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The prevailing view is that we cannot witness biological evolution because it occurred on a time scale immensely greater than our lifetime. Here, we show that we can witness evolution in our lifetime by watching the evolution of the flying human-and-machine species: the airplane. We document this evolution, and we also predict it based on a physics principle: the constructal law. We show that the airplanes must obey theoretical allometric rules that unite them with the birds and other animals. For example, the larger airplanes are faster, more efficient as vehicles, and have greater range. The engine mass is proportional to the body size: this scaling is analogous to animal design, where the mass of the motive organs (muscle, heart, lung) is proportional to the body size. Large or small, airplanes exhibit a proportionality between wing span and fuselage length, and between fuel load and body size. The animal-design counterparts of these features are evident. The view that emerges is that the evolution phenomenon is broader than biological evolution. The evolution of technology, river basins, and animal design is one phenomenon, and it belongs in physics. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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A lateral on-chip electron-impact ion source utilizing a carbon nanotube field emission electron source was fabricated and characterized. The device consists of a cathode with aligned carbon nanotubes, a control grid, and an ion collector electrode. The electron-impact ionization of He, Ar, and Xe was studied as a function of field emission current and pressure. The ion current was linear with respect to gas pressure from 10-4 to 10-1 Torr. The device can operate as a vacuum ion gauge with a sensitivity of approximately 1 Torr-1. Ion currents in excess of 1 μA were generated. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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We investigate the problem of introducing consistent self-couplings in free theories for mixed tensor gauge fields whose symmetry properties are characterized by Young diagrams made of two columns of arbitrary (but different) lengths. We prove that, in flat space, these theories admit no local, Poincaré-invariant, smooth, selfinteracting deformation with at most two derivatives in the Lagrangian. Relaxing the derivative and Lorentz-invariance assumptions, there still is no deformation that modifies the gauge algebra, and in most cases no deformation that alters the gauge transformations. Our approach is based on a Becchi-Rouet-Stora-iyutin (BRST) -cohomology deformation procedure. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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The equilibrium structure of acetylene (also named ethyne) has been reinvestigated to resolve the small discrepancies noted between different determinations. The size of the system as well as the large amount of available experimental data provides the quite unique opportunity to check the magnitude and relevance of various contributions to equilibrium structure as well as to verify the accuracy of experimental results. With respect to pure theoretical investigation, quantum-chemical calculations at the coupled-cluster level have been employed together with extrapolation to the basis set limit, consideration of higher excitations in the cluster operator, inclusion of core correlation effects as well as relativistic and diagonal Born-Oppenheimer corrections. In particular, it is found that the extrapolation to the complete basis set limit, the inclusion of higher excitations in the electronic-correlation treatment and the relativistic corrections are of the same order of magnitude. It also appears that a basis set as large as a core-valence quintuple-zeta set is required for accurately accounting for the inner-shell correlation contribution. From a pure experimental point of view, the equilibrium structure has been determined using very accurate rotational constants recently obtained by a global analysis (that is to say that all non-negligible interactions are explicitely included in the Hamiltonian matrix) of rovibrational spectra. Finally, a semi-experimental equilibrium structure (where the equilibrium rotational constants are obtained from the experimental ground state rotational constants and computed rovibrational corrections) has been obtained from the available experimental ground-state rotational constants for ten isotopic species corrected for computed vibrational corrections. Such a determination led to the revision of the ground-state rotational constants of two isotopologues, thus showing that structural determination is a good method to identify errors in experimental rotational constants. The three structures are found in a very good agreement, and our recommended values are rCC 120.2958(7) pm and rCH 106.164(1) pm. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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Absolute line intensities in the v6 and v8 interacting bands of trans-HCOOH, observed near 1105.4 and 1033.5 cm -1, respectively, and the dissociation constant of the formic acid dimer (HCOOH)2 have been measured using Fourier transform spectroscopy at a resolution of 0.002 cm-1. Eleven spectra of formic acid, at 296.0(5) K and pressures ranging from 14.28(25) to 314.0(24) Pa, have been recorded between 600 and 1900 cm-1 with an absorption path length of 19.7(2) cm. 437 integrated absorption coefficients have been measured for 72 lines in the v6 band. Analysis of the pressure dependence yielded the dissociation constant of the formic acid dimer, k p=361(45) Pa, and the absolute intensity of the 72 lines of HCOOH. The accuracy of these results was carefully estimated. The absolute intensities of four lines of the weak v8 band were also measured. Using an appropriate theory, the integrated intensity of the v6 and v 8 bands was determined to be 3.47 × 1017 and 4.68 × 10-19 cm-1/(molecule cm-1) respectively, at 296 K. Both the dissociation constant and integrated intensities were compared to earlier measurements. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The Telescope Array is a detector of extensive air shower produced by ultra High energy cosmic ray. This detector is located on Utah, USA. The construction have been completed and the full operation has been running from March 2008. In this talk, the status of observation and our prospects are described. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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¿Por qué prismas y poliedros regulares tienen un rol protagónico en la matemática escolar? Los poliedros arquimedianos, ¿pueden ser relevantes para su inclusión en la matemática escolar de Educación Secundaria y Formación de profesores? En este taller proponemos reconocer y visualizar poliedros semirregulares con el uso del programa Poly Pro, descubrir y describir algunas de sus propiedades, identificar cuáles de ellos son arquimedianos, analizar las relaciones entre esta familia de poliedros y los poliedros regulares, explorar maneras de construirlos -a partir del análisis de grabados del artista renacentista W. Jamnitzer-, conjeturar acerca de la cantidad de elementos de esa familia y ensayar diferentes justificaciones. Es decir, proponemos una actividad que favorezca el tránsito entre los niveles 0, 1 y 2 propuestos por Van Hiele en el contexto de la geometría euclidiana del espacio, articulada a su vez con la forma de concebir la actividad geométrica de Kuzniak, a través de paradigmas caracterizados por el interés por resolver problemas específicos.


