991 resultados para 178-1095C


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An electroless method of nickel hydroxide synthesis through the complexation-precipitation route which yields a fine particle material having a specific surface area of 178 m2 g–1 has been described. The morphology of this material as revealed by electron microscopy is distinctly different from the turbostratic nature of electrosynthesized nickel hydroxide. While the long range structure as shown by the X-ray diffraction pattern is similar to that of beta-Ni(OH)2, the short range structure as revealed by infrared spectroscopy incorporates characteristics similar to that of agr-Ni(OH)2. Cyclic voltammetry studies show that the electroless nickel hydroxide has a higher coulombic efficiency (>90%), a more anodic reversible potential and a higher degree of reversibility compared to the electrosynthesized nickel hydroxide and conventionally prepared nickel hydroxide.


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The dc electrical conductivity of TlInX2 (X = Se, Te) single crystals, parallel and perpendicular to the (001) c-axis is studied under high quasi-hydrostatic pressure up to 7.0 GPa, at room temperature. Conductivity measurements parallel to the c-axis are carried out at high pressures and down to liquid nitrogen temperatures. These materials show continuous metallization under pressure. Both compounds have almost the same pressure coefficient of the electrical activation energy parallel to the c-axis, d(ΔE∥)/dP = −2.9 × 10−10 eV/Pa, which results from the narrowing of the band gap under pressure. The results are discussed in the light of the band structure of these compounds.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena oli kehittää maatilojen sukupolvenvaihdosneuvontaa ja siihen läheisesti liittyvää Likwi- laskelmaa ProAgria Hämeen alueella. Myös alueen sukupolvenvaihdostilojen ominaispiirteistä ja niiden investoinneista oltiin kiinnostuneita. Tutkielman teoriaosiossa tarkasteltiin ensiksi maatilan sukupolvenvaihdoksiin liittyviä lakeja, säädöksiä, avustuksia sekä toteuttamistapoja. Tämän jälkeen tarkasteltiin sukupolvenvaihdosta investointina, erityisesti sukupolvenvaihdoskauppaa. Lisäksi lueteltiin lyhyesti investointeihin liittyvät riskit. Lopuksi teoriaosiossa käsiteltiin neuvonnan roolia ja sen tarjoamia palveluita sukupolvenvaihdoksen tukena. Tutkimusaineistona käytettiin viljelijöille kesäkuussa 2011 lähetettyjä kyselylomakkeita. Lomake lähetettiin kaikille ProAgria Hämeen toimialueella nuoren viljelijän aloitustukea vuosien 2003 – 2007 välisenä aikana hakeneille viljelijöille. Aloitustukea hakeneita tiloja oli ajanjaksolla yhteensä 436, joista kyselyyn vastasi yhteensä 77. Vastausprosentti oli siten 17,6 %. Todellisuudessa vastausprosentti on korkeampi, koska kaikki tilat eivät olleet tehneet sukupolvenvaihdosta. Todellinen vastausprosentti vaihtelee luultavasti 20 – 40 %:n välillä. Tutkimustulosten mukaan sukupolvenvaihdosneuvonta oli asiantuntevaa ja vastasi asiakkaiden tarpeita ProAgria Hämeen alueella. Neuvoja valittiin yleisimmin, koska hänet tunnettiin entuudestaan ja tiedettiin luotettavaksi. Parasta neuvonnassa viljelijöiden mielestä oli neuvojan ammattitaito ja suurimpana heikkoutena liika kaavamaisuus. Likwi- laskelma oli viljelijöiden mielestä kohtalaisen hyvä apuväline päätöksiä tehtäessä. Sen käyttö kuitenkin väheni sitä mukaa kun sukupolven-vaihdoksesta kuluu aikaa. Viljelijät kokivat laskelman vain välttämättömäksi tarvittavien tukien ja avustusten saamiseksi. Eniten kehittämistä viljelijöiden mielestä laskelmassa oli luotettavuudessa, käyttökelpoisuudessa ja päivitettävyydessä. Sukupolvenvaihdoskaupoissa tilojen keskimääräinen kauppahinta oli ProAgria Hämeen alueella 178 000 €. Yleisin tapa toteuttaa kauppa oli yhdellä kertaa yhdelle jatkajalle lahjanluontoisella kaupalla. Lähes kaikki nuoret viljelijät myös investoivat tiloillaan sukupolvenvaihdoksen jälkeisinä vuosina. Merkittävimmät investointikohteet olivat koneet ja kalusto sekä tuotantorakennukset. Uusi traktori oli yleisin yksittäinen investointikohde tiloilla. Investointihalukkuus säilyi sukupolven-vaihdoksen jälkeen, koska lähes kaikki aloittaneet viljelijät suunnittelevat tekevänsä lisää investointeja lähivuosien aikana. Myös lähes 50 % sukupolvenvaihdoksen tehneistä oli kiinnostunut itsensä kouluttamisesta jatkossa.


