999 resultados para 132-809
The presence of human adenoviruses in recreational water might cause disease in the population upon exposure. Human adenoviruses detected by PCR could also serve as indicators of the virological water quality. In order to assess the applicability of human adenoviruses to the evaluation of the faecal contamination in European bathing waters, a real-time quantitative PCR assay was developed for the quantification of human adenoviruses in 132 samples collected from 24 different recreational marine and freshwater sites in nine European countries.Selected samples presenting positive nested-PCR results for human adenoviruses were analyzed using quantitative PCR and 80 samples from a total of 132 produced quantitative results with mean values of 3.2x102 10 per 100 ml of water, human adenovirus 41 being the most prevalent serotype. Human adenoviruses were quantified in samples from all 15 surveillance laboratories. Statistical analysis showed no homogeneous linear relation between humanadenoviruses and E. coli, intestinal enterococci or somatic coliphages concentrations in the tested samples when considering all the data together. Significant correlations between human adenoviruses and at least one of the other indicators were observed only when data from individual Laboratories were considered. The quantification of human adenoviruses may provide complementary information in relation to the use of bacterial standards in the control of water quality in bathing water.
In vitro propagation of pineapple produces uniform and disease-free plantlets, but requires a long period of acclimatization before transplanting to the field. Quicker adaptation to the ex vitro environment and growth acceleration of pineapple plantlets are prerequisites for the production of a greater amount of vigorous, well-rooted planting material. The combination of humic acids and endophytic bacteria could be a useful technological approach to reduce the critical period of acclimatization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the initial performance of tissue-cultured pineapple variety Vitória in response to application of humic acids isolated from vermicompost and plant growth-promoting bacteria (Burkholderia spp.) during greenhouse acclimatization. The basal leaf axils were treated with humic acids while roots were immersed in bacterial medium. Humic acids and bacteria application improved shoot growth (14 and 102 %, respectively), compared with the control; the effect of the combined treatment was most pronounced (147 %). Likewise, humic acids increased root growth by 50 %, bacteria by 81 % and the combined treatment by 105 %. Inoculation was found to significantly increase the accumulation of N (115 %), P (112 %) and K (69 %) in pineapple leaves. Pineapple growth was influenced by inoculation with Burkholderia spp., and further improved in combination with humic acids, resulting in higher shoot and root biomass as well as nutrient contents (N 132 %, P 131 %, K 80 %) than in uninoculated plantlets. The stability and increased consistency of the host plant response to bacterization in the presence of humic substances indicate a promising biotechnological tool to improve growth and adaptation of pineapple plantlets to the ex vitro environment.
Nitrogen fertilizers increase the nitrous oxide (N2O) emission and can reduce the methane (CH4) oxidation from agricultural soils. However, the magnitude of this effect is unknown in Southern Brazilian edaphoclimatic conditions, as well as the potential of different sources of mineral N fertilizers in such an effect. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different mineral N sources (urea, ammonium sulphate, calcium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, Uran, controlled- release N fertilizer, and urea with urease inhibitor) on N2O and CH4 fluxes from Gleysol in the South of Brazil (Porto Alegre, RS), in comparison to a control treatment without a N application. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block with three replications, and the N fertilizer was applied to corn at the V5 growth stage. Air samples were collected from a static chambers for 15 days after the N application and the N2O and CH4 concentration were determined by gas chromatography. The topmost emissions occurred three days after the N fertilizer application and ranged from 187.8 to 8587.4 µg m-2 h-1 N. The greatest emissions were observed for N-nitric based fertilizers, while N sources with a urease inhibitor and controlled release N presented the smallest values and the N-ammonium and amidic were intermediate. This peak of N2O emissions was related to soil NO3--N (R² = 0.56, p < 0.08) when the soil water-filled pore space was up to 70 % and it indicated that N2O was predominantly produced by a denitrification process in the soil. Soil CH4 fluxes ranged from -30.1 µg m-2 h-1 C (absorption) to +32.5 µg m-2 h-1 C (emission), and the accumulated emission in the period was related to the soil NH4+-N concentration (R² = 0.82, p < 0.001), probably due to enzymatic competition between nitrification and metanotrophy processes. Despite both of the gas fluxes being affected by N fertilizers, in the average of the treatments, the impact on CH4 emission (0.2 kg ha-1 equivalent CO2-C ) was a hundredfold minor than for N2O (132.8 kg ha-1 equivalent CO2-C). Accounting for the N2O and CH4 emissions plus energetic costs of N fertilizers of 1.3 kg CO2-C kg-1 N regarding the manufacture, transport and application, we estimated an environmental impact of N sources ranging from 220.4 to 664.5 kg ha-1 CO2 -C , which can only be partially offset by C sequestration in the soil, as no study in South Brazil reported an annual net soil C accumulation rate larger than 160 kg ha-1 C due to N fertilization. The N2O mitigation can be obtained by the replacement of N-nitric sources by ammonium and amidic fertilizers. Controlled release N fertilizers and urea with urease inhibitor are also potential alternatives to N2O emission mitigation to atmospheric and systematic studies are necessary to quantify their potential in Brazilian agroecosystems.