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Purpose – To present key challenges associated with the evolution of system-in-package technologies and present technical work in reliability modeling and embedded test that contributes to these challenges. Design/methodology/approach – Key challenges have been identified from the electronics and integrated MEMS industrial sectors. Solutions to optimising the reliability of a typical assembly process and reducing the cost of production test have been studied through simulation and modelling studies based on technology data released by NXP and in collaboration with EDA tool vendors Coventor and Flomerics. Findings – Characterised models that deliver special and material dependent reliability data that can be used to optimize robustness of SiP assemblies together with results that indicate relative contributions of various structural variables. An initial analytical model for solder ball reliability and a solution for embedding a low cost test for a capacitive RF-MEMS switch identified as an SiP component presenting a key test challenge. Research limitations/implications – Results will contribute to the further development of NXP wafer level system-in-package technology. Limitations are that feedback on the implementation of recommendations and the physical characterisation of the embedded test solution. Originality/value – Both the methodology and associated studies on the structural reliability of an industrial SiP technology are unique. The analytical model for solder ball life is new as is the embedded test solution for the RF-MEMS switch.


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The dissolution of thin film under-bump-metallization (UBM) by molten solder has been one of the most serious processing problems in electronic packaging technology. Due to a higher melting temperature and a greater Sn content, a molten lead-free solder such as eutectic SnAg has a faster dissolution rate of thin film UBM than the eutectic SnPb. The work presented in this paper focuses on the role of 0.5 wt % Cu in the base Sn–3.5%Ag solder to reduce the dissolution of the Cu bond pad in ball grid array applications. We found that after 0.5 wt % Cu addition, the rate of dissolution of Cu in the molten Sn–3.5%Ag solder slows down dramatically. Systematic experimental work was carried out to understand the dissolution behavior of Cu by the molten Sn–3.5%Ag and Sn–3.5%Ag–0.5%Cu solders at 230–250 °C, for different time periods ranging from 1 to 10 min. From the curves of consumed Cu thickness, it was concluded that 0.5 wt % Cu addition actually reduces the concentration gradient at the Cu metallization/molten solder interface which reduces the driving force of dissolution. During the dissolution, excess Cu was found to precipitate out due to heterogeneous nucleation and growth of Cu6Sn5 at the solder melt/oxide interface. In turn, more Cu can be dissolved again. This process continues with time and leads to more dissolution of Cu from the bond pad than the amount expected from the solubility limit, but it occurs at a slower rate for the molten Sn–3.5%Ag–0.5%Cu solder. © 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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The thermal stress in a Sn3.5Ag1Cu half-bump solder joint under a 3.82×108 A/m2 current stressing was analyzed using a coupled-field simulation. Substantial thermal stress accumulated around the Al-to-solder interface, especially in the Ni+(Ni,Cu)3Sn4 layer, where a maximal stress of 138 MPa was identified. The stress gradient in the Ni layer was about 1.67×1013 Pa/m, resulting in a stress migration force of 1.82×10-16 N, which is comparable to the electromigration force, 2.82×10-16 N. Dissolution of the Ni+(Ni,Cu)3Sn4 layer, void formation with cracks at the anode side, and extrusions at the cathode side were observed


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A computational model for the interrelated phenomena in the process of vacuum arc remelting is analyzed and adjusted of optimal accuracy and computation time. The decision steps in this case study are offered as an example how the coupling in models of similar processes can be addressed. Results show dominance of the electromagnetic forces over buoyancy and inertia for the investigated process conditions.


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Thermocouples are one of the most popular devices for temperature measurement due to their robustness, ease of manufacture and installation, and low cost. However, when used in certain harsh environments, for example, in combustion systems and engine exhausts, large wire diameters are required, and consequently the measurement bandwidth is reduced. This article discusses a software compensation technique to address the loss of high frequency fluctuations based on measurements from two thermocouples. In particular, a difference equation sDEd approach is proposed and compared with existing methods both in simulation and on experimental test rig data with constant flow velocity. It is found that the DE algorithm, combined with the use of generalized total least squares for parameter identification, provides better performance in terms of time constant estimation without any a priori assumption on the time constant ratios of the thermocouples.


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The problem of measuring high frequency variations in temperature is described, and the need for some form of reconstruction introduced. One method of reconstructing temperature measurements is to use the signals from two thermocouples of differing diameter. Two existing methods for processing such measurements and reconstructing the higher frequency components are described. These are compared to a novel reconstruction algorithm based on a nonlinear extended Kalman filter. The performance of this filter is found to compare favorably, in a number of ways, with the existing techniques, and it is suggested that such a technique would be viable for the online reconstruction of temperatures in real time.