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Cytochrome c, a "mobile electron carrier" of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, also occurs in detectable amounts in the cytosol, and can receive electrons from cytochromes present in endoplasmic reticulum and plasma membranes as well as from superoxide and ascorbate. The pigment was found to dissociate from mitochondrial membranes in liver and kidney when rats were subjected to heat exposure and starvation, respectively. Treating cytochrome c with hydroxylamine gives a partially deaminated product with altered redox properties; decreased stimulation of respiration by deficient mitochondria, increased reduction by superoxide, and complete loss of reducibility by plasma membranes. Mitochondria isolated from brown adipose tissue of cold-exposed rats are found to be sub-saturated with cytochrome c. The ability of cytochrome c to reactivate reduced ribonuclease is now reinterpreted as a molecular chaperone role for the hemoprotein.


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The processing map for hot working of Al alloy 2014-20vol.%Al2O3 particulate-reinforced cast-plus-extruded composite material has been generated covering the temperature range 300-500 degrees C and the strain rate range 0.001-10 s(-1) based on the dynamic materials model. The efficiency eta of power dissipation given by 2m/(m + 1), where m is the strain rate sensitivity, is plotted as a function of temperature and strain rate to obtain a processing map. A domain of superplasticity has been identified, with a peak efficiency of 62% occurring at 500 degrees C and 0.001 s(-1). The characteristics of this domain have been studied with the help of microstructural evaluation and hot-ductility measurements. Microstructural instability is predicted at higher strain rates above (ls(-1)) and lower temperatures (less than 350 degrees C).


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A complete cDNA encoding a novel hybrid Pro-rich protein (HyPRP) was identified by differentially screening 3x10(4) recombinant plaques of a Cuscuta reflexa cytokinin-induced haustorial cDNA library constructed in lambda gt10. The nucleotide (nt) sequence consists of: (i) a 424-bp 5'-non coding region having five start codons (ATGs) and three upstream open reading frames (uORFs); (ii) an ORF of 987 bp with coding potential for a 329-amino-acid (aa) protein of M(r), 35203 with a hydrophobic N-terminal region including a stretch of nine consecutive Phe followed by a Pro-rich sequence and a Cys-rich hydrophobic C terminus; and (iii) a 178-bp 3'-UTR (untranslated region). Comparison of the predicted aa sequence with the NBRF and SWISSPROT databases and with a recent report of an embryo-specific protein of maize [Jose-Estanyol et al., Plant Cell 4 (1992) 413-423] showed it to be similar to the class of HyPRPs encoded by genes preferentially expressed in young tomato fruits, maize embryos and in vitro-cultured carrot embryos. Northern analysis revealed an approx. 1.8-kb mRNA of this gene expressed in the subapical region of the C. reflexa vine which exhibited maximum sensitivity to cytokinin in haustorial induction.


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In this paper we develop a Linear Programming (LP) based decentralized algorithm for a group of multiple autonomous agents to achieve positional consensus. Each agent is capable of exchanging information about its position and orientation with other agents within their sensing region. The method is computationally feasible and easy to implement. Analytical results are presented. The effectiveness of the approach is illustrated with simulation results.


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C20H35N3O6 (Boc-Aib-DL-Pip-Aib-OMe, Boc = tert-butyloxycarbonyl, Aib = alpha-aminoisobutyric acid, Pip = pipecolic acid, OMe = methoxy), M(r) = 413.5, monoclinic, P2(1)/c, a = 18.055 (3), b = 15.048 (3), c = 17.173 (3) angstrom, beta = 91.7 (1)-degrees, V = 4663.8 (9) angstrom3, Z = 8, D(m) = 1.16, D(x) = 1.178 Mg m-3, lambda(Mo Kalpha) = 0.71069 angstrom, mu = 0.081 mm-1, F(000) = 1792, T = 297 K. The final R value for 4925 [I greater-than-or-equal-to 3sigma(I)] reflections is 0.065 (wR = 0.067). The peptide backbone of the two independent molecules in the asymmetric unit is folded at the -Aib-Pip- sequence to form a type-I (I') beta-bend stabilized by a 1 <-- 4 intramolecular N-H...O=C hydrogen bond between the Aib(3) peptide N-H and Boc urethane C=O groups.


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In this letter, we propose a method for blind separation of d co-channel BPSK signals arriving at an antenna array. Our method involves two steps. In the first step, the received data vectors at the output of the array is grouped into 2d clusters. In the second step, we assign the 2d d-tuples with ±1 elements to these clusters in a consistent fashion. From the knowledge of the cluster to which a data vector belongs, we estimate the bits transmitted at that instant. Computer simulations are used to study the performance of our method


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A novel technique to generate forward phase conjugate wave by two-wave mixing (TWM) in photorefractive iron-doped lithium niobate crystal has been demonstrated. An optical beam from a positive transparency was forward phase conjugated by TWM technique. The experimental scheme was then extended to a specific interferometric application.