Stents have a long history in traditional valve surgery as both, porcine biological valves as well as pericardial valves are mounted on stents prior to implantation. Recently stent-mounted biological devices have been compressed up to the point, where they can be passed through a catheter. Various routes can be distinguished for implantation: open access, the trans-vascular route in antegrade or retrograde fashion, as well as direct trans-apical or trans-atrial access. Direct access has the potentialforvideo-endoscopic valve replacement. In theory, as well as in the experimental setting, valved stents have been implanted in tricuspid and caval position respectively, as well as in pulmonary, mitral and aortic locations. The largest clinical experience has been achieved in pulmonary position whereas current efforts target the aortic position.
Acid mine drainage (AMD) is an environmental concern due to the risk of element mobilization, including toxic elements, and inclusion in the food chain. In this study, three cover layers were tested to minimize As, Fe and S mobilization from a substrate from former gold mining, containing pyrite and arsenopyrite. For this purpose, different layers (capillary break, sealant and cover layer) above the substrate and the induction of a geochemical barrier (GB) were used to provide suitable conditions for adsorption and co-precipitation of the mobilized As. Thirteen treatments were established to evaluate the leaching of As, Fe and S from a substrate in lysimeters. The pH, As, Fe, S, Na, and K concentrations and total volume of the leachates were determined. Mineralogical analyses were realized in the substrate at the end of the experimental period. Lowest amounts of As, Fe and S (average values of 5.47, 48.59 and 132.89 g/lysimeter) were leached in the treatments that received Na and K to induce GB formation. Mineralogical analyses indicated jarosite formation in the control treatment and in treatments that received Na and K salts. However, the jarosite amounts in these treatments were higher than in the control, suggesting that these salts accelerated the GB formation. High amounts of As, Fe and S (average values of 11.7, 103.94 and 201.13 g/lysimeter) were observed in the leachate from treatments without capillary break layer. The formation of geochemical barrier and the use of different layers over the sulfide substrate proved to be efficient techniques to decrease As, Fe and S mobilization and mitigate the impact of acid mine drainage.
