999 resultados para Áreas subdesenvolvidas - Finanças


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A prática da Restauração Ecológica teve um aumento considerável nas ultimas décadas no Brasil, a fim de remanejar a integridade ecológica dos ecossistemas degradados. No entanto, em virtude da prática ser ainda recente faz-se necessário maiores estudos na área para compreender a relação e a importância dos frugívoros nas redes de interações, bem como as mudanças no desenvolvimento da biodiversidade durante o processo de restauração, visando otimizar os resultados de práticas futuras. Desse modo, o presente trabalho teve como finalidade analisar a estrutura da comunidade de aves do sub-bosque, bem como determinar as principais espécies envolvidas no processo de dispersão de sementes realizado por elas em três áreas restauradas do interior de São Paulo (Iracemápolis, Santa Bárbara d’Oeste e Cosmópolis), com diferentes idades de plantio (14, 25, 57 anos respectivamente), tendo uma área nativa como referência. Para isso foram realizadas redes de neblina para capturar as aves do sub-bosque, e coletar amostras de fezes, afim de se analisar possíveis sementes no conteúdo estomacal/intestinal. Constatou-se que a espécie de Turdus leucomelas foi a mais abundante em todas áreas de estudo, e a mais expressiva para a dispersão de sementes. Iracemápolis e Santa Bárbada d’Oeste apresentaram a maior taxa de captura de indivíduos, enquanto que Cosmópolis apresentou a maior similaridade da avifauna com a mata nativa. Em relação à distribuição das guildas alimentares da avifauna nas áreas, predominaram-se espécies insetívoras em detrimento da baixa presença de frugívoros. Em conclusão, há uma importância significativa da restauração em áreas degradadas para recrutar a avifauna, mesmo que a maioria dos indivíduos sejam de espécies menos sensíveis à fragmentação


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Currently, the dam of Salto Grande is very degraded. Water quality is seriously amended, and lack of riparian vegetation, as well as the advance of feed crops and land occupation in areas that should be permanently preserved, only complicate this situation. The permanent preservation area is essential for the water sources protection, soil erosion control and consequent watercourse sedimentation. Through aerial photography, using GIS techniques, it was able to identify the outwards bounds of the dam, to demarcate the permanent preservation areas and generate maps for land use. With this data, in addition to studies and ideas of reforestation in different environments, the development of a plan for restoration of degraded areas surrounding the dam is easier to be done. This study confirmed that about 72% of land use in permanent preservation areas is not in accordance with specific laws, making necessary its recovering.


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The implementation of an Export and Processing Zone (ZEPs) brings several benefits to the local, state and federal economy, but often, only socioeconomic factors are considered, apart from several other factors that should be analyzed, such as the environment. In this context of industrialization and the struggle for sustainable development, this work propose to incorporate the environmental variable in the decision process for establishing industrial areas, in particular, the ZPE in the city of Fernandópolis, São Paulo state, Brazil, by examining several physical and environmental factors such as slope intervals, geological features, pedological factors and land use. Developed using a multicriteria analysis, a model has been elaborated, where these factors have received a proportional value according with their importance, supported by a GIS tool (Geographical Information System) and remote sensing products, such as images from CBERS satellite and SRTM radar, showing the suited areas for industrial activities, considering environmental conditions. This model may assist to take better decision about the ZPE implementation area and to reduce the negative environmental impacts that would result of poorly planned locations


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The spatial chaotic urban growth is an increasing and common problem in Brazilian cities, especially in the State of São Paulo. In order to assist the territorial expansion planning, the present study aimed to conduct the environmental diagnosis of urban expansion areas in the City of Jaguariúna – SP, bounded by the Municipal Plan. From the preparation and analysis of thematic maps, literature review and field analysis, data were collected for use and occupation, geology, geomorphology, pedology, vegetation, water resources and features surrounding the five urban sprawl existing areas. It was noted, in general, that these areas are suitable for urban occupation, since they show flat geomorphology characteristics, with flattened, medium to large hills, slightly undulated, with low slope, and soils that do not present risks to the deployment of buildings, once properly managed. It was also observed a few water bodies crossing these areas and a few areas with native vegetation beyond permanent protection areas along the rivers. By the analysis of these areas and their surroundings, it was possible to determine on which area the urbanization process can occur more quickly. Thus, the study allows the City of Jaguariúna to perform a more effective occupation planning in these areas, always aiming the sustainable development and, consequently, the improvement in population’s quality of life, as well as the maintenance of environmental quality.