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Asymmetrically dibridged dicopper(II) complexes, [Cu-2(OH)(O2CC6H4-p-Me)(tmen)(2)(H2O)](ClO4)(2) (1) and [Cu-2(OH)(O2CC6H4-p-OMe)(tmen)(2)(H2O)](ClO4)(2) (2) (tmen = N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethane-1,2-diamine), were prepared and structurally characterized. Complex 1 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2(1)/a with a = 17.718(2), b = 9.869(1), c = 19.677(2) Angstrom, beta = 115.16(1)degrees, V = 3114.3(6) Angstrom(3) and Z = 4. The structure was refined to R(wR(2)) = 0.067(0.178). Complex 2 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2(1)/a with a = 17.695(3), b = 9.574(4), c = 20.104(2) Angstrom, beta = 114.18(1)degrees, V = 3107(1) Angstrom(3) and Z = 4. The final residuals are R(wR(2)) = 0.067(0.182). The complexes have a [Cu-2(mu-OH)(mu-OH)(mu-O2CAr)](2+) core with tmen Ligands occupying the terminal sites of the core. In addition, one copper is axially bound to a water molecule. The Cu ... Cu distances and the Cu-OH Cu angles in the core are 3.394(1) Angstrom, 124.4(2)degrees for 1 and 3.374(1) Angstrom, 123.3(3)degrees for 2. The complexes show axial X-band EPR spectral features in methanol glass at 77 K giving g(perpendicular to) = 2.02, g(parallel to) = 2.3 (A(parallel to) = 165 x 10(-4) cm(-1)) and a visible band near similar to 630 nm in methanol. The complexes are weakly antiferromagnetic. A theoretical fit of the magnetic susceptibility data in the temperature range 40-295 K gives -J = 10 cm(-1), g = 2.05 for 1 and -J = 10 cm(-1), g = 2.0 for 2. Plots of -2J versus the Cu-OH-Cu angle (phi) in this class of asymmetrically dibridged dicopper(II) complexes having d(x2-y2)-d(x2-y2) magnetic orbitals show a linear magneto-structural correlation: -2J(cm(-1)) = 11.48 phi(deg) - 1373.


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Maleic anhydride (MAH) has been grafted onto high density polyethylene (HDPE) with benzoyl peroxide (BOP) initiator in toluene solution. Maximum degree of grafting (12%) without crosslinking has been obtained using MAH/HDPE and BOP/HDPE weight ratios of 1.0 and 0.15 respectively, at 110 degrees C. The HDPE-g-MAH compatibilizer is found to drastically reduce the dispersed phase size and also to produce homogeneous blends for relatively low concentrations of dispersed phase in HDPE/nylon blends. Addition of this compatibilizer results in increase of tensile strength and modulus with increasing nylon content of HDPE/nylon blends, while the opposite is found for the blends without any added compatibilizer.


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Peristaltic transport of a micropolar fluid in a circular tube is studied under low Reynolds number and long wavelength approximations. The closed form solutions are obtained. for velocity, microrotation components, as well as the stream function and they contain new additional parameters namely, N the coupling number and m the micropolar parameter. In the case of free pumping (pressure difference Deltap = 0) the difference in pumping flux is observed to be very small for Newtonian and micropolar fluids but in the case of pumping (Deltap > 0) the characteristics are significantly altered for different N and m. It is observed that the peristalsis in micropolar fluids works as a pump against a greater pressure rise compared with a Newtonian fluid. Streamline patterns which depict trapping phenomena are presented for different parameter ranges. The limit on the trapping of the center streamline is obtained. The effects of N and m on friction force for different Deltap are discussed.


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This paper presents the results of the detailed studies on stress - controlled cyclic triaxial tests on sandy soils from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India subjected to a loading frequency of 0.1 Hz in cyclic triaxial equipment. Undrained stress controlled cyclic triaxial tests were carried out on cylindrical samples of size 50 mm diameter and height 100 mm with different cyclic stress ratios. Laboratory evaluations were carried out to compare the cyclic resistance of clean sand to that of sand with various fines contents at a constant gross void ratio. The gross void ratio considers the voids formed by sand particles and fines. The effects of gross void ratio with and without fines on pore water pressure build up and liquefaction potential of sandy soils in stress controlled tests are presented. The results obtained from this study provide direct evidence that the limiting silt content plays an important role in the cyclic resistance of sandy soils. Below the limiting silt content the cyclic resistance decreases until the limiting silt content is reached and then the cyclic resistance increases.