Le projet s'intéresse aux socialisations des jeunes cyclistes sur route dans la phase de la carrière où ils deviennent des espoirs nationaux. Pour certains, cela correspond au passage d'une structure sportive amateur de haut niveau vers une équipe professionnelle. Cette phase semble constituer un moment clé de la consommation de produits dopants. Ces espoirs sont exposés à un nouvel environnement et une nouvelle logique professionnelle s'impose à eux, avec ses espoirs de carrière et de profits et ses risques. Ils sont confrontés à de nouveaux groupes sociaux avec lesquels s'établit un système d'interactions. Avec le temps, ces groupes vont notamment inculquer aux jeunes coureurs de nouvelles normes en matière de santé, de fatigue, d'expériences, d'éthique et d'entraînement.Il s'agit plus particulièrement d'observer les modes de socialisation des jeunes espoirs du cyclisme pour comprendre comment s'immiscent les pratiques de dopage dans les biographies des sportifs. Dans une optique de prévention, ce travail se propose d'étudier les effets de la socialisation. Comme le souligne H. Becker (1985), la déviance est le fruit d'un acte collectif. Il s'agit alors de comprendre comment, au contact de divers groupes encadrants (pairs, entraîneurs, dirigeants, médecins), les savoir-faire mais aussi les normes, les valeurs se construisent au cours de la phase de socialisation professionnelle. Il est important de comprendre les effets des interactions entre ces groupes et le jeune espoir. Cette socialisation semble correspondre à l'inculcation d'une culture cycliste qu'il s'agira de décrire en prenant en compte deux formes de transmission des normes : une explicite, à certains moments de la journée, où sont abordées les techniques de course, les tactiques, les modes d'entraînement et une implicite, pendant laquelle sont diffusées des valeurs qui conduisent le sportif à faire le choix du dopage. Dans le cas du dopage, nous nous intéresserons notamment aux normes de santé, d'éthique, aux conceptions de la pratique sportive en adéquation avec le suivi médical pendant la phase amateur puis néo-professionnelle. La formation, ou transformation, de ces représentations sera appréhendée à travers les interactions entre coureurs et encadrement lors des différents moments de leur quotidien. Il s'agira également d'étudier le cadre social de ces interactions. A partir des récits de vie collectés, nous essayerons de déterminer les moments où les choix s'opèrent et nous y analyserons les conduites.L'acquisition des représentations associées au dopage est le produit du double mouvement de l'action sociale des individus et des effets des structures organisationnelles et institutionnelles. En conséquence, nous nous intéresserons également à l'influence des différents dispositifs tels que la famille, l'école, le club, la structure médicale, la fédération nationale, sur les représentations des coureurs.Cette étude reposera sur une analyse comparée des cyclistes belges, français et suisses. Les carrières seront analysées à partir d'entretiens semi-directifs (75) auprès de (1) jeunes athlètes (18-23 ans) qui vivent les phases de professionnalisation, (2) d'anciens cyclistes ayant vécu les normes de socialisation du milieu et (3) des acteurs clefs de l'organisation des différents dispositifs (entraîneurs, dirigeants, médecins). Notre démarche méthodologique s'adosse à celles déjà expérimentées dans des travaux antérieurs (notamment, Brissonneau, 2003).
Background: The anti-angiogenic drug, bevacizumab (Bv), is currently used in the treatment of different malignancies including breast cancer. Many angiogenesis-associated molecules are found in the circulation of cancer patients. Until now, there are no prognostic or predictive factors identified in breast cancer patients treated with Bv. We present here the first results of the prospective monitoring of 6 angiogenesis-related molecules in the peripheral blood of breast cancer patients treated with a combination of Bv and PLD in the phase II trial, SAKK 24/06. Methods: Patients were treated with PLD (20 mg/m2) and Bv (10 mg/kg) on days 1 and 15 of each 4-week cycle for a maximum of 6 cycles, followed by Bv monotherapy maintenance (10 mg/m2 q2 weeks) until progression or severe toxicity. Plasma and serum samples were collected at baseline, after 2 months of therapy, then every 3 months and at treatment discontinuation. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (Quantikine, R&D Systems and Reliatech) were used to measure the expression levels of human vascular endothelial growth factor (hVEGF), placental growth factor (hPlGF), matrix metalloproteinase 9 (hMMP9) and soluble VEGF receptors hsVEGFR-1, hsVEGFR-2 and hsVEGFR-3. The log-transformed data (to reduce the skewness) for each marker was analyzed using an analysis of variance (ANOVA) model to determine if there was a difference between the mean of the subgroups of interest (where α = 0.05). The untransformed data was also analyzed in the same manner as a "sensitivity" check. Results: 132 blood samples were collected in 41 out of 43 enrolled patients. Baseline levels of the molecules were compared to disease status according to RECIST. There was a statistically significant difference in the mean of the log-transformed levels of hMMP9 between responders [CR+PR] versus the mean in patients with PD (p-value=0.0004, log fold change=0.7536), and between patients with disease control [CR+PR+SD] and those with PD (p-value=<0.0001, log fold change=0.81559), with the log-transformed level of hMMP9 being higher for the responder group. The mean of the log-transformed levels of hsVEGFR-1 was statistically significantly different between patients with disease control [CR+PR+SD] and those with PD (p-value=0.0068, log fold change=-0.6089), where the log-transformed level of hsVEGFR-1 was lower for the responder group. The log-transformed level of hMMP9 at baseline was identified as a significant prognostic factor in terms of progression free survival (PFS): p-value=0.0417, hazard ratio (HR)=0.574 with a corresponding 95% confidence interval (0.336 - 0.979)). No strong correlation was shown either between the log-transformed levels of hsVEGF, hPlGF, hsVEGFR-2 or hsVEGFR-3 and clinical response or the occurrence of severe toxicity, or between the levels of the different molecules. Conclusions: Our results suggest that baseline plasma level of the matrix metalloproteinase, hMMP9, could predict tumor response and PFS in patients treated with a combination of Bv and PLD. These data justify further investigation in breast cancer patients treated with anti-angiogenic therapy.
