism that has the strongest influence on the growth rate. We find that a force applied to the acoustic momentum equation in the opposite direction to the instantaneous velocity is the most stabilizing feedback mechanism. We also find that its effect is maximized when it is placed at the downstream end of the tube. This feedback mechanism could be supplied, for example, by an adiabatic mesh. We illustrate the base-state sensitivity by calculating the effects of small variations in the damping factor, the heat-release time-delay coefficient, the heat-release parameter, and the hot-wire location. The successful application of sensitivity analysis to thermo-acoustics opens up new possibilities for the passive control of thermo-acoustic oscillations by providing gradient information that can be combined with constrained optimization algorithms in order to reduce linear growth rates. © Cambridge University Press 2013.
利用两个通用引物myxoF(5′ CGCGGTAATTCCAGCTCCAGTAG 3′)和myxoR(5′ ACCAGGTAAGTTTTCCCGTGTTGA 3′)成功扩增出圆形碘泡虫、全圆碘泡虫、武汉单极虫、微山尾孢虫和库班碘泡虫 5种粘孢子虫的部分 18SrDNA序列 ,其GenBank登录号为 :AY16 5 179—AY16 5 183。并结合GenBank其他 13个相关序列构建了 18个物种的分子系统树。结果表明 ,碘泡虫 ,尾孢虫和单极虫较Tetracapsulabryozoides和“PK
从1998年9月至1999年9月对人工养殖湖泊——武湖日本沼虾生长特性作了研究. 以月龄来研究日本沼虾的生长,研究结果表明日本沼虾在7-1月份(1-7月龄)呈等速生长,在2-6月份(8-12月龄)呈异速生长.日本沼虾体重(W)与体长(L)呈幂函数相关,但在7-1月份时其b值接近于3,而在2-6月份时其b值明显小于3,其关系式如下: 1-7月龄:W♂=0. 0148L3. 2419(r=0. 9978,n=390),W♀=0. 0206L3. 0117(r=0. 9968,n=372); 8-12月龄:W♂
中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目专题“封闭繁育种群的遗传多样性与种群生存力” (KSCX2 -SW -118); 中国科学院水生生物研究所创新领域前沿资助项目“长江豚类保护生物学研究” (2 2 0 10 3)
构建湿地是 2 0世纪 70年代才蓬勃兴起的一种处理污水的方式 ,由于其造价和运行费用低 ,净化效果稳定 ,越来越引起各国的兴趣和高度重视。现已广泛应用于城市生活污水、工业污水和农业污水的控制 ,有着十分广阔的应用前景。虽然关于构建湿地净化污水的研究已有不少报道 ,但关于湿地基质中的微生物类群和基质酶在污水净化中的作用仍不清楚。通过对生长在复合垂直流构建湿地和天然环境条件下菰和石菖蒲根区微生物类群数量及其根区基质酶活性的测定发现 :同种植物在复合垂直流构建湿地根区微生物的数量比天然条件下的要高 ,特别是硝
Film bulk acoustic resonators (FBARs) and solidly mounted resonators (SMRs) have the potential to significantly improve upon the sensitivity and minimum detection limit of traditional gravimetric sensors based on quartz crystal microbalances (QCMs) and surface acoustic wave resonators (SAWs). To date, neither FBAR nor SMR devices have been demonstrated to be superior to the other; hence the choice between them depends primarily on the users' ability to design/fabricate membranes and/or Bragg reflectors. In this work, it is shown that identically designed FBAR and SMR devices resonating at the same frequency exhibit different responsivities to mass loadings, Rm, and that the SMRs are less responsive than the FBARs. For the specific device design and resonant frequency (~2 GHz) of the resonators presented here, the FBARs' mass responsivity is ~20% greater than that of the SMRs', and although this value is not universal for all possible device designs, it clearly shows that FBAR devices should be favoured over SMRs in gravimetric sensing applications where the FBARs' fragility is not an issue. Numerical calculations based on Mason's model offer an insight into the physical mechanisms behind the greater FBARs responsivity, and it was shown that the Bragg reflector has an effect on the acoustic load at one of the facets of the piezoelectric films which is in turn responsible for the SMRs' lower responsivity to mass loadings. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
<正> 同工酶分析一般常用淀粉凝胶电泳进行,但它常受淀粉质量的制约,在淀粉的水解和制胶过程较难标准化,因而不易掌握,其机械强度不够也不易操作。而聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳具有优于淀粉凝胶电泳的一些特性,如有较高的分辨率、机械强
<正> 人们一般认为金属钼是生物固氮必需的条件,钼是固氮酶的主要催化活性的组成部分。早先一些学者曾研究以钒、锰代替钼的氮固定作用,到1980年美国的Bishop等人首先提出棕色固氮菌(Azotobacter vinelandii)具有不含铝的第二固氮系统。通过棕色固氮菌缺失编码固氮酶蛋白基因突变株研究发现,该菌株并不失去
<正> 从1981到1983年,作者等曾多次在湖北省宜都县和黄冈县团风镇两地,从事长江中游鱼类寄生吸虫的调查研究。在70多种鱼中,获得了一批吸虫标本,将陆续整理后发表。本文首先报告在中华鲟Acipenser sinensis Gray中发现的动殖科Zoogonidae Odhner,1911一新属、新种吸虫。动殖科吸虫在我国发现很少,迄今为止,仅顾昌栋、申纪伟(1979,1983),汪溥钦
<正> 1981—1983年,我们在拍摄、编写《中国淡水鱼类原色图集》时,从广西采集一批鱼类标本,经鉴定其中有二新种。正模标本,编号83-IV-0388,全长183毫米,体长147毫米。副模标本7尾,编号83-IV-0008,83-IV-0085,83-IV-0384-0387,83-IV-0389,全长152一227毫米,体长121一184毫米。