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A biodiversidade pode ser considerada como uma base da existência por proporcionar recursos e regular os processos naturais responsáveis pela manutenção da vida. Nas últimas décadas, a biodiversidade vem sendo perdida rapidamente, apresentando taxas de decréscimo nunca antes vistas, o que reduz a capacidade de aporte de recursos naturais para as gerações futuras. Em relação às estratégias de conservação da biodiversidade, os orgãos ambientais brasileiros têm empreendido diversos esforços na sistematização de dados e informações sobre biomas, ecossistemas e espécies ameaçadas com a finalidade do estabelecimento de indicadores e diretrizes para a conservação da diversidade biológica direcionados à tomada de decisões por parte de gestores públicos e privados, como aquelas que são deflagradas no âmbito dos processos de licenciamento ambiental. Dentre os instrumentos de gestão ambiental, o licencimaneto ambiental é aquele responsável pela autorização da implantação de empreendimentos potencialmente causadores de significativo impacto ambiental, como é o caso de usinas hidrelétricas. Para isso, o licenciamento ambiental deve estar baseado em estudos ambientais realizados a partir dos procedimentos metodológicos de avaliação de impacto ambiental, os quais devem preconizar os aspectos que caracterizam a vulnerabilidade ambiental da localidade geográfica onde está planejado o empreendimento. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho objetivou analisar de que forma os dados, informações, indicadores e diretrizes sobre a diversidade biológica brasileira, produzidos e estabelecidos pelo governo federal estão sendo utilizados no processo de licenciamento ambiental da usina hidrelétrica de Tijuco Alto do rio Ribeira de Iguape.


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Aves podem ter sua distribuição e ocorrência associadas com a estratificação vegetal e a composição florística de cada ambiente. Diversos estudos mostraram que quanto mais estratificado um ambiente e mais diverso em composição florística, maior a densidade de aves ali existente. Espécies frugívoras que se alimentam no sub-bosque podem mostrar preferências por frutos mais vistosos, por serem mais fáceis de localizar em meio à vegetação florestal. Considerando isso, o presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar se existe diferença na composição e densidade de aves que se alimentam de frutos no sub-bosque de duas áreas de restinga (uma com maior estratificação vegetal que a outra), bem como testar se estas aves apresentam preferências por frutos vermelhos ou roxos. Para tanto, modelos de frutos foram confeccionados com massa de modelar e dispostos em uma área de restinga alta (vegetação atingindo até 20m) e outra de restinga baixa (vegetação até 10m). Para avaliar a preferência entre diferentes cores de frutos, os modelos foram dispostos em 2 indivíduos de Rubiaceae, cada qual contendo 5 frutos somente de uma cor, formando blocos pareados. Em cada área, 10 blocos foram dispostos. A quantidade de bicadas por cor por bloco em cada área foi contabilizada ao fim de quatro dias de exposição dos modelos. Um total de 5 horas de observações focais foi feito para verificar a composição das possíveis aves visitantes aos modelos. As diferentes formas de marcas deixadas pelas bicadas foram classificadas em cinco categorias. Não foram encontradas diferenças na quantidade de bicadas entre as diferentes cores para as duas áreas, nem preferências por cores, sem discriminar as áreas. Não foi avistada nenhuma ave bicando os modelos durante o período. Apesar de frutos roxos aparentarem menor conspicuidade em contraste com a vegetação do que frutos vermelhos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The problem of flooding in urban areas exist in many cities and their causes are as varied as the areas of occupancy or Valley weatherproofing Fund areas of infiltration in the drainage basin. The anthropic activity come triggering changes and impacts on the environment for a long time, and there is a growing need to come up with solutions and strategies that minimize and reverse the effects caused these risk areas. Thus, the present work will address the case study in São José do Rio Preto-SP that is an exception, since the area that is considered of risk lies in the Centre, unlike most lying on the outskirts. This will also analyze the processes of urban expansion and the situations of social and environmental vulnerability, including their interrelations in urban scale. The physical study of the area will serve as an important basis for the work, but it will focus mainly on the population and the problems which this is being in hazardous areas. We will not join a single methodology, wharever, we will follow our knowledge to adapt what we feel that fits better, every time. The importance of this study is that in addition to identifying the problems which the local population suffers with floods, lists measures that minimize the environmental impacts arising through the fostering of public policies