Con ocasión del simposio internacional dedicado al amor en Plutarco, este trabajo fue presentado para mostrar hasta qué punto Plutarco, sobre todo en su Erótico y desde parámetros estrictamente platónicos, con la ayuda de una lógica elemental y a la vez rigurosa, se limita a corregir platónicamente a Platón a fin de que éros y philía puedan ser atribuidos también al amor conyugal.
BACKGROUND: As the incidence of malaria diminishes, a better understanding of nonmalarial fever is important for effective management of illness in children. In this study, we explored the spectrum of causes of fever in African children. METHODS: We recruited children younger than 10 years of age with a temperature of 38°C or higher at two outpatient clinics--one rural and one urban--in Tanzania. Medical histories were obtained and clinical examinations conducted by means of systematic procedures. Blood and nasopharyngeal specimens were collected to perform rapid diagnostic tests, serologic tests, culture, and molecular tests for potential pathogens causing acute fever. Final diagnoses were determined with the use of algorithms and a set of prespecified criteria. RESULTS: Analyses of data derived from clinical presentation and from 25,743 laboratory investigations yielded 1232 diagnoses. Of 1005 children (22.6% of whom had multiple diagnoses), 62.2% had an acute respiratory infection; 5.0% of these infections were radiologically confirmed pneumonia. A systemic bacterial, viral, or parasitic infection other than malaria or typhoid fever was found in 13.3% of children, nasopharyngeal viral infection (without respiratory symptoms or signs) in 11.9%, malaria in 10.5%, gastroenteritis in 10.3%, urinary tract infection in 5.9%, typhoid fever in 3.7%, skin or mucosal infection in 1.5%, and meningitis in 0.2%. The cause of fever was undetermined in 3.2% of the children. A total of 70.5% of the children had viral disease, 22.0% had bacterial disease, and 10.9% had parasitic disease. CONCLUSIONS: These results provide a description of the numerous causes of fever in African children in two representative settings. Evidence of a viral process was found more commonly than evidence of a bacterial or parasitic process. (Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and others.).
