986 resultados para 155-939


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Mitochondria isolated from the livers of rats administered with sodium meta-, ortho-, or polyvanadate, but not vanadyl sulphate, exhibited enhanced Ca2+ — stimulated respiration and uptake of calcium. These effects were shown also by mitochondria isolated from livers perfused with polyvanadate. The concentration of acid-soluble calcium decreased significantly in the mitochondrial fraction on vanadate treatment, while that in the cytosol showed a corresponding increase. Phenoxybenzamine, an antagonist to a-adrenergic receptors, effectively inhibited vanadate-induced Ca2+ mobilization, but surgical sympathectomy was without effect. This is the first demonstration of vanadate mimicking agr-adrenergic agonists in vivo.


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Theoretical expressions for the time-dependent solvation energy of an ion and of a dipole in a dense dipolar liquid are derived from microscopic considerations. We show that in contradiction to the prediction of the continuum models, the dynamics of these two species are significantly different from each other. Especially, the zero wavevector contribution, which is significant for ions, is totally absent for dipoles. Dipolar solvation may be profoundly influenced by the translational modes of the host solvent.


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Alternating differential scanning calorimetry (ADSC) studies were undertaken to investigate the effect of Tl addition on the thermal properties of As30Te70-xTlx ( 6 <= x <= 22 at%) glasses. These include parameters such as glass-transition temperature (T-g), changes in specific heat capacity (Delta C-p) and relaxation enthalpy (Delta H-NR) at the glass transition. It was found that T-g of the glasses decreased with the addition of Tl, which is in contrast to the dependence of T-g in As - Te glasses on the addition of Al and In. The change in heat capacity Delta C-p through the glass transition was also found to decrease with increasing Tl content. The addition of Tl to the As - Te matrix may lead to a breaking of As - Te chains and the formation of Tl+Te- AsTe2/2 dipoles. There was no significant dependence of the change of relaxation enthalpy, through the glass transition, with composition.


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Aineisto on Keskustakampuksen kirjaston digitoimaa ja kirjasto vastaa aineiston käyttöluvista.


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Proteases belonging to the M20 family are characterized by diverse substrate specificity and participate in several metabolic pathways. The Staphylococcus aureus metallopeptidase, Sapep, is a member of the aminoacylase-I/M20 protein family. This protein is a Mn2+-dependent dipeptidase. The crystal structure of this protein in the Mn2+-bound form and in the open, metal-free state suggests that large interdomain movements could potentially regulate the activity of this enzyme. We note that the extended inactive conformation is stabilized by a disulfide bond in the vicinity of the active site. Although these cysteines, Cys(155) and Cys(178), are not active site residues, the reduced form of this enzyme is substantially more active as a dipeptidase. These findings acquire further relevance given a recent observation that this enzyme is only active in methicillin-resistant S. aureus. The structural and biochemical features of this enzyme provide a template for the design of novel methicillin-resistant S. aureus-specific therapeutics.


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In the first part of the study, the selected wood and fiber properties were investigated in terms of their occurrence and variation in wood, as well as their relevance from the perspective of thermomechanical pulping process and related end-products. It was concluded that the most important factors were the fiber dimensions, juvenile wood content, and in some cases, the content of heartwood being associated with extremely dry wood with low permeability in spruce. With respect to the above properties, the following three pulpwood assortments of which pulping potential was assumed to vary were formed: wood from regeneration cuttings, first-thinnings wood, and sawmill chips. In the experimental part of the study the average wood and fiber characteristics and their variation were determined for each raw material group prior to pulping. Subsequently, each assortment - equaling about 1500 m3 roundwood - was pulped separately for a 24 h period, at constant process conditions. The properties of obtained newsgrade thermomechanical pulps were then determined. Thermomechanical pulping (TMP) from sawmill chips had the highest proportion of long fibers, smallest proportion of fines, and had generally the coarsest and longest fibers. TMP from first-thinnings wood was just the opposite, whereas that from regeneration cuttings fell in between the above two extremes. High proportion of dry heartwood in wood originating from regeneration cuttings produced a slightly elevated shives content. However, no differences were found in pulp specific energy consumption. The obtained pulp tear index was clearly best in TMP made from sawmill chips and poorest in pulp from first-thinnings wood, which had generally inferior strength properties. No dramatical differences in any of the strength properties were found between pulp from sawmill residual wood and regeneration cuttings. Pulp optical properties were superior in TMP from first-thinnings. Unexpectedly, no noticeable differences, which could be explained with fiber morphology, were found in sheet density, bulk, air permeance or roughness between the three pulps. The most important wood quality factors in this study were the fiber length, fiber cross-sectional dimensions and percentage juvenile wood. Differences found in the quality of TMP manufactured from the above spruce assortments suggest that they could be segregated and pulped separately to obtain specific product characteristics, i.e., for instance tailor-made end-products, and to minimize unnecessary variation in the raw material quality, and hence, pulp quality.


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Many process-control systems are air-operated. In such an environment, it would be desirable and economical to use pneumatic sensors. Bubble-back pressure sensors perform quite satisfactorily, but in case of viscous inflammable and slurry-like liquids with a tendency to froth, this level sensor is inadequate. The method suggested in this paper utilizes a pneumatic capacitor, one boundary of which is formed by the liquid level, to modulate a fluid amplifier feedback oscillator. The absence of moving parts and economy obtained makes this method attractive for process-control applications. The system has been mathematically modeled and simulated on an IBM 360/44 digital computer. Experimental values compare fairly well with the theoretical results. For the range tested, the sensor is found to have a linear frequency variation with the liquid level Extended running in the laboratory shows that the system is very reliable. This system has been found insensitive to temperature variations of up to 15ðC.


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We propose a method to compute a probably approximately correct (PAC) normalized histogram of observations with a refresh rate of Theta(1) time units per histogram sample on a random geometric graph with noise-free links. The delay in computation is Theta(root n) time units. We further extend our approach to a network with noisy links. While the refresh rate remains Theta(1) time units per sample, the delay increases to Theta(root n log n). The number of transmissions in both cases is Theta(n) per histogram sample. The achieved Theta(1) refresh rate for PAC histogram computation is a significant improvement over the refresh rate of Theta(1/log n) for histogram computation in noiseless networks. We achieve this by operating in the supercritical thermodynamic regime where large pathways for communication build up, but the network may have more than one component. The largest component however will have an arbitrarily large fraction of nodes in order to enable approximate computation of the histogram to the desired level of accuracy. Operation in the supercritical thermodynamic regime also reduces energy consumption. A key step in the proof of our achievability result is the construction of a connected component having bounded degree and any desired fraction of nodes. This construction may also prove useful in other communication settings on the random geometric graph.