999 resultados para Ácaro-vermelho
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Com a fundação do Partido dos Trabalhadores, para os militantes da nova esquerda brasileira, o sonho de um futuro socialista para o país começava a se tornar realidade. Mas ao olhar com atenção para o fenômeno, foi ficando claro que o PT rompia os padrões conhecidos de um partido operário, não somente por ser um amálgama de tendências, mas também pela forte presença cristã. E daí veio a pergunta: que partido é esse? A partir das análises teológicas desenvolvidas por Paul Tillich, procuramos nesta tese construir um caminho novo para explicar o surgimento do Partido dos Trabalhadores e a importância do pensamento cristão social em sua formação e desenvolvimento. Utilizamos como referencial teórico dois autores, Paul Tillich e Enrique Dussel. Os textos socialistas e os conceitos da teologia da cultura de Tillich, assim como as abordagens sobre a religião infraestrutural e sobre o fator religioso no processo revolucionário latino-americano desenvolvidas por Enrique Dussel norteram nossa leitura metodológica. O projeto de pesquisa foi, assim, o socialismo no Partido dos Trabalhadores, a partir de uma abordagem teológica, por isso a tese mostra a importância da Teologia no debate interdisciplinar sobre o socialismo no Partido dos Trabalhadores. De todas as maneiras, a inclusão da Teologia na análise crítica da construção do pensamento socialista no Partido dos Trabalhadores, sem negar a importância dos diálogos interdisciplinares, amplia o horizonte de compreensão dos estudos sobre política, cristianismo e socialismo no Brasil, e mostra, também, a importância da abordagem comparativa representada pela presença da Teologia na discussão da política e do socialismo. A pesquisa bibliográfica primária e qualitativa partiu dos documentos oficiais de encontros e congressos do Partido dos Trabalhadores, assim como de artigos, editoriais e entrevistas publicadas pela imprensa do PT e pela imprensa não partidária.
Brazil’s growing status as a potential world power cannot obscure the characteristics of its other reality: that of a country with vast inequalities and high crime rates. The Comando Vermelho, the most prominent organized crime syndicate in Rio de Janeiro, besieges the beauty and charm that attracts tourists to this city. The CV arose not only as a product of the political dictatorship of the seventies, but also of the disenfranchised urban poor crammed into Rio’s favela slums. Today, the CV presents a powerful challenge to the State’s control of parts of Rio territory. As Brazil’s soft power projection grows, it is seriously challenged by its capacity to eliminate organized crime. Economic growth is not sufficient to destroy a deeply embedded organization like the CV. In fact, Brazil’s success may yet further retrench the CV’s activities. Culpability for organized crime cannot be merely limited to the gangs, but must also be shared among the willing consumers, among whom can be found educated and elite members of society, as well as the impoverished and desperate. The Brazilian government needs a top-down response addressing the schism between rich and poor. However, Brazil’s citizens must also take responsibility and forge a bottom-up response to the drug- and corruption-riddled elements of its most respected members of society. Brazil must target reform across public health, housing, education and above all, law enforcement. Without such changes, Brazil will remain a two-track democracy. Rio’s wealthy will still be able to revel in the city’s beauty albeit from behind armored cars and fortified mansions, while the city’s poor will yield – either as victims or perpetrators – to the desperate measures of organized crime.
The vineyard culture, in the Southwest of Paraná, has faced an evolution in recently years. However, some technical barriers has contained the expression of its full potential. Among which, the lack of scientific and technical support about the fertilization management and the fertility maintenance of production fields, is the most worrying. This fact, allied with the raising on the consumers demand for ecological correct products, are the motivations for the present study, whose main objective was to evaluate the effects of different fertilizer formulations, based on alternative nutrient sources, on grapevine yield and grape fruit quality, aiming at the improvement of those parameters and the maintenance of soil fertility. To achieve this goal, an experiment has been evaluated since 2008, at the experimental area of the Federal Technological University of Paraná, Campus Pato Branco, where ten treatments were being tested, combining or isolating shale derivates from other alternative nutrient sources. Those are the treatments: T1: Gafsa Rock Phosphate (GRP) + K2SO4; T2: GRP + RPB (Rock Powder Bioland®); T3: GRP + K2SO4 + LH (Laying Hen Litter); T4: GRP+ RPB + LH; T5: GRP + K2SO4 + MBR (Matrix Shale 3); T6: GRP + RPB + MBR; T7: GRP + K2SO4 + MBR + LH; T8: GRP + RPB + LH + MBR; T9: TSP (Triple Superphosphate) + Urea + KCl and T10: absolute control. The usage of fertilization, specially the alternative fertilization, improved soil fertility characteristics and also the yield on the last two evaluated harvests. The potassium sulfate improved the potassium availability on soil, while improved yield on the last three harvests. The MBR improved the phosphorus availability, improved post-harvest conservation and improved the yield on the last evaluated harvest.