Pancreatic ß cells are highly specialized endocrine cells located within the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. Their main role is to produce and secrete insulin, the hormone essential for the regulation of glucose homeostasis and body's metabolism. Diabetes mellitus develops when the amount of insulin released by ß cells is not sufficient to cover the metabolic demand. In type 1 diabetes (5-10% of diagnoses) insulin deficiency is caused by the autoimmune destruction of pancreatic ß cells. Type 2 diabetes (90% of diagnoses) results from a genetic predisposition and from the presence of adverse environmental conditions. The combination of these factors reduces insulin sensitivity of peripheral target tissues, causes impairment in ß-cell function and can lead to partial loss of ß cells. The development of novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of diabetes necessitates the comprehension of the cellular processes involved in dysfunction and loss of ß cells. My thesis was focused on the involvement in the physiopathological processes leading to the development of diabetes of a class of small regulatory RNA molecules, called microRNAs (miRNAs) that post- transcriptionally regulate gene expression. Global miRNA profiling in pancreatic islets of two animal models of diabetes, the db/db mice and mice that were fed a high fat diet (HFD), characterized by obesity and insulin resistance, led us to identify two groups of miRNAs displaying expression changes under pre-diabetic and diabetic conditions. Among the miRNAs already upregulated in pre-diabetic db/db mice and HFD mice, miR- 132 was found to have beneficial effects on pancreatic ß cell function and survival. Indeed, mimicking the upregulation of miR-132 in primary pancreatic islet cells and ß-cell lines improved glucose- induced insulin secretion and favored survival of the cells upon exposure to pro-apoptotic stimuli such as palmitate and cytokines. MiR-132 was found to exert its action by enhancing the expression of MafA, a transcription factor essential for ß-cell function, survival and identity. On the other hand, up-regulation of miR-199a-5p and miR-199a-3p was detectable only in the islets of diabetic db/db mice and resulted in impaired insulin secretion and sensitization of the cells to apoptosis. MiR-199a- 5p was found to decrease insulin secretion by inducing the expression of granuphilin, a potent inhibitor of ß cell exocytosis. In contrast, miR-199a-3p was demonstrated to directly target and reduce the expression of two key ß-cell genes, mTOR and cMET, resulting in impaired ß-cell adaptation to metabolic demands and loss by apoptosis. Our findings suggest that miRNAs are important players in the onset of type 2 diabetes. MiRNA expression is adjusted in pancreatic ß cells exposed to a diabetogenic environment. These changes initially concern miRNAs responsible for adaptive processes aimed at compensating the onset of insulin resistance, but later such changes can be overlapped by modifications in the level of several additional miRNAs that favor ß-cell failure and the onset of type 2 diabetes.
BACKGROUND: Antidepressants are one of the most commonly prescribed drugs in primary care. The rise in use is mostly due to an increasing number of long-term users of antidepressants (LTU AD). Little is known about the factors driving increased long-term use. We examined the socio-demographic, clinical factors and health service use characteristics associated with LTU AD to extend our understanding of the factors that may be driving the increase in antidepressant use. METHODS: Cross-sectional analysis of 789 participants with probable depression (CES-D≥16) recruited from 30 randomly selected Australian general practices to take part in a ten-year cohort study about depression were surveyed about their antidepressant use. RESULTS: 165 (21.0%) participants reported <2 years of antidepressant use and 145 (18.4%) reported ≥2 years of antidepressant use. After adjusting for depression severity, LTU AD was associated with: single (OR 1.56, 95%CI 1.05-2.32) or recurrent episode of depression (3.44, 2.06-5.74); using SSRIs (3.85, 2.03-7.33), sedatives (2.04, 1.29-3.22), or antipsychotics (4.51, 1.67-12.17); functional limitations due to long-term illness (2.81, 1.55-5.08), poor/fair self-rated health (1.57, 1.14-2.15), inability to work (2.49, 1.37-4.53), benefits as main source of income (2.15, 1.33-3.49), GP visits longer than 20min (1.79, 1.17-2.73); rating GP visits as moderately to extremely helpful (2.71, 1.79-4.11), and more self-help practices (1.16, 1.09-1.23). LIMITATIONS: All measures were self-report. Sample may not be representative of culturally different or adolescent populations. Cross-sectional design raises possibility of "confounding by indication". CONCLUSIONS: Long-term antidepressant use is relatively common in primary care. It occurs within the context of complex mental, physical and social morbidities. Whilst most long-term use is associated with a history of recurrent depression there remains a significant opportunity for treatment re-evaluation and timely discontinuation.
Alors que dans notre culture francophone et occidentale les relations avec les "esprits" sont presque invariablement qualifiées dans les termes de la croyance, à Zanzibar elles sont déclinées selon des modalités fort différentes. "Croire aux esprits" se révèle donc inadéquat, voire même insensé, dans la pratique de l'uganga, les rituels d'incorporation des "esprits". C'est pourquoi je propose dans cet article un déplacement : remplacer "croire" par "percevoir". Cela ouvre un vaste champ d'investigation quant à la part expérientielle de notre rapport aux esprits et aux manières dont nous percevons le monde que nous habitons.