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The inadequate disposal of municipal waste is one of the biggest environmental problems. The lack of long public politics makes this problem a challenge to their administrators. Finding a place for the disposal of waste is an easy task and the present work looks forward to a better understanding about the concepts involved in order to choose favorable areas for the development of sanitary landfills, minimizing environmental impacts. In this line of thought several areas in Rio Claro`s region were evaluated according to the environmental terms. The areas which were classified as good or almost good will have a more elaborated study such as field works, evaluation and understanding of the concepts analyzed so that there aren’t any waste of money, work, social and environmental waste in the area. These areas were analyzed according to secondary data such as geological and pedological formation and primary studies such as the assumption of the reality as showed in the map will be made in order to acquire better results.


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The crescent increasing demand of the electric power in Brazil has stimulated the implantation of Small Central Hydroelectric Power (SCHP) in several regions of the country. However, the silting up of the reservoirs is one of the main problems faced by hydroelectric power plants and SCHP. In this context, this research aimed evaluate the phenomenology and propose the enforcement of appropriate bioengineering techniques to control the intense erosive process of the hydrographical basin of the “Alto Rio Sucuriú,” that cause silting up of the reservoirs of the SCHP Costa Rica, located in the municipal district of Costa Rica (MS). In order to identify the phenomenology of the main falling in of this basin, a diagnosis of the conditions of the physical environment of the region (climate, geology, pedology, hydrology, and use of the ground) was realized. A surveying was also realized to specify the geometric feature of the falling in using the Total Station of the Ruide brand, series RTS 860R and the geodetic GPS of the Ashtech brand and the data obtained was used on the preparation of the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the falling in. Based on this diagnosis an official register of the falling in was done with identification of the different types of present erosion. Due to the advanced erosive stage of the falling in researched, the use of bioengineering techniques could be the best solution considering that the traditional engineering techniques make use of heavy material like concrete, iron and large machines that besides causing higher impact to the natural and esthetic aspects of the environment also require a higher investment of capital. This research establish a great cooperation to the knowledge of the erosive process and of the rehabilitation of the degraded areas with application of bioengineering techniques not only hydrographical basin of “Alto Rio Sucuriú” but also to other basins that show similar situation


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As formigas da tribo Attini são especializadas na produção de fungos com os quais possuem uma relação de mutualismo, e para tanto, possuem várias estratégias de forrageamento de substrato de acordo com o gênero. Sabe-se que a atividade de forrageio é um comportamento social que varia sob influência de diversos fatores ambientais, tais como a estação do ano, temperatura, umidade relativa, estágio de desenvolvimento do ninho e período de reprodução. Neste contexto, ainda se conhece muito pouco sobre as técnicas utilizadas pelas formigas do gênero Trachymyrmex para busca de alimento. Por esta razão, o objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a atividade de forrageio e coleta de substrato por colônias de Trachymyrmex tucumanus em áreas antropizadas, verificando o período do ano e do dia em que a atividade ocorre com maior intensidade, e quais as categorias de alimentos coletados por esse grupo de formigas. Durante o estudo, que transcorreu de dezembro de 2009 à setembro de 2010, foram acompanhados 10 ninhos, quatro por estação, sendo que alguns se repetiram em diferentes estações. No total foram feitos quatro dias de observações, um a cada três meses. Foi feita a contagem de operárias que entram no ninho a cada 2h por 20 minutos consecutivos com auxílio de um contador. Ao longo das observações foi possível identificar um padrão de atividade que se intensifica no final da tarde, quando a temperatura do solo é mais amena e a umidade do ar aumenta. Quando comparada a atividade de busca das operárias ao decorrer do ano constatou-se uma queda na atividade conforme se aproxima o período de seca. A maior atividade de forrageio se deu durante a primavera e o verão, que são estações mais chuvosas. Através da observação do material coletado pelas operárias foi possível identificar materiais vegetais, tais como, folhas secas, sementes, casca de frutas e algumas folhas verdes de gramíneas


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Water is an essential element for life. The use of this element, to support the community, defines it as water resource. This feature is being misused and degraded by the dumping of highly contaminated effluents. The impoverishment of its quality poses a risk to human consumption. The necessity to manage this resource, treating the wastewater properly, requires the constant improvement of treatment systems. Another need is to adjust the cost of systems to the demands of communities with less financial clout. This study aimed to adapt and understand the systems of wetlands, improving its efficiency, in an attempt to collaborate with the enrichment of this technology. The practical evidence, with lab-scale prototypes, assembled in ETE Piracicamirim with urban sewage effluent contributed to highlight the problems and operating system design. The bibliographic review showed that several studies had effectiveness for treatment. But it was evident the need for better understanding of dimensioning definitions that better attempted to the answers into the project. Moreover, standardization of system conditions for the specific wastewater treatment is an interesting field, identified, for future studies yet contribute to environmental engineering and sanitation


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The city of Guaratinguetá, SP, presents in its history, several instances of property damage and human losses, conditional on the event of flooding and mass movement of soil, resulting from the development of erosion processes. The extent and severity of these events that affect humans and their properties is the result of the illegal occupation of these areas as potential geohazard. Thus, it is of great importance to physical characterization and identification of such areas within the map of the same city as a way to minimize the effects and mitigate the consequences of these events. Thus, this graduate report presents a series of field campaigns, geotechnical laboratory testing, consultation with maps and satellite images, representative of the physical environment, and the city plan as a means conclusive for the delimitation of risk areas with potential for occurrence of erosion and / or flooding on the map representing the urban area of Guaratinguetá, SP. Also featured are the descriptions of the main characteristics of those areas identified as being at risk, along with proposals to avoid or minimize the impact of problems related to flooding and erosion processes on the local population


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There is a demand to incorporate the nature in the city in order to meet the wishes of the entire population. The valuation of water, a key component of the quality of the landscape, becomes a key element in this context both for its ecological potential because of their potential for recreational activities. The areas that suffer most impacts are the Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) and this paper will be a weighting on the urban interface - PPA. With the study area the basin of the stream of Limoeiro, in the context of the Friendship Fountain Balneary, especially the source contained between residential neighborhoods Maré Mansa and Parque Imperial, the city of Presidente Prudente and Álvares Machado, Sao Paulo, this paper aims to search and use of knowledge about technologies and techniques of environmental restoration, with emphasis on bioengineering, through an environmental characterization of the basin, with a view the incorporation of nature in the lives of the urban population. The methodology includes: literature review priority issues related to the PPAs, linear parks, relevant environmental legislation, environmental characterization of the watershed of the stream Limoeiro; study of technologies and techniques for environmental remediation of soil bioengineering and implementation of parks linear, development of proposals for the environmental recovery of PPA in the basin of the stream Limoeiro, focusing on emerging... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Cette étude visait à générer une carte du potentiel d'érosion pour la Ferme Santa Edwirges, située à Lorena /SP. Les résultats ont etés classifiés en faible, modéré, élève et très élève potentiel d'érosion et la carte obtenue a été comparé par rapport aux autres cartes existantes pour la zone d'étude. La méthodologie proposée se basant sur une application qualitative simple L’équation Universelle de Perte de Sol (USLE ou EUPS), en considérant les parties de l'équation: érodibilité, la topographie et l'utilisation des terres. Les donnés ont etés intégrés par l'algèbre de carte dans l’environnement SIG de ArcGIS. Pour la représentation de chacune de ces parcelles, nous avons utilisé une carte des formations superficielles de la ferme, généré à partir d'une ré-interprétation de la carte géologique, une carte de la pente et une carte d'utilisation des terres, attribuant un poids d’important pour chaque catégorie de ces cartes dans le processus d'érosion et dans l'algèbre proposée. Les résultats obtenus sont compatibles avec les zones identifiées comme les plus critiques sur terrain. La ferme a été identifiée comme de potentiel d'érosion modérée et la partie sud de la ferme le plus critique, suivi du groupe conduit par la zone de cisaillement, par contre les plaines proches des rivières ont eté identifié comme la zone plus stable avec moins de potentiel d'érosionDe la comparaison des résultats de ce travail et d'autres qui ont fait antérieurement dans la zone d’intéresse, qui ont utilisé les paramètres géotechniques dans la représentation de l'érosivité des sols, nous avons pu voir des résultats similaires, en particulier dans les zones à potentiel élevé et faible pour l'érosion. De la discussion et analyse des résultats, la méthodologie proposée à eté validée


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For a long time, humankind has lived together with flooding, and lately, those events have grown enormously, in particular, in the urban areas from lots of Brazilian cities. The flooding has been causing uncountable disadvantages to population and to the cities. The present paper aimed to study, through a bibliographic review, the risks and natural disasters caused by those events. Trying to approach their causes and effects under a systemic view it emphasized the